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Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:29 pm
by Takeguru

Bottom post of the previous page:

I should reiterate

The next mass shooting that isn't just gang members culling their own population

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 1:58 am
by cedarbridge

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 6:09 am
by Grazyn
Schroedinger's chemical attack, it didn't happen and it was conducted by the rebels at the same time. Russia and Syria should at least agree on the same story

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 3:33 pm
by XSI
I'm tired of Syria

Lets just call it Assad's victory and move on to the next thing. He's clearly got things mostly under control and it's not like the Russians would accept any attempt to invade anyway

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 3:35 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
They're just milking it for politik gain, French president Macron is already 'Hon Hon Hon'ing it up that he's "besties" with Trump and can get him involved in irrelevant things like this

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 3:42 pm
by Grazyn
Syria is also a great test bed for modern weapon techs, it's not some random african shithole so it offers at least the slightest challenge for NATO weaponry. Just look at the latest attack: first use of JASSM, first use of the new french naval missile, first use of a Virginia sub to launch TLAMs, not to mention all the sweet intel they got on russian defense systems.

They're gonna milk it for that too, a big war is coming in the next few decades, gotta know how your stuff works outside of exercises and simulations

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 5:50 pm
by Malkevin

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 6:03 pm
by cedarbridge
Grazyn wrote:Syria is also a great test bed for modern weapon techs, it's not some random african shithole so it offers at least the slightest challenge for NATO weaponry. Just look at the latest attack: first use of JASSM, first use of the new french naval missile, first use of a Virginia sub to launch TLAMs, not to mention all the sweet intel they got on russian defense systems.

They're gonna milk it for that too, a big war is coming in the next few decades, gotta know how your stuff works outside of exercises and simulations
While I never really considered the weapons testbed angle, I was more under the impression this was another US/EU-Russia oil pipeline pissing match. Where you can't make them not build the pipeline, start a proxy war in the middle of the construction route.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 6:25 pm
by XSI
Why would it be just one thing exclusively?

It could be both

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 6:50 pm
by cedarbridge
XSI wrote:Why would it be just one thing exclusively?

It could be both
I'm not impressed so far that its only 2 policy purposes. We've been doing this shit for decades and people buy it every time.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:50 am
by XSI
It's probably more along the lines of 5 or 6 different goals, but the local people's safety isn't one of them

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:46 am
by Grazyn
The Duchess of Cambridge just entered labor, new royal baby happening soon, are you excited?

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:43 pm
by Malkevin
Another anchor baby from a migrant family, ready to sponge off the tax payer

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:30 pm
by ColonicAcid
unrelated but remember when i said the >vice meme doesnt apply anymore??

it still holds up

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 9:16 pm
by Takeguru
Oh, a waffle house in Tennessee

Alright, were any bets placed? Quarter credit for either state/location being correct

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 4:05 am
by XSI
Nobody got that, all the guesses were big cities I believe

As for europe being divided- Yeah, of course it is. What do they expect with the shit that's been done politically? It's only going to get worse at this rate too.
>Difference in immigration status, political views, and rich/poor
What they don't mention is that all three of these are essentially the same shit. The rich, who oppose the poor, with neo-liberal economic and authoritarian political views that oppose every other view, bring in immigrants to keep the cost of labour low so they can drop wages and rake in more money while shitting on the peasantry

But it's a pretty well-laid plan on their part, because now the hate is directed at their scapegoat immigrants and not at the people who caused it all, with their pet antifa chapters fanning the flames by opposing any grassroots movement and calling them nazi fascists, this adds on a layer by making people dislike the left for fighting against band-aid solutions and reactions rather than the elitist shits that fucked it all up in the first place. The politicans most in favour of unrestricted immigration are now yelling about harsh punishments for immigrants who commit crimes and suggesting we need harsher policing and more punishments for criminals overall while at the same time expanding the definition of 'criminal'. Except for politicians. They can have several corruption scandals running and they'll still get a bonus, rather than arrested.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 1:49 pm
by XSI
Historically, the left has wanted immigrants because of an internationally focussed communism, and a lot of them being officially or unofficially funded by the USSR
And the right wanted them because cheap labour for their factories. Cheap labour that doesn't join unions

