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Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:44 pm
by XivilaiAnaxes

Vekter clearly doesn't remember this guy if he's asking "Have you played on any other servers" considering he's banned off pretty much every major SS13 server.

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:45 pm
by Rohen_Tahir
It is actually disgusting the way you treat the people on your server like actual children and force-filter people through a backwards-ass "I'm sorry for what I did wrong daddy, please unban me" bureaucratic process that heavily favors your administration and offers no benefits to the players.

Your rules are disgustingly, obsessively strict and arbitrary and your punishments are non-commensurate. You personally attack players and accuse them of being "shitlers" or bigots or any other label you can slap on them to make them look like the undeniable villain of the situation and you the brave hero dealing with incorrigible children making your server a safer place.

You are not some fucking mega-corporation with millions of customers to address, and you're not a one-man lone operation without so much as an intern to answer calls. It wouldn't kill you to treat people like PEOPLE and not just faceless emotionless consumers of a product who, should they disobey the terms of service in even the slightest manner, can't even be considered human at all.

What's even worse is you obsessively get involved in every tiny little scuffle. Just because someone ahelps something doesn't mean it's a major fucking thing that needs to be met with the swiftest and harshest punishment you can think of. Players are, believe it or not, functioning human beings with brains that can solve their own problems if you let them and don't annoyingly reinforce this "come to me if you need help, but don't you fucking dare EVER try to solve your own problems" environment. You can't even fucking handle the workload you are creating for yourselves by doing this and are banning people left and right for minor infractions and giving major long-term bans for things that could be handled IC or didn't even truly inconvenience anyone for more than a span of a few fucking minutes.

Asking -- no, DEMANDING -- every single player to memorize your incredibly obtuse rules and process before even so much as touching your server is unfair and ridiculous. The only rules a typical player needs to abide by is the golden rule of "don't be a dick," and STRICTLY enforcing rules beyond that is just spiteful. You create an environment where every single player is effectively held hostage by your rules and every single round will inevitably end with admins and players bickering over rulings on arbitrary shit that doesn't matter and didn't fucking hurt anyone to begin with. Players have to constantly ask for rulings and subrulings before acting on anything. Anything can be stretched and considered "griefing," anything can be considered a bannable offense, and everyone is walking on incredibly thin ice at all times because everyone knows not only that the admins are geared up to punish the players but that the other players are ready and willing to abuse this in order to ruin someone else's day.

Something doesn't go your way? Someone robusts you? Sec imprisons you for pushing a mime? Want to get back at them? Don't solve it IC, go bitch to daddy admin and get them forcibly removed from the server for inconveniencing you. If you want to take your frustrations out on some random fuck, just ahelp it and you are GUARAN-FUCKIN-TEED to get a guardian angel that will undeniably punish the player that wronged you and you get a fucking pat on the head for using the bullshit system that encourages this toxic childish environment of "I'll tell mom on you!" that so many people find disgusting.

But even if your rules WERE perfect (they're not) and your admins WERE infallible (they're not) and your ban appeal system WAS fair and just to the player (it's not), you still have a discord environment where players are encouraged to tell you to fuck off, git gud, and ahelp it or possibly even to kill yourself for being a griefer and a server environment where people behave like insipid territorial animals.

And while I'm fucking at it, your "no bigotry" rule is absolute bullshit. I have people telling me I'm a piece of shit that should kill myself, I get a fucking asshole that beats me nearly to death and calls me a "stupid bitch" because I called a shuttle on lavaland without realizing they were heading for it on the station and I get people who will incessantly refer to me as a "furry" -- I'm fucking not, and even if I were that's still a bigoted slur which breaks your fucking "bigotry" rule. But that rule isn't there to prevent bigotry or make players feel welcome or create a community of helpful and polite individuals, no. It's just there so you can arbitrarily make snap decisions on people based on what language they use, and if they dare to speak a word that you consider """bigoted""" regardless of the context or intent then that's an on-the-spot ban to save you time and trouble because "they were probably a dumb edgelord anyway."

