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Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:38 am
by oranges

Bottom post of the previous page:

That's no reason to tell the general public who someone is.

It's bad behaviour, people should have the right to move to a new ckey and not have it made known by the people who need to know the previous for administrative action.

People change and they should be allowed to abandon their past

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:42 am
by Zilenan91
If someone has truly changed they should try to make that clear to everyone rather than hide behind a different identity. Pap is doing that right now and it's mostly worked out for him.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:55 am
by starmute
Saegrimr wrote:Your ckey isn't exactly "private information", and we do make note of all the different ckeys you (or anyone) have been under because people regularly try to make new ones thinking they can escape their old bad behavior, cultist-chan. You being a former trialmin should remember this.

Privacy is expected by the players. I could believe a exception can be made IF there you are using that information for a constructive purpose but in your case it wasn't. It was to create drama, something I tried to avoid in 2015 when I made the ckey. I played normally and only started grumbling on the forums when I felt things were becoming too centralized.

I didn't make it to "escape bad behavior". Additionally it is private information you don't hand out on the server. You do not give out information to anyone asking "what is John Sweeps Ckey". I'm not just a former trialmin. I used to be a admin in 2012 I think check the logs. It doesn't matter. I made another ckey to avoid drama. Your behavior was unprofessional and to be honest shit. I don't go out of my way to post about your job at the /jp/ board on 4chan, nor do I post pictures of your age or terrible haircut, your ckey, IP or your cid. Even if I'm not a admin anymore I still would never do that, that's shitty and honestly something you should keep to yourself.

You purposfully used that information to incite drama. It had nothing to do with the topic at hand. You basically wrecked the thread, even Kor thought what you were doing was embarrassing.

You never even knew me yet you seemed to fixate that I applied and got denied trial-adminship after trying to ban a person who was latter banned a month latter for doing the same behavior over and over again. How about all the good work I did in 2012 when they didn't have enough admins late nights and the server felt like it was dying.

Check my ckey logs. You'll note that I've never been perma-banned for anything nor did I "excape bad behavior". Regardless I play as a different character, I've talked with people on here who I actually didn't like back in 2013, and now seem alright.

Can you HONESTLY say that you used information hidden from the public ( I.E. private information) to do something other than create drama?

If you cannot you were knowingly violating the Admin Code of conduct.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:56 am
by starmute
Zilenan91 wrote:If someone has truly changed they should try to make that clear to everyone rather than hide behind a different identity. Pap is doing that right now and it's mostly worked out for him.
I only made the new Ckey due to someone telling me I should to avoid drama. IRONY. Again I was never a bad player and I was never forum banned. At worst I was job banned by threadstrong in 2011??or early 2012??? for a week due to killing a syndicate with a harm baton when I thought I was just stunning him as a asimov borg.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 6:02 pm
by ShadowDimentio
If someone doesn't want you to reveal their ckey you probably shouldn't reveal their ckey, and if you do you definitely shouldn't dance around saying 'oh well it's not ~PRIVATE INFORMATION~ so I'm allowed'!

Poor form

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:08 pm
by oranges
Zilenan91 wrote:If someone has truly changed they should try to make that clear to everyone rather than hide behind a different identity. Pap is doing that right now and it's mostly worked out for him.
Reputation takes moments to erase and years to rebuild.

I'm feel very strongly on this point so I won't debate it too much to avoid making Saeg's thread a mess.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:59 pm
gettin` all deep up in here

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:04 am
by Saegrimr
If you're going to be a problem, then try to change names and continue to be a problem, don't expect us to treat you as some brand new asshole we've never dealt with before. Getting into some deathoof-tier "I'VE BEEN REBORN AS A NEW MAN" shit.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:10 am
by Falamazeer
I suppose another round of therapy from the stresses of 2d spessmans is the only answer

but seriously this is the exact opposite of avoiding drama. and I have no idea what possessed you to re-highlight your own history by re-igniting the argument in such a way as to ensure anyone who might remember your antics and also missed the big reveal, such as myself, is almost guaranteed to see it now. Whiny Mcsympathy rides again, You are your own worst enemy,

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:22 am
by Saegrimr
Falamazeer wrote:but seriously this is the exact opposite of avoiding drama. and I have no idea what possessed you to re-highlight your own history by re-igniting the argument in such a way as to ensure anyone who might remember your antics and also missed the big reveal, such as myself, is almost guaranteed to see it now. Whiny Mcsympathy rides again, You are your own worst enemy,
This, you really shot yourself in the foot on this one.

It's this same dramawhoring attitude of yours which is probably the root cause of why you felt the need to change ckeys in the first place, and here you are again drawing more attention to yourself on the fact of "I WAS TRYING TO BE SOMEONE ELSE, BUT THIS COMPLAINT MONTHS LATER REMINDING EVERYBODY IS YOUR FAULT".