That's pretty much everywhere in the western world, but that said, you are right that without knowing the questions we can't really draw any reasonable conclusions, I'm just ranting

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:26 pm
by cedarbridge
Amazing times

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:27 pm
by Grazyn
take me by the hand, lead me to the land
that you understand

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:57 pm
by DemonFiren
the sad part is that macron is going to take control of europe from us
god dammit ruling the continent is germany's job

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 12:55 am
by ShadowDimentio
Stupid Euros trying to make a United States of Europe, it WON'T WORK

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:47 am
by DemonFiren
Guess it's just like the US of A, then.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:00 am
by Grazyn
DemonFiren wrote:the sad part is that macron is going to take control of europe from us
god dammit ruling the continent is germany's job
France has nukes, you don't

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:07 am
by DemonFiren
so what
israel has nukes and they don't rule the middle east

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:11 am
by Grazyn
They aren't allied with Israel though. In an alliance, if you have nukes and the others don't, you're the leader of the alliance. Want to oust France? Start by making your own nukes

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:17 am
by DemonFiren
nukes are glorified firecrackers and don't really have a place in euro politics
here it's all about money and we have more than everyone else
which is why merkel has managed to stay popular up until the refugee crisis: by throwing money at problems
except the greek, fuck the greek

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:18 am
by Grazyn
If you have so much money why don't you make nukes

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:21 am
by DemonFiren
that's like asking why japan doesn't make nukes, considering we're in the same category of "countries that can obtain nuclear weapons within a few months if they wanted to"

at this point I sincerely hope you're shitposting

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:36 am
by Grazyn
France doesn't just have nukes, they also still have puppet states all around their former colonial empire and, most importantly, the military might and power projection to enforce their rule and solve troubles wherever they arise. German army is pathetic compared to the French, you don't even have fuel to run your shitty tanks and have to rely completely on ol' uncle Sam to protect your freedom. Remind me, how many cruise missiles did Germany fire at Syria? Oh right, none. Because you have none.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:42 am
by DemonFiren
figured you were baiting

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:37 am
by imblyings
>they also still have puppet states all around their former colonial empire and, most importantly, the military might and power projection to enforce their rule and solve troubles

lol i'd give it a few hundred more years and a few name changes before what is germany EVER gets to do that

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:08 am
by DemonFiren
merkel runs the caliphate, your argument is invalid

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:22 pm
by XSI
The list of people I would trust with nukes notably excludes all the people who actually have access to nukes
A few more probably won't hurt

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:31 pm
by DemonFiren
XSI wrote:A few more probably won't hurt

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:45 pm
by Ricotez
this whole thread is bait

on a completely unrelated note Kanye West has shown me the true path and I am now a devout follower of Qanon

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 7:05 pm
by Luke Cox
World War III is off boys. Also, Trump 99% gets re-elected now.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 8:58 pm
by ShadowDimentio
Headlines: Orange man fails to destroy world, saves it

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:19 pm
by Grazyn
ShadowDimentio wrote:Headlines: Orange man fails to destroy world, saves it
He had one job. The secret Cabal who put him there isn't going to be happy

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:30 pm
by ColonicAcid
Luke Cox wrote:World War III is off boys. Also, Trump 99% gets re-elected now.
hot takes are at 11 frank not at 9.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 11:10 pm
by XSI
What did the amazing orange do this time that people credit him saving the world?

Also that video seems about right

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 12:51 am
by ShadowDimentio
Cheese man was the major player in ending the Korean war and possibly starting reunification. That's what South Korea's president is saying anyways.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 1:39 am
by Luke Cox
XSI wrote:What did the amazing orange do this time that people credit him saving the world?

Also that video seems about right
Aggressive diplomacy and appearing to be someone who will follow through on threats. He pressured China hard, to the point where they finally relented and enforced sanctions. Naval blockades cut off support from Russia. North Korea is completely cut off. Combined with the failure of their nuclear program, they don't have any choice but to capitulate or face collapse and a seemingly unhinged leader with an itchy trigger finger.

It's not even Trump claiming this, it's the South Korean president.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:02 am
by ColonicAcid
how about north korea are a buncha cherry berry tards and decided to conduct nuclear tests on a geolocially active volcano and now not only did the base collapse but the entire volcano is also prone to blow the fuck up and throw all that nice radiation all through east asia.

i feel like that is a more reasonable assumption to make as to why they're coming to the table when prior other american presidents have done the same exact thing as trump has done yet nothing was actually achieved.

lets not forget that 2 months ago everyone and their mother was insisting that there was going to be war with all the sabre rattling going on from trump.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:03 am
by ShadowDimentio
And clearly those people were very wrong.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:04 am
by ColonicAcid
trump did not really offer any other option other than "my way or the highway".

once again, this had nothing to do with trump being a good politician or a good diplomat. its funny that when trump shuts the fuck up and stops posting tripe on twitter that the involved parties on the ground actually manage to get a good dialogue and finally achieve something.

but nah the orange irate cheeto did all the work what a diplomatic master stroke let's go celebrate @ popeyes.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:04 am
by ShadowDimentio
And it worked, evidently. And if you don't want to listen to Trump praising himself on solving this, consider listening to South Korea's president and foreign secretary praising Trump on solving this.

Denial is unhealthy my guy.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:16 am
by ColonicAcid
aight brodie.

ive seen trump diplomacy to know enough that this being entirely trumps work is about as possible as me shitting out gold but u know im entilted to my opinion and ur entilted to yours, even if all yours stands on is screeching that im in denial.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:20 am
by ShadowDimentio
I mean if you won't listen to Trump, South Korea's president or their foreign secretary all literally saying Trump was the major reason things are happening, yeah I'd say you're in pretty harsh denial.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 3:00 am
by Luke Cox
Like I said before, North Korea capitulating is a combination of several factors. The test site incident and other failures in their nuclear program are a big factor for sure. They probably lost a good number of scientists in that, and it's also been rumored that some of the radiation made its way to China. You've also got the aforementioned blockades cutting off supplies from Russia. China's pressure, however, is largely a product of Trump's pressure. He started a trade war with China, he sabre rattled at North Korea until he got carpal tunnel, and ultimately convinced China to cut off trade with NK. Again, this isn't Trump bragging about it. South Korea is crediting this outcome in part to Trump. Ironically, the more globalist politicians seem to have extremely Eurocentric views on how diplomacy should work. Being pleasant and agreeable is how you deal with westerners. Doing that shit in Asia will get you rolled over. Trump's highly aggressive approach was exactly what was needed. He's hardly perfect and I'm still fairly neutral on him, but the dude deserves a fucking Nobel Peace Prize if this pans out.

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 6:17 am
by DemonFiren
ShadowDimentio wrote:I mean if you won't listen to Trump, South Korea's president or their foreign secretary all literally saying Trump was the major reason things are happening, yeah I'd say you're in pretty harsh denial.
the reason he's saying that is that he needs to jack off trump enough to stay in the region
as soon as the us stops giving a fuck about korea the north will stop giving a fuck about the south because lmao you and what army

Re: 2k18 /pol/

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 10:07 am
by Luke Cox
The mental gymnastics that people are willing to go through to avoid attributing this in any way to Trump is staggering. South Korea is saying point blank "credit to Trump". If you think that the US is going to keep or remove troops in South Korea based on how much their president kisses our president's ass, you have a painfully naive view of the situation in the region. Even if war with China is basically never going to happen, our troops are going to be in South Korea until the end of time.