This whole experience from the very beginning has made me feel like a helpless child, with players that griefed me and admins that insulted me every goddamn step of the way. I try to talk one-to-one with the admin about the issue and I'm told "fuck you, use the form." I don't even get a chance to talk to the person I "griefed," and I don't even know if they give a shit about this any more. I don't know who it was and I don't care and I doubt they care as much as you do.

I don't act aggressively purely out of malice or spite, I act aggressively when people act aggressively towards ME, and your playerbase does just that. It's not uncommon for someone to allcaps "GET THE FUCK OUT" if you are in a department you don't have ID for regardless of your reason for being there, and being aggressively grabbed and tabled is par for the fucking course. Your playerbase told me that aggression was the way to be a part of the server, and so when someone aggressed towards me by stealing something that was mine I aggressed back.

This would have been a minor issue at most, just a tiny nothing of a hiccup that nobody would have to pay any attention to if only you treated your players with respect and dignity, but you do not. And that's what hurts the most.

There are some genuinely nice people on the server and I don't want to say everyone is bad, but the environment is incredibly toxic at times and the admins promote that. The amount of disrespect and disregard and complete and utter lack of empathy across the board is astonishing. None of you want to offer even a second of your time to consider that I'm a human being with feelings that can make mistakes, nobody even thought to consider that maybe it was just a rare, honest, emotionally-driven mistake.

You treated me like garbage. You still treat me like garbage. You treat me like I'm not a person, just another number to file under the "lol ban this f*****" folder. You treat me as though every mistake I make is intentionally malicious and that I'm trying to go out of my way to ruin other peoples experiences, but from my end the only malicious ones are you. Admins who treat me like a naughty child and not a human being that can -- IF YOU FUCKING CARED TO TRY -- be reasoned with.

This whole ordeal is just disgusting.

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:48 pm
by Misdoubtful

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:49 pm
by Fishimun
he burnt all the bridges and he still came back, guess fortnite wasn't good enough at holding his attention

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:52 pm
by XivilaiAnaxes
I would go through and find literally every permaban appeal this guy made to post it in his appeal thread again but the majority of them are so old the links don't work anymore. Also to be fair he didn't claim a host conspiracy to keep him banned from every server this time so that'd probably be too harsh anyway.

Which is a damn shame because his argument on one of them "Asking an E-girl what her pussy smells like is bog standard internet behaviour" was fucking amazingly terrible.

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:57 pm
by Denton
at first I was like


but then I


Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 10:03 pm
by Agux909
Misdoubtful wrote:Image

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 10:50 pm
by oranges
do not under any circumstances unban nyaakuza

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 10:52 pm
by Farquaar
Our Lord and Saviour has returned
Bless this glorious day

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:01 pm
by Agux909
oranges wrote:do not under any circumstances unban nyaakuza

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:13 pm
by Farquaar
Agux909 wrote:
oranges wrote:do not under any circumstances unban nyaakuza

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:12 am
by ArcaneDefence

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:16 am
by capn_monkeypaw

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:18 am
by Farquaar
capn_monkeypaw wrote:
nyaakuza wrote:I don't understand.
Perhaps I can help.

You are correct: it has been nearly two years since you were permabanned from /tg/. As you well know, we're generally very forgiving when permabanned players appeal after a year has passed. We'll almost always welcome you back in, provided you are contrite and honest.

Unfortunately for you and your appeal, however, you remain an unrepentant liar.

Allow me to provide you with a recent example.

Earlier today, you were banned from Fulpstation for evasion while playing under the ckey Michiru2:
2021-07-12 18_57_50-CentCom _ View Bans — Mozilla Firefox.png
About six hours later, you twice connected to Sybil as Michiru2 in an attempt to evade the ban you're currently appealing:

Code: Select all

[2021-07-12 19:40:56.756] ACCESS: Failed Login: Michiru2 [REDACTED] [REDACTED] - Banned
[2021-07-12 20:10:21.475] ACCESS: Failed Login: Michiru2 [REDACTED] [REDACTED] - Banned
21 minutes later you posted this appeal.

