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Name Rating Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:36 pm
by Bawhoppennn

Bottom post of the previous page:

Post here for username rating!

I will rate them, others please feel free to do so as well!

I promise I will be honest about however your username makes me feel, whether good or bad. I am gonna try and make sure it's just about your username the best I can, and not a judgment of you as a person, so hopefully you don't need to worry.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:24 am
by Bawhoppennn
Armhulen wrote: Fri Feb 04, 2022 6:13 am.
Armhullen. It has a lot of the letters for an anagram of "Graham" (I think graham cracker, not the name), plus some extra letters. The hullen feels like a nautical thing, of course cause of "hull" but also I feel has a smokiness in its flavor. I don't know how to pin that down... The feeling of your name based on the vowels is truly neutral. Definitely though we can recognize it as being fairly distinct of a name, though it just doesn't have a ton of pop to it, y'know? However, if we look at your ckey, Armhullenn, it is beyond appreciated the double 'n' at the end. I think I know where you got your inspiration from.

Rating: +1,819 Lines Changed
Jonathan Gupta wrote: Fri Feb 04, 2022 6:22 am Yeah I like ratings.
Jonathan Gupta. Usernames that follow a real name format are always interesting specimens. Does it work in this case? I think so. Mixing a Western + Indian name, kinda good and a bit more creative then just being another Jonathan Smith. Gupta in particular is a good choice. Has a beautiful flavor to it. Very savory. Jonathan is pretty neutral, but I tend to err on the side of thinking neutral is healthy filler to compliment the rest of the name. The space is also a strong move here, but it works with this particular set of names. Jonathan_Gupta wouldn't have been as good I think, whereas in a situation like Zoey_Smith it would've been more suitable. I think it's cause of the length of Jonathan that makes the space work. Healthy good username.

GamerAndYeahMick wrote: Sat Feb 05, 2022 1:41 am rate
GamerAndYeahMick. Your name is a rollercoaster in many ways with all that capital-case lettering. As a string of seemingly mysterious words, it doesn't come up with too much of a cohesive theme, which sorta hurts its recognizability.
Based on the name alone, I get a Burger King-themed Mickey Mouse image in my head from your name. Of course the Mick plays into that, but I'm not sure where the Burger King comes from. I guess gamer. Gamers like the King right? Whoppers and all that. Anyways when trying to source out a vibe of your name, that's all that can come to my mind. BK, Gamer Mouse. I tried to go down the path of interpreting in another way (I even tried to define the 'Yeah' as an old-timey yea, ala "yea or nay," but no luck). Anyways umm... I think this is a positive review of it? Or maybe it's negative. I'm not sure.

Rating: Awaiting Certification

Annihilite111 wrote: Fri Feb 04, 2022 7:00 am I can't believe i've been roasted by bawhoppen
NONO, I promise it's just your name

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:10 am
by Kylerace
i wonder if i can post in here. if i can rate me

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 8:32 pm
by Boot

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:06 am
by Mrzelix
i like your funny ratings, name-man

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:11 am
by Bawhoppennn
Kylerace wrote: Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:10 am i wonder if i can post in here. if i can rate me
Kylerace. Kyler is always a nice name I've felt. Like it's got an ancient vibe to it but also a very modern feeling simultaneously (but not the bad post-modern feeling... sensible moreso). Ace can either be a name or a descripter, like the #1 Kyler there is. I think this nature blends together really well. It's both a name and a descriptor, not separately, the name is the descriptor. I might've overexplained that. Anyways though, phonotactics are alright, some rhythm but maybe slightly unwieldy. The stylo-feels is where it does pretty well. Something about this combination of letters is pleasing. e + r + a + c very nice. I likey.

Rating: 1.5 Z-score
Boot wrote: Sat Feb 05, 2022 8:32 pmr8
Boot. BOOT. BOOOOOT. Everyone likes a good boot (not in that way). However, how does it line up as a name? Hmm... It feels a bit almost overplayed potentially. Short (and indeterminate) names like this are really hit or miss. I feel you missed slightly. Boot is just a bit too short and non-distinct. Like I feel like Boot could be anyone, y'know? Boot is definitely a good word, and I like the general feel to it, the robustness of it, though I just can't see it as a community username inherently. However though, it may not feel too distinct, but I don't think it's that anti-distinct. Eg, you this recognizability deficit could be overcome if you get popular enough naturally. It was a good attempt though for the name, and this is somewhat appreciated.

Rating: 80°F

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:38 am
by Bawhoppennn
Mrzelix wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:06 am i like your funny ratings, name-man
Mrzelix. Hmm, this is one of those usernames that is a string of enigmatic letters. Atleast that's how it reads to me. Perhaps the 'Mr' is Mister but I don't feel it. If it was mister, Capitalizing 'Z' would have been a grand choice to structure the name. If not, then when it comes to the strings of letters, they are a bit easy to become hazy when read by someone else. I get some of that here. It does have some good letter choice though I think. Nice balance of different letters. Anything that has a '[vowel]l[vowel]x' is pretty nice in a name. Like how Alexander has been a popular name for millenia. Z is also nice. Also, although I said it seemed like it wasn't 'Mister' to me at first, now by the end of writing this post, I see it as Mr. Zelix. Curious...

Rating: 2/4 Roses

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:50 am
by Rohen_Tahir

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 4:28 am
by Bawhoppennn
Rohen_Tahir wrote: Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:50 am
Rohen_Tahir. I get several different messages from your name. First thing that pops into my mind is Rosen Ritter, one of the old tgstation members. Don't remember what ever happened to them... Second thing is Rohen. Pretty cool sounding name on its own. Love that part individually. Rohen Tahir together though sounds like some Star Trek character's name mixed in with some Middle Eastern name of some kind. Probably a Neelix episode. The underscore in the username I don't feel suits it amazingly. Believe it or not, I think a hyphen would have been more apt, but that's okay. The vowel balance is just fine, nothing to complain about there. All in all, though it has many moving parts, a fine username.

Rating: 91 Octane

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 4:40 am
by Domitius

Pretty unique, has an energy behind it and is something you'll never need to fight for when registering new accounts. Very future proof and a pretty clean slate that you can build wherever you go.

Sadly you chose ss13 to build up that slate.

8/10 can't confuse you for anybody else.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 12:12 am
by Bawhoppennn
Domitius wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 4:40 am Bawhoppin.

Pretty unique, has an energy behind it and is something you'll never need to fight for when registering new accounts. Very future proof and a pretty clean slate that you can build wherever you go.

Sadly you chose ss13 to build up that slate.

8/10 can't confuse you for anybody else.
Oh my Domitius. I appreciate it. To be truthful on my 'slate' (reputation), /tg/station has always been a bit of my guilty pleasure, where I'm a little more silly and free with what I end up saying. It's kinda fun.

As for your name Domitius. I have to go outside the username itself and include avatar for a moment: most forum posters historically have had a Rome avatar, but then a normal username. You have the inverse. I like this inverse of normal reality. Although all Roman names are cool (Tiberius is so good), Domitius is particularly good. Love it as a name. The 'o's compliment the 'i's, and the -us masculine ending rounds it off of course. 'D' is a solid first letter. Without knowing anything about you, just from your name I get the vibe that you're just, there... Like, you're not some crazy-poster, just a regular poster who's normal and has a sense of humor.

Rating: LXXXVI/C

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:11 pm
by Timberpoes
Jesus had a big resurrection, and so did this thread at Baw's request.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:23 pm
by Bawhoppennn
Hallelujah! I look forward to rating some new names.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:50 pm
by Misdoubtful
Eh sure

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:14 am
by serxule
i got my username from a "cool usernames for fortnite" video on youtube

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:57 am
by Tearling
R8 my name pls

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:24 am
by Bawhoppennn
Timberpoes wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:11 pm Jesus had a big resurrection, and so did this thread at Baw's request.
I realize I never got to rate yours in the previous iteration of the thread so why not now? Timberpoes is an interesting name, using a classic bi-element naming format. In this case, we've got a very understandable word like "Timber," combined with the mysterious "Poes." That being said though 'poes' is so short and a single syllable, so it almost feels like a real word without being one. Alternatively, if I think of Poe on its own, I am reminded of Edgar Allen Poe... who doesn't really fit your personality from my experience, but is still a good reference. The inclusion of Timber at the end of the day gives this name a fairly sorta... vigorous feeling to it. Overall, decent name.

Rating: 80 Coins
Misdoubtful wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:50 pmEh sure
Misdoubtful. Your name here gives me a lot of mixed ideas about it. On one hand, I consciously can recognize that it's doing like a weird double-negative situation, in that something isn't really doubtful at all. But on a less actively conscious level, I am left thinking about how it sounds phonetically, and then how that translates back into the concept. In other words, I hear the "mis-" in my head as "miss" like a title. Ms. Doubtful. I bet you did not intend this, so it's gonna have to take away from your ultimate rating. However, you gain a few points back in that the feeling behind your name evokes something of a mysterious setting to my mind. I am reminded of a middle to late 2000s, maybe even early 2010s internet story. Something mysterious perhaps. Maybe akin to a mixture of Cicada 3301, some Chris-chan style drama, as well as a bit of 4-chan greentext puzzle-solving, all wrapped into one... for lack of a better comparison. Good name from this feeling, even if the structure is confusing.

Rating: 16 18 5 20 20 25 7 15 15 4
serxule wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:14 am i got my username from a "cool usernames for fortnite" video on youtube
Serxule. So my immediate reaction to your name is not seeing the 'r' and thinking it says 'sexule'. That's the problem with those syncopated consonants like 'r' for this. Naturally, sexule wouldn't be amazing, so I have to correct myself every time. Beyond that if I look at serxule, it has a mixture of both a fun '-ul[e]' ending, and a coarse sounding 'serx'. This is a very unorthodox quality to a username you seldom see elsewhere. Although I can't say I am necessarily a fan of that feature, I do need to admit that with how uncommon that setup is, it definitely makes it more unique. And while my gut reaction to the vibe behind the name is slightly negative, as I sit on it more in any given moment, its stylistic flavor does come out more. In that sense, this user is a double-whammy of timing... the initial bite into it is bitter, but its aftertaste is much savory.

Rating: 735 V-Bucks
Tearling wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:57 am R8 my name pls
Tearling. First thought that comes to my mind is your username sounds like some sort of mob in a video game. Terraria specifically comes to mind... I could totally imagine seeing your name as some enemy in the corruption or something. I'm not sure where this comes from, but there is a VERY strong association with that in my mind. In terms of flow, I do think a 2-syllabel split like you've done here is a solid choice, especially considering the same number of letters in each. The word 'tear' specifically is good, as tears can be both happy and sad. I am operating off the assumption though that 'tear' is referring to crying, not to rips/cuts. I think it is strongly suggested to be the former, and I believe that is how most people would read it. As such, it's a rather good choice. Furthermore, using 'ling' I would say is purely neutral in terms of its overall quality. It definitely doesn't hurt anything, but still I can't see it adding anything too substantive on its own, and it mainly just serves to reinforce the former part of the name. Still pretty fair name.

Rating: x=54

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 12:19 am
by ariever
Can i have one

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:12 am
Shame it is just username, i'd liked you to rate my characters aswell

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:57 am
by Bawhoppennn
ariever wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 12:19 am Can i have one
Ariever. Your name's first impression to me is some kind of brand-name prescription drug. I can imagine the commercial now: some elderly person golfing with a huge fake smile, as the voiceover says "Do more, with Ariever."
[Hushed rapid voiceover]: "Warning, Ariever has been found to cause internal bleeding, gastro-intentional rupture, and dry eye sockets. Do not take Ariever if you are breastfeeding, pregnant, or plan to become pregnant.
"Ask your doctor, if Ariever is right for you."
"... Be your full self again, with Ariever." [commercial ends].
That all being said... if I force myself to think of it as a name, it does kind of remind me of the name Ari. And I always liked that name. So that's nice atleast.

Rating: FDA Class II Safety
DATAxPUNGED wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:12 am Shame it is just username, i'd liked you to rate my characters aswell
DATAxPUNGED. What an INTENSE username. I envision Hulk Hogan when I see all those capital letters. Or Doom Guy or Duke Nukem or someone. Holy moly. For better or worse your username makes an impression when you actively look at it. However... if you look at it more passively, it kind of blends into the background as a semi-generic username. Like, people often have illogical sounding usernames, and based on the Cap:Uncap:Cap format you're using, it gives the appearance of being illogical, even if it makes sense. And when you do look at it, the idea of using the shortened 'x' as a connector, is certainly a fine choice. Also, regarding shortened 'ex' -> to 'x' in general, personally I tend to be a fan of this construction. Whereas in the original Latin you could shorten the 'ex' to 'e', here in the Modern English, we like to do the opposite, and I find that interesting. At the end of the day though, your name has an interesting duality to it between actively and passively looking at it. Passively, nothing to write home about, but on an active meaning basis, quite a big fan of this name.


Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:49 am
by RedBaronFlyer
I also thought this was going be various people rating in game names, but this is cool too, I guess.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 4:04 pm
by Agux909
Let's see how you can make mine appear interesting.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 4:52 pm
by Epicgamer545
sure, rate it

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:50 pm
by Striders13
which strider does my name make you think of?

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 1:38 am
by Super Aggro Crag

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 2:10 am
by Boris
I need a time machine to tell 2016 me to come up with a better name.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:13 pm
by Notgonnabreaktherule
the 2 exists because i forgot my old account's email AND password

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:37 pm
by Tearling
Bawhoppennn wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:24 am Tearling. First thought that comes to my mind is your username sounds like some sort of mob in a video game. Terraria specifically comes to mind... I could totally imagine seeing your name as some enemy in the corruption or something. I'm not sure where this comes from, but there is a VERY strong association with that in my mind. In terms of flow, I do think a 2-syllabel split like you've done here is a solid choice, especially considering the same number of letters in each. The word 'tear' specifically is good, as tears can be both happy and sad. I am operating off the assumption though that 'tear' is referring to crying, not to rips/cuts. I think it is strongly suggested to be the former, and I believe that is how most people would read it. As such, it's a rather good choice. Furthermore, using 'ling' I would say is purely neutral in terms of its overall quality. It definitely doesn't hurt anything, but still I can't see it adding anything too substantive on its own, and it mainly just serves to reinforce the former part of the name. Still pretty fair name.

Rating: x=54
I am happy with this rating, especially because it's just copy and pasted from the tearling books.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:09 am
by AwkwardStereo
Perhaps a rating for me?

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:37 am
by wesoda25
What do you think of my username bawhoppen?
Notgonnabreaktherule wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:13 pm the 2 exists because i forgot my old account's email AND password

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 5:01 am
by Bawhoppennn
Thanks for the patience everyone! Wanted to give full consideration to all of these names!
RedBaronFlyer wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:49 am I also thought this was going be various people rating in game names, but this is cool too, I guess.
RedBaronFlyer. Man I like this name a lot. Very homey and everything. While of course I think of the pilot the Red Baron, I also think of the frozen pizza brand, and I was always a fan of that for my cheap frozen pizza choices. The use of letter case is something that I am also a fan of for this name. The thing is, the homey feeling doesn't just derive from the fact that the username is referencing normal ordinary things, like the ace or pizza brand, but also that it's a simple set of words that work together well. Each syllable's feeling is pretty good for this. 'Red' = hearty feeling, 'Bar-' = energetic, '-on' = zestful, 'fly-' = neutral, '-er' = earthy finisher. Very good name from both an evocation standpoint, and stylistic syntactics standpoint.

Rating: 76 Confirmed Aerial Takedowns
Agux909 wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 4:04 pm Let's see how you can make mine appear interesting.
Agux909. Your username presents an intriguing intersection between oddity and mundanity. Let me paint you a picture here: Have you ever watched that episode of South Park with the underwear gnomes? It reminds me of that episode... but rather than underwear, the gnomes are focused simply on being active productive members of society. It's like that. Now the other thing we've got to look at here is your letter choice. Right, the A-G sequence is rather typical, but when you follow a G by a U, and then also an X, that goes a bit off the wall. Now, using a 3-number follower is also worth noting because 3 numbers is also a bit of a special case. It's very common but, unlike 2/4/5, it can either have a special or boring meaning. These elements all kind of build together to set your name up in a curious light.

Rating: $1,340
Epicgamer545 wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 4:52 pm sure, rate it
Epicgamer545. This right here is a classic video game username. Although it is arguably not original, it leans into its classic style, and stands strong despite the onslaught of modernity. That much I am a big fan of. You aren't unwilling to just say, "yeah dude, I'm an epic gamer, and I am proud"... And honestly that's refreshing. With so much ironic stuff these days, I am all for something just being solid. Now of course a cynic would say that indeed your name IS being ironic... but I don't think that you are doing that here. Atleast I really hope not. That would reduce your rating to like... very low. Luckily that's not the case.

Rating: NEW HIGH SCORE: 340,000,000
Striders13 wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:50 pm which strider does my name make you think of?
Striders13. Well, I will say with your name, you have a fair dynamic going here. Stride is a good word that has a medium dark/gloomy, yet airy feeling to it. Really evokes the image of a silent night. However a strider on its own right is kind of a fantasy-esque role, which is good. Now the pluralization of it in a username isn't ideal though, and in many cases that might hurt the username more, but for this it works because of the 13. In fact, I suspect the deal here is that you have "S(trider)s13", as a standin for ss13... If so, that is pretty good, as the gloomier vibe fits well enough with the ss13. The silent sound not as much, but I think the silentness stands on its own. Fairly solid name.

Rating: 70 Hz
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Tue Jan 10, 2023 1:38 am crag
Crag! I already rated your username, member?
Bawhoppennn wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:51 am
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:10 amhi
Super Aggro Crag. Unclear what a crag is off the bat. Some video game enemy comes to my mind... I think an actual crag is a type of rock formation? This would make sense with the adjectives of 'Super Aggro', implying a fierce enemy. So the concept is good, however the tonguefeel is a bit off. Try saying it outload... twists your tongue a bit. This is one of the usernames that works best when shortened to a nickname like 'Crag'

Rating: 1200 ELO
That being said, I did learn that the word "Crag" is one of the only 2 (non-obscure) English words that came from the original British Celtic. The other is "bin." Which is neat. So you get a +250 to your previous rating.
Boris wrote: Tue Jan 10, 2023 2:10 am I need a time machine to tell 2016 me to come up with a better name.
Borisvanmemes is a high-tier username, despite your protestations. This comes from three parts: the first is that it is rather distinct. You are unlikely to mistake this username for someone else, unlike many other usernames (ones starting with Q come to mind...). That is one of the most important parts of a good username. The second is that it includes an actual name. Having a real name inside a username is hit-or-miss, but in this case it works. Boris is also a good name in particular for that. The third is the rhythm of the username.
"Bor-V-is-^-van-V-memes" Nice solid peak that brings the whole thing together. Love it by a large amount.

