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[No longer admin]Deuryn

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:31 am
by MrStonedOne
Please post any positive or negative feedback for the administrator here.
This is not the place to discuss ban appeals, admin complaints, or ban requests.
This is for specific feedback for this administrator.

Re: Deuryn

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:34 am
by Ikarrus
Good man, good headmin.

If only he had more presence.

Re: Deuryn

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 12:10 am
by paprika
Probably the best headmin and the only one I want to see return as headmin.

Re: Deuryn

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 2:10 pm
by Nalar
In my opinion, the best headmin, and one I definitely want to see return after the elections. I do wish they were around more though, but since I've been seeing more and more of them lately, I don't feel like that's a terribly big issue.

As for their administrative capability, what I've seen them handle they've handled well and have remained level headed and calm throughout their interactions. All in all, pretty good.

Re: Deuryn

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 2:34 pm
by Jeb
Really enjoyed the whole Twitch Q&A session, seems like a pretty cool dood.

Re: Deuryn

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 3:35 pm
by NikNakFlak
I feel the complete opposite Jeb. The twitch session was almost useless in my eyes.
Dueryn awnsered very little questions having to do with headmins. Most of the time, it was random irrelevant conversation, which was also mostly blamed on dumb questions being asked. Almost everything that was brought had to do with current info and news in which Dueryn was not up to date with. There was a huge part of the conversation about trialmins in which people had wrong info, and Dueryn was not up to date to answer. If your going to do a Q&A on headmins and recent updates and news for the server, at least be up to date. Frankly, someone who has been "gone" for such a long time makes me not have alot of respect for him. People always give HBL shit for dissapearing when the most I ever heard from Dueryn only happened in the past month. Before April, from my point of view, the most Deuryn ever did was sit in adminbus, idle. I personally think Deuryn is friendly, but if he wants to be apart of Tg, he needs to make an effort to stay active, and stay updated and not just suddenly "appear" once headmin electtons have pooped up again.

Re: Deuryn

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 9:10 pm
by Deuryn
I'd like to defend my case a little on that one. I've been a lot more active in general since at least the start of the new year, and going back into December a little bit. Yeah, I haven't been completely vocal but I have been present and active. However, due to my personal schedule most of that activity is really early in the mornings, so I'm still not seen too much. I was inactive and uninvolved from the community from around May/June last year, until around November/December. Since then, I have made an effort to return both to the community and my duties. Any misinformation that I have stems from a complete lack and unwillingness to communicate between the other headmins.

Re: Deuryn

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 9:48 pm
by CreationPro
I must agree, Deuryn's currently the best of three headmins in terms of activity. (Two of them are ded, so yep)

He's still willing to go ahead and aid the community in whatever way he can, and I like it.

Re: Deuryn

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 9:35 am
by Hornygranny
He's actually not the most active headmin on the server, apparently. as always, please play the game.

Re: Deuryn

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 10:16 am
by CreationPro
Wait, are you saying HBL's around more?

Must be my timezone then.