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Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 3:55 pm
by Ricotez

Bottom post of the previous page:

IcePacks wrote:
paprika wrote:I'm learning java
java's dead
the JRE sucks but the language itself gets used in a lot of other stuff too, like Android and JavaCard

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:44 pm
by M0nsoon
Saegrimr wrote:
M0nsoon wrote:Well me and my ex got back together after several months of being best friends after the break up, and I'll be moving in with her come summertime so I can go back to school.
Ehhh I don't feel like I have, we see each other as Jim and Pam from the office, we barely argue since we share the same views on most stuff, politically, social, morales, etc.

Pretty much she's a girl version of me and I'm a guy version of her so it works out :^)

Anyways applied for college, doing a 1 year pre-health course then going to try and become a paramedic after that.

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:09 pm
by LiamLime
IcePacks wrote:
paprika wrote:I'm learning java
java's dead
Quite far from it. It's in quite severe decline on the consumer side - even on Android, where C is taking over. Most of the stuff I do for mobile now are written in some sort of language like C# or javascript and then converted to C or that interpreted language thine, the abbreviation of which I can't remember.

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:09 am
by IcePacks
apart from how it's been dying a slow, painful death due to stuff like html5 and its own inherent shittiness, oracle announced that they're depreciating it

these are exciting times, maybe the most basic programming language on the web will murder flash next

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:45 am
by oranges
Java applets on teh web may be dead, but the JVM and the language are very much alive, big in enterprise and the JVM itself is basically the state of the art where virtual machines and JIT are concerned, which is why so many other languages use it as their VM host for cross platform support.

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 5:04 am
by IcePacks
darn i have no idea what i'm talking about

oh well it's already shaping up to be a great year in noteworthy deaths

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:53 am
by Ricotez
plugins are a MASSIVE security risk, and years of bugfixes hasn't kept them from causing a few of the biggest security leaks in the history of the internet

I'm happy that they are phased out

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:19 am
by Malkevin
oranges wrote:Java applets on teh web may be dead, but the JVM and the language are very much alive, big in enterprise and the JVM itself is basically the state of the art where virtual machines and JIT are concerned, which is why so many other languages use it as their VM host for cross platform support.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.

I've supported java apps and they were always complained about being slow as fuck and crashing all the time.

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 12:39 am
by oranges
It's not my fault you can't write quality java code

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:27 am
by captain sawrge
down with java long live JAV

ps 2016 sucks

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:27 am
by Amnestik
So something odd happened to me the other day. The optician found a very large mole at the back of one of my eyes.

Saw a specialist today, said it could be melanoma and I'd have to go to the hospital later in the week for an ultrasound to test its thickness. If it's thick, that indicates it could be a melonoma and I'll have to see an eye doctor about 8 hours drive away. If it's thin, they'll just monitor it by taking photos every 4 months to see if it changes.

Wasn't fussed though. I don't have melonoma, the chances are so small. Then I asked the eye specialist what the chances were and he said they didn't really know but estimated them at 1 in 4000 to 8000. So I definitely don't have it.

But I was oddly indifferent to it. Dying naturally might be the solution I need.

Anyway, it was a boring way to spend 20 minutes.

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:38 am
by Ricotez
I cringed while reading that, I'm not good with eye stuff

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:54 am
by Remie Richards
I dont like eye tests because you end up seeing inside the socket and it's all vein-y and spooky.

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:41 am
by Malkevin
That reminds me, I need to book at eye test.

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:59 am
by imblyings
DemonFiren wrote:I'm just planning to stick around till 2090 when we get artificial superintelligence and will all become immortal.
you'd think playing ss13 with it's AIs and what is technically immortality via cloning would have convinced you already that those aren't necessarily things to look forward to

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:01 pm
by Whoisthere
imblyings wrote:
you'd think playing ss13 with it's AIs and what is technically immortality via cloning would have convinced you already that those aren't necessarily things to look forward to
Actually I kinda hoped for this whole strong AI -> immortality -> all kinds of awesome shit thing.

I don't think it'll happen within the next few centuries and even if it does we will probably botch it.

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:10 pm
by Whoisthere
Anyway I restarted my jewdo this year and it fucked my strength immensely, and now my shoulder is kinda screwed after a fall.

I was a bitch about it but then I read Ronda's book and she says that she was fighting that Dutch girl at the Olympics, got her elbow dislocated, and had to reduce it during the match because otherwise she'd get disqualified I guess, she won the match. I mean maybe she's lying, people who get to Olympics are like those guys that whine in deadchat for hours "I ded pls nerf", "I ded unfairly I would've won unrobust scrubs".

Also I lost an internship opportunity that I looked forward to because the company suddenly changed its policy.

And now you're all telling me Java is shit and that's what I've been learning in my spare time.

I mean I guess it doesn't matter since C# should be very similar and I know crap like pointers from that glorious youtube Harvard CS50 course and hackerrank and such, but still.

I'm writing an android game for my portfolio and then I guess I'll just apply to local IT companies.

>no education
>no coding work experience, I did work as a webmaster though
>stellar feedback from my writing and NGO jobs

How do I get into coding from there? I can make a simple pacmanghost-like bot or write a binary search tree or like an e-store with e-checkout and e-profiles and e-goods and e-pages I dunno

If I code for SS13 will I get linkedin points or somesuch?

