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look outside your window

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:58 pm
by Bluespace
you live in a world where at any one time, billions of people are all making decisions.

everytime you hear a car go past that car has someone or a couple of people in it.

those people have their lives, they have fears, hopes, ambitions, problems that you don't even know about.

when you walk past someone on the street, you don't know that person. where are they going? what are they doing?

we play a game that roleplays us being in space.

one day people will be born in space. they imagine that living on earth feels weird. they'll look down and see this blue dot.

maybe they'll roleplay earthstation 13. we live in a world where anything is possible.

tomorrow is the unknown. we could all die, we could all discover we have magic powers. not a single thing you can think of is ruled out.

in the time it's taken you to read this, people have died, people have been born, the world kept turning and humanity progressed.

billions upon billions upon billions of thoughts were had, the collective emotions worldwide shifted and changed like a machine that never stops.

tomorrow i want you to forget the bad, i want you to remember the good. i want you to smile at a stranger and in that instant imagine their life. their childhood, their struggles, their conquests, share it with them, all it takes is a smile, a look, a single shared moment of exploring the unknown together.

as i type this, i'm sitting on a bed, my keyboard is on a chest of drawers, and there is a half-eaten apple next to the keyboard

where did that apple come from

where did the keyboard come from

everything is linked. everything is a web. it all links back to the touch of a human hand. the thoughts inside someone's head. "what if"

tomorrow, i want you to do something

Re: look outside your window

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:08 am
by peoplearestrange
Maybe you'll like this?

Re: look outside your window

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:10 am
by ThanatosRa
What am I going to do tomorrow? I'm gonna go to work, then come home. And then probably go to sleep early to sleep off the tail end of this sinus bug I've got. Then I'll get and probably go see saturday morning matinee movie or something.

Re: look outside your window

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:42 am
by Mandurrrh
Time is not relative- bluespace 2014

I think someone spiked your tea bub

fucking hippy

Re: look outside your window

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:24 am
by TheTerbs
so im gonna binge drink and masturbate

then go to work