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Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 1:50 am
by Itseasytosee2me
With all the talk of murderboning, there has been a subconscious vibe that player on player violence should be minimized, or that it is some sort of necessary evil that we have to put up with.

Fighting, death, and murder are core pillars of ss13, and it is super fun and awesome. They also fuel other pillars of the game, like paranoia and roleplay.

Anyways, I just love killing people ad getting killed.

Any favorite times you guys killed someone and/or got killed?

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:01 am
by datorangebottle
One time, I was just cooking along and making food. A guy walked up to the kitchen entrance and insisted on being let in to cook something himself. "Okay, fine." I thought, eyeing him suspiciously. He pulled an e-dagger out and tried to murder me with it. I twisted him into a pretzel right there in the middle of the kitchen.
Security was mildly amused but refused to come into the kitchen to retrieve the body.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:17 am
by blackdav123
Had an experience recently that I had not seen in ages. I spent all shift playing at an arcade machine and maxing my gamer skill while radio was buzzing the whole time about traitors, lings, and a subverted AI. When I emerged from my gamer cave with my fancy cloak, I saw the glorious violence and emptiness of a station losing to antags for once. Decapitated corpses everywhere, and hopeless looking people taking refuge and bolted into medbay like it was a shelter of some sorts. I went to work in one of the isolated surgery rooms trying to (unsuccessfully) revive a friend while the AI started to try to fuck with me, and me quickly preventing any chances for him to do so. The AI's bolting of doors eventually pushed me into the CMO's office as I was looking for a way out, and I found an SSD CMO with many shinies for me to take to help my quest. When I eventually came back to medbay, the people I once saw trying to fix themselves were now just as headless as the people outside were. After leaving medbay, a pAI approached me and begged me to help free their master. As I followed them, I was rushed down by their two masters, the ones talked about so much on the radio before everyone had been slaughtered. They had a peacekeeper borg in tow, so I quickly flashed it and worked on batonning one of the two. I had gradually smashed the first into crit while avoiding swipes from the second's newly formed armblade, when I finally was able to baton the changeling twice. I was without handcuffs, relying only on my baton and a dream as I dragged the ling to the public mining shuttle. The AI had finally caught up with my antics of harming the only two "humans" on station, and quickly bolted to prevent me from gibbing the ling in time. The ling ran away, and regrouped with their friend and the borg as the shuttle arrived along with a radstorm that kept both of them on the opposite side of the station from it. The intense fight coupled with the fear from the corpses littering the halls had my hands shaking. TLDR murderboning is good and fun and we should lose more often

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:19 am
by AwkwardStereo
datorangebottle wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:01 amSecurity was mildly amused but refused to come into the kitchen to retrieve the body.
No amount of money would have gotten me over that counter after hearing on radio, "Chef just killed someone in the kitchen."

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:24 am
by Itseasytosee2me
blackdav123 wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:17 am Had an experience recently that I had not seen in ages. I spent all shift playing at an arcade machine and maxing my gamer skill while radio was buzzing the whole time about traitors, lings, and a subverted AI. When I emerged from my gamer cave with my fancy cloak, I saw the glorious violence and emptiness of a station losing to antags for once. Decapitated corpses everywhere, and hopeless looking people taking refuge and bolted into medbay like it was a shelter of some sorts. I went to work in one of the isolated surgery rooms trying to (unsuccessfully) revive a friend while the AI started to try to fuck with me, and me quickly preventing any chances for him to do so. The AI's bolting of doors eventually pushed me into the CMO's office as I was looking for a way out, and I found an SSD CMO with many shinies for me to take to help my quest. When I eventually came back to medbay, the people I once saw trying to fix themselves were now just as headless as the people outside were. After leaving medbay, a pAI approached me and begged me to help free their master. As I followed them, I was rushed down by their two masters, the ones talked about so much on the radio before everyone had been slaughtered. They had a peacekeeper borg in tow, so I quickly flashed it and worked on batonning one of the two. I had gradually smashed the first into crit while avoiding swipes from the second's newly formed armblade, when I finally was able to baton the changeling twice. I was without handcuffs, relying only on my baton and a dream as I dragged the ling to the public mining shuttle. The AI had finally caught up with my antics of harming the only two "humans" on station, and quickly bolted to prevent me from gibbing the ling in time. The ling ran away, and regrouped with their friend and the borg as the shuttle arrived along with a radstorm that kept both of them on the opposite side of the station from it. The intense fight coupled with the fear from the corpses littering the halls had my hands shaking. TLDR murderboning is good and fun and we should lose more often
I love moments like this. Barely surviving despite the odds is a very compelling narrative.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:24 am
by Itseasytosee2me
This was once a double post, but for some reason I couldn't delete it.
Please enjoy this picture:

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 3:11 am
by Pandarsenic
People who didn't play in the Old Days never experience the blood-pumping tension of being one of the last people being hunted down by someone with superior gear, scrabbling for just one morsel of overpowered bullshit - a bar of soap, a spray bottle to fill with water, a discarded out-of-power taser to recharge. You can hide and pray, or you can try to turn it around, knowing that you have ONE chance to make your surprise attack or you're fucking dead. Win, and you can start dragging people to the cloner. Lose, and you're just another corpse littering the halls and maintenance corridors.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 3:29 am
by Shadowflame909
During an older time with pre-nerf "ling fleshmend" virology a changeling tot went on a murderbone spree with a standard holoparasite. After doing a whole round of mining with the OP viro virus, I come back with a hierophant staff and ash drake armor. The shuttle was called, ling was depopulating the station, as they were trying to hijack. When we encounter each other, it quickly led to a stale-mate with me using hierophant chasers on them and harm intenting their stand every time it got closed, with us space-pushing off each other. The virus out-healing my space-damage and them fleshmending their own pressure damage away.

I ended up keeping them from hijacking the shuttle, and dusting them by bringing their holopara to -1. But I ended up floating in space myself, just outhealing the damage permanently.

One of my favorite ss13 moments. OP departmental cooperation beating the OP antag cooperation.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 3:42 am
by JusticeGoat
Early days when slips did something more, i powergamed a esword and a charm projector from a cargo null crate and was on the hunt for some baddies. Had seen someone chase a crewmate into a escape pod and sworderd them to death, I had laid a trap with some water from a spray bottle and popped out of my charm projector and dispatched with the wrong doer post haste. A second later an admin had bwoinked me to tell me the player was impressed

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 4:05 am
by Boot
My favorite moment that comes to mind is Alex Barber on Tramstation. I was a medic trying my best to patch up the stream of bodies that were pouring in and suddenly I see him run into medbay so I run back and tell everyone to hide. I was working on the CMO when he ran in so I quickly rested only to watch him slaughter everyone else and walk away. Crazy ass round ended with me getting gunned down for trying to make it to the shuttle as a hoard of interns grabbed my elance and rushed him. Rick has a video of the chaos.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 4:10 am
by blackdav123
I don't think people give enough credit to tram's amazing layout. The isolated feeling is present without anyone being too far away. Science could be getting massacred while comms are down and you wont see the bodies until you bother to take short ride over. The action of getting there is tedious enough to make you not go just out of boredom, while being easily accessible if you have something you need.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:22 am
by Annihilite111
I recently had one of my best antag rounds ever on deadpop manny. I spawn in as engineer with only one other player, a chemist. I'm a ling. It's fucking ice box. I immediately decide that i'm going to reenact The Thing.
Like the moron i am i forget to replace one of the SM pumps, and blow the engine like 10 minutes in (fucking icebox). The chemist is understanding, and as she's clearly more experienced with engineering than myself she takes the lead in a joint project to construct a cargo SM.
I don't do much antagging the first hour or so. A short trip to genetics provides me with a few other identities, which i use to whisper vague, foreboding messenges over comms. The chemist doesn't seem to suspect me.
At this point a few other people have arrived: A miner and a medical doctor. The MD goes comatose near robotics, and i'm the first person to notice. I drag him into maint and succ him, and decide it is time to commence the real spooks.

First, i use his voice to set the stage:
MD says: "I'm hearing faint whispering from maintenence. Anyone else notice anything?"
MD says: "I'm gonna check it out"
Chemist says: "don't go there alone! There's some kind of ghost haunting us"
Engineer (me) says: "You alright man?"
Miner says: "Coming!"