For these and so very many other reasons, this appeal is denied.

Stop lying and stop evading. You're not very good at either.

Go away.

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:19 am
by Farquaar
Please don't close the appeal yet
Let him reply

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:24 am
by XivilaiAnaxes
capn_monkeypaw wrote:Image
This was exactly what I was looking for, thank you

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:25 am
by Gigapuddi420
Farquaar wrote:Please don't close the appeal yet
Let him reply
sadly I don't think goading the mentally ill is very classy.

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:26 am
by Farquaar
Gigapuddi420 wrote:
Farquaar wrote:Please don't close the appeal yet
Let him reply
sadly I don't think goading the mentally ill is very classy.
We're all mentally ill here.

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:28 am
by Vekter
XivilaiAnaxes wrote:

Vekter clearly doesn't remember this guy if he's asking "Have you played on any other servers" considering he's banned off pretty much every major SS13 server.
I don't think I was around when he was the first time. That or I don't remember it.
Also I knew he'd been banned on the other servers, I still asked it to see what his response was.

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:37 am
by XivilaiAnaxes
Vekter wrote:
XivilaiAnaxes wrote:

Vekter clearly doesn't remember this guy if he's asking "Have you played on any other servers" considering he's banned off pretty much every major SS13 server.
I don't think I was around when he was the first time. That or I don't remember it.
Also I knew he'd been banned on the other servers, I still asked it to see what his response was. ... 96#p544196

It was this train wreck of a conspiracy

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:39 am
by IkeTG
eh i dunno i only read one post of his and i think he's sorry enough he should be completely unbanned from every server he's permanently banned from

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:39 am
by capn_monkeypaw

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 12:52 am
by Super Aggro Crag
whats this guys problem with kiwi farms is he a dograping pedo or something

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 2:10 am
by sinfulbliss

Still banned 2 years later for saying some fucked up shit on Discord to someone is kind of harsh man.
Especially with how desperate they are to start over, I highly doubt they'd do anything like that again.
Words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words..........

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:18 am
by capn_monkeypaw
sinfulbliss wrote: Still banned 2 years later for saying some fucked up shit on Discord to someone is kind of harsh man.
Especially with how desperate they are to start over, I highly doubt they'd do anything like that again.
Words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words..........
And deeds are deeds are deeds are deeds...

Nyaakuza is not game banned for "saying some fucked up shit on Discord."

Nyaakuza is Discord banned for harassing multiple admins about their existing server permaban that they earned by being a toxic shithead.

Since then, they've burned through a number of alts and managed to also get permabanned from:
  • Bay
  • Yog
  • Fulp
  • Citadel
  • Bee
  • Hippie (unfuckingbelievable, btw)
Try harder.

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:20 am
by TheFinalPotato

Still banned 2 years later for saying some fucked up shit on Discord to someone is kind of harsh man.
Especially with how desperate they are to start over, I highly doubt they'd do anything like that again.
Words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words are words..........

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:25 am
by sinfulbliss
Captain Monkeypaw,

Their ban from Yog was from June 2019.
Their ban from TG was from 2019.
I am sure their bans from the other servers were around the same time.

They now come to appeal 2 years later in deep regret for what they did.
Were you the same person two years ago? Have you changed/improved at all?
If not, was there ever a time in your life when you've changed greatly over 1-2 years?

It is one of two things:
1) an elaborate plot to manipulate the TG admins to get unbanned so they can grief as they did 2 years ago
2) a sincere apology

Which do you find more likely?

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:27 am
by XivilaiAnaxes
From memory, he would commonly start his appeals with "I've changed PLEASE give me a shot pls pls pls pls" before going into his general behaviour

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:29 am
by TheFinalPotato
sinfulbliss wrote:Captain Monkeypaw,

Their ban from Yog was from June 2019.
Their ban from TG was from 2019.
I am sure their bans from the other servers were around the same time.

