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Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:10 am
by Malkraz

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:18 am
by capn_monkeypaw
It's more of a "this dude is downright fucking deranged" one, really.

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:20 am
by GamerAndYeahMick

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:20 am
by Timonk
>lets friend access steam account

also yea crikey, if i were lego i wouldnt want to risk a felony over spessmen either, better save than sorry. That might have come across as trying to hunt them down IRL.

also you literally cannot convice me that that was his friend alex, legos excuse for alex asking is that lego and wubli had a talk about lewd art. did he tell his friend or something??

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:20 am
by toemas
legoscape is a retard

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:21 am
by Omega_DarkPotato
so legoscape finally got banned
not for femboy jannie comments but for... trying to get wubli's ID?

wild holy shit

not a big loss though

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:25 am
by Malkraz
capn_monkeypaw wrote:It's more of a "this dude is downright fucking deranged" one, really.

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:33 am
by Naloac
lol schizo

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:34 am
by Timonk
Naloac wrote:lol schizo
Who are you calling a pinhead?

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:41 am
by cSeal
Glad this creep is gone, we should've listened to yog from the start.

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:47 am
by wubli

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:50 am
by Farquaar

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:50 am
by Bytube
Geez, poor Wubli.

Good riddance, we don't need these kinds of people here.

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:52 am
by Malkraz
holy fuck those logs lmao
schizos are this community's lifeblood

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:53 am
by Timonk
Lmao what?? So he gave his account to Alex instead of asking him to lend him money for a commission and he didn't even watch over it while they were supposedly having a conversation??

My guy also claimed that he is JustRight0 and not legoscape, then backed it up and said that he's both and that he only gave the account to Alex?

Is Alex even real?

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:55 am
by Farquaar
Malkraz wrote:schizos are this community's lifeblood
Yey verily
Part of me wants to shorten the mandatory wait period between permaban appeals to increase the number of schizoposts we get

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:56 am
by Timonk
Maybe if he believes hard enough Alex will become a real person :)

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:59 am
by capn_monkeypaw
Timonk wrote:Is Alex even real?

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:03 am
by Autismal
>Felinid player
>Is an absolute fucking creep and or schizo
Every time

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:05 am
by Armhulen
legoscape: not even once, but unfortunately many more times for this community than it should have been

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:06 am
by Qbmax32

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:12 am
by Misdoubtful
A shocking turn of events!

Not really surprised though.

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:16 am
by Agux909
Wub your art is beautiful, not cringe. Don't waste a single extra second with this denthead.
Ojala se agarre el dedo meňique del pie con la puerta el hdp.

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:19 am
by Shadowflame909
That man had too much chip on his dip

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:21 am
by Farquaar
It is actually disgusting the way you treat the people on your server like actual children and force-filter people through a backwards-ass "I'm sorry for what I did wrong daddy, please unban me" bureaucratic process that heavily favors your administration and offers no benefits to the players.

Your rules are disgustingly, obsessively strict and arbitrary and your punishments are non-commensurate. You personally attack players and accuse them of being "shitlers" or bigots or any other label you can slap on them to make them look like the undeniable villain of the situation and you the brave hero dealing with incorrigible children making your server a safer place.

You are not some fucking mega-corporation with millions of customers to address, and you're not a one-man lone operation without so much as an intern to answer calls. It wouldn't kill you to treat people like PEOPLE and not just faceless emotionless consumers of a product who, should they disobey the terms of service in even the slightest manner, can't even be considered human at all.

What's even worse is you obsessively get involved in every tiny little scuffle. Just because someone ahelps something doesn't mean it's a major fucking thing that needs to be met with the swiftest and harshest punishment you can think of. Players are, believe it or not, functioning human beings with brains that can solve their own problems if you let them and don't annoyingly reinforce this "come to me if you need help, but don't you fucking dare EVER try to solve your own problems" environment. You can't even fucking handle the workload you are creating for yourselves by doing this and are banning people left and right for minor infractions and giving major long-term bans for things that could be handled IC or didn't even truly inconvenience anyone for more than a span of a few fucking minutes.

Asking -- no, DEMANDING -- every single player to memorize your incredibly obtuse rules and process before even so much as touching your server is unfair and ridiculous. The only rules a typical player needs to abide by is the golden rule of "don't be a dick," and STRICTLY enforcing rules beyond that is just spiteful. You create an environment where every single player is effectively held hostage by your rules and every single round will inevitably end with admins and players bickering over rulings on arbitrary shit that doesn't matter and didn't fucking hurt anyone to begin with. Players have to constantly ask for rulings and subrulings before acting on anything. Anything can be stretched and considered "griefing," anything can be considered a bannable offense, and everyone is walking on incredibly thin ice at all times because everyone knows not only that the admins are geared up to punish the players but that the other players are ready and willing to abuse this in order to ruin someone else's day.

Something doesn't go your way? Someone robusts you? Sec imprisons you for pushing a mime? Want to get back at them? Don't solve it IC, go bitch to daddy admin and get them forcibly removed from the server for inconveniencing you. If you want to take your frustrations out on some random fuck, just ahelp it and you are GUARAN-FUCKIN-TEED to get a guardian angel that will undeniably punish the player that wronged you and you get a fucking pat on the head for using the bullshit system that encourages this toxic childish environment of "I'll tell mom on you!" that so many people find disgusting.

But even if your rules WERE perfect (they're not) and your admins WERE infallible (they're not) and your ban appeal system WAS fair and just to the player (it's not), you still have a discord environment where players are encouraged to tell you to fuck off, git gud, and ahelp it or possibly even to kill yourself for being a griefer and a server environment where people behave like insipid territorial animals.

And while I'm fucking at it, your "no bigotry" rule is absolute bullshit. I have people telling me I'm a piece of shit that should kill myself, I get a fucking asshole that beats me nearly to death and calls me a "stupid bitch" because I called a shuttle on lavaland without realizing they were heading for it on the station and I get people who will incessantly refer to me as a "furry" -- I'm fucking not, and even if I were that's still a bigoted slur which breaks your fucking "bigotry" rule. But that rule isn't there to prevent bigotry or make players feel welcome or create a community of helpful and polite individuals, no. It's just there so you can arbitrarily make snap decisions on people based on what language they use, and if they dare to speak a word that you consider """bigoted""" regardless of the context or intent then that's an on-the-spot ban to save you time and trouble because "they were probably a dumb edgelord anyway."

This whole experience from the very beginning has made me feel like a helpless child, with players that griefed me and admins that insulted me every goddamn step of the way. I try to talk one-to-one with the admin about the issue and I'm told "fuck you, use the form." I don't even get a chance to talk to the person I "griefed," and I don't even know if they give a shit about this any more. I don't know who it was and I don't care and I doubt they care as much as you do.

I don't act aggressively purely out of malice or spite, I act aggressively when people act aggressively towards ME, and your playerbase does just that. It's not uncommon for someone to allcaps "GET THE FUCK OUT" if you are in a department you don't have ID for regardless of your reason for being there, and being aggressively grabbed and tabled is par for the fucking course. Your playerbase told me that aggression was the way to be a part of the server, and so when someone aggressed towards me by stealing something that was mine I aggressed back.

This would have been a minor issue at most, just a tiny nothing of a hiccup that nobody would have to pay any attention to if only you treated your players with respect and dignity, but you do not. And that's what hurts the most.

There are some genuinely nice people on the server and I don't want to say everyone is bad, but the environment is incredibly toxic at times and the admins promote that. The amount of disrespect and disregard and complete and utter lack of empathy across the board is astonishing. None of you want to offer even a second of your time to consider that I'm a human being with feelings that can make mistakes, nobody even thought to consider that maybe it was just a rare, honest, emotionally-driven mistake.

You treated me like garbage. You still treat me like garbage. You treat me like I'm not a person, just another number to file under the "lol ban this f*****" folder. You treat me as though every mistake I make is intentionally malicious and that I'm trying to go out of my way to ruin other peoples experiences, but from my end the only malicious ones are you. Admins who treat me like a naughty child and not a human being that can -- IF YOU FUCKING CARED TO TRY -- be reasoned with.

This whole ordeal is just disgusting.

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:24 am
by bobbahbrown
☻/ This is Alex. Copy and paste him so he can take over your steam account.

with some concern,
bobbah 'bee' brown

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:26 am
by XivilaiAnaxes

Why am I not surprised it's fucking legoscape - the guy with like 5 fucking appeals within 3 weeks (That's a record I think).

Wubli's response with the fucking blown up ~fullscreen catrackgirl made me laugh uncontrollably.

Btw a jannie should probably snip the age out of the post or something.

Edit - more laughing

THREE out of eleven "active" appeal threads are legos fucking amazing.

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:26 am
by wesoda25
I LOVE shadowflame

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:28 am
by Farquaar
wesoda25 wrote:I LOVE shadowflame

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:37 am
by SuperNovaa41

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:38 am
by Bytube
note that the art Wubli drawn isn't suggestive or lewd like Legoscape is trying to claim it is

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:40 am
by Fishimun
Farquaar wrote:It is actually disgusting the way you treat the people on your server like actual children and force-filter people through a backwards-ass "I'm sorry for what I did wrong daddy, please unban me" bureaucratic process that heavily favors your administration and offers no benefits to the players.

Your rules are disgustingly, obsessively strict and arbitrary and your punishments are non-commensurate. You personally attack players and accuse them of being "shitlers" or bigots or any other label you can slap on them to make them look like the undeniable villain of the situation and you the brave hero dealing with incorrigible children making your server a safer place.

You are not some fucking mega-corporation with millions of customers to address, and you're not a one-man lone operation without so much as an intern to answer calls. It wouldn't kill you to treat people like PEOPLE and not just faceless emotionless consumers of a product who, should they disobey the terms of service in even the slightest manner, can't even be considered human at all.

What's even worse is you obsessively get involved in every tiny little scuffle. Just because someone ahelps something doesn't mean it's a major fucking thing that needs to be met with the swiftest and harshest punishment you can think of. Players are, believe it or not, functioning human beings with brains that can solve their own problems if you let them and don't annoyingly reinforce this "come to me if you need help, but don't you fucking dare EVER try to solve your own problems" environment. You can't even fucking handle the workload you are creating for yourselves by doing this and are banning people left and right for minor infractions and giving major long-term bans for things that could be handled IC or didn't even truly inconvenience anyone for more than a span of a few fucking minutes.

Asking -- no, DEMANDING -- every single player to memorize your incredibly obtuse rules and process before even so much as touching your server is unfair and ridiculous. The only rules a typical player needs to abide by is the golden rule of "don't be a dick," and STRICTLY enforcing rules beyond that is just spiteful. You create an environment where every single player is effectively held hostage by your rules and every single round will inevitably end with admins and players bickering over rulings on arbitrary shit that doesn't matter and didn't fucking hurt anyone to begin with. Players have to constantly ask for rulings and subrulings before acting on anything. Anything can be stretched and considered "griefing," anything can be considered a bannable offense, and everyone is walking on incredibly thin ice at all times because everyone knows not only that the admins are geared up to punish the players but that the other players are ready and willing to abuse this in order to ruin someone else's day.

Something doesn't go your way? Someone robusts you? Sec imprisons you for pushing a mime? Want to get back at them? Don't solve it IC, go bitch to daddy admin and get them forcibly removed from the server for inconveniencing you. If you want to take your frustrations out on some random fuck, just ahelp it and you are GUARAN-FUCKIN-TEED to get a guardian angel that will undeniably punish the player that wronged you and you get a fucking pat on the head for using the bullshit system that encourages this toxic childish environment of "I'll tell mom on you!" that so many people find disgusting.

But even if your rules WERE perfect (they're not) and your admins WERE infallible (they're not) and your ban appeal system WAS fair and just to the player (it's not), you still have a discord environment where players are encouraged to tell you to fuck off, git gud, and ahelp it or possibly even to kill yourself for being a griefer and a server environment where people behave like insipid territorial animals.

And while I'm fucking at it, your "no bigotry" rule is absolute bullshit. I have people telling me I'm a piece of shit that should kill myself, I get a fucking asshole that beats me nearly to death and calls me a "stupid bitch" because I called a shuttle on lavaland without realizing they were heading for it on the station and I get people who will incessantly refer to me as a "furry" -- I'm fucking not, and even if I were that's still a bigoted slur which breaks your fucking "bigotry" rule. But that rule isn't there to prevent bigotry or make players feel welcome or create a community of helpful and polite individuals, no. It's just there so you can arbitrarily make snap decisions on people based on what language they use, and if they dare to speak a word that you consider """bigoted""" regardless of the context or intent then that's an on-the-spot ban to save you time and trouble because "they were probably a dumb edgelord anyway."

This whole experience from the very beginning has made me feel like a helpless child, with players that griefed me and admins that insulted me every goddamn step of the way. I try to talk one-to-one with the admin about the issue and I'm told "fuck you, use the form." I don't even get a chance to talk to the person I "griefed," and I don't even know if they give a shit about this any more. I don't know who it was and I don't care and I doubt they care as much as you do.

I don't act aggressively purely out of malice or spite, I act aggressively when people act aggressively towards ME, and your playerbase does just that. It's not uncommon for someone to allcaps "GET THE FUCK OUT" if you are in a department you don't have ID for regardless of your reason for being there, and being aggressively grabbed and tabled is par for the fucking course. Your playerbase told me that aggression was the way to be a part of the server, and so when someone aggressed towards me by stealing something that was mine I aggressed back.

This would have been a minor issue at most, just a tiny nothing of a hiccup that nobody would have to pay any attention to if only you treated your players with respect and dignity, but you do not. And that's what hurts the most.

There are some genuinely nice people on the server and I don't want to say everyone is bad, but the environment is incredibly toxic at times and the admins promote that. The amount of disrespect and disregard and complete and utter lack of empathy across the board is astonishing. None of you want to offer even a second of your time to consider that I'm a human being with feelings that can make mistakes, nobody even thought to consider that maybe it was just a rare, honest, emotionally-driven mistake.

You treated me like garbage. You still treat me like garbage. You treat me like I'm not a person, just another number to file under the "lol ban this f*****" folder. You treat me as though every mistake I make is intentionally malicious and that I'm trying to go out of my way to ruin other peoples experiences, but from my end the only malicious ones are you. Admins who treat me like a naughty child and not a human being that can -- IF YOU FUCKING CARED TO TRY -- be reasoned with.

This whole ordeal is just disgusting.
free alex, literally 1984

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:40 am
by Malkraz
I like how "Alex" says "I am not Legoscape I am JustRight" and then the JustRight discord account says "No I am Legoscape"

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:42 am
by SuperNovaa41

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:43 am
by cSeal
Please let him back in he has so much to contribute to this community


Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:45 am
by BorisvcBorison
man................................................. literally admin gestapo 1984 animal farm

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:46 am
by XivilaiAnaxes
Man he isn't even an asshole he's just legit seriously retarded and going into a super autistic panic spiral.

What do you even do when you're this broken as a human being?

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:47 am
by SuperNovaa41

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:48 am
by Naloac
My homie literally decides which personality he wants to be today before talking to people

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:52 am
by Farquaar
Legoscape, don’t you know that asking some furry artist for their DA page is really, really different from badgering somebody for their IRL ID after they repeatedly and firmly refused to give it to you?
Also lol, furry

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:52 am
by SuperNovaa41

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:54 am
by Farquaar
Of course. How silly of me for mixing those two people up. Clearly two distinct individuals.

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:56 am
by cSeal
XivilaiAnaxes wrote:Man he isn't even an asshole he's just legit seriously retarded and going into a super autistic panic spiral.
He is actually a pretty big asshole, interacting with him in game is like eating glass

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:00 am
by bobbahbrown
funny peanut posts aside this guy is clearly nuts and a risk to the community; if he doubles down that he did nothing wrong then i think he doesnt realize how insane he sounds

with concerned tones,
bobbah 'bee' brown

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:04 am
You need to see some ID? Sure, here you go.
Moth ID.png
Moth ID.png (8.44 KiB) Viewed 10249 times

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:04 am
by Naloac

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:05 am
by TheFinalPotato
Even if this is actually what's going through his head and not a lie, it comes off as predatory, manipulative, and threatening. Especially in the context of the what he did, which basically amounted to "why won't you send me your dox".