Jesus christ if you actually had a privacy concern, wouldn't it be a better idea to PM another admin/headmin/MSO instead of turning yourself into a circus? This is why I don't believe a damn word you say. Also,
starmute wrote: You do not give out information to anyone asking "what is John Sweeps Ckey".
Yes, we do. The game would give this information out anyway if they were an antag, or through our PUBLIC LOGS THAT SHOW IT ALL.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 2:36 am
by starmute
Falamazeer wrote:I suppose another round of therapy from the stresses of 2d spessmans is the only answer

but seriously this is the exact opposite of avoiding drama. and I have no idea what possessed you to re-highlight your own history by re-igniting the argument in such a way as to ensure anyone who might remember your antics and also missed the big reveal, such as myself, is almost guaranteed to see it now. Whiny Mcsympathy rides again, You are your own worst enemy,
I don't care about it anymore since apparently a shit admin will bring up that I used to play as someone else. I would love to hear what his major problem with that was aside from "you changed ckeys whaaaa". It would be like if bromethis, TLE, or any other admin decided to play as a player instead of a admin.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 2:52 am
by starmute
Yes, we do. The game would give this information out anyway if they were an antag, or through our PUBLIC LOGS THAT SHOW IT ALL.
I'll remember that next time someone asks to metagrudge players herp derp. Regardless it was private information. Nobody could have accessed it but a admin. Kinda like your stupid shit that is floating out there.

I don't even know why I'm talking to you at this point but I guess I'll address the core issue before ending our "debate".

Regardless in my opinion you are a really crappy admin. If you can't even sympathize with your players and be a moderator instead of using your power to throw ad hominem attacks then why are you here? You reopen old wounds and re-create drama because you don't agree with someone's opinion.

Thats my feedback.

I actually took time to sit back, and let this issue stew with me before posting on your feedback so I wouldn't be impassioned about it and I wouldn't attack you as a person. Even though I doubt you will appreciate that I hope others can look over this and try not to get angry at the person but at the issue.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 3:56 am
by Saegrimr
The difference is i'm not pretending I cut all ties with a forum only to come back and act like a turbobaby under a new name like I had nothing to do with it.
You're entitled to your shitty opinions, just like I am to call you out for having them.
The real fucking joke here is how you try to pull up the high stool here with "muh ad hom attacks" when its convenient for you when you think people forget about how much of a turd you were.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:52 am
by Bawhoppennn
Still the only admin to have ever backed off when they realised they were wrong in something.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:33 am
Go into detail Bawop

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:44 pm
by Whoisthere
I was working late and then had a ton of beer with my bud while walking the streets and then I had a dream I was playing ss13 and was pm'd by SoS he told me to go to this internet facility where there were clones of Saeg I went there via browser it looked like Ian Miller painted/drew it like that comic about that city where rats ruled over humans or like old Rogue Trader illustrations, anyway I had this claw like on those machines in malls where you have to pull out toys and shit and I had to pull out Saeg clones out of vats with the claw and had to drop them at the space station right on top of rule breakers so newly cloned Saegs could get the taste of blood and know who to ban in the future, who to go after, it was a kind of feverish dream that's not really filled with horror but has all the other marks of a nightmare and when you wake up you're not quite sure where you are and it seems more real than reality for a while so yeah just thought I should share

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:20 pm
by Saegrimr

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:43 pm
by Anonmare
Jesus Christ Saeg why do you always get all the weird feedback

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:16 pm
by J_Madison
that avatar gets me every time.
someone comes in to my office, doesn't give a damn about the 4 monitors but immediately asks me why there's a cartoon girl pouring coke onto herself.

what is this, touhou?

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:12 pm
by lollerderby
sagemirer is a great admin because he doesnt take shit i would vote him for headmin tbh

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:34 pm
I think he's made mistakes in the past by being too rash but, he's not a bad guy.
However, I don't think it's a good thing to be publicly noted as not taking any shit from anyone, unless you like that sort of thing. Otherwise, enjoy your parent-like image?

