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[BAN] [Dudeman100] Joshua 'Ofnir' Cohen

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 2:20 am
by Strayed
BYOND account: Strayed_Raven
Character name: Joshua 'Ofnir' Cohen
Ban type: Role
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Field Commander - Showed terrible behavior as an FC consistently using the role to further his loadouts, overruling other command staff in areas of logistics where he has no say, and using it to get back at players that have slighted him in the past. Considering their playtime, they should know better.
Time ban was placed: 2023-06-25 00:56:39
Round ID in which ban was placed: 21846
Your side of the story: Round started for me at 04-06 after. Just logged on but late for the join round ready up. Checked and saw the slot I had was not taken. Put in an order for One Mateba Belt. And One Light Combat Backpack. Saw there was no Captain, so I went and got their mateba to save points on order, the FC Mateba has been removed by devs this year iirc, and replaced with the M1911. Went to check again on req console and i was still in pretty good spot for roundstart req points. I start to prep for the OP when the RO says over comms I am not getting my mateba order as I 'do not need' a second Mateba at all. Anyone that knows me knows I still like to Akimbo strat even though it is nerfed. I admit I am surprised. I never see an RO deny an order like this without a reasoning of get some more points, or raise orbit, or let me get someone's critical order or ASRS pad. I find out it is Fuchs as RO, who with previous Captain rounds I do not get along with because of his Synth rounds. I question him over Req comms, why is my order being denied? He says I think, either I do not need two Mateba's or I should go get the Captain's Mateba for free. I said I already have it, I am wanting one more from Req. He says it is unnecessary and denies it. He says he will get me the combat backpack but not the revolver. I am thinking in my head, Why would you deny the cheaper part of the order but accept the combat backpack of which I can just tough it out with a regular backpack? Why deny my FIRST mateba and tell me to get the Captain's and then switch over to not ordering the second one when I have it, what is the difference?? I try to reason with him and say along the line of, ok I can wait. Get the other peoples orders before they deploy. I am choosing not to deploy without my FULL order that I am requesting. He does not budge.

He gets everyone elses orders through while I attempt to finish prepping. He has no more orders in the queue and I raised orbit for more req point gen. I ask again. He says he is getting an ASRS pad. I said ok. I check later. He bought two other new orders. I now know, it does not matter what happens, he is purposely spiting me for my one gun. There is no Captain still. It is just Him and Me and I am the only high ranking Command staff. I think either at this point or later I put in an ASRS pad order since he did not order one. He then *denies* that order and says there is already one on in when I was the first one I believe. I have had it with him and his trolling over 150 points of an order addition. I figure ok, he has not even gotten my backpack order for some reason? Marines are groundside. I know points will gain soon enough with plenty to SPARE. He constantly deletes my attempts with his RO tablet to have my order ready, and I ahelp the situation saying the RO is constantly denying my order for no good reason, and it is marked as *IC ISSUE*. Suddenly one of the medical team uses the chem dispenser and something spills out. RO i caught in it and is OD'd or something. I figure. Ok, that's about the only way I can get just one, simple, revolver. Docs are treating the RO. I keep trying to order. By the time points get up, RO is back. He FINALLY orders my backpack after constantly deleting my own. I manage to while he is busy to get just my mateba up. I am going to admit I have been heated ever since he did not get the ASRS pad. He will not listen beyond his own authority as RO for a miserly 150 points bought and the only reason is 'You do not need it.'
I get my stuff. Tell him to fuck off over all of it. And deploy with a Pod before he tries anything. Fast forwards to Ahelp.

Why you think you should be unbanned: The admin cited powergaming and behavior as FC, when there is no way I can consider powergaming is to order one mateba and one combat pack of all things. Anything else I use is stuff everyone else uses or does not take. How am I overriding other command staff when as far as I am aware the RO is not part of Command staff? I have never been noted before in the role of FC. The only other Note i have as command is deploying erroneously as Captain with Tadpole to attempt a rescue of dead marines during a pre-jack situation instead of thinking and setting someone as an SL or through ID console. As the only high ranking member of Command of which the RO is not part of Command, I figured I can order my own stuff within reason and especially if the RO was disobeying like this with no Captain to figure it. IF we had a captain, of which many people can attest I give their Mateba back or ask if I can keep it. If not, I put in another order for a second. I do not abuse my authority as FC. If anything the worst I do is make sure POs do not steal all four sentries for themselves. I have no problem waiting for points to build up, Or waiting to deploy because I usually reload OBs for groundside and use the main overwatch console to support. I feel a perma ban of the role is overkill for this situation. The player in question as RO also is banned from Command roles on another server, and lied on the Discord saying he prioritized other peoples order when he in fact denied mine through and through. He has always butted heads with me as Captain when they Frontline Synth over directions given for the bettement of the OP. They did not give me any other interpretation to have of why they would deny an extra 150 points. There should also be more clarification for RO authority when they are not command staff and not given a freebie to be a dick over an order request. Marking my Ahelp an IC issue and not at least trying to question the RO is also what influenced my actions especially with a previous note I have of escalation. This time I DID ahelp first. And got nothing for it. Meanwhile the RO can keep being tongue in cheek about all of it happening. Unless this just implies you can be a complete power tripping RO and if there is no Captain you have complete immunity? If there is no Captain, Who gets command priority between the RO and FC? The Admin never once stood in my shoes and try to see why I was so mad about it or help on my original ahelp.
References of good conduct: I do not start stuff, and even my End Round behavior is tempered. Yes I get angry, but I try to be reasonable.

Re: [BAN] [Dudeman100] Joshua 'Ofnir' Cohen

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 7:56 pm
by TheIndomitableSpirit
To comment on RO Fuchs' behavior as well, I also am a "victim" of their unnecessary actions. Can't tell you specific Round ID as it was more than a week ago, but it was a pretty negative experience where I had my orders ignored and outright denied for no reason.

Re: [BAN] [Dudeman100] Joshua 'Ofnir' Cohen

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 11:16 pm
by Otter
As a comment to this situation, RO is in charge of their own department and has command over Requisitions. Therefore, they have authority above the FC in their department.
This image shows that the RO and FC are on equal footing with regards to Chain of Command; meaning that they are in control of their own departments or AO (groundside for FC and Requisitions for RO) and compromise/work together on the rest.
FC should never be trying to force an order through that the RO denied. If you feel that the RO is soft griefing or plain griefing, then you ahelp them as you did. If you are unhappy with the admin's judgment, then you make an admin complaint on the forum. The precedent is there that FC has no business doing the RO's job for them if they do not request you do so. Going behind the other player's back and against the admin's ruling is grounds for some sort of punishment.
This is from my own point of view and experience in the past with similar situations. I will wait to see how the banning admin responds.

Re: [BAN] [Dudeman100] Joshua 'Ofnir' Cohen

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 11:34 pm
by Strayed
In response to Otter, I should have just made an admin complaint, but was not too sure since it was immediately labeled as IC issue. Of which I solely focused on an IC solution. I accept punishment for stepping over bounds in the matter now that it is not as fresh to me. But I still disagree with a perma ban on the role for the situation. And would appreciate some kind of mediation when I first ahelped is all.

Re: [BAN] [Dudeman100] Joshua 'Ofnir' Cohen

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 11:57 pm
by Dudeman100
After consideration and speaking with other admins who weren't fully present, I do think a permaban from FC was way way too harsh, though you still were heavily in the wrong so I'm not fully accepting the appeal. The ban will be reduced from perma to a week from date of application, so 5 days from this post.

Re: [BAN] [Dudeman100] Joshua 'Ofnir' Cohen

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 2:16 am
by Strayed
I thank for the lessened ban time. And now with a more detailed explanation of RO authority. Should not happen again.