Me and the miner both rush towards robotics. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, i eventually suggest we check maintenence, and we immediately run across the husked corpse of the MD. I pretend to be sickened by the state of the body, and have the miner transport it to the morgue. There is some discussion about whether or not the MD committed suicide, since they were souldead. I argue that him checking something out in maint and then calling for help is a pretty damn good reason to think he was murdered, along with the fact that he's a damn husk. In the end, the others agree, and we decide to stick together for safety.

At this point a virologist arrives, and it is agreed on that there is likely a ling out and about. Both the chemist and the miner think someone else must have arrived without us noticing, as they would later confirm after roundend.
The virologist isn't interested in sticking with our group, and fucks off into his workplace.
The opportunity is too great to not take, so i find a moment where i'm out of sight of the others to mimic his voice and shout for help. Of course, he's a lizard and i didn't actually take his DNA, so i neither hiss nor stretch my s'es. Luckily neither of the others notice.
We run into virology, and the lizard is gone! Absolutely perfect! When he does come back, having gotten food from the kitchen, everyone is silently doubting if he's really the virologist anymore. I make sure to imply as much behind his back, to the general agreement of the others.

Since the SM project has now been completed, and there is a mysterious killer onboard, we decide to call the shuttle on green. We then go to the bar to wait, and are soon joined by the virologist. At this point i'm desperately trying to think up a way to reveal myself and begin the climax of the story, so when the miner excuses herself to get some snacks from the kitchen, i follow her for "safety".
I catch up to her in the hallway outside the kitchen, and tell her to be careful about going alone. The monster could be anywhere after all. Could be anyone.
"Even you?", She asks jokingly, as my arm shudders and splits open into a blade of bone and sinew. She doesn't even struggle as i grab her and slit her throat, too shocked to even fight (thanks MRP). Then she screams.
I'm pretty clumsy sometimes, and this is one such time. She escapes me as i fuck up my movements, and runs down into the bar downstairs. I enable the ling armor and wait for them to come back up, only for the chemist to reflexively throw the now crit miner right at me. I recover before they can approach, and they both run.
Deciding to finish the job, i take the near dead miner to the holodeck to absorb her. I then take her gear and put it on, before assuming her shape. Time for more horror.
Fake miner says: "Help! I'm bleeding out. I managed to escape him but he's coming!"
Chemist says: "NOO! You're not real!"
Fake miner says: "Please! I need medical attention! Tell me where you are."
Chemist says: "Shut up monster! Stay away!"

I look for the escapees for a bit, before remembering to check medical for crew pinpointers. Not only do i find one, but the chemist has sensors on! Jackpot!
I find her outside the arrivals pod, syringe gun in hand. I know she loads them with N2O, and have no points or rerolls for anatomic panacea, so i keep my distance, pleading to be let in. She doesn't buy it.
She keeps me at bay, and i decide to drop the act. I approach her as far as i can while still being protected by a window, and grin. The last thing she hears before the pod takes off is her own voice coming from my mouth.

"You wouldn't shoot a friend, would you?"

Okay, so this was a 2 hour round with only a single murder in it. Not exactly the chaos you wanted to hear about, but goddamn if that kill wasn't one of my best ones ever. I talked to both the miner and chemist after roundend and both said the round had been genuinely terrifying.
This round is what i wish Manuel would always be. RP with a sinister undertone of violence, paranoia and terror.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:24 am
by massa
I wake up to daydreams of bald men in grey jumpsuits, horizontal.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 1:31 pm
by Jonathan Gupta
massa wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:24 am I wake up to daydreams of bald men in grey jumpsuits, horizontal.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 1:54 pm
by blackdav123
Annihilite111 wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:22 am ling story
I'd say the best stories are the ones where not that many people die but everyone is under constant fear of being the next one to go. Very creative use of the voice mimic, something I will definitely copy in the future.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:31 pm
by Annihilite111
blackdav123 wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 1:54 pm
Annihilite111 wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:22 am ling story
I'd say the best stories are the ones where not that many people die but everyone is under constant fear of being the next one to go. Very creative use of the voice mimic, something I will definitely copy in the future.
Thanks! I realised afterwards that i could have transform-stung monkeys into copies of the chemist and/or miner and left their own mutilated corpses around for them to find. Next time i'll use that too.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 5:39 pm
by Jonathan Gupta
AwkwardStereo wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:19 am
datorangebottle wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:01 amSecurity was mildly amused but refused to come into the kitchen to retrieve the body.
No amount of money would have gotten me over that counter after hearing on radio, "Chef just killed someone in the kitchen."
stereo here has seen me robust people in the kitchen, your next stereo im bringing you over the counter.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:11 pm
by InfiniteGalaxies
imagine if we could hack chef cqc skill chip, free cqc everywhere

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:28 pm
by Notgonnabreaktherule
InfiniteGalaxies wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:11 pm imagine if we could hack chef cqc skill chip, free cqc everywhere
used to exist in the form of station blueprints or the brief cqc everywhere bug

in other words i have rarely seen anyone use cqc blocking

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 9:11 pm
by Jonathan Gupta
Notgonnabreaktherule wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:28 pm
InfiniteGalaxies wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:11 pm imagine if we could hack chef cqc skill chip, free cqc everywhere
used to exist in the form of station blueprints or the brief cqc everywhere bug

in other words i have rarely seen anyone use cqc blocking
I use it all the time baby.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:55 pm
by Rohen_Tahir

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:08 pm
by YBS
Annihilite111 wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:22 am *Amazing antag driven RP*
It's this kind of thing that makes this game worth it.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 11:11 am
by Annihilite111
YBS wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:08 pm
Annihilite111 wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:22 am *Amazing antag driven RP*
It's this kind of thing that makes this game worth it.
Yeah. I didn't really get it until i went to MRP, but now i feel like i've understood what ss13 is really supposed to be.
I saw some hints of it on terry. Those rare moments where one of the few RPers would engage with my attempts at a gimmick or character. That's why i went to manuel despite all the bad things i'd heard about it, and while the vast majority of MRP-players are very bad at RP, i've been able to experience those magical moments much more frequently.
I just really wish half the server weren't escaped mental patients who think IC specism makes you a real life racist and that all kills are murderbone and should be outlawed. (This is really a conversation i had on the mannycord, and it fucking stuck with me because i didn't expect to see real people unironically arguing that videogame roleplay corresponds to reality, on a fucking ROLEPLAYING game nontheless). The people who do RP make it all worth it, though.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 11:12 am
by Jonathan Gupta
RP on MRP feels forced, I like it naturally. Which is why I play LRP.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 12:36 pm
by YBS
Annihilite111 wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 11:11 am *strim*

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 2:16 pm
by Annihilite111
YBS wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 12:36 pm
Annihilite111 wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 11:11 am *strim*
sounds about right

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 3:12 pm
by massa
YBS wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 12:36 pm
Annihilite111 wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 11:11 am *strim*
um akshully

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 4:46 pm
by massa
Also in keeping with this thread's theme, on Terry I just:

CQC'd the shit out of the entire station, caused a massive romerol outbreak, secured dat mfin disk with 3/4 survivors, packed the bananium nuke onto the eshuttle and nuked centcomm (the others did this, I stayed on the station to kill with a medibeam guy), detonated the funny bombs in critical locations (medbay and evac), and chucked a manhack grenade that presumably did some work, as clown ops. This was also during a shift with limitless clowns, so by the end of it we had like half a dozen undead clowns chasing us down the hall and one in a wheelchair going fast as fuck trying to kill us for romeroling them. The situation with the crew was probably mostly dead, desperate survivors in rapidly dwindling numbers. If only there were fire, that would have been even more hilarity!

The carnage was good and great.

What an amazing shift, can't wait to do it again!

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:04 pm
by Shadowflame909
^ I was there as a traitor trying to warn them about the wheelchair clowns chasing me

They killed me before I could warn them and had to face them themselves. Fun end to my round and made me lol

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:30 pm
by mindstormy
Jonathan Gupta wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 11:12 am RP on MRP feels forced, I like it naturally. Which is why I play LRP.
This is exactly why I don't play MRP. I wish we could slightly elevate the RP on our LRP servers, but not to the hugbox levels we see on MRP.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 6:18 pm
by Annihilite111
massa wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 4:46 pm Also in keeping with this thread's theme, on Terry I just:

CQC'd the shit out of the entire station, caused a massive romerol outbreak, secured dat mfin disk with 3/4 survivors, packed the bananium nuke onto the eshuttle and nuked centcomm (the others did this, I stayed on the station to kill with a medibeam guy), detonated the funny bombs in critical locations (medbay and evac), and chucked a manhack grenade that presumably did some work, as clown ops. This was also during a shift with limitless clowns, so by the end of it we had like half a dozen undead clowns chasing us down the hall and one in a wheelchair going fast as fuck trying to kill us for romeroling them. The situation with the crew was probably mostly dead, desperate survivors in rapidly dwindling numbers. If only there were fire, that would have been even more hilarity!

The carnage was good and great.

What an amazing shift, can't wait to do it again!
I was the malf AI. Funny shit even though i couldn't see it in my gay baby jail APC. Being aggressively american was great

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:54 pm
by toemas
Maintainers are retarded and will continue to steer the game away from interesting shit like murder and violence so that they can focus on "fun" content like plasmafloods and amongus social deduction

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:03 am
by Mrzelix
pacifist main here, I still think murder and combat is good for the game, just not lowpop murderboning. my personal favorite fight to see was when a roboticist who was new (I taught them how to make a ripley as their PAI iirc) used the ripley drill to exodia obliterate a hijacking tot, before slowly dying of no pressure after (only a mk 1).

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:30 pm
by Capsandi
thomanthewise5404 wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:54 pm Maintainers are retarded and will continue to steer the game away from interesting shit like murder and violence so that they can focus on "fun" content like plasmafloods and amongus social deduction
Plasmafloods make every round more interesting and my favorite rounds always involve station wide fires.
There was one a few weeks back wherein me and another dude got tackle gloves and called ourselves the tackle bros, then we tried to tackle a murderboning traitor to death in the middle of a flaming underpass, fires on all sides of us. I got murdered after tackling a wall and passing out but my buddy escaped i think

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 6:42 pm
by BlueMemesauce
Murderbone provides much more roleplay than silent killing. But for some reason manuel admins have decided murderboning is the worst thing ever and instead made it so that the only thing traitors can even do is be a silent killer.

Murderboning provides warning to the station so people that want to live can bunker down in their departments and protect themselves while validhunters can go out and face the murderboner themselves. Security and Command have to deal with the situation and they can make the decision to try to nonlethally detain the murderboner or to open armory and hunt them down with lethals. These siutations all provide multiple roleplay opportunies as people have to make hectic decisions on what to do. On the other hand, when has anyone even cared that their coworkers silently disappeared? It doesnt provide any roleplay at all. Most likely they probably committed suicide and logged off. If they yell whos the traitor before they die then maybe it gives security something to do but manuel is now banning that too.

Manuel is banning every situation that actually provides roleplay and its clear that the server isnt actually about roleplay at all. Its about creating a hugbox where you just talk to your meta friends. Actual roleplay situations interfere with this so they have to all be banned from the server.

Re: Murder Appreciation Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 7:11 pm
by Itseasytosee2me
BlueMemesauce wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 6:42 pm Murderbone provides much more roleplay than silent killing. But for some reason manuel admins have decided murderboning is the worst thing ever and instead made it so that the only thing traitors can even do is be a silent killer.

Murderboning provides warning to the station so people that want to live can bunker down in their departments and protect themselves while validhunters can go out and face the murderboner themselves. Security and Command have to deal with the situation and they can make the decision to try to nonlethally detain the murderboner or to open armory and hunt them down with lethals. These siutations all provide multiple roleplay opportunies as people have to make hectic decisions on what to do. On the other hand, when has anyone even cared that their coworkers silently disappeared? It doesnt provide any roleplay at all. Most likely they probably committed suicide and logged off. If they yell whos the traitor before they die then maybe it gives security something to do but manuel is now banning that too.

Manuel is banning every situation that actually provides roleplay and its clear that the server isnt actually about roleplay at all. Its about creating a hugbox where you just talk to your meta friends. Actual roleplay situations interfere with this so they have to all be banned from the server.
I think most Manuel admins are not fundamentally against murder bone as you describe (Although the writer of our current policy definitely was at the time of writing.)
Alot of them really hate when mass murder happens round start effectively ending the shift early for anyone who wanted to work on a project in a stable environment, and would be more open to (if not in support of) more brazen and senseless murder further into the round (Most would say this is about the 45 - 70 minute mark). Murderbone policy helps them cope with that. I know this is how Rave feels (Not necessarily an MRP admin), and he's a pretty clever guy.