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Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 10:05 am
by technokek

Re: my apologie to those I may have offended

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 10:32 am
by Jonathan Gupta
It's apologies, also a good brap is fine here is one for your research.

Re: my apologie to those I may have offended

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 11:11 am
by Rohen_Tahir

Re: my apologie to those I may have offended

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 5:23 pm
by Screemonster

First off, I want to say that I am sorry. There is no one to blame but my self; it was my fault and nobody else's. I was unsensitive and inconsiderate. I promise that I will never again do something like this.

Secondly, it wasn't my fault at all. Everybody else was also doing it why am I the only one who is getting so much hate? I was pressured into doing it and it was not my idea at all. It wasn't my fault that everybody reacted to it the way they did! How could I know that that was offensive?

Also, I don't think it was as bad as all of you are saying. It wasn't much, I don't think anything was that wrong with what I did. I looked into it and it is actually fine to do that. Besides, I am one of the people that it was targeted to. Doesn't that make it all OK?

I think that part of the harsh reaction people had was just because of how popular I am. You know, it was all the haters that caused it, and if you didn't like it than you are also an oversensitive hater, and you should try to be less sensitive about things like this. You all just need to learn to take a joke.

I'm sorry you were all offended. I hope someday all of you can forgive me.

Re: my apologie to those I may have offended

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 5:46 pm
by Qbmax32
technokek wrote:I'd just like to clear something up regarding the accusations being made about me by some of the female members of this server. The accusations regarding my so called "behavior" are untrue and extremely hurtful.

To the accusers (you know who you are), a few points for your consideration thinking

1) Yes I was asking for farting videos in DMs, I will admit to that. Apparently this can come off as inappropriate for some. So I reluctantly apologize for that.

2) The farting videos I was attempting to accumulate from this server were strictly for artistic purposes and NON-SEXUAL in nature. Ever heard of a non-sexual fart fetishist? Well sorry to break it.

3) I have almost NEVER taken screen recordings of the farting videos that have been sent to me and/or sent these pics to other people

4)No I have not been making threats to those who choose to ignore my messages & friend requests. Telling someone who has clearly wronged me that there will be consequences for their actions is not a "threat". I consider it more a... life lesson per se. Learn the difference then report back to me. I'll be right here waiting for an apology.

5) And finally, as you can see, I didn't tag any of the women who wronged me in this message, as doing so would not comply with my ethics, but I will always respect one's decision to have their own so called "opinion" no matter how misguided it may be. As you can tell, my interests lay mainly in the high arts and I can guarantee you that if and when you do decide to step down off your fucking throne and accept my humble friend requests (farting videos or not) at the very least you will end up having a very compatible and knowledgeable friend.

Hopefully this clears a few things up with the more disgruntled members of the server.
tldr lol

Re: my apologie to those I may have offended

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 5:49 pm
by Jonathan Gupta
Qbmax32 wrote:tldr lol
made me chuckle.

Re: my apologie to those I may have offended

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 6:15 pm
by Shaps-cloud
I didn’t fuck my cat. I didn’t cum on my cat. I didn’t put my dick anywhere near my cat. I’ve never done anything weird with my cats. I promised myself I wasn’t going to make apology videos after last years thing so I’m just trying to be as short and honest with this as possible. (1/?)