They now come to appeal 2 years later in deep regret for what they did.
Were you the same person two years ago? Have you changed/improved at all?
If not, was there ever a time in your life when you've changed greatly over 1-2 years?

It is one of two things:
1) an elaborate plot to manipulate the TG admins to get unbanned so they can grief as they did 2 years ago
2) a sincere apology

Which do you find more likely?
Did you miss the part where he ban evaded directly before the appeal

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:29 am
by capn_monkeypaw
sinfulbliss wrote:deep regret for what they did

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:30 am
by IkeTG
IkeTG wrote:eh i dunno i only read one post of his and i think he's sorry enough he should be completely unbanned from every server he's permanently banned from
sorry sinful i beat you to the punch

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:34 am
by sinfulbliss
XivilaiAnaxes wrote:From memory, he would commonly start his appeals with "I've changed PLEASE give me a shot pls pls pls pls" before going into his general behaviour
Sure, but two years ago? Who would appeal a 2 year ban from a small community of SS13 players to just get banned right away again? I can't imagine someone would fuck up, get banned for 2 years, live life, play other games, etc, for 2 years - 730 days - then say "hmm I miss breaking rules on TGstation, I'm gonna appeal that" one day. It doesn't add up.

However, I can imagine someone thinking back to the game from 2 years ago and missing it, and wanting to play again genuinely.

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:38 am
by sinfulbliss
TheFinalPotato wrote:
sinfulbliss wrote:Captain Monkeypaw,

Their ban from Yog was from June 2019.
Their ban from TG was from 2019.
I am sure their bans from the other servers were around the same time.

They now come to appeal 2 years later in deep regret for what they did.
Were you the same person two years ago? Have you changed/improved at all?
If not, was there ever a time in your life when you've changed greatly over 1-2 years?

It is one of two things:
1) an elaborate plot to manipulate the TG admins to get unbanned so they can grief as they did 2 years ago
2) a sincere apology

Which do you find more likely?
Did you miss the part where he ban evaded directly before the appeal
Yeah I missed that part.

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:39 am
by XivilaiAnaxes
Let's play a game! It'll be fun.

This is a ~*THOUGHT EXPERIMENT*~. Nothing here should be taken as a threat, offer, or suggestion that any of the acts about to be described will ever happen. Okay? Okay.

Let's say for the sake of this ~intellectual construct~ that we happened to live in the same town and were in the same social circles, but weren't friends - just barely acquainted. Because I'm a suave motherfucker, you invite me back to your place to watch Strange Days on DVD, because that movie is awesome and totally go check it out.

We get to your place, I excuse myself to the bathroom and - vanish. After a while, you check on the bathroom, only to find a perfectly coiled turd delicately balanced on top of the toilet seat, and I've apparently escaped out the window.

Huh. Weird. Things happen, though, and you invite me over again, because seriously that movie is so great.

This time, I head to the kitchen for a snack, and vanish. Investigation reveals that I've sharted in your water pitcher, turning what was once a gallon of crisp, clear Adam's Ale into my own personal chowder. Also escaped out the window again.

Maybe it's just a custom of his people, you think, and invite me over again, because the soundtrack for that film is remarkably great and turned me on to Macedonian folk pop.

I announce that I forgot something in my car, and vanish. You roll your eyes and head outside to survey the damage, only to find that I had apparently pressed my anus to your mail slot (and that I've been a good boy and eating my fiber lately) and pooped a perfect rectangle through it, like the world's foulest Play-Doh Fun Factory.

You sigh and invite me over again, because Strange Days is an excellent piece of speculative fiction and the idea of being able to record and play back experiences is fodder for some really great imagination.

This time I shove past you when you open the door and, in record time, drop a big hairy loaf in your fish tank. You almost puke on the floor while fishing it out because I'd had Mexican the night before, and your prize clownfish is picking the green onion bits out of the mess.