Needs to look at things from the bigger picture, really really badly

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:12 am
by Fishimun
delete felinids, they never should have come back

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:14 am
by MortoSasye
It is actuawwie disgustim da waie you tweat da peopwe on youw sewvew wike actuaw chiwdwen and fowce-fiwtew peopwe dwuff a backwawds-ass "i'm sowwie fow what i did wwong daddy, pwease unban me" buweaucwatic pwocess dat heaviwie favows youw administwation and offews no benefits to da pwayews.

youw wuwes awe disgustingwy, obsessivewie stwict and awbitwawie and youw punishments awe non-commensuwate. You pewsonawwie attack pwayews and accuse dam of beim "shitwews" ow bigots ow anie odaw wabew you can swap on dam to make dam wook wike da undeniabwe viwwain of da situation and you da bwave hewo deawim with incowwigibwe chiwdwen makim youw sewvew a safew pwace.

you awe not some fuckim mega-cowpowation with miwwions of customews to addwess, and you'we not a one-man wone opewation without so much as an intewn to answew cawws. It wouwdn't kiww you to tweat peopwe wike people and not just facewess emotionwess consumews of a pwoduct who, shouwd daie disobeie da tewms of sewvice in even da swightest mannew, can't even be considewed human at aww.

what's even wowse is you obsessivewie get invowved in evewie tinie wittwe scuffwe. Just because someone ahewps somethim doesn't mean it's a majow fuckim dim dat needs to be met with da swiftest and hawshest punishment you can dink of. Pwayews awe, bewieve it ow not, functionim human beings with bwains dat can sowve daiw owon pwobwems if you wet dam and don't annoyingwie weinfowce dis "come to me if you need hewp, but don't you fuckim dawe evie twie to sowve youw owon pwobwems" enviwonment. You can't even fuckim handwe da wowkwoad you awe cweatim fow youwsewves bie doim dis and awe bannim peopwe weft and wight fow minow infwactions and givim majow wong-tewm bans fow dings dat couwd be handwed ic ow didn't even twuwie inconvenience anyone fow mowe dan a span of a few fuckim minutes.

askim -- no, demandim -- evewie singwe pwayew to memowize youw incwedibwie obtuse wuwes and pwocess befowe even so much as touchim youw sewvew is unfaiw and widicuwous. Da onwie wuwes a typicaw pwayew needs to abide bie is da gowden wuwe of "don't be a dick," and strictlie enfowcim wuwes beyond dat is just spitefuw. You cweate an enviwonment whewe evewie singwe pwayew is effectivewie hewd hostage bie youw wuwes and evewie singwe wound wiww inevitabwie end with admins and pwayews bickewim ovew wuwings on awbitwawie shit dat doesn't mattew and didn't fuckim huwt anyone to begin with. Pwayews have to constantwie ask fow wuwings and subwuwings befowe actim on anythim. Anythim can be stwetched and considewed "gwiefing," anythim can be considewed a bannabwe offense, and evewyone is wawkim on incwedibwie din ice at aww times because evewyone knowos not onwie dat da admins awe geawed up to punish da pwayews but dat da odaw pwayews awe weadie and wiwwim to abuse dis in owdew to wuin someone ewse's daie.

somethim doesn't go youw way? someone wobusts you? sec impwisons you fow pushim a mime? want to get back at dam? don't sowve it ic, go bitch to daddie admin and get dam fowcibwie wemoved fwom da sewvew fow inconveniencim you. If you want to take youw fwustwations out on some wandom fuck, just ahewp it and you awe guaran-fuckin-teed to get a guawdian angew dat wiww undeniabwie punish da pwayew dat wwonged you and you get a fuckim pat on da head fow usim da buwwshit system dat encouwages dis toxic chiwdish enviwonment of "i'ww teww mom on you!" dat so manie peopwe find disgustim.

but even if youw wuwes were pewfect (day'we not) and youw admins were infawwibwe (day'we not) and youw ban appeaw system was faiw and just to da pwayew (it's not), you stiww have a discowd enviwonment whewe pwayews awe encouwaged to teww you to fuck off, git gud, and ahewp it ow possibwie even to kiww youwsewf fow beim a gwiefew and a sewvew enviwonment whewe peopwe behave wike insipid tewwitowiaw animaws.