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:21 am
by Amnestik
So after my second male ultrasound this year (the first for unrelated reasons) I discovered my eyeball isn't carrying a beautiful little melanoma

Or at least that the mole there isn't thick enough to be a melanoma at this point. They want to photograph it every 4 months, so presumably it could change.

It was actually pretty anticlimactic. I kind of wanted cancer. But not really to die, I think. "Eye cancer" is a scary fucking term.

If you were wondering how they perform an ultrasound on an eye, it's exactly the same as on a stomach -- they put goop on the eyelid and run the instrument over it. In this case she did both eyes to compare the two, and found there was no difference between them despite the giant mole in the right one.

So that was gay

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:07 pm
by ThanatosRa
Life sucks. The best we can all do is tell it to suck on your nuts and give it the biggest fuck you that you can. Succeeding as much as you can and living a good life despite how much it tries to shit on you and shut you down. NEVER stop being emotionally the hardest, most upbeat son of a cockbiting whore you can. Be a tenacious son of a bitch. Every horrible thing that happens should just be more fuel for the fire in your heart. Mourn, accept your losses and honor those by pushing forward.

Or if you want me to go full retard with it.


Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:43 am
by Amnestik
Huh, I just learned my grandfather had a major heart attack. He's currently resting at home. I always thought the guy was invincible. He looks great for a man born in 1938, and has always scoffed at health problems, just soldiering on through them. It's so strange to hear him brought low by a heart attack.

What complicates matters further is that he's a piece of shit. He's just a really awful person, for reasons I won't bother getting into. I honestly thought he'd live to 100 just to spite us. Never thought anything like that would happen to him. He's never shown any signs of significant health problems in my lifetime, at least not that I've been told about. Because of what a nasty person he is I was half-jokingly expressing he'd die a few weeks back.

But I presume he'll get stronger and get back on his feet, albeit forever weaker.

It's such a weird fucking situation. I never expected a man like him to be brought low like this. Reminds of the various Game of Thrones characters who seem invulnerable and constantly in control, only to wind up dying in very simple ways. The fact that even a man like him can be struck down by disease makes me grateful after all my mole didn't have melonoma indicators.

I don't know why it's so weird to me, it's just a heart attack. He didn't die. I don't like him much anymore, and we've had very little contact over the past years.

My paternal grandfather died when I of pneumonia when I was 11 or 12, and my maternal grandmother's husband had both a heart and a stroke while I was underage, and I didn't care too much. But this is oddly painful for me, which feels awful. Despite him being a piece of a fucking shit, if he died he'd leave a huge hole.

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:40 am
by oranges
I had a Popsicle today.

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 3:54 pm
by Malkevin
You need a cross bow dwarf

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:54 pm
by ShadowDimentio
I went to Chick Fil A for one of their milkshakes

As I was leaving I looked at my right mirror and saw it was fucking gone, presumably someone stole it


Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:02 am
by Amnestik
I went to depression for one of their miseryshakes

As I was leaving I looked at my right leg and saw it was fucking gone, presumably someone stole it


Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 12:33 pm
by TheWiznard
Stopped drinking soda on 2015thanksgiving. It's been 5 months almost and I still haven't had any cravings for soda or lied to myself and got one anyway. In fact I've pretty much stopped drinking anything other than make-a-packet koolaid. I occasionally pick up a pink lemonade from tacobell on my way home from school because that's my joint; but other than that it's been 90% koolaid. I don't think I really feel much different, or if I do it must be a such a major change I really can't tell the difference. I just felt like stopping and I believe it was one of my main problems with making me feel like shit. At times I used to go through 24 packs in a week. others I would go through 2 liters in 2-3 days. Pretty much I'd have a 32oz fountain every day I went anywhere. It's not a weight thing for me I'm still around 170, dunno how much longer that's gonna last though.

I also started a thing where every time I go up / down my stairs I do 10 push ups, as in before I go down and after I get back up. I don't go up and down my stairs very much throughout the day anyway before this, but I feel better doing something.

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 1:09 pm
by Malkevin
Maybe you should try drinking, oh I don't know, water?

Instead of something else with tons of sugars and fake flavours and colours produced from industrial waste.

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 1:30 pm
by TheWiznard
Malkevin wrote:Maybe you should try drinking, oh I don't know, water?

Instead of something else with tons of sugars and fake flavours and colours produced from industrial waste.

I get what you're saying and I do agree with you but I absouletly postivly detest the taste of the water around here, and I can't be bothered to start getting bottled water. Yeah I know koolaid is full of shit still, probably isn't even that much better than soda; I just taking it one step at a time. I would not have survived switching to straight water to be completely honest and at least for now I'm sticking with my choice

edit: I really don't like drinking plain water essentially.
edit edit: plus for 5 dollars I can get 20 packs of koolaid which lasts me about a week and a half, instead of buying a pop every day for 1.50

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 1:39 pm
by Malkevin
Get a filter jug, toss in some sliced lemon and lime

Re: 2016: Year In Progress

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 2:08 pm
by Amnestik
yeah, that

also this