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Name Rating Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:36 pm
by Bawhoppennn

Bottom post of the previous page:

Post here for username rating!

I will rate them, others please feel free to do so as well!

I promise I will be honest about however your username makes me feel, whether good or bad. I am gonna try and make sure it's just about your username the best I can, and not a judgment of you as a person, so hopefully you don't need to worry.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:48 pm
by Nabski
Timonk wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:41 pm
Nabski wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:32 pm This isn't a user name or a IC name. I'm still going for a rating. It's just a name for a little girl.

Cassandra Nobilo REDACTED(My Lastname)
sounds like roman royalty if im honest
but tell her that cassandra is a very cool name
I will tell her that timonk says she got a very cool name, but I don't think she will understand.
► Show Spoiler

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:55 pm
by Jonathan Gupta
Nabski wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:32 pm This isn't a user name or a IC name. I'm still going for a rating. It's just a name for a little girl.

Cassandra Nobilo REDACTED(My Lastname)
I gotta say just a perfect name thats a 20/20

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:46 pm
by Timonk
Nabski wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:48 pm
► Show Spoiler
i figured it was your kid, i didnt want to assume anything tho
anyways congrats on being a father and my condolences on her being born that early

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 5:31 am
by Bawhoppennn
Oh man, I totally forgot I was even doing name rating
I will respond very soon

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:11 pm
by Ezel
Rate my byond username

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 8:35 pm
by vect0r
Nabski wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:48 pm
Timonk wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:41 pm
Nabski wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:32 pm This isn't a user name or a IC name. I'm still going for a rating. It's just a name for a little girl.

Cassandra Nobilo REDACTED(My Lastname)
sounds like roman royalty if im honest
but tell her that cassandra is a very cool name
I will tell her that timonk says she got a very cool name, but I don't think she will understand.
► Show Spoiler
I am so glad it went alright Nabski. I wish her good health and I hope there are no complications. She really is hero for surviving 3 MONTHS early. Please also thank your doctors for me.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 1:12 am
by DrAmazing343
god's strongest necro

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:06 pm
by Bawhoppennn
I swear I will respond very very soon ok guys I haven't forgotten

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:36 am
by Bawhoppennn
Man guys, I must really suck, huh?
But I wouldn't break my promise; better late than never!
Finally, after much waiting, I am here to rate some names! After much perusal and consideration, I am ready to hand down some verdicts:
Timonk wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 2:28 pmfirst
Timonk, well, to be honest I am surprised to have realized that I never rated your name before. I thought I would definitely have done it in years prior... Anyways, well, to be honest, your name has a few things going on for it: you've got a classic disyllabic structure to it, which makes it fairly standard. Now, the real question is regarding that first 'i'... is it a long or short vowel? I read it as short... like 'Tim' the name, not like 'Time'... If that's correct, then you're in the clear at the front. Following that then, the -onk part seems clearly to be a 'ôNGk' sound, like in 'honk.' A fine choice. The tenor of those two syllables together has a cascading quality to it phonetically. Orthographically however I'm gonna have to deduct a few points: I really just don't like seeing that 'T' at the start with a 'ONK' at the end. It doesn't really fit any English transliteral motif of which I am aware. If it were 'Timonck,' it would feel more consistent. However, the end could also be taken as 'monk,' like someone in a monastery. That would break the balance with the first half, but maybe be slightly better overall. However that being said, it's not really a huge deal either way, just one is slightly less preferred. Ultimately still though, it's a perfectly tolerable name.

Rating: 394 Piety
BonChoi wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 3:02 pm This is advanced necromancy.
Bon Choi. When I hear this name, in my head, it immediately alludes to Bok Choy, that vegetable you always see in the produce section of the grocery store but never buy. Well, I actually had it once at a terrible Thai restaurant, it was in the curry and barely cooked... that restaurant also had significant visible lime residue in the water. It wasn't great. But putting aside my dining-derived biases for a second, Bok Choy is just such a pleasant and delightful word to say. BAHK, CHOY! BAHK, CHOY! Now, your name certainly inherits a degree of this playfulness, though the softness of the 'n' being included in it weakens the sound's 'bounce,' so to speak, when exclaiming it. Bon Choi lacks the same ring... But that's alright. The other element at play here is its formation basis. What draws to my mind is its inspiration drawing from two separate sources: "Bon", obviously evokes a French origin, whether fair or not, and the "Choi," perhaps something from the Far East... Finally, by merging them together with no space between, they do create their own unique flavor as a name. While not setting any news heights, this is a name that does its job well enough.

Rating: 739 Credit Score
datorangebottle wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 5:47 am Rate me on the Deep Rock Galactic Hazard scale, a scale of 1-5 with Hazard 1 being bad and Hazard 5 being good.
Datorangebottle. All lower case. To the untrained eye, your name follows a basic Internet habit of creating names out of a seemingly random collection of common words. However, while the laity may assume that names like this were made by uninspired 13-year just trying to register an account for something, the more perceptive expert will recognize that this naming scheme actually derives from a long-held Internet tradition of 3-word artistry based in a comprehensive code of rich and deep symbolism for each and every word choice (a tradition perhaps comparable to Old World renaissance heraldry). Deciphering the meaning out of names like these can be a daunting task, and I will do my best assessment for yours, but I recognize it will probably be lacking to your original expressive intent. As well as I can understand your name, we need to first look at "Orange." I believe this is the operative word, and is a clear allusion to the House of Orange, in particular in this case, William of Orange; whereas the 'Bottle' then, must by logic, be referencing the wine trade in France. If I am correct, then, that means your name (atleast on a very surface level), is a reference to the Nine Years' War in Europe, and making a political statement about it. Now, the word 'dat' is exquisitely interesting here. While you are no doubt trying to at first invoke a Dali-esque subversion of the normal demonstrative pronoun, and ergo with the 'orange bottle,' making a statement about modern Euroscepticism... though, I think actually perhaps based on context, it also is statement on Platonic obligations of one's fertility. 'Dat' is a common slang word for one's procreatory abilities, and 'orange' traditionally has been slang for impotency as well. And I don't think I need to explain what 'bottle' means in that schema then... Finally, if we loop back to the more superficial meaning, referencing William of Orange, you can draw the obvious connection between his fertility issues and lack of success in producing a male heir. So I believe this is supposed to be a strong statement making light of the familiar and relatable difficulties across different eras, both antique and contemporary, of the myriad obligations and challenges that come with life of both commoners and elites alike.
However this assessment is only beginning to scratch the surface of such a deep and complex name, and is no doubt lacking in some of the deepmost meanings of your name. For example, something else worth exploring is the beautiful orthographic vowel rhythm in your name. Spell them out and you have a bi-alternative tri-pattern. A-O-A E-O-E. Regrettably though this review must end, or I could explore every crevice of a name so rich. As for the final rating? Well, it's good I guess. Kind of overdone.

Rating: 4 Hazard - Extreme
TheRex9001 wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 8:41 am My name is so good because it sounds like I am a fake version of myself and everyone just calls me rex instead
TheRex9001. Now with a username like this, we're seeing kind of a microcosm in popular internet history. That one Dragon Ball meme has not been in for like... 13 years? Wow. Time flies... Anyways, a dated reference, but still an absolutely cherished true classic. Another great element here is 'TheRex'. Now, with a term like 'Rex,' which although just actually being a word, the connotation it drips with is of someone who is being conventionally cool. Like, the type of cool kid you looked up to in elementary school. Earnest, is the word to be used here. Not edgy cool, but earnest, 3rd grader cool. And I can appreciate that... especially when you're using an old-school nostalgic reference like the Dragon Ball one you used earlier. It reminds me of being a child. Finally, you keep a strong orthographic balance by not using spaces, which would throw off the verbal parity. Also, imagine for a second you had used underscores instead... that would seem too edgy or tryhard. Instead, you keep it solid, strong, and sincere. An excellent, classic, cool name.

Rating: IT'S OVER 9000!!!
DrAmazing343 wrote: Mon Dec 25, 2023 6:03 amReal
DrAmazing343. Your name immediately evokes something which I'd see from an RP site... and not even a true RP site. Like a... fandom wiki. Where you RP about Sonic the Hedgehog nation-states or something. But that is admittedly a loose feeling. More particularly, if we dissect your name we can see a couple of features worth discussing. For one, using Dr as a title. Similar to the immediate gut reaction I mentioned, this appellative is potentially poison for a good username. The reason for that is it seems as if it's trying to impose your reputation, but in a manipulative way; compare it to military titles instead: PvtAmazing343 would seem straightforward comparatively... Dr tends to show some level of deceit in trying to foster prestige. However, at least you have one thing going for you towards counteracting that atleast: that is the 'Amazing.' Using the word amazing in your name is so blunt and over-the-top, it can't help but show a level of candor in your naming decisions. Your appendation of 343 is really also another element worth considering to an extra detail here. Normally it would just be a set of numbers, but you chose specifically to give use a melodic combination here. Saying it out loud "THree-Four-THree". I am sure what is happening there is no coincidence; you have the phonemes deviating back in forth. Th & F have a very close palatal similarity, while the 'ree' and 'o(u)rr' have an inverse symmetry. With this in mind, it helps vary out your name to be of relatively fair quality.

Rating: 50mg dosage of Ambazone
Nabski wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:32 pm This isn't a user name or a IC name. I'm still going for a rating. It's just a name for a little girl.

Cassandra Nobilo REDACTED(My Lastname)
Good tiding to you Nabski, I am very pleased to hear that things went so well. I suppose I am honor-bound to make an exception to the username-only rule in this thread, considering the circumstances.
One part of that name I truly appreciate is that both of the names end with a vowel, but with different vowels. While in the Western context, many feminine names often end with -a, I do truly enjoy seeing an -o being used in that manner as well. It has an air of legitimacy and tradition to it, while also being fresh and slightly divergent from the norm as well. Cassandra is a fine classical name as well, and I have always liked it... Now though, I have some experience in this field, and I just want to let you know ahead of time- with a name like Cassandra, if she ever starts spouting prophecies about a great city being destroyed: IGNORE HER IMMEDIATELY. What she's saying is nonsense. I'm sure you understand. Otherwise I must say I've never heard the name Nobilo before. But I like it. It just straddles the edge of being kind of an unusual name, but in doing so, it hits the just perfect spot of still somehow seeming familiar, and also totally right. You also employ syllabic equilibrium, with each part having the same number, but all entirely different in each name.
In total genuine truth, this would be a great name to actually say both the first and middle name in everyday situations. I am quite a big fan of that aspect of it.
Anyways, I like the name Nabski. And also I know you'll be a great loving parent.

Rating: 100 Blessings for your Family
Ezel wrote: Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:11 pm Rate my byond username
Improvedname. Huh, that's a name I've seen many times before. Let me just say: your username is one that, even if I never had saw it before, looks well-established. Like, if I joined a random game forum or something, and I saw that name, with a post from it... I would assume that person has been there- for a long time. Now, believe me, I am detaching my own personal experience with you from that assessment; I believe it would be true in a vacuum. Why does that name work like that? Well, to be honest, I believe it's a two-fold reason. 1. The simplicity. Simplistic names often seem more familiar than not. I am sure that's obvious. Part of that is only using normal words to form your name. 2. The boldness. Using a simple name requires a great deal of boldness. Where a complicated name like xXkLaz3r-P122Xx is extremely unique that one individual, using a simplistic name requires you to stake your claim so to speak. You go "yeah, these two words are mine... what are you gonna do about it? huh?". And that shows you in general have a bold personality, and would explain why one would you assume to be an established and entrenched member of a community. Now, the fact is, I do think simplistic names are hit or miss. And in your case, it could do with some work. For example... what stands out here in the actual name part? I see nothing really interesting going on phonologically, or rhythmically... or really much else. It just seems rather cold and generic. But, that being said, it's certainly not bad. It is familiar and perfectly manageable; just nothing stands out, is all.

Rating: Needs Improvement.

Still happy to rate some more new names! I will get to them, even if it takes a moment!

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 6:05 am
by datorangebottle
Bawhoppennn wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:36 am Rating: 4 Hazard - Extreme
You will be extremely disappointed to learn that my username is uninspired; orange is my favorite color and I had a literal orange bottle. I think the 'dat' came from the name being taken on some platforms.
I like your analysis though.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 6:30 am
by Bawhoppennn
datorangebottle wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2024 6:05 am
Bawhoppennn wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:36 am Rating: 4 Hazard - Extreme
You will be extremely disappointed to learn that my username is uninspired; orange is my favorite color and I had a literal orange bottle. I think the 'dat' came from the name being taken on some platforms.
I like your analysis though.
Nonsense, no need to be humble my dear friend. Next thing you'd be telling me is that NintendoCapriSun's username was not a Delphic statement on British colonial fiscal logistics of the Pacific Theatre in WW2. I've been pranked once or twice, but I won't fall for something like that. This ain't my first rodeo. A name without a well-thought deeper meaning is hardly a name, right?

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:07 am
by Timonk
YOU FOOL! The "monk" at the end actually means "Monkey", as if you did a little bit more research you would realize that I also go by "Timonkey" and "Timonkeyn"!

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 7:16 pm
by Epoc
another excellent name-rating post
happy 9th forum anniversary

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:13 pm
by iansdoor
Classic Lansdoor, Landsoor and iansdoor.
I did steal my name from my older brother.

Also was imonareyouhappy for a long while

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:52 pm
by Bawhoppennn
Timonk wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:07 am YOU FOOL! The "monk" at the end actually means "Monkey", as if you did a little bit more research you would realize that I also go by "Timonkey" and "Timonkeyn"!
Oh. Sorry. This is the Name Rating Thread, not really name research thread I suppose. Obviously though, all perspectives are informed by deep nominological research, just not individual research for each rating.
Apologies anyways.
Epoc wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 7:16 pm another excellent name-rating post
happy 9th forum anniversary
Thanks, kind stranger.
(Admittedly I did have a forum account on the forums that preceded these ones)
iansdoor wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:13 pm Classic Lansdoor, Landsoor and iansdoor.
I did steal my name from my older brother.

Also was imonareyouhappy for a long while
I will rate very soon.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2024 8:29 pm
by Bawhoppennn
iansdoor wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:13 pm Classic Lansdoor, Landsoor and iansdoor.
I did steal my name from my older brother.

Also was imonareyouhappy for a long while
Iansdoor. Your name has a solid balance of letter choices. You have 4 vowels, 4 consonants. All different (and sizably different, none of that 'n' & 'm' stuff that some people do), except for a double-up in terms of 'o's. Now that adds for a nice healthy little bit of asymmetry there, and is appreciated. 'I' + 'A' and 'N' + 'S' are letters that go very well together, so being able to fit them in with one another is great. Doubly so with the fact that you were able to make them actual meaningful words, and triply so with how you got the 'A' to precede the 'N', creating a classic bladed consonant stem drop (ala Early Latin, Late Proto-Italic). Now, being able to capitalize that 'I' to look like an 'L' is a huge boost for your name as well... Lansdoor has almost all of the same good qualities as the original name, since the 'L' balances well enough with the other letters (though not as good as 'I'). So you are able to employ a healthy dual functionality there. "Imonareyouhappy" is not such a good name so I'm glad you didn't stick with it. Too on the nose, among other things. Anyways, Iansdoor is a fine name.

Rating: 336 Electoral Votes

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:27 am
by Featherfield
This thread is old and I cant be bothered to check if I posted Pocket the Pocket picking pickpocket yet for a mime who 100% wont pick your pockets