and whiwe i'm fuckim at it, youw "no bigotwy" wuwe is absowute buwwshit. I have peopwe tewwim me i'm a piece of shit dat shouwd kiww mysewf, i get a fuckim asshowe dat beats me neawwie to death and cawws me a "stupid bitch" because i cawwed a shuttwe on wavawand without weawizim daie wewe headim fow it on da station and i get peopwe who wiww incessantwie wefew to me as a "fuwwy" -- i'm fuckim not, and even if i wewe dat's stiww a bigoted swuw which bweaks youw fuckim "bigotwy" wuwe. But dat wuwe isn't dawe to pwevent bigotwie ow make pwayews feew wewcome ow cweate a communitie of hewpfuw and powite individuaws, no. It's just dawe so you can awbitwawiwie make snap decisions on peopwe based on what wanguage daie use, and if daie dawe to speak a wowd dat you considew """bigoted""" wegawdwess of da context ow intent dan dat's an on-da-spot ban to save you time and twoubwe because "daie wewe pwobabwie a dumb edgewowd anywaie."

dis whowe expewience fwom da vewie beginnim has made me feew wike a hewpwess chiwd, with pwayews dat gwiefed me and admins dat insuwted me evewie goddamn step of da waie. I twie to tawk one-to-one with da admin about da issue and i'm towd "fuck you, use da fowm." i don't even get a chance to tawk to da pewson i "gwiefed," and i don't even knowo if daie give a shit about dis anie mowe. I don't knowo who it was and i don't cawe and i doubt daie cawe as much as you do.

i don't act aggwessivewie puwewie out of mawice ow spite, i act aggwessivewie when peopwe act aggwessivewie towoawds me, and youw pwayewbase does just dat. It's not uncommon fow someone to awwcaps "get da fuck out" if you awe in a depawtment you don't have id fow wegawdwess of youw weason fow beim dawe, and beim aggwessivewie gwabbed and tabwed is paw fow da fuckim couwse. Youw pwayewbase towd me dat aggwession was da waie to be a pawt of da sewvew, and so when someone aggwessed towoawds me bie steawim somethim dat was mine i aggwessed back.

dis wouwd have been a minow issue at most, just a tinie nothim of a hiccup dat nobodie wouwd have to paie anie attention to if onwie you tweated youw pwayews with wespect and dignity, but you do not. And dat's what huwts da most.

dewe awe some genuinewie nice peopwe on da sewvew and i don't want to saie evewyone is bad, but da enviwonment is incwedibwie toxic at times and da admins pwomote dat. Da amount of diswespect and diswegawd and compwete and uttew wack of empathie acwoss da boawd is astonishim. None of you want to offew even a second of youw time to considew dat i'm a human beim with feewings dat can make mistakes, nobodie even dought to considew dat maybe it was just a wawe, honest, emotionawwy-dwiven mistake.

you tweated me wike gawbage. You stiww tweat me wike gawbage. You tweat me wike i'm not a pewson, just anodaw numbew to fiwe undew da "wow ban dis f*****" fowdew. You tweat me as do' evewie mistake i make is intentionawwie mawicious and dat i'm twyim to go out of mie waie to wuin odaw peopwes expewiences, but fwom mie end da onwie mawicious ones awe you. Admins who tweat me wike a naughtie chiwd and not a human beim dat can -- if you fuckim cared to trie -- be weasoned with.

dis whowe owdeaw is just disgustim.

Re: Art Connoisseur Peanut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:14 am
by Qbmax32
Farquaar wrote:It is actually disgusting the way you treat the people on your server like actual children and force-filter people through a backwards-ass "I'm sorry for what I did wrong daddy, please unban me" bureaucratic process that heavily favors your administration and offers no benefits to the players.

Your rules are disgustingly, obsessively strict and arbitrary and your punishments are non-commensurate. You personally attack players and accuse them of being "shitlers" or bigots or any other label you can slap on them to make them look like the undeniable villain of the situation and you the brave hero dealing with incorrigible children making your server a safer place.

You are not some fucking mega-corporation with millions of customers to address, and you're not a one-man lone operation without so much as an intern to answer calls. It wouldn't kill you to treat people like PEOPLE and not just faceless emotionless consumers of a product who, should they disobey the terms of service in even the slightest manner, can't even be considered human at all.

What's even worse is you obsessively get involved in every tiny little scuffle. Just because someone ahelps something doesn't mean it's a major fucking thing that needs to be met with the swiftest and harshest punishment you can think of. Players are, believe it or not, functioning human beings with brains that can solve their own problems if you let them and don't annoyingly reinforce this "come to me if you need help, but don't you fucking dare EVER try to solve your own problems" environment. You can't even fucking handle the workload you are creating for yourselves by doing this and are banning people left and right for minor infractions and giving major long-term bans for things that could be handled IC or didn't even truly inconvenience anyone for more than a span of a few fucking minutes.

Asking -- no, DEMANDING -- every single player to memorize your incredibly obtuse rules and process before even so much as touching your server is unfair and ridiculous. The only rules a typical player needs to abide by is the golden rule of "don't be a dick," and STRICTLY enforcing rules beyond that is just spiteful. You create an environment where every single player is effectively held hostage by your rules and every single round will inevitably end with admins and players bickering over rulings on arbitrary shit that doesn't matter and didn't fucking hurt anyone to begin with. Players have to constantly ask for rulings and subrulings before acting on anything. Anything can be stretched and considered "griefing," anything can be considered a bannable offense, and everyone is walking on incredibly thin ice at all times because everyone knows not only that the admins are geared up to punish the players but that the other players are ready and willing to abuse this in order to ruin someone else's day.

Something doesn't go your way? Someone robusts you? Sec imprisons you for pushing a mime? Want to get back at them? Don't solve it IC, go bitch to daddy admin and get them forcibly removed from the server for inconveniencing you. If you want to take your frustrations out on some random fuck, just ahelp it and you are GUARAN-FUCKIN-TEED to get a guardian angel that will undeniably punish the player that wronged you and you get a fucking pat on the head for using the bullshit system that encourages this toxic childish environment of "I'll tell mom on you!" that so many people find disgusting.

But even if your rules WERE perfect (they're not) and your admins WERE infallible (they're not) and your ban appeal system WAS fair and just to the player (it's not), you still have a discord environment where players are encouraged to tell you to fuck off, git gud, and ahelp it or possibly even to kill yourself for being a griefer and a server environment where people behave like insipid territorial animals.

And while I'm fucking at it, your "no bigotry" rule is absolute bullshit. I have people telling me I'm a piece of shit that should kill myself, I get a fucking asshole that beats me nearly to death and calls me a "stupid bitch" because I called a shuttle on lavaland without realizing they were heading for it on the station and I get people who will incessantly refer to me as a "furry" -- I'm fucking not, and even if I were that's still a bigoted slur which breaks your fucking "bigotry" rule. But that rule isn't there to prevent bigotry or make players feel welcome or create a community of helpful and polite individuals, no. It's just there so you can arbitrarily make snap decisions on people based on what language they use, and if they dare to speak a word that you consider """bigoted""" regardless of the context or intent then that's an on-the-spot ban to save you time and trouble because "they were probably a dumb edgelord anyway."

This whole experience from the very beginning has made me feel like a helpless child, with players that griefed me and admins that insulted me every goddamn step of the way. I try to talk one-to-one with the admin about the issue and I'm told "fuck you, use the form." I don't even get a chance to talk to the person I "griefed," and I don't even know if they give a shit about this any more. I don't know who it was and I don't care and I doubt they care as much as you do.

I don't act aggressively purely out of malice or spite, I act aggressively when people act aggressively towards ME, and your playerbase does just that. It's not uncommon for someone to allcaps "GET THE FUCK OUT" if you are in a department you don't have ID for regardless of your reason for being there, and being aggressively grabbed and tabled is par for the fucking course. Your playerbase told me that aggression was the way to be a part of the server, and so when someone aggressed towards me by stealing something that was mine I aggressed back.

This would have been a minor issue at most, just a tiny nothing of a hiccup that nobody would have to pay any attention to if only you treated your players with respect and dignity, but you do not. And that's what hurts the most.

There are some genuinely nice people on the server and I don't want to say everyone is bad, but the environment is incredibly toxic at times and the admins promote that. The amount of disrespect and disregard and complete and utter lack of empathy across the board is astonishing. None of you want to offer even a second of your time to consider that I'm a human being with feelings that can make mistakes, nobody even thought to consider that maybe it was just a rare, honest, emotionally-driven mistake.

You treated me like garbage. You still treat me like garbage. You treat me like I'm not a person, just another number to file under the "lol ban this f*****" folder. You treat me as though every mistake I make is intentionally malicious and that I'm trying to go out of my way to ruin other peoples experiences, but from my end the only malicious ones are you. Admins who treat me like a naughty child and not a human being that can -- IF YOU FUCKING CARED TO TRY -- be reasoned with.

This whole ordeal is just disgusting.

u mad bro? :trollface: