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Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:53 am
by DemonFiren

Bottom post of the previous page:

Drynwyn wrote: There was however a google bomb by 4chan with the deliberate intent to introduce the false information that the shooter had definitive leftist associations.
This is perfectly plausible, but I'm still gonna need a source.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 9:57 am
by Grazyn
/pol/ is already working around the clock to provide the correct narrative for the event, the most prominent one is "evil sjw asian female manipulated her beta cuck libtard sugar daddy into killing a bunch of Trump supporters (because country music)"

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:08 am
by Malkevin
Why not a believable narrative, like him bring a democrat that wanted to change gun laws so he shot a load off people to force it

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:25 am
by Grazyn
Which one is more believable to you

killing a lot of people because you don't like them
killing a lot of people to maybe force a change in gun laws because you think gun laws cause a lot of deaths (which is the main reason dems use)

I'd go for "killing a lot of people to force a change in gun laws because disarming the people is the first step towards full authoritarian control which is the endgame for democrats"

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:55 am
by lntigracy
So in some of the pics you see a guy running with his beer in hand.

Why bother? The shots were free.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:55 am
by Incomptinence
Oh yeah, the first sign of gun laws coming is the suicide shootings in the name of gun laws.

Even if that is the case it would be something that could only happen in a festering wound like America where it has been proven people whole heartedly value toys over the lives of children.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 12:54 pm
by DemonFiren
lntigracy wrote:So in some of the pics you see a guy running with his beer in hand.

Why bother? The shots were free.
fuck you i laughed

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 3:02 pm
by starmute
I don't know how to deal with this. I shouldn't care this much but I do.

Let me go through this logically

I wasn't involved

Why the hell am I so sad? I do love Las Vegas but shouldn't human instinct come in and say "You didn't do anything wrong, this is not your fault"

This is all just fucked up.

Why would anyone do this? Yes you can throw around conspiracy theories but.. just this is fucked up no matter how you think about it. Those we just goddamn kids. Kids having fun.

Maybe I'll find out why someone would do this and I can change this into just being outraged or even something more productive but I just feel overwhelmingly horrible. Seeing that blood come out of that ladies mouth when someone checked her pulse.

Sorry I just.. need to vent and I can't think of anywhere else to post this.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 3:13 pm
by cedarbridge
starmute wrote:I don't know how to deal with this. I shouldn't care this much but I do.

Let me go through this logically

I wasn't involved

Why the hell am I so sad? I do love Las Vegas but shouldn't human instinct come in and say "You didn't do anything wrong, this is not your fault"

This is all just fucked up.

Why would anyone do this? Yes you can throw around conspiracy theories but.. just this is fucked up no matter how you think about it.

Maybe I'll find out why someone would do this... but it makes me feel horrible. Seeing that blood come out of that ladies mouth when someone checked her pulse.

Sorry I just.. need to vent and I can't think of anywhere else to post this.
That's called empathy. Its the same reason that people who were alive on 9/11/2001 are often affected by the events even without any sort of personal direct connection. It could also be the based in a small amount of patriotism/nationalistic sentiment. On a basic level, nobody wants these sorts of things to happen to them or people like them or people that they share a certain level of kinship with. When you hear a story about a bunch of brown people dying in the middle of nowhere, it sounds bad because people died, but it doesn't have a personal connection because they're too many degrees of separation away. In this case, you were in the same town, the people who died probably looked like you, the person who did it probably looks at least similar to you in enough ways to matter, and it happened in a country where you live governed by the same laws you follow. You can mentally connect enough dots to make emotionally stick.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 3:21 pm
by starmute
cedarbridge wrote:
That's called empathy. Its the same reason that people who were alive on 9/11/2001 are often affected by the events even without any sort of personal direct connection. It could also be the based in a small amount of patriotism/nationalistic sentiment. On a basic level, nobody wants these sorts of things to happen to them or people like them or people that they share a certain level of kinship with. When you hear a story about a bunch of brown people dying in the middle of nowhere, it sounds bad because people died, but it doesn't have a personal connection because they're too many degrees of separation away. In this case, you were in the same town, the people who died probably looked like you, the person who did it probably looks at least similar to you in enough ways to matter, and it happened in a country where you live governed by the same laws you follow. You can mentally connect enough dots to make emotionally stick.
I know its empathy. Just.. usually there is a reason for these horrible things. There are usually signs of a person being a wing-nut. This is just.. nothing. These people were just slaughtered for... no apparent reason.

I hate feeling unproductive, I hate feeling sad and frankly, I just can't grasp this.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 3:26 pm
by cedarbridge
That's normal too. Not the senseless slaughter, which is basically the opposite of normal. Its normal to want to "make sense" of things. Its why we find such high rates of depression among high IQ populations. The more you see and the more you understand the more jarring it is when you see and don't understand; when you can't make the connections that would make something make sense. Some of that is probably impatience too. We live in such a fast news society that if we don't instantly have all of the information, or "enough" information we go into mental gear grinding.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 3:50 pm
by lntigracy
I guess you could say those rednecks at the concert got more bang for their buck than usual.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 4:01 pm
by calzilla1
He was a salty Hillary supporter so maybe thats a reason

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 4:04 pm
by lntigracy
I wonder if he was any good at call of duty, he was clearly good at banging moms.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 4:34 pm
by starmute
calzilla1 wrote:He was a salty Hillary supporter so maybe thats a reason
That was disproven. He doesn't have any political affiliations.

Intigracy I know you're trying to lighten the mood but really its not working.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 4:36 pm
by DemonFiren
Intigracy is just taking some cheap shots at the situation.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:22 pm
by Grazyn
Or maybe we could just accept that evil exists. There shouldn't always be a reason like insanity, political agenda or anything but pure evil, just wanting to kill people and nothing else.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:39 pm
by Takeguru
That's not a satisfactory answer for a lot of people

Knowing WHY someone was driven to kill is comforting, because it offers hope that that "why" can be corrected in the future

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:08 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
I call bullshit on this guy being 100 percent apolitical. He had to have voted ay one point in his life, and as a 64 year old he probably exercised his right to vote more so than a 20-something. Politics may not have caused this but saying this guy was magically cleaned of all political views is silly. Even literally autistic people have political views.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:12 pm
by ColonicAcid
but why does his political beliefs matter.

like for real y'all a buncha fucking vultures, the bodies weren't even cold and you fucks were already trying to figure out if he was a muslim, antifa or a fucking trump supporter.

it doesnt matter what he believed in, it doesn't matter what he voted in, stop talking about him. dont give him the satisfaction of all this attention that's what he wanted.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:13 pm
by Grazyn
Having a political view doesn't necessarily mean that everything you do is politically motivated

You can be evil and do evil things for evil reason without a political agenda

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:13 pm
by DemonFiren
>don't feed the troll
>don't give him (you)s
>he's fucking dead and has literally no way of benefitting from it but still don't do it

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:15 pm
by ColonicAcid
no you dolt

its not about the dead person, it's about other retards who think its a good idea to kill people.

imagine a socially retarded person who would love to have literally everyone from news anchors to other autists on the internet trying to decipher his character.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:17 pm
by Drynwyn
DemonFiren wrote:
Drynwyn wrote: There was however a google bomb by 4chan with the deliberate intent to introduce the false information that the shooter had definitive leftist associations.
This is perfectly plausible, but I'm still gonna need a source. ... oter-news/

Meant to link this in the original researchpost, but forgot to. My apologies, lizardfriend.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:58 pm
by lntigracy
DemonFiren wrote:Intigracy is just taking some cheap shots at the situation.
Shots fired

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 7:27 pm
by XSI
Drynwyn wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:
Drynwyn wrote: There was however a google bomb by 4chan with the deliberate intent to introduce the false information that the shooter had definitive leftist associations.
This is perfectly plausible, but I'm still gonna need a source. ... oter-news/

Meant to link this in the original researchpost, but forgot to. My apologies, lizardfriend.
Sounds to me like this isn't an intentional thing, and more just 4chan talking about it so much that google picked it up as a news site through algoritms, and the 4chan digging was picked up too and followed as if it was actual journalists by google

Which is fair, really. They do dig more than actual journalists. It's just that they immediately post any sort of result or name they find instead of double and triple checking if this person is involved. That's for other people who are also digging to establish.
Imagine being in the room with a few hundred people all looking up stuff. If one of them finds a lead, he tells the others. This doesn't mean it's a conclusion yet, it just means they found something that's possibly related and are looking into it.

So blame google for that one, not 4chan. 4chan was just doing its usual intel gathering to figure shit out, google decided this meant they were authorities on the shooting and reported it as such

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 7:32 pm
by cedarbridge
XSI wrote:
Drynwyn wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:
Drynwyn wrote: There was however a google bomb by 4chan with the deliberate intent to introduce the false information that the shooter had definitive leftist associations.
This is perfectly plausible, but I'm still gonna need a source. ... oter-news/

Meant to link this in the original researchpost, but forgot to. My apologies, lizardfriend.
Sounds to me like this isn't an intentional thing, and more just 4chan talking about it so much that google picked it up as a news site through algoritms, and the 4chan digging was picked up too and followed as if it was actual journalists by google

Which is fair, really. They do dig more than actual journalists. It's just that they immediately post any sort of result or name they find instead of double and triple checking if this person is involved. That's for other people who are also digging to establish.
Imagine being in the room with a few hundred people all looking up stuff. If one of them finds a lead, he tells the others. This doesn't mean it's a conclusion yet, it just means they found something that's possibly related and are looking into it.

So blame google for that one, not 4chan. 4chan was just doing its usual intel gathering to figure shit out, google decided this meant they were authorities on the shooting and reported it as such
/pol/ is always right

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 7:52 pm
by Takeguru
ColonicAcid wrote: like for real y'all a buncha fucking vultures, the bodies weren't even cold and you fucks were already trying to figure out if he was a muslim, antifa or a fucking trump supporter.
No different than the gun grabbers clamoring for even more gun control before he was even done shooting

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:01 pm
by Malkevin
Grazyn wrote:Which one is more believable to you

killing a lot of people because you don't like them
killing a lot of people to maybe force a change in gun laws because you think gun laws cause a lot of deaths (which is the main reason dems use)

I'd go for "killing a lot of people to force a change in gun laws because disarming the people is the first step towards full authoritarian control which is the endgame for democrats"
Both dummy

Who like c&w? Cowboys and rednecks
What do cs and rs like? Guns

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:13 pm
by XSI
In all seriousness

The guy probably had some form of mental illness. They usually have. Couple that with a criminal father(Or ex-crim, whatever) for gun access and lots of money to gamble away and you've got an inherently unstable person
It sucks, but fact remains that the only people who do these kind of mass shootings tend to be unstable to begin with

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:37 pm
by lntigracy
Sam Hyde was the shooter though

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:03 pm
by Incomptinence
Every fucking time.

Oh man gotta expand your collection! Potential bans can only drive prices up up up!

How long until THEY TOTALLY GONNA BAN MY TOYS becomes so profitable a gun company decides to groom their own spree shooter?

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:23 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
It'll happen around the same time bottled water companies poison the tap water *looks at flint, Michigan a little *

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:31 pm
by Incomptinence
A very profitable idea thanks for giving it to them I am sure they will start working on the next flint right now.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:39 pm
by Grazyn
PSA: ... them-over/
And, to you tough-talking Neo-Cons with your AR-15 rifles and a few thousand rounds of ammo, here is the reality: they will take your guns, and no, all your Second Amendment bluster aside, you are not going to do anything about it. You are not going to take on a platoon of Marines with state-of-the-art automatic weapons and the best body armor you cannot buy protected by armed personnel carriers and attack helicopters unless you choose to die that day — for nothing. You will either be in the country or out, and if you are in, you will stay in and you will comply.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:49 pm
by cedarbridge
Grazyn wrote:PSA: ... them-over/
And, to you tough-talking Neo-Cons with your AR-15 rifles and a few thousand rounds of ammo, here is the reality: they will take your guns, and no, all your Second Amendment bluster aside, you are not going to do anything about it. You are not going to take on a platoon of Marines with state-of-the-art automatic weapons and the best body armor you cannot buy protected by armed personnel carriers and attack helicopters unless you choose to die that day — for nothing. You will either be in the country or out, and if you are in, you will stay in and you will comply.
Glad we've summed up that the left isn't anti-gun, they're anti-everyone-but-the-gummint having guns. Personally, I'm thrilled about racing further and further into a dystopian police state. Did I mention that the police are awful racist people who should die because they shoot too many people who aren't white? God I hate cops. Anyway, lets make sure only cops have guns so they can use their guns to take away your guns so only they can have guns.


Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:02 pm
by Incomptinence
Expecting to best the monster of a military you created in a civil war scenario where it takes the gloves off and treats you like syrians.

Good luck with that.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:13 pm
by cedarbridge
Incomptinence wrote:Expecting to best the monster of a military you created in a civil war scenario where it takes the gloves off and treats you like syrians.

Good luck with that.
I'm just baffled by the sort of logic that on one hand will tell you that the cops/military/government are not your friends and they are evil, minority-murdering, sociopaths, but you should give them your guns because they're more trustworthy to hold them because reasons.

Unless the suggestion is "we already made the monster so just submit to them because we already made them strong enough." Authoritarians are wacky. The problem is envisioning a scenario where public opinion is such that it would ever support the government literally sending military troops and hardware door to door to disarm the population. We're a pretty jaded lot, but we're not far enough down the rabbit hole yet.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:21 pm
by starmute
cedarbridge wrote:
Grazyn wrote:PSA: ... them-over/
And, to you tough-talking Neo-Cons with your AR-15 rifles and a few thousand rounds of ammo, here is the reality: they will take your guns, and no, all your Second Amendment bluster aside, you are not going to do anything about it. You are not going to take on a platoon of Marines with state-of-the-art automatic weapons and the best body armor you cannot buy protected by armed personnel carriers and attack helicopters unless you choose to die that day — for nothing. You will either be in the country or out, and if you are in, you will stay in and you will comply.
Glad we've summed up that the left isn't anti-gun, they're anti-everyone-but-the-gummint having guns. Personally, I'm thrilled about racing further and further into a dystopian police state. Did I mention that the police are awful racist people who should die because they shoot too many people who aren't white? God I hate cops. Anyway, lets make sure only cops have guns so they can use their guns to take away your guns so only they can have guns.


Except you know the "Daily Reckoning" is a conservative newsletter written by Agoria Inc which is owned by Bill Bonner. Bill is a basically just a scaremonger. He and Mike Huckabee recently tried a scam to say cinnamon cures diabetes. ... ble-cures/

So yeah.. check your sources for bias.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:26 pm
by cedarbridge
starmute wrote:
cedarbridge wrote:
Grazyn wrote:PSA: ... them-over/
And, to you tough-talking Neo-Cons with your AR-15 rifles and a few thousand rounds of ammo, here is the reality: they will take your guns, and no, all your Second Amendment bluster aside, you are not going to do anything about it. You are not going to take on a platoon of Marines with state-of-the-art automatic weapons and the best body armor you cannot buy protected by armed personnel carriers and attack helicopters unless you choose to die that day — for nothing. You will either be in the country or out, and if you are in, you will stay in and you will comply.
Glad we've summed up that the left isn't anti-gun, they're anti-everyone-but-the-gummint having guns. Personally, I'm thrilled about racing further and further into a dystopian police state. Did I mention that the police are awful racist people who should die because they shoot too many people who aren't white? God I hate cops. Anyway, lets make sure only cops have guns so they can use their guns to take away your guns so only they can have guns.


Except you know the "Daily Reckoning" is a conservative newsletter written by Agoria Inc which is owned by Bill Bonner. Bill is a basically just a scaremonger. He and Mike Huckabee recently tried a scam to say cinnamon cures diabetes. ... ble-cures/

So yeah.. check your sources for bias.
The position is stupid no matter who supports it, frankly.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:48 pm
by Grazyn
He may be biased but he is just stating a fact: if the government wants to take your guns, they will take them, and you can either die or hand them over.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:04 pm
by starmute
Grazyn wrote:He may be biased but he is just stating a fact: if the government wants to take your guns, they will take them, and you can either die or hand them over.
He's trying to scare you. As usual.

They are trying to sell you a product.

Most of the investments they want to sell you are in case of the financial Apocalypse. They constantly state that "the end is near", gloom and doom to sell you a product.

IE buy gold, cryptocurriencies, panic items (like food in a barrel ect ect.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:07 pm
by cedarbridge
CosmicScientist wrote:I guess at least I get to sit in my bubble of the PM admitted the fault of her party lay with her, she failed to give a speech, people are having to brown nose to excuse her (my voice is breaking in sympathy for her voice breaking), being ill is the excuse for the poor speech, her party's slogan fell apart behind her... it's all fun this side of the pond. I mean, for people not in Catalonia and for anyone who isn't wondering who will Theresa or what peculiarity is going on if they don't replace her.

Oh well, Bwiton still has far too long until the next general election but at least it'll be harder for them to pass damaging reforms.
I have no idea what any of this means, but it hurt my head trying to read it.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:31 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
If a president really tried a national disarmament there would probably be a lot of problems with morale in the military since most of then didnt sign up to murder their neighbors because of some senators half a country away. They'd rather be shooting islams.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:35 pm
by Grazyn
CosmicScientist wrote:
Grazyn wrote:He may be biased but he is just stating a fact: if the government wants to take your guns, they will take them, and you can either die or hand them over.
"So, the purple party took all of guns, killed our neighbours and dragged me nan across the floor by her hair when she wouldn't let go of her shotgun. What's on the ballot box?"
"Purple party and orange party."
"Let's vote orange."
Voter turnout largest in decades, purple party vanishes from the polls, minority parties swept what were secure purple seats, orange is free to do whatever they want, businesses and newspapers afraid of supporting purple party candidates forevermore and their children.
Common conservative/alt-right opinion is that dems don't want to ban guns to prevent these shootings (they wouldn't organize the shootings in the first place if they did) but to prevent people from fighting back when their authoritarian government will impose their socialist reforms. Such a government would obviously ignore any public opinion backlash because it's, well, authoritarian, and once they have taken your guns they would be free to do anything, even cancel or alter elections.

So my point is, crying wolf and stockpiling guns every time a shooting happens because the evil dems are out to get you is stupid: if/when the government wants to take away your guns, they will take away your guns.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:36 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
What if you shoot them when they try

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:40 pm
by Grazyn
then they kill you and take your gun

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:42 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
Yeah that worked for like Vietnam and Afghanistan and Iraq right

Not a single us military casualty in those three wars

All them boys cleaned up those islamocommies within a week and went home baptized in the blood of foreign babies and were lauded as heroes with no mental health repercussions


Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:52 pm
by cedarbridge
Behind every blade of grass.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:52 pm
by Grazyn
You mention places that have known war since time meant shit. Afghanistan especially. And suffered millions of casualties compared to the thousands on the US side. I have a feeling that once the first reports of hundreds of "uncompliant armed combatant" killed in the town next door start coming in, people will carefully line their guns in the street so the military can just sweep them up.

Re: 2k17 /pol/

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:54 pm
by cedarbridge
Grazyn wrote:You mention places that have known war since time meant shit. Afghanistan especially. And suffered millions of casualties compared to the thousands on the US side. I have a feeling that once the first reports of hundreds of "uncompliant armed combatant" killed in the town next door start coming in, people will carefully line their guns in the street so the military can just sweep them up.
Sounds like the basis for a cool vidya, actually. Like Red Faction but not on Mars.