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[BAN] [Zack24] <Diablo 2 Fallen>

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 9:46 am
by trueandreal
BYOND Account: Diablo 2 Fallen
Character Name: Paul Retardov
Ban Type: Server
Ban Length: Permanent
Ban reason: [Banned On: 2023-08-28 - Expires: Permanent - Active]
Had a previous note on being racist remarking how it is their last warning for this kind of behaviour, made another racist comment after 2 days from this note, saying "You're black." "No equal rights."

Said they didn't see the note/check for a note, and that Wirpy didn't say anything about a final warning in the ticket, just being told not to make any 'lewd jokes'
Server banned by zack24 from TGMC (Medium RP)
Time Ban Was Placed: Look at cool timestamp.
Round ID In Which Ban Was Placed: I don't know.
Your Side Of The Story: There were 4 Minhs and they were screeching a lot, as in, the 3 Minh clones did, and when we landed they started screeching about equal rights for Minhs so I went up to the clones and said NO equal rights and they started attacking me. Punches kill so I defended myself by burning 1 of the Minhs to death before Zack24 or whoever intervened by healing us all.
Why You Think You Should Be Unbanned: I think Zack misunderstood me when I said that Wimpy never told me about a final warning. Yes, he didn't tell me about a final warning during the CONVERSATION we had, but he interpreted it as if I said Wimpy never did so. I don't really check notes. Either way, the punishments feels too severe for what I've done I feel like.
References of good conduct: I only play on ERP servers and used to on XRF and I don't think ERP logs of Crusher X Marine count as good conduct.

P.S: I'm sorry for being evil on the server.

Re: [BAN] [Zack24] <Diablo 2 Fallen>

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 3:58 pm
by wirpy
Since I'm partly involved I'm leaving some stuff here for context and what not;

This is part of the ticket of when I bwoinked you and gave you your final warning and a note explictely saying that your contiuned behaviour of overly sexual jokes should be toned down and to stop with the racial / racism type stuff, only two days prior to you getting permad by zack.
Beyond me telling you to consinder this a final warning I also added it to the note I gave you, furthermore Henri had already warned you and asked you to tone down your shitposting, joking etc what not.

[2023-08-26 00:24:22.536] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Wirpy/(Checkers H. Fleckers)->Diablo 2 Fallen/(Paul Retardov): Right, so consinder this your final warning for now if you don't calm down with it there will be consequences I'm afraid. anyways thx

Furthermore this is what you explicitely said in-game to Minh(s)
[2023-08-28 01:15:35.462] SAY: Diablo 2 Fallen/(Paul Retardov) "you're black" Gelida IV - Landing Zone Two (35, 17, 2)
[2023-08-28 01:15:37.049] SAY: Diablo 2 Fallen/(Paul Retardov) "no equal rights" Gelida IV - Landing Zone Two (35, 17, 2)

Anyways, It's Zack24 whom banned you so he'll will be handlin your appeal.

Re: [BAN] [Zack24] <Diablo 2 Fallen>

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 7:28 pm
by Zack24
Right, I'll have to preface something first, we have 0 tolerance for any racist behavior and comments, and unfortunately, being unaware of a note/final warning doesn't let you be racist, or make racist comments.

As for the ban, I was willing to give you another chance, after all if you broke the rules again, you could simply be banned again.

Unfortunately, you have joined the discord after or somewhere around the time you got banned.


I'll have to tell you that the ban won't be lifted, this type of behavior is unwanted here. If nothing else, this appeal will be closed after the day ends.

Re: [BAN] [Zack24] <Diablo 2 Fallen>

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:52 pm
by trueandreal
This sucks, but I guess it is my fault that this happened. It isn't a big loss though, I can always evade and enjoy playing on the server again without issues, hope you won't start banning new CIDs in the foreseeable future.