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A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 5:57 am
by Alexander De'Foe
To Atlanta

Okay, I've never made a thread like this before. Well, been working in this Chinese restaurant for a while. Raking in cash on a daily basis and being frivolous with purchases and buying a new handgun almost every week. I stopped once I had a gun for each day of the week. Have a Moung friend named Vichai who somehow manages to fuck up my day, and make time go by faster at the same time. I've met some interesting characters as well as a few who shall not be named. I mean, just last night I accidentally walked into an officer's house and had a Glock17/21 pointed at my temple all the while yelling at the top of my lungs trying to explain the situation....

A few months ago V suggested we go to Atlanta. Now since I like having as much information as I can up front before embarking on another wild adventure that could almost certainly end up with a gun pointed in my direction yet again, I was inquisitive.

Sitting there at the table he asked me this and I wanted some details.
V- "Yeah, to the ATL maen. When was the last time you've been to Atlanta?"
De'Foe- "When I ran out of gas and lost $120 Dollars"
V- "Whan the fuck did that hoppen?!"
De'Foe- "Two weeks ago when I was buying my 1911, can you get to the point?"

He explained that his uncle Koi was participating in some underground cock-fight. I took one last scoop of the rice in my bowl, raised my left eyebrow and asked him "Are you fucking serious?". I regretted not walking from the table.

Four hours later at around 7:00-8:00pm after finally following his ridiculous instructions, I drove into his garage. He casually walked over to my car smoking a cigarette, threw it down, then told me the van's broke down. Now, this bullshit plan that for whatever reason I accepted the invitation to, with multiple parties might I add.. arriving on location and encountering the non-functional vehicle that was supposed to transport us, was certainly not according to plan. I'm skipping details but I end up driving with his two uncles, uncle Koi, and Uncle Jerry.

-Uncle Jerry is an alcoholic lowlife who always speaks in Moung unless not sober and being inquisitive whilst making direct eye contact to, only after calling out his name and beginning the conversation in Moung. ("The best method of achieving this is to use "Oi! Kappa-mua, sa?"
-Uncle Koi is more reasonable and cool headed than his cousin counterpart Jerry. Koi is previously blood affiliated and served the time with the tats and marks to prove it. (Usually a silent type yet loves adrenaline rushed activities. Heavy gambler)

So, it's now four in total, in a two door car, with fighting roosters in my trunk, and the car steadily filling up with smoke from a lit blunt... I am fucking glaring at V right now because in my back seat I have an ex-Crip drunk and drinking, an ex-Blood who loves to smoke and smoking, one rooster with multiple blades all over, and the other for the supposed brawler match in the trunk threatening each other. Fuck... my.. day.

We arrive in Atlanta thirty minutes past Peachtree St. in the middle of the city. I was told to park under this crudely built mid-construction lattice. Took my 1911 and stuck it in my shoulder holster and two extra magazines. Jerry freaks out and starts yelling in Moung, V trying to calm him down, then Koi hit him and asked him to shut up. Koi told me that him and his friend are vouching for me and that that's the only reason I'm being allowed in. (I am considerably concerned about entering this place unarmed) He tells me that white people are not common here. (I am in America, south-eastern little Hollywood, in the major city, and my ethnicity is not common here? I receiving some red flags, but against my better judgment I leave my gun.)
So after my car is covered with this blue tarp I look at my LUXE Diamond dial (best watch I will ever own) and it's already eleven something. and me and V go down the ally first. V tells me it's so we can scout around. He didn't really have to because I've been looking at all corners of my eyes while looking forward and even dropped my keys as an excuse to look around. When everyone is at this rusted inoperable door, they give it a select rapt then I just followed them tilting my fedora to cover my eyes. That meant nothing when I realized that we were in this strange complex that appears to have been unoccupied for decades. I just stay close and look down the traveled hallways as we rounded corners and eventually.... We were in this station.

I am in a fucking underground condemned railway station. Why, or how this is still accessible in this area of the states, in this current period was beyond me. I was just paranoid at this point. Every person who we walk past or see, is Asian. And they always, always, look at me. Taking off my hat or the fact that I'm the only one wearing a suit didn't help. I find myself at the train access with makeshift partitions (horribly constructed ones) with every person in four lines being waned by handheld metal detectors. As the distance progresses, so do the hairs in the back of my neck. I am still the single non Asian in the midst of, from what I could tell now,
-Cambodians *
-People of various Asian languages or dialects of unknown origin to me
*Don't ask me how I know this

Now, here is what enrages and confuses me at the same time, yet brings me some slight understanding comfort.... somewhat. While I watch people being wand, I see the wanders equipment beep and they ask every person this happens too, with what I could tell, to take one hand, and with two fingers pull out the metallic device. I notice fuckers pulling out pistols, revolvers, and I swear I even saw a 5.7x28 mm pistol. They grabbed it, put it on this draped desk, then continued. But they gave them back, their, fucking, weapons. Koi told me close to the partition that only radios, phones, and these devices are not allowed.

End of part 1

I'm slowly becoming increasingly lethargic, I have to cut this short. I would like to say that today I wanted a beer. Just one particular hard to find type of beer, Wild Blue is the name. I went to this gas station and ended up knowing a man by the name of Bobby Fritz. He starts talking on his phone for a minute while I continue to look for what I want then comes back to me after possibly noticing that I overheard part of the conversation. He says that he has five pounds of fine Indica coming in by truck. I could give two shits at this interval, I just wanted my beer and the selection at this gas station is not cutting it. I bid my adieu, and say fuck it to Mr. Fritz.

I drive a mile or two to this large package store. I walk in the bells "Ching, ching-a-ching" Look at the Indian man, nod, continue. Everything is expensive as shit so I cut my loses and ask the man stocking the cooler if he knows where it is. He tells me that their out of stock.
(Shit!, I'm going home)
Before I'm near the door I decide to round back and ask about the selection of sake and plum wine. He points at the isles and says that they are at this particular isle. Well I walk over there and by my surprise they do have a nice selection, but it's all overpriced. So I bother the seemingly hard working guy to see if they have any Absinthe, they do. The man excitedly walks me over there and points out multiple of his favorite types. He points out the shitty brands that were made in America due to legal reasons, then the after market ones since the post ban. He gives his opinions to which is better and why....... I just wanted my fucking beer. I humor him then he just randomly asks -- "Do you want to buy some LSD?"

(Some fucking LSD! Just what I needed! Seriously... I wanted a good beer, then I have to go through this bullshit after eight other liquor stores, and the previous. Fuck this, I am going home, reading my book, then going to bed on the couch.)

Why I typed this up.... who the hell knows? Why I didn't list it in the Venting thread or whatever, I don't care. I just needed to put down some shit seeing as how I rarely loose my temper and am not prone to "Venting".

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:09 am
by Alexander De'Foe
Oh yeah, by the end of the second part..... all I want to say is that it involves a "Now disposed of" stolen gun, 50,000 in cash, a table of cocain, swat team "Not on that location" and alluding the police with V in the back seat while the cops search the house where I could of left my car at.

And Vichai's in jail now.
And some, some... wonder why I don't play anymore.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:27 am
by paprika
oh my god

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:43 am
by Munchlax
i dont even

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:34 am
by Stickymayhem
Your life is clearly malfunctioning

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:50 am
by DrPillzRedux
So you didn't buy any LSD? Wow you are a casual.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:24 am
by Mr Wondrous
Tonto is that you

It's so beautiful

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:33 am
by Alexander De'Foe
I know a guy who has a suppressor, it now has Tontos name on it. So no

I will post a pic when I feel like it

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:05 pm
by Kraso

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:51 pm
by ColonicAcid
ass blast usa


Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:38 pm
by WeeYakk
The first two words were bold and I stopped reading.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:43 pm
by 420goslingboy69
I missed De'Foe

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:04 am
by Kavaloosh
hour 1
draw porn
hour 2
draw porn in bold
hour 3
die of leprosy

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:51 pm
by Alexander De'Foe
I was just robbed in a sense by this pastor of this god-forsaken church. I don't feel like telling the whole story, the mother fucker took my watch. I needed gas money and walked maybe three miles because I was strapped for time and really needed the gas or money for gas.... One of the first instances where I wasn't wearing a suit and thought it was a good thing. Seeing as I didn't have many options I set aside pride, and was forced to peddle money for the first and last time in my life. I asked if the church could help with cash or gas "Gas being more preferable" so I can reach my destination.

He said the church could not help, but he likes my watch. I had to sell that fucker my watch! What he doesn't realize is that I have his licence plate number of his Porsche, i'll get it back.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:01 pm
by Bluespace
I don't understand at all,

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:10 am
by ThanatosRa

LISTEN! Do you hear? That is the sound of ultimate suffering.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:59 am
by Alexander De'Foe
I have been in contact with a particular man who is basically an acquaintance of a sort. He's the constituent for the Georgia House of Representatives. I've been thinking of setting up a dinner meeting between him and a former UGA university teacher I know seeing as how their political views are so similar as well as their philosophy.

See where that goes.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:55 pm
by Rolan7
This feels like a particularly surreal This American Life. Good work.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:19 pm
by Mandurrrh
Beautiful. 10/10.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:48 pm
by nsos
jah bless

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:08 am
by callanrockslol
De'Foe are you Bob?

Did you write that huge thing on

Alternatively you should name this thread De'Foes in Atlantis and add something about low men in yellow coats.

EDIT: I want to hear the entire thing, please.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:05 pm
by ColonicAcid
Can we get a micheal bay retelling of the story pls.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 7:04 am
by Alexander De'Foe
So i'm having a little girl next month. Her name is Sophia.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 7:36 am
by iamgoofball
Alexander De'Foe wrote:So i'm having a little girl next month. Her name is Sophia.
Oh shit, congratulations!

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 7:43 am
by Alexander De'Foe
Appreciate it man... it's just, that i'm fighting the mother all the way. I broke up with her because she cheated on me multiple times so April was the last. She had sex with a guy named Austin on the 23rd of December and we became official on the 24th.. I forgave her for that, then I heard from her coworkers that she kept trying to have sex with two of her coworkers... I forgave her for that. So she wanted to get a tattoo of a jewel from Zelda and I drove her to Tiki Tattoo and paid for it for her... figured out a month and a half later she fucked the Tattoo artist. That was it for me.

Now she has a one month boyfriend and she wants him to be in the delivery room to see my little girl born but not me. That really messes with a person but thanks non-the less.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 7:44 am
by iamgoofball
Holy shit. I'm sorry, that's gotta be rough.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 7:47 am
by Alexander De'Foe
.... it is.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:10 am
by oranges

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:23 am
by Maccus
How do you know it's yours?

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:27 am
by iamgoofball
That's a good point. You might want to have that confirmed.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:29 am
by Alexander De'Foe
That's... a very good question. Given the time frame of when I know she did things vs when she was actually a nice person, I am very sure. But I still of course need some type of legal aid and some tests because we are not married to have guardianship of her.

Let's just leave it at that for right now guy's.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 4:43 am
by callanrockslol
De'Foe, had a hard life.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 4:43 pm
by 420goslingboy69
Kill her. She is bringing life into the world unfairly, as are you. It is your duty. Then kill yourself and ascend.

Re: A day in the life of De'Foe

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 11:57 pm
by Deitus
>mfw this thread


this is why i stay the fuck inside all the time and why i dont want a girlfriend implying i could ever get one anyway