Rating: 1st Place
Notgonnabreaktherule wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:13 pm the 2 exists because i forgot my old account's email AND password
Notgonnabreaktherule & notgonnabreaktherules2. Now these usernames, I wanna rate together as one due to their similarity. Alright so, your usernames definitely tell a story. Now I don't know the real story other than what you just said to me, but that's a good thing for me being able to be objective. Whoever has a username like this clearly implies they had some run-ins with the admins... not necessarily on /tg/station, but perhaps on some forum or something prior? Or perhaps it suggests you were banned on some other account and made this one to evade? Of course the whole #2 corroborates this story. Now I am not trying to commit character assassination on you, but in terms of what your username conveys, this is what I see. However don't take this as being a negative assessment. This story does not paint your username as sad loser who can't follow video game rules, but rather someone who takes a degree of pride in it. Like "Yeah, I ban evaded. What're you gonna do about it?" Bad-boy style. Good. (Remember this is only about your username in a vacuum, nothing else is intended about you forreal).

Rating: 4 Wanted Stars

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:44 pm
by Drag
Yes, please feed into my narcissistic side

Edit: Sometimes I forget my forum name isnt my ckey. Thedragmeme

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:11 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
Bawhoppennn wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 5:01 am Thanks for the patience everyone! Wanted to give full consideration to all of these names!
RedBaronFlyer wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:49 am I also thought this was going be various people rating in game names, but this is cool too, I guess.
RedBaronFlyer. Man I like this name a lot. Very homey and everything. While of course I think of the pilot the Red Baron, I also think of the frozen pizza brand, and I was always a fan of that for my cheap frozen pizza choices. The use of letter case is something that I am also a fan of for this name. The thing is, the homey feeling doesn't just derive from the fact that the username is referencing normal ordinary things, like the ace or pizza brand, but also that it's a simple set of words that work together well. Each syllable's feeling is pretty good for this. 'Red' = hearty feeling, 'Bar-' = energetic, '-on' = zestful, 'fly-' = neutral, '-er' = earthy finisher. Very good name from both an evocation standpoint, and stylistic syntactics standpoint.

Rating: 76 Confirmed Aerial Takedowns
Agux909 wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 4:04 pm Let's see how you can make mine appear interesting.
Agux909. Your username presents an intriguing intersection between oddity and mundanity. Let me paint you a picture here: Have you ever watched that episode of South Park with the underwear gnomes? It reminds me of that episode... but rather than underwear, the gnomes are focused simply on being active productive members of society. It's like that. Now the other thing we've got to look at here is your letter choice. Right, the A-G sequence is rather typical, but when you follow a G by a U, and then also an X, that goes a bit off the wall. Now, using a 3-number follower is also worth noting because 3 numbers is also a bit of a special case. It's very common but, unlike 2/4/5, it can either have a special or boring meaning. These elements all kind of build together to set your name up in a curious light.

Rating: $1,340
Epicgamer545 wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 4:52 pm sure, rate it
Epicgamer545. This right here is a classic video game username. Although it is arguably not original, it leans into its classic style, and stands strong despite the onslaught of modernity. That much I am a big fan of. You aren't unwilling to just say, "yeah dude, I'm an epic gamer, and I am proud"... And honestly that's refreshing. With so much ironic stuff these days, I am all for something just being solid. Now of course a cynic would say that indeed your name IS being ironic... but I don't think that you are doing that here. Atleast I really hope not. That would reduce your rating to like... very low. Luckily that's not the case.

Rating: NEW HIGH SCORE: 340,000,000
Striders13 wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:50 pm which strider does my name make you think of?
Striders13. Well, I will say with your name, you have a fair dynamic going here. Stride is a good word that has a medium dark/gloomy, yet airy feeling to it. Really evokes the image of a silent night. However a strider on its own right is kind of a fantasy-esque role, which is good. Now the pluralization of it in a username isn't ideal though, and in many cases that might hurt the username more, but for this it works because of the 13. In fact, I suspect the deal here is that you have "S(trider)s13", as a standin for ss13... If so, that is pretty good, as the gloomier vibe fits well enough with the ss13. The silent sound not as much, but I think the silentness stands on its own. Fairly solid name.

Rating: 70 Hz
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Tue Jan 10, 2023 1:38 am crag
Crag! I already rated your username, member?
Bawhoppennn wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:51 am
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:10 amhi
Super Aggro Crag. Unclear what a crag is off the bat. Some video game enemy comes to my mind... I think an actual crag is a type of rock formation? This would make sense with the adjectives of 'Super Aggro', implying a fierce enemy. So the concept is good, however the tonguefeel is a bit off. Try saying it outload... twists your tongue a bit. This is one of the usernames that works best when shortened to a nickname like 'Crag'

Rating: 1200 ELO
That being said, I did learn that the word "Crag" is one of the only 2 (non-obscure) English words that came from the original British Celtic. The other is "bin." Which is neat. So you get a +250 to your previous rating.
Boris wrote: Tue Jan 10, 2023 2:10 am I need a time machine to tell 2016 me to come up with a better name.
Borisvanmemes is a high-tier username, despite your protestations. This comes from three parts: the first is that it is rather distinct. You are unlikely to mistake this username for someone else, unlike many other usernames (ones starting with Q come to mind...). That is one of the most important parts of a good username. The second is that it includes an actual name. Having a real name inside a username is hit-or-miss, but in this case it works. Boris is also a good name in particular for that. The third is the rhythm of the username.
"Bor-V-is-^-van-V-memes" Nice solid peak that brings the whole thing together. Love it by a large amount.

Rating: 1st Place
Notgonnabreaktherule wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:13 pm the 2 exists because i forgot my old account's email AND password
Notgonnabreaktherule & notgonnabreaktherules2. Now these usernames, I wanna rate together as one due to their similarity. Alright so, your usernames definitely tell a story. Now I don't know the real story other than what you just said to me, but that's a good thing for me being able to be objective. Whoever has a username like this clearly implies they had some run-ins with the admins... not necessarily on /tg/station, but perhaps on some forum or something prior? Or perhaps it suggests you were banned on some other account and made this one to evade? Of course the whole #2 corroborates this story. Now I am not trying to commit character assassination on you, but in terms of what your username conveys, this is what I see. However don't take this as being a negative assessment. This story does not paint your username as sad loser who can't follow video game rules, but rather someone who takes a degree of pride in it. Like "Yeah, I ban evaded. What're you gonna do about it?" Bad-boy style. Good. (Remember this is only about your username in a vacuum, nothing else is intended about you forreal).

Rating: 4 Wanted Stars
rate it more

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 2:17 am
by Bawhoppennn
You know I gotta appreciate your willingess to quote the entire post Crag, and not just the one tiny section

Anyways sorry all I'll get around to the new names soon for rating!

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:09 am
by Epicgamer545
Bawhoppennn wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 5:01 am Now of course a cynic would say that indeed your name IS being ironic...
I’m quite not really sure any more.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:31 am
by CMDR_Gungnir
Start rating peoples' statics' names, for those who were rated long in the past.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:23 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Its back!

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 1:12 pm
by Bawhoppennn
AwkwardStereo wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:09 am Perhaps a rating for me?
AwkwardStereo. Your name is following a kind of Newgrounds-esque era naming convention. That is not an insult to your name of course, but a compliment. You see, it's important to consider that a lot of common usernames originated using the adjective + object (non-grammatical, but rather a physical item) format. And that's fun. For your particular choices, I think awkward stereo makes a reasonable degree of sense, and tells a brief story. Right, it's just suggesting that whatever sound is coming out of the stereo (you know, the things stereos are known to make), is awkward sounding. So perhaps some kind of unique song? In any case, this is a reasonable feeling here. You also played it safe using the letter case capitalization, which was definitely the right choice here. Fair name.

Rating: 41,302 User Exp.
wesoda25 wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:37 am What do you think of my username bawhoppen?
Wesoda25. Your name sounds highly Russian to me. I don't know if it is, but I can't help but read it as some Cyrillic thing or something. весода. Da, comradeski. That being said, regardless of the Ruskiness, I have a few qualms with the the form though. The letter formation has a questionable feeling to it... 'We', I read as "weh" and then 'soda' like the word. And that kind of doesn't fit together so well. Maybe it's a feature of its Russian origin, but it doesn't work in English. The 25 does help level that out, by giving it more of a balanced tempo atleast. Even so, altogether a bit difficult to get an overall good vibe to it.

Rating: неудовлетворительный
Drag wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:44 pm Yes, please feed into my narcissistic side

Edit: Sometimes I forget my forum name isnt my ckey. Thedragmeme
Thedragmeme. I think your username works with the all lowercase following the first letter. Where using exclusively lowercase would NOT be a fit at all, semi-sentence case is good. The lack of hyphens is also important, since that would ruin your username so hard. Besides the orthography, as for the semantics, I want to look at what the word 'drag' means in this context. Perhaps it refers to the action of dragging, or to physical friction, I think in this case it means crossdressing or something like that. Finally, the syllable structure gives a decent balance of soft and firm {ee-ag-eme}. Precarious username but works out fairly well enough in practice.

Rating: SAFE
Not-Dorsidarf wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:23 pm Its back!
Dorsidwarf. I am a huge fan of your username, and have been for some time. First, you have a zestful selection of letter choice. Let me play it through: d -> o, already unorthodox. But then followed by an r, -> and s, very unique. That position sets you up into a weird place, and if you chose the wrong letter after, the username would go up in flames. But the choice of i carries it through. Then, you append -dwarf to it, which is a word that naturally has a similar matter of letter ordering in uniqueness. One of the best words in English. So, you follow the excellent basis of your prefix, and add in a comparable actual word to set things in a great position. Furthermore, your username when shortened to a nickname as 'Dorsi', works very well. Fantastic username.

Rating: Masterful Quality

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 1:20 pm
by Bawhoppennn
Tearling wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:37 pm
Bawhoppennn wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:24 am Tearling. First thought that comes to my mind is your username sounds like some sort of mob in a video game. Terraria specifically comes to mind... I could totally imagine seeing your name as some enemy in the corruption or something. I'm not sure where this comes from, but there is a VERY strong association with that in my mind. In terms of flow, I do think a 2-syllabel split like you've done here is a solid choice, especially considering the same number of letters in each. The word 'tear' specifically is good, as tears can be both happy and sad. I am operating off the assumption though that 'tear' is referring to crying, not to rips/cuts. I think it is strongly suggested to be the former, and I believe that is how most people would read it. As such, it's a rather good choice. Furthermore, using 'ling' I would say is purely neutral in terms of its overall quality. It definitely doesn't hurt anything, but still I can't see it adding anything too substantive on its own, and it mainly just serves to reinforce the former part of the name. Still pretty fair name.

Rating: x=54
I am happy with this rating, especially because it's just copy and pasted from the tearling books.
Huhm, never heard of those books. Interesting.
Epicgamer545 wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:09 am
Bawhoppennn wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 5:01 am Now of course a cynic would say that indeed your name IS being ironic...
I’m quite not really sure any more.
Well, someone with a good username doesn't need to doubt their intentions... right???
CMDR_Gungnir wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:31 am Start rating peoples' statics' names, for those who were rated long in the past.
Good idea, but I think for a different thread.
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:11 pm rate it more
I thought about this request for awhile and I realize I can do no more CRAG... it would violate double jeopardy

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 1:31 pm
by Mice World
Rate my name please! As a bonus challenge try to guess why I chose it.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:04 am
by TheLoLSwat
. please i made it when i was like 10 or so

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 8:36 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Bawhoppennn wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 1:12 pm
Not-Dorsidarf wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:23 pm Its back!
Dorsidwarf. I am a huge fan of your username, and have been for some time. First, you have a zestful selection of letter choice. Let me play it through: d -> o, already unorthodox. But then followed by an r, -> and s, very unique. That position sets you up into a weird place, and if you chose the wrong letter after, the username would go up in flames. But the choice of i carries it through. Then, you append -dwarf to it, which is a word that naturally has a similar matter of letter ordering in uniqueness. One of the best words in English. So, you follow the excellent basis of your prefix, and add in a comparable actual word to set things in a great position. Furthermore, your username when shortened to a nickname as 'Dorsi', works very well. Fantastic username.

Rating: Masterful Quality
People thought it was Doris dwarf for a long time amusingly! :D :D

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:23 pm
by LoveMirror
I have no clue who you are and don't think I ever personally interacted with you.

Regardless, I want you to rate mine, too. Give me your honest opinion, internet stranger.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:18 pm
by kayozz
Ok let's try this

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:38 pm
by Tearling
Bawhoppennn wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 1:20 pm Huhm, never heard of those books. Interesting.
They're good, though I haven't read them in awhile, I still recommend them if you like fantasy.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 12:24 am
by Bawhoppennn
Mice World wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 1:31 pm Rate my name please! As a bonus challenge try to guess why I chose it.
Mice World. I think your name is the type of name that is familiar if you see it often, but otherwise if you really stare at it, is rather odd. Like, you can totally imagine seeing this name all over, someone who's a moderator with this name, and it's totally normal. But then, if you actually pay attention to it, it makes no sense. Part of the issue aside from someone having the name of a location, is that space in the middle. Spaces are usually a bad choice for names, and it did not work out here. As to where it originates from... well, I played some random browser game once where like 100 players who were mice all tried to get to a cheesy goal. But the trick was that the mice would have to group up so they could weigh down scales and make it up ramps and stuff. I don't remember what it was called, but it was something related to mice and worlds I think... I get the inclination that is its origin. Anyways, regardless of origin, questionable name.

Rating: USDA Grade C Cheddar
TheLoLSwat wrote: Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:04 am . please i made it when i was like 10 or so
TheLoLSwat. Well, right off the bat, I see LoL as 'League of Legends' not 'Laugh out Loud'... I hope that is just a mistake but otherwise either way that is gonna really hurt your rating. This being said, I appreciate that your name's rhythm is clearly an allusion to amphibrachic tetrameter.
/ the - LoL - Swat / is - But - not / a - Name - in / they - For - got /.
Any time someone employs poetry in their username, I am a huge fan. Even so, the letter choice for your name is a bit... Neddish. Oh well. Such is life. Still, the poetic elements hold the day, fending off the weird stuff, and make your username pretty good.

Rating: *A fine name - Abound from thine frame - To spring aflame - one Idea, given away - But still At play *
LoveMirror wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:23 pm I have no clue who you are and don't think I ever personally interacted with you.

Regardless, I want you to rate mine, too. Give me your honest opinion, internet stranger.
Alright LoveMirror. Your name, damn. That certainly is a forward one- holds nothing back. This comes from two elements. Love and Mirrors, content-wise connotatively, have a strong relation to passion and reflection, respectively. Naturally, this is gonna give your username some force behind it. But then, this is even more emboldened by the Letter Case usage. Holding off on a space gives it NO gap at all to pause and calm down before getting to the next word. As strong as straight black coffee... Obviously this is gonna be divisive. I think ultimately, it works out decently, but is still a little bit too much. Alright name.

Rating: 280 PSI
kayozz wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:18 pm Ok let's try this
Kayozz. Okay... this is a name that's gonna test my objective. I don't think I know who you are, but your username is really close to someone else I know... but alright, here is my best objective effort. Kayozz is a name that has a moderate flow to it, with some other odd threads that make it a bit strange... For example, I see the Kay- part of it flowing into a secondary syllable, sort of like the word kayak. However, it just kind of peters outs in ...ozzzz. I have to imagine this was to sound like chaos or something? Either way, the feeling it gives off is irregular. Even so, these irregularities don't ruin it. Still somewhat of an airy feeling to it (* if you wonder why I use this phrase often, this is a common thing in many usernames), even if the 'o's and 'z's detract from that a bit. Basically, the way it all comes together is like putting salmon on a bagel. Unconventional, but common enough to be not insanely weird.

Rating: 7/8 - 3/9 + 1/4 - 9/50

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:16 am
by LoveMirror
Bawhoppennn wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 12:24 am Rating: 280 PSI
I now hold the high-score for pressure.
Thank you very much. Many kisses, much love, no ERP. ♥

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:41 pm
by EpicFatGamerNuts2006

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 1:50 am
by Bawhoppennn
EpicFatGamerNuts2006 wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:41 pm troll.jpg
EpicFatGamerNuts2006. Uh... What in the 7th level of Hell kind of name is this? Do you really like being seen as a disgusting greasy pair of enlarged testicles? Is that what you love to be associated with? Dear god, even as a parody, it's not funny... Get out of my thread.

Rating: No.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 7:04 pm
by EpicFatGamerNuts2006
Bawhoppennn wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 1:50 am
EpicFatGamerNuts2006 wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:41 pm troll.jpg
EpicFatGamerNuts2006. Uh... What in the 7th level of Hell kind of name is this? Do you really like being seen as a disgusting greasy pair of enlarged testicles? Is that what you love to be associated with? Dear god, even as a parody, it's not funny... Get out of my thread.

Rating: No.
You’re right I need to change it to EpicFatGamerNuts2011 :P

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 7:38 pm
by Epicgamer545
EpicFatGamerNuts2006 wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 7:04 pm
Bawhoppennn wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 1:50 am
EpicFatGamerNuts2006 wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:41 pm troll.jpg
EpicFatGamerNuts2006. Uh... What in the 7th level of Hell kind of name is this? Do you really like being seen as a disgusting greasy pair of enlarged testicles? Is that what you love to be associated with? Dear god, even as a parody, it's not funny... Get out of my thread.

Rating: No.
You’re right I need to change it to EpicFatGamerNuts2011 :P
Thank god I have a superior name.

Re: Name Rating Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:28 pm
by conrad
Do your worst.