Through gritted teeth, you invite me over AGAIN, because although she's still in a subservient role to the protagonist, and doesn't pass the Bechdel test, the character of Mace is a rare example of a strong black woman in film.

This time I've brought a gift! A box of raisins. Excellent, you say, and shelve it for later, because you're not hungry now, but were going to make oatmeal cookies later, and oatmeal raisin cookies are proof of a kind and loving deity. The DVD player is on the fritz, though, and we wind up watching three hours of Hee Haw reruns. I take my leave, and that's when you discover that the box of raisins is instead filled with tiny blobs of painstakingly-rolled tiny poops. You begin to wonder what happened to me as a child.

It takes you a good half hour of psyching yourself up to pick up the phone and let me know that you got your DVD player fixed, so come on over and we'll enjoy the cinematography of Matthew Leonetti.

This time I've brought a bottle of wine! Let's pretend that I'm getting a little tired of coming up with wacky scenarios and it's piss, alright, it's a wine bottle filled with piss. Maybe it's mine, maybe it isn't, but the piss provenance isn't the issue here, okay? It's just piss. A refreshing change from poo shenanigans, sure, but you're still left with a bottle of Riesling where Riesling is crossed out with a green crayon and PEESLING is written in its place. And the S is backwards, this is for Reasons. I'm a writer!

That's what, six already? Two more? Okay.

You invite me over again, for reasons no sane person could even begin to speculate to, and I announce to you that I have truly changed my ways, and in fact, had hired a cleaning crew to come by earlier while you were at work and scour the place stem to stern. As much as it unnerves you to have had people in your apartment without your knowledge, and as much as it worries you that I was apparently able to let them in somehow, you have to admit that the place has never looked better. We watch the film and agree that it's one of the finest films ever made, and that it's a damnable shame that James Cameron is famous for lesser films like The Terminator series, when this is clearly his masterwork. We bid each other adieu, and you head to bed happy that for once, you got through an evening without any unauthorized exhaust. The next morning comes, and the apartment smells FOUL. It takes you three hours to check the place over, and you finally found that I have laid the king hell of all eggs on the filter for your air conditioner. You stare at it in silent amazement, wondering how I passed that thing and was able to walk afterward. You consider shooting it before tossing it in the dumpster, because you're not used to seeing anything that large that is neither alive nor a stone.

I call you the next morning wanting to know if you'd like to see The Terror Of Tiny-Town, an all-dwarf spaghetti western. This is the point at which you suggest it's not working out.

Okay. NOW FOR THE EXPERIMENT. At which point in the above did your suspension of disbelief falter? If it was anywhere past the first hidden poo, then you are either far more forgiving than is healthy, or you might have some issues with self-esteem. And yet, after repeatedly making a terrible mess of the place and making sure we don't want you around anymore *seven seperate times*, you still expect to be invited over for coffee and discussion of Ralph Fiennes and Vincent D'Onofrio's best film?

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:39 am
by sinfulbliss
Requesting 3 day forum ban for that.

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:45 am
by cacogen
Super Aggro Crag wrote:whats this guys problem with kiwi farms is he a dograping pedo or something
anyone normal agrees kiwifarms takes it a bit too far

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:46 am
by Vekter
XivilaiAnaxes wrote:
Vekter wrote:
XivilaiAnaxes wrote:

Vekter clearly doesn't remember this guy if he's asking "Have you played on any other servers" considering he's banned off pretty much every major SS13 server.
I don't think I was around when he was the first time. That or I don't remember it.
Also I knew he'd been banned on the other servers, I still asked it to see what his response was. ... 96#p544196

It was this train wreck of a conspiracy

Nah, unless he can go to like Skyrat or whatever and get a vouch after a few months he's not welcome here.
cacogen wrote:
Super Aggro Crag wrote:whats this guys problem with kiwi farms is he a dograping pedo or something
anyone normal agrees kiwifarms takes it a bit too far
Understatement of the century considering they've pushed at least one person to suicide by harassing them to fuck and back.

