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The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 8:36 pm
by Sheodir
this complaint will never exist because the fucker was lying about giving himself antag, had to wait like 50 mins to check on roundend to be sure

sasuga pugie
When and where this incident occured (Game Server, forums, Discord): Terry
Byond account and character name OR Discord name: Sheodir, Ben Griffith
Admin: Doctor Brutality
Round ID: 143883
Detailed Summary: I joined the round at roundstart and rolled HoS. I say hello to the crew, nothing much, and start gearing up. A paramedic rushes in with an emagged door (or whatever the emag replacement is now), screams something to the line of EDGAR POPE NO HOS BOOM BOOM, starts shoving me - I go "what the fuck' and baton him once, and then he blows up the entire thing with a bomb killing me and two officers, and of course himself. I ask the player what the hell he did and Pugie/Dr. Brutality admits to having given himself antag because I'd "stolen his HoS role", and to make an Admin Complaint if I had an issue with it. At first I thought he'd rolled antag by accident and told him I wouldn't ahelp, but he clarified he had given himself antag and urged me to make a complaint again. He was very forward about this fact, basically going "lmao yeah i did it so what" in chat, and coupled with him whining about being deadminned in ooc a round before, I suspect he doesn't actually care about his admin status either.

Given his reasoning for the ban and the rather childish abuse of power involved I think it'd be only fitting if he got banned from Security roles, given what he seems to be willing to do when he fails to roll for them. Clearly, his admin status isn't something he gives a shit about. The resulting shift was mostly Medical failing to revive me due to general Med incompetence outside of Manuel and it basically ruined the shift from the get go. He was also excessively smug in deadchat afterwards and that's why I assume he's either wanting to get bucked off the admin team or just plain confident that his status as a regular and a bit of a community meme will mean this behavior is a-ok, and why I don't feel being forced to step down is an appropriate response. Hell, keep him as admin but do the Secban, if that's the only thing he cares about.

tl;dr he abused his power to ruin my shift

PS: I am of course taking him at his word that he gave himself antag. It's possible he didn't and was just trolling me, in which case that's arguably fucking worse and breaks this part of Admin Conduct
Maintain professional conduct both in game and outside of the game. It is expected that you take the position seriously. This doesn't mean you can't talk casually to the playerbase, but remain professional on the forums, as well as on other Space Station 13 communities.

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 8:48 pm
by Flatulent
same tbh

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 11:44 pm
by Agux909

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 5:33 am
by NecromancerAnne
Damn dude you had a gun loaded for nothing.

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 7:17 am
by Space Panda
dog butt

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:24 am
by Stickymayhem
A literary analysis of EDGAR POPE NO HOS BOOM BOOM

