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[PLAYER REPORT] [BAG0R (Or something like that)] <John Davidson>

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 2:58 pm
by Garbo
BYOND account: <Sugmus>
Your character name: <John Davidson>
Their character name(s): <Couldn't find it but I believe it's something like BAG0R>
When did it take place: <~3:30 UTC+2>
Round ID in which ban was placed: <17624 I think>
Evidence: Admin PM from-HenriqueKill9576: Yeah I cannot find anything about him shooting you in his logs, I also find it kind of hard to believe he's done stuff like this before since he has no notes and has a total playtime of one hour.
Your ticket has been resolved by an admin. The Adminhelp verb will be returned to you shortly.>
Your side of the story: <I think the logs didn't show that he shot me because he set me on fire. I asked him why he did it and he said "target practice" Also, what I meant when I said he did this kind of stuff before is that today at around 2PM he was a PO and launched CAS before the Alamo launched meaning that the FOB couldn't be built and he was acting like an asshole throughout the round. He got slept by the Admins and presumably talked so I didn't think much of it but now he's back at it again. I assume it's because he's very new but can you tell him not to FF people.>

Re: [PLAYER REPORT] [BAG0R (Or something like that)] <John Davidson>

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 1:10 am
by Henriquekill9576
Hello, first and foremost, apologies for taking so long to respond, I believed it had been handled a while ago but did not check if the report was closed, I'm also sorry for restarting the round after a couple minutes of you not responding, resulting in me not getting the full part of the story.

Either way, now with this new information I'll go ahead and set up a message explaining the usual to him for the next time he joins the server.

Thank you for making the report and apologies once again.