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[COMPLAINT] [bowlofcereal] <SpiderPsycho>

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:00 am
by SpiderPsycho
Discord: Spider_Psycho#5789
Admin in question: bowlofcereal#7573
When did it take place: 26/1/2023
Round ID in which ban was placed: N/A
bowlofcereal: "but saying cum is epic and perfectly fine"
bowlofcereal using the word cock in a joking, sexual manner
bowlofcereal calling people a femboy or using the word in a joking manner
bowlofcereal himself using the word sex in an 'inappropriate' / joking manner
An actual ingame sprite of a "rounified" Xenomorph with extremely large buttocks, a meme originating from softcore pornography
Hypermuscle fetish art of the Engineer from TF2 edited in MS paint being used as lobby art for the actual TGMC server
A compliation of potentially explicit words from the Terra Gov Marine Corps Discord Server
A compilation of potentially explicit words on the /tg/Station 13 Official Discord Server

Your side of the story: I believe that bowlofcereal is not capable of performing their duties as an admin on the Discord server. His enforcement of rules is completely arbitrary, a failure on his part and a failure on the rules that outline admin conduct on the Discord. He enforces rules according to his own arbitrary definitions and whether or not he's willing to enforce them at the time. Clearly other admins do not enforce the rules the same way that he does.

His method of enforcing the rules is apparently decided entirely up to him, and the admin conduct rules evidently allow him to do as he pleases on the Discord. And even considering his completely arbitrary method of enforcing this rule, IE his 'three warning system', he fails. I do not recall ever being pinged by him, and he certainly never DM'd me concerning my apparent violations.

Furthermore his response to an appeal is to immediately deny any wrongdoing and close the appeal before any discourse concerning the matter can occur, whilst arbitrarily setting the length of my ban and giving no direct communication after the ban was delivered and I attempted to communicate him, or whilst he was giving his arbitrary warnings, entirely defeating the point of a warning.

What's damning is the fact that both the the /tg/station 13 Official Discord Server and the TGMC Discord Server and the actual TGMC SS13 Server itself have copious uses of explicit words in jokes or just random statements, as well as pregnancy art, pornography edited in MS paint used as memes to the point of them becoming lobby splash art, memes with sexual content as the punchline with a range of explicitness. All of this is permitted, and evidently pushed into the game itself, openly on display, but I am banned for saying something about the Xenomorph Queen crushing people's heads with their thighs. There is a clear tolerance amongst staff and acceptance of sexually charged media and text and jokes, and even a push or exaltation for it. This rule:
Rule 3: Keep things tasteful and don't be a creep. Avoid pornography and erotic content.

NSFW content is not allowed at all. Administrators may kick or ban you at their discretion if you post this type of content.
is selectively enforced at best and currently exists as a way for staff to unjustly ban/punish players for things that have clearly become normalized and widespread amongst the playerbase and staff. " their discresion..." combined with no criteria for what "erotic content" has allowed bowlofcereal to ban me for something that has been normalized, accepted and occasionally celebrated by even the staff.

What's MOST damning is bowlofcereal himself using the words cum, femboy, cock, all in joking manners, despite the fact they are SPECIFICALLY SEXUAL TERMS. And on top of that allowing thousands of instances of these words to be used, but only punishing me. There are NEW instances of the use of the word xock and so forth, fresh uploads of images of runners with large buttocks, femboy memes, copypastas about muscles and unruly sexual attraction. All of that gets a pass. But not me.

Further speaking to his inability as an admin, he arbitarily stated in a conversation that I had to have relayed to me that he "...was thinking to start at a month..." Which firstly indicates that he did not even have a punishment length thought before making his ruling and secondly, that perhaps without any prompting for me would have been comfortable with not only not informing me of the reason for my ban (which he still hasn't done) and that he would have effectively made it permanent by avoiding any inquiries from me until I wrote an appeal, which he would have shut down instantly without conversation and subsequently forced me to sit through another 30 day wait before making another appeal. In essence, he was counting on me not being able to reach him outside making an appeal on the forums, which he would then deny and force me to at least be banned for 30 days until an appeal was accepted.

bowlofcereal is also unable to maintain his ban lengths as I was banned on the 26th of January and I was only unbanned on 28th after I had to go to the /tg/station 13 Official Discord Server's #help channel and had to go ingame to ahelp for it. Regardless of your interpretation of a "month"'s length, it has been over 30 or 28 days, and there are no months with over 31 days. The ban was allowed to exceed it's stated time. He assigns a ban without setting an expiry date, likely because he intended it to be permanent until I prompted him through the first person I saw in the defunct TGMC channel of the /tg/station 13 Official Discord Server. And after deciding on a length for my ban, he doesn't even enforce it.

I firmly believe that bowlofcereal needs to be reprimanded as he is either too lazy to enforce the rules he supposedly upholds, or enforces them when he feels like punishing someone. More pressing is the fact that Rule 3 is not clear in it's restriction and clearly hasn't been enforced in any sensible, consistent way.

Re: [COMPLAINT] [bowlofcereal] <SpiderPsycho>

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 6:06 am
by Henriquekill9576
sex is now banned 😔

Re: [COMPLAINT] [bowlofcereal] <SpiderPsycho>

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 6:46 am
by Lewdcifer
Hello. Thank you for posting this complaint and bringing the matter to our attention.
I've taken the liberty of discussing this matter with the headmins, who have allowed me to handle this appeal in their stead.
As such, I will personally be managing this appeal.

It is my understanding that Bowlofcereal had previously banned you for continuous erotic content.
I could go through our Discord and search for the relevant mentions in the same way that you did, but there wouldn't be much point to it.

If you're comparing the reasoning behind your ban to Bowl's demeanor, then I'd say you've made a bad choice.
Unlike Bowlofcereal, who knows when is enough and is doing this to be facetious in good faith, you seem to have no understanding of proper limitations.
You were told time and time again to stop posting that sort of content, to stop making those sorts of comments and starting those types of conversations related to undesirable erotic content.
You did not heed the warnings, instead continuing to do this. Any admin would've banned you for this, it just so happened that Bowlofcereal was the one who got to it first.

We allow all of our players to make jokes related to sex, cum, cock, or whatever when it's not in bad faith. There is a very clear difference between the bad faith shit (which I will not elaborate on for sensible reasons) and the actually acceptable type of jokes. When you're told to stop posting repeatedly but refuse to do so, you're already doing that in bad faith.
What I don't like about the evidence that you added, is that you chose to blatantly ignore the corresponding context, trying to frame Bowlofcereal for the same kind of behavior that you got banned for.
Given my above reasoning, I don't really think I need to repeat myself when it comes to the Gorger sprite or the lobby image you added as evidence.

In conclusion, I am unable to take this complaint seriously given that you MANIPULATED evidence, and are trying to slight Bowlofcereal for banning you.
It is important to understand the motives behind Bowlofcereal's actions. Our admins can and will ban you for continuing to break the rules despite prior warning.