Since the dawn of time, literary critics have applauded brevity, wit and multi-layered texts, except within their own writings, hence the, if i do say so myself, overabundance of, in fact overwhelming numbers of, unnecessary, though to be clear correct, commas in this particular sentence. EDGAR POPE NO HOS BOOM BOOM tells a story, in no more than 6 words, of a man who has lost everything, and seeks to reclaim it through the only method his fragile masculinity and ego can afford him, violence. In a primal scream, the text is displayed in all capitals. While this immediately calls forth the intense anger and despair typical of a man on the edge, what is most interesting is the total lack of punctuation or connecting structural words. This brings to mind a stream of consciousness insight into the protagonists deepest psyche, something we are incapable of accessing in modern life, but can only witness second hand through literary texts (not the decadent, degenerate visual mediums) or the artful video game, due to our potential insight into said protagonist. Without even the words, you can feel Edgar Pope's disdain for the state of his own existence, and the sheer emotional hurricane driving him forward to act. The first two words EDGAR POPE, demonstrate the heart of this primal shout. I AM EDGAR POPE AND I AM HERE, I EXIST, DESPITE ALL, an incredibly complex and poignant message, is compressed down to two words of raw, passionate energy. To be is to be oneself, and Edgar Pope has understood, tragically in their final moments, that they are everything in their own word. It is a question of ego and in practical terms solipsism, the idea that ones entire universe is a construct and one is the only true sapient being. Edgar Pope has managed to concoct, engage with, critically anlayse and incorporate into his own being the philosophical solpsist worldview in merely two words, spoken with confidence and heart, but only moments before his tragic demise. Thus lies the tragedy of these words. The following phrase NO HOS, contains within it our entire tragic narrative, and the character motivations behind it, again in only two words, another fantastic display of brilliance from the author. Edgar Pope, a proud Nanotrasen employee, applied for the role of head of security, believing them to deserve it, and in fact this ties into our characters motivations and their personality. Why the interest in an authoritarian role for power-hungry dipshits? Herein lies the fatal character flaw that leads to the demise of our hero: his ego has not quite ascended to the state of total solipsism this early in the story, he believes himself to be a cog in the machine and existing in a world that is, evidentially, real. However, he clearly does think highly of himself, given the later state, and so again from these two words we can extrapolate backwards to their tragic backstory and the events that would lead to the events of the main text. Edgar Pope applied for the head of security position, narcissistically deluding themselves into believing it is the ideal position for one of their talents, but due to their own lack of introspection and self-improvement, they fail. But why? How could a man so perfect and so unquestionably transcendant ever fail? The answer could either be that his views on himself are delusional, or the world is broken and a lie. In that final earth-shattering realisation, ego wins out over the primal survival instinct of the id, and edgar pope makes his final decision, to destroy the fake, artificial construct of this world and the role that brought him to that realisation. And finally, dear reader, we come to the final two words. I must advise that those of a less firm disposition look away now, before I type the words BOOM BOOM. Now the first question, the astute reader may ask, is why, in such a flourishing and expert display of compressing the long form of an entire narrative into 6 words, did the author then deign to squander their talents by repeating the same word twice? Surely this is in direct juxtaposition to their authorial intent? You would be right, dear reader, were you not so mind-dumbingly dim-witted, but I am here to demonstrate the truth of the author's genius. The first Boom, is of course, the explosion within the narrative, and on a surface level you can see something quite tragic in this phrasology as well. After the explosion, Edgar Pope is annihilated, his ego and all encompassing it shattered, but he says BOOM BOOM, which must have come before the actual explosion. Deep within his broken psyche, a tiny voice speaks out, a voice of spite and hatred. While his rational and composed outward exterior believes all of reality to be an illusion, some small part of him deep down does realise this is all an act of hatred and spite against a representative foe of his own construction, the Head of Security. The simple word BOOM, is childish, unformed, even immature. This is the voice of a spiteful child speaking with great malice, influencing the man around the feeble weak center. So why the second BOOM? Well dear reader, I would argue these are in fact two different words in context. The first BOOM speaks of the act, the attack, the terroristic reality, but the second BOOM is a softer, internal function. The mans ego, femtoseconds before annihilation, has been utterly shattered. The first BOOM is an external show of force and the exertion of mans will over reality, but the second BOOM is an internal explosion of emotion, and the shattering of the will. Thus, we end the tail of Edgar Pope, and the author's genius is fully realised. This is art rivalling shakespeare, and that it was performed within a game were 2d spessmans make each other go horizontal, is yet further evidence of the author's surrealist intent and incredible grasp of both the english language, and the new mediums through which it can expand and grow.

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:26 am
by NecromancerAnne
That's too many words for cat.

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:29 am
by Stickymayhem
NecromancerAnne wrote:That's too many words for cat.
I wouldn't expect one of your feeblemind to engage with the literary medium to the extent my galaxy brain can afford. My works are not for you, go back to your kardashian shows and your rapping musics

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:34 am
by Armhulen
Stickymayhem wrote:A literary analysis of EDGAR POPE NO HOS BOOM BOOM

Since the dawn of time, literary critics have applauded brevity, wit and multi-layered texts, except within their own writings, hence the, if i do say so myself, overabundance of, in fact overwhelming numbers of, unnecessary, though to be clear correct, commas in this particular sentence. EDGAR POPE NO HOS BOOM BOOM tells a story, in no more than 6 words, of a man who has lost everything, and seeks to reclaim it through the only method his fragile masculinity and ego can afford him, violence. In a primal scream, the text is displayed in all capitals. While this immediately calls forth the intense anger and despair typical of a man on the edge, what is most interesting is the total lack of punctuation or connecting structural words. This brings to mind a stream of consciousness insight into the protagonists deepest psyche, something we are incapable of accessing in modern life, but can only witness second hand through literary texts (not the decadent, degenerate visual mediums) or the artful video game, due to our potential insight into said protagonist. Without even the words, you can feel Edgar Pope's disdain for the state of his own existence, and the sheer emotional hurricane driving him forward to act. The first two words EDGAR POPE, demonstrate the heart of this primal shout. I AM EDGAR POPE AND I AM HERE, I EXIST, DESPITE ALL, an incredibly complex and poignant message, is compressed down to two words of raw, passionate energy. To be is to be oneself, and Edgar Pope has understood, tragically in their final moments, that they are everything in their own word. It is a question of ego and in practical terms solipsism, the idea that ones entire universe is a construct and one is the only true sapient being. Edgar Pope has managed to concoct, engage with, critically anlayse and incorporate into his own being the philosophical solpsist worldview in merely two words, spoken with confidence and heart, but only moments before his tragic demise. Thus lies the tragedy of these words. The following phrase NO HOS, contains within it our entire tragic narrative, and the character motivations behind it, again in only two words, another fantastic display of brilliance from the author. Edgar Pope, a proud Nanotrasen employee, applied for the role of head of security, believing them to deserve it, and in fact this ties into our characters motivations and their personality. Why the interest in an authoritarian role for power-hungry dipshits? Herein lies the fatal character flaw that leads to the demise of our hero: his ego has not quite ascended to the state of total solipsism this early in the story, he believes himself to be a cog in the machine and existing in a world that is, evidentially, real. However, he clearly does think highly of himself, given the later state, and so again from these two words we can extrapolate backwards to their tragic backstory and the events that would lead to the events of the main text. Edgar Pope applied for the head of security position, narcissistically deluding themselves into believing it is the ideal position for one of their talents, but due to their own lack of introspection and self-improvement, they fail. But why? How could a man so perfect and so unquestionably transcendant ever fail? The answer could either be that his views on himself are delusional, or the world is broken and a lie. In that final earth-shattering realisation, ego wins out over the primal survival instinct of the id, and edgar pope makes his final decision, to destroy the fake, artificial construct of this world and the role that brought him to that realisation. And finally, dear reader, we come to the final two words. I must advise that those of a less firm disposition look away now, before I type the words BOOM BOOM. Now the first question, the astute reader may ask, is why, in such a flourishing and expert display of compressing the long form of an entire narrative into 6 words, did the author then deign to squander their talents by repeating the same word twice? Surely this is in direct juxtaposition to their authorial intent? You would be right, dear reader, were you not so mind-dumbingly dim-witted, but I am here to demonstrate the truth of the author's genius. The first Boom, is of course, the explosion within the narrative, and on a surface level you can see something quite tragic in this phrasology as well. After the explosion, Edgar Pope is annihilated, his ego and all encompassing it shattered, but he says BOOM BOOM, which must have come before the actual explosion. Deep within his broken psyche, a tiny voice speaks out, a voice of spite and hatred. While his rational and composed outward exterior believes all of reality to be an illusion, some small part of him deep down does realise this is all an act of hatred and spite against a representative foe of his own construction, the Head of Security. The simple word BOOM, is childish, unformed, even immature. This is the voice of a spiteful child speaking with great malice, influencing the man around the feeble weak center. So why the second BOOM? Well dear reader, I would argue these are in fact two different words in context. The first BOOM speaks of the act, the attack, the terroristic reality, but the second BOOM is a softer, internal function. The mans ego, femtoseconds before annihilation, has been utterly shattered. The first BOOM is an external show of force and the exertion of mans will over reality, but the second BOOM is an internal explosion of emotion, and the shattering of the will. Thus, we end the tail of Edgar Pope, and the author's genius is fully realised. This is art rivalling shakespeare, and that it was performed within a game were 2d spessmans make each other go horizontal, is yet further evidence of the author's surrealist intent and incredible grasp of both the english language, and the new mediums through which it can expand and grow.

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:42 am
by pugie

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:55 am
by Kryson

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:01 pm
by Sheodir
NecromancerAnne wrote:Damn dude you had a gun loaded for nothing.
The worst part is that I wait to round end on the suspicion he was just fucking with me, confirm and he goes
"yeah now post the appeal you spent 50 mins writing"
"n-no i didn't write any"

I couldn't live a lie

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:27 pm
by Tarchonvaagh

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:25 am
by Farquaar
The Doc is now on holiday

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:04 am
by Sheodir
Tarchonvaagh wrote:huh
I - I didn't mean to - there must be something we can do.

*JC Denton walks into frame*

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 4:10 am
by NecromancerAnne
Your theoritical complaint killed Pudgie! You monster!

Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 4:27 am
by Super Aggro Crag
"welcome to come back anytime"


Re: The Complaint that Never Was: [Doctor Brutality] Gave Himself Antag because I Stole his HoS roll

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 4:45 am
by cacogen
holy calamity scream insanity