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:55 pm
by Falamazeer
being sarcastic and abrasive isn't 'not taking shit from anyone'
When you come across as a burnt out DMV clerk from moderating a 2d spessman game you got your own issues to deal with.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 6:19 pm
by Reyn
He's a bit harsh, and might not understand everyone, but arent we all like that

[flash=]Kinda like my mom[/flash]

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 11:06 am
by J_Madison
Excellent conduct as admin.
Does what he says, says what he does.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 9:27 pm
by oranges
I'd whip his ass in a turkish wrestling match.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 9:43 pm
by Saegrimr
oranges wrote:I'd whip his ass in a turkish wrestling match.
Cmon leatherboy lets see what you got.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 10:47 pm
by J_Madison
Saegrimr wrote:
oranges wrote:I'd whip his ass in a turkish wrestling match.
Cmon leatherboy lets see what you got.
oil up fucker
you ain't got shit on turkish oil wrestling

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 9:21 pm
by ShadowDimentio
Made a totally biased call earlier and didn't say a word to two guards who disabled me and the clown as I try to save him from spacing. Their stuns killed us both.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:32 am
by Saegrimr
No I think you throwing bluespace tomatoes at him and spacing him is what killed the clown. Like I told you in-game, it can either be an IC issue on both sides or an OOC issue on both sides, instead you decided to try and con Lzimann into your complaint and he told you the same thing. Better luck next time.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:14 am
by ShadowDimentio
I would have gotten him out had shitcurity not attacked us both. Emphasis on both. We were both disabled into a stun by sec while in space. Both. Both. Both.

But no obviously me trying to save him and dying with him doesn't factor into anything at all, poor sec didn't understand what was going on, they were well within their rights to stun someone as they struggle to escape the vacuum of space before they die

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:33 am
by Cik
saegrimr is a hero

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:57 pm
by Slignerd
shitposts in my threads :(

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:50 pm
by Hibbles
Cik wrote:saegrimr is a hero
When a shitter appears, there's few people better than Saeg to effectively handle the incident, and he's got a decently good radar at detecting good from bad. Not perfect, but then who is. From my own experiences, I simply don't see him go off on random people or anything as his 'oh he's so tough and mean' attitude may suggest. He's like that to people who tend to earn it, a lot.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:59 pm
by Saegrimr
I'm a bit more "candid" with people who have been around a while, which probably comes off as pretty dickish. I just expect them to know better since they've been around so long but whatever.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 1:13 am
one of your notes towards me is literally "you should know better"
and while i want to dislike you, i know it'd be wrong to start because you have done a lot of good shit.


Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:57 pm
by bman
people hate him but he's usually right.

his current avatar is too lewd.

Re: pepsiman

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:15 pm
by ThanatosRa
bman wrote:people hate him but he's usually right.

his current avatar is too lewd.
Agreed. I know, Cirno is an adult... kind of, but jesus Saeg.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:17 pm
by Saegrimr
Find me something funnier then, i'm (always have been) creatively bankrupt.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:19 pm
by ThanatosRa
All I think of is BananaMan screenshots and that's kind of my schtick. I dunno, we'll see.

Either way that bitch is retarded enough to think that Pepsi is good.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:10 pm
by DemonFiren
Admits to gaslighting entire stations.
Press criminal charges.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:09 pm
by Cw3040
Singulo hates him. He must be doing something right.

Likes Pepsi. He must be doing something wrong, for he does not like the superior cola, Royal Crown.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:49 pm
by Saegrimr
RC is an acceptable substitute.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:51 pm
by Cw3040
Saegrimr wrote:RC is an acceptable substitute.
Pepsi is not an acceptable substitute to RC.

There are no well-known acceptable substitutes for the Royal Crown god-cola, for it is heresy to attempt to concoct a recipe that surpasses Royal Crown.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 7:47 pm
I thought he was a real shit, however he's actually just a regular dude.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 9:46 pm
by cedarbridge
Cw3040 wrote:Singulo hates him. He must be doing something right.
This is the highest form of praise one can aspire to as an admin.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 3:50 am
by YBS
Even if/because he dealt my permaban, I recognize he is the space gestapo the station needs.

Hope it can be cited if he ever comes under fire that he is the countering force on any leniency to chronic shittery. The Yin to the Yang.

Knows when he's right and commits. Admits when he's wrong.

Even if my perma had stayed perma, my respect for his decision making, research and dedication to policy (in spite of volunteerism) would have been the same.

These are my impressions as a relative newguy.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:06 am
by ShadowDimentio
>Admits when he's wrong

I've never once seen Saeg admit they were wrong on anything ever, and there have assuredly been many times where he was wrong.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:09 am
by YBS
I'll edit this post and add screenpops if you want, from the forum I've been ruse cruising in lieu of gameplay. I know you guys are basically best friends at this point so I know you are going to want every detail possible to clear his name.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:30 pm
by ThanatosRa
ShadowDimentio wrote:>Admits when he's wrong

I've never once seen Saeg admit they were wrong on anything ever, and there have assuredly been many times where he was wrong.
That's because when you talk he ISN'T wrong.

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:45 pm
by Saegrimr

Re: Saegrimr

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:23 am
by cedarbridge
ThanatosRa wrote:
ShadowDimentio wrote:>Admits when he's wrong

I've never once seen Saeg admit they were wrong on anything ever, and there have assuredly been many times where he was wrong.
That's because when you talk he ISN'T wrong.
wew wew :ai: