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Re: Sweaterkittens

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:06 am
by Pascal125

Bottom post of the previous page:

No. Qbopper. But i personally believe that Admins should reach a stronger consensus regarding important issues, rulings, and how to handle them, if they hope to administrate more efficiently. As it stands it's like a box of chocolates. "You never know what you're gonna get.". There are rules, but they're enforced differently and it can lead to players on both sides having issues with how it was handled or even being upset because Admin A handled it poorly in their opinion whereas Admin B would've done something else in that situation. I'm not about to say that the Admin team should behave like a courtroom. I feel that would be extreme and un-fun for the parties involved. But really, i personally believe it might be more effective to at-least have some consistency in how offenses are punished, regardless of the Admin involved. It's my understanding that courtrooms will base their sentencing based off past cases of the issue occuring. If the first guy got imprisoned for 10 years, the future offenders will get a minimum of 10.

The way it currently is could lead. and in my opinion, has personally lead to an issue where Admin A has banned Player A for breaking rules. but Admin B has left Player B off free/with a warning when Player A a-helped them for the same exact crime.
Yeah, there might be a reason on the Admins part for it. But in the end, at least in this hypothetical situation, it's the exact same offense. Nothing is different between both cases.

Anyways, what i said isn't in an implication that people should be robotic. It meant i was more concerned for the fact that apparently not many other admins would care if a player outright told another player to "Kill themselves" among other things. like Sweaterkittens apparently does.

I don't think there's much of a good excuse for being a dick OOCly. Yet i haven't seen a single admin do anything about it, sans muting OOC from time to time when it gets really bad. I've seen lots of things and I've personally been attacked in rather insulting, over-the-top ways, too. In my personal experience, if you A-help this asking them to tell the player to at-least tone it down, you'll be met with some "Man up" response. Make no mistake, i don't want a safe space. But i just don't think those comments are acceptable as a player. And i don't see why Admins would think otherwise, As a human being.

But, we / I am getting a little off-topic. Here.

Re: Sweaterkittens

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:58 am
by leibniz
Pascal125 wrote:...
You don't really get the exact same offence twice, I think most of us would like to believe that the game is complex and situations can differ in many details.
Also, intent matters as much as what went down, yet intent is hard to quantify and the judgement can depend on player history.
And requiring total admin consensus would be difficult and not necessarily healthy. Many people play this game for many things, if administration was reduced to a flowchart then I believe you'd get a dumbed down experience in the game.

Re: Sweaterkittens

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:12 pm
by Qbopper
oranges wrote:You seem to be taking this a little too personally so I'll just back off for now.
Well, yeah, that's what happens when you make a comment about a person specifically, I'm not sure what you expected
Pascal125 wrote:No. Qbopper. But i personally believe that Admins should reach a stronger consensus regarding important issues, rulings, and how to handle them, if they hope to administrate more efficiently.

that's all well and good and many people agree, but until someone has a concrete idea of what/how to do this, there's little to say

As it stands it's like a box of chocolates. "You never know what you're gonna get.". There are rules, but they're enforced differently and it can lead to players on both sides having issues with how it was handled or even being upset because Admin A handled it poorly in their opinion whereas Admin B would've done something else in that situation. I'm not about to say that the Admin team should behave like a courtroom. I feel that would be extreme and un-fun for the parties involved. But really, i personally believe it might be more effective to at-least have some consistency in how offenses are punished, regardless of the Admin involved. It's my understanding that courtrooms will base their sentencing based off past cases of the issue occuring. If the first guy got imprisoned for 10 years, the future offenders will get a minimum of 10.

even in your courtroom example, context matters, it's not as simple as applying a blanket punishment to anyone committing an offense

The way it currently is could lead. and in my opinion, has personally lead to an issue where Admin A has banned Player A for breaking rules. but Admin B has left Player B off free/with a warning when Player A a-helped them for the same exact crime.
Yeah, there might be a reason on the Admins part for it. But in the end, at least in this hypothetical situation, it's the exact same offense. Nothing is different between both cases.

except we don't have the context - what id player B had an actual reason to break that rule? What if player A's ban was rule 0/1, and admin B doesn't think it falls under "being a dick"?

Anyways, what i said isn't in an implication that people should be robotic. It meant i was more concerned for the fact that apparently not many other admins would care if a player outright told another player to "Kill themselves" among other things. like Sweaterkittens apparently does.

I don't think there's much of a good excuse for being a dick OOCly. Yet i haven't seen a single admin do anything about it, sans muting OOC from time to time when it gets really bad. I've seen lots of things and I've personally been attacked in rather insulting, over-the-top ways, too. In my personal experience, if you A-help this asking them to tell the player to at-least tone it down, you'll be met with some "Man up" response. Make no mistake, i don't want a safe space. But i just don't think those comments are acceptable as a player. And i don't see why Admins would think otherwise, As a human being.

I think there's an extent where you have to shrug it off or take it as a joke, and I say that as someone who is pretty sensitive about that sorta shit

I think telling someone to kill themselves is the pinnacle of lazy and shitty humor, but if we tried to tell people to knock it off we'd be swamped with even more shit to handle and the drama would be immense

I personally think the best kind of OOC moderation is to just take peoples intention into account - I don't care if you call someone a racial slur when you're among friends andclearly just joking, but a lot of people just unironically use them as insults and it's not healthy for a community, imo

But, we / I am getting a little off-topic. Here.

yeah this has wildly derailed
NikNakFlak wrote:Citing gameplay is never an excuse to be an asshole outside of the game, kor
I think desperately hope kor misunderstood and thought the discussion was about being a dick IC