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[BAN] [HenriqueKill9576] ThreeDigit

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 11:52 pm
by ThreeDigit
BYOND account: ThreeDigit
Character name: Numbered Xeno
Ban type: Command Role Ban
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Banned from Roles: Xeno Queen, Captain, Field Commander, Staff Officer, Chief Ship Engineer, Chief Medical Officer, Squad Leader, SOM Squad Leader permanently - Banned from all command roles. Player report: viewtopic.php?f=70&t=34347. Checked logs, most xenos were complaining they were unassigning leaders and mazing caves the entire round, even during FOB siege, refusing to speak in hivemind chat and overall shitter behaviour. If you'd like to explain your side: viewforum.php?f=70
Time ban was placed: 2023-07-03 04:57:28
Round ID in which ban was placed: 21979
Your side of the story: I was Queen. I didn't want to give leaders roundstart because I knew the fast regen would just motivate them to push FOB harder where they would gain nothing, I wanted them to get pushed back out of FOB to prevent suicides, one guy was annoying and whiny with it so I devo'd him like just play the game, dude. I gave leaders when they finally pushed enough where we can make plays. After marines lost ground and successfully had a full evac with tad, I told them not to siege because it would be a longer game (longer game means more req toys) and because they had a healthy evac (means there will be a lot of marines defending FOB) when the alternative is letting them push again for an easy wipe. I removed leaders again to cripple their regen (King was there emitting recovery pheros sadly) hoping they would get pushed back again. I told them not giving them leaders is my way of telling them that I don't cooperate with what they're doing and that ultimately they can do what they want (which they did), I'm not playing gestapo here (if I was I would have devo'd all of them but I'm not that kind of person, this guy I devo'd in particular was just being whiny as fuck instead of playing the game and I'm not having that bullshit). Even during THEIR FOB siege this guy was being whiny and was backseating even after explaining my reasons, honestly I could have devo'd him again from Shrike but I didn't - I just decided to just completely ignore this guy. I spent the rest of the round prepping (mazing) the ground we lost, not caves by the way.
Why you think you should be unbanned: One guy who wanted to backseat so hard got pissed off instead of just playing the game.
References of good conduct: N/A

Re: [BAN] [HenriqueKill9576] ThreeDigit

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:28 am
by Henriquekill9576
The main reason I made the ban permanent was to make you come to the forums so I could hear your side, I was unfortunately not playing in that round so I'm unable to confirm if most of your statements are true, same as the other guy's statements, what has been confirmed is that:
You turned off their leaders/pheros on multiple occasions and refused to help them during a siege because it'd be a longer game, instead you wanted to retreat... so the game would go on even longer and they would get even more req points. I understand you were the queen but not wanting to risk a counter push is not an excuse to refusing to assist your fellow xenos.
With that said, as I stated before the ban was permanent to make you come over to the forums, so considering everything that has happened and the fact you have no previous notes that could relate to this I'll be lowering this to 1 week.