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What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 9:03 pm
by EmpressMaia
use statbus website and go to your very first TG round and tell us its story

my first round was 174571, bagil

looks like someone was hungry and had a hearty donk pocket breakfast

Code: Select all

Creepermax1764/(Zul Mandien) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment (2.5u, 1 purity) and /datum/reagent/consumable/sugar (2.5u, 1 purity)) from the donut to [stomach]
Shortly after the cultists start to communicate with eachother

Code: Select all

ShinyReptar343/(Harold McKormack) "O bidai nabora se`sma!"
The hungry crewmate from earlier takes a spear to a goliath? Daring!

Code: Select all

Creepermax1764/(Zul Mandien) has attacked *no key*/(goliath) with spear (Wielded) (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 264)
The cult starts its station takeover quickly, breaking into the HOS office and gathering new recruits

Code: Select all

Warbluke/(Richard Hastings) "I'm inside sec, go through the dorms maints, can I get some backup>?"
Warbluke/(Richard Hastings) has attacked [�head of security's locker] with the fire axe (Wielded)
Looks like someone got their hands on gatfruit?

Code: Select all

wnzl/(Cocoa) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/saltpetre (0.5u, 1 purity) and /datum/reagent/diethylamine (0.5u, 1 purity)) from the bluespace beaker to [hydroponics tray (Gatfruit Tree)]
a miner finds some aliens

Code: Select all

	Creepermax1764/(Zul Mandien) has shot *no key*/(alien drone (1000)) with the kinetic force (NEWHP: 0)
round seems to end shortly after that, with a astonishing... 0 cult conversions! really something huh?

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 9:21 pm
by conrad
Mine was apparently 76236.

Spawned I did, fresh meat for the grinder.

Code: Select all

[14:15:08]ACCESS: Mob Login: Conrad Thunderbunch/(Conrad Thunderbunch) was assigned to a /mob/dead/new_player
I then hit myself in the face multiple times with a desk lamp

Code: Select all

[14:24:41]ATTACK: Conrad Thunderbunch(conradthunderbunch) attacked Conrad Thunderbunch(conradthunderbunch) with desk lamp(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 100) (88,141,2)
[14:24:43]ATTACK: Conrad Thunderbunch(conradthunderbunch) attacked Conrad Thunderbunch(conradthunderbunch) with desk lamp(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 100) (89,141,2)
[14:24:44]ATTACK: Conrad Thunderbunch(conradthunderbunch) attacked Conrad Thunderbunch(conradthunderbunch) with desk lamp(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 100) (89,141,2)
I slipped, and a friend picked me up.