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:52 am
by cacogen
Vekter wrote:
cacogen wrote:
Super Aggro Crag wrote:whats this guys problem with kiwi farms is he a dograping pedo or something
anyone normal agrees kiwifarms takes it a bit too far
Understatement of the century considering they've pushed at least one person to suicide by harassing them to fuck and back.
yeah they're losers with brain problems

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:53 am
by BorisvcBorison
sinfulbliss wrote:Captain Monkeypaw,

Their ban from Yog was from June 2019.
Their ban from TG was from 2019.
I am sure their bans from the other servers were around the same time.

They now come to appeal 2 years later in deep regret for what they did.
Were you the same person two years ago? Have you changed/improved at all?
If not, was there ever a time in your life when you've changed greatly over 1-2 years?

It is one of two things:
1) an elaborate plot to manipulate the TG admins to get unbanned so they can grief as they did 2 years ago
2) a sincere apology

Which do you find more likely?
Sinful it's one, it's always been one

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:57 am
by sinfulbliss
Vekter wrote: Understatement of the century considering they've pushed at least one person to suicide by harassing them to fuck and back.
Wait what? That's a pretty serious allegation. What happened?

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 4:00 am
by sinfulbliss
BorisvcBorison wrote: Sinful it's one, it's always been one
That's a mind-boggling persistence and dedication to grief then. I didn't think that would be even humanly possible.

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 4:00 am
by TheFinalPotato

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 4:10 am
by Omega_DarkPotato
today on will sinful die on a hill protecting someone who's banned off of every other major server and has tried ban evading before an appeal anyway (fun fact: this typically nets you a perma anyway, lmao) because "they might have changed" at some point between now and their last of 7 perms from another major server

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 4:20 am
by Malkraz
>2021-07-12 18_57_50-CentCom _ View Bans — Mozilla Firefox.png
capn_monkeytard uses firefox...

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 4:24 am
by Fishimun
how many permas does it take for a man to change his ways

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 4:29 am
by capn_monkeypaw
Malkraz wrote:>2021-07-12 18_57_50-CentCom _ View Bans — Mozilla Firefox.png
capn_monkeytard uses firefox...
You're goddamn right I do.

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 4:43 am
by cacogen
It's so important to line toe in everything in life all the smart cool people I've ever known did not give a fuck about most of the rules and thought they were stupid as fuck and enforced by smoothbrains to contain other dummies and only actually cared if somebody got hurt in a meaningful way and yet to maintain goodwill and their positions in their communities and to succeed in life in general they were careful to follow these rules and feign contriteness when they fucked up despite seeing most of the system as dumb, unnecessary and overwrought. It really is mindboggling when people fuck up endlessly instead of realising you can still make your own fun within the lines laid down for you and push those boundaries a little bit some of the time provided you maintain goodwill with most people most of the time no I didn't read the thread.

also this fella has bpd boy howdy

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 5:03 am
XivilaiAnaxes wrote:It's probably worth noting that this guy has been perma'd off basically every major server for ~2 years. Getting an acceptable vouch is probably not something in his power to do no matter how much he's "improved".
Vekter wrote: Yeaaaah, that's gonna be a no from me. If you can go on another server (appeal on one of the others maybe?) and get a decent history without notes/bans, I'll reconsider.
Very kafkaesque, Vekter:


If you just properly follow proper instructions protocoll properly, no problems will exist. :mrgreen:

With warm regards

Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 5:11 am
by Cobby
I like their name, hope they can get help.


Re: Nyaakuza return peanut

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:52 am
by Mothblocks
sinfulbliss wrote:
BorisvcBorison wrote: Sinful it's one, it's always been one
That's a mind-boggling persistence and dedication to grief then. I didn't think that would be even humanly possible.
its never them waiting 2 years to get unbanned. its "oh yeah, i remember space station 13, that was fun, i wanna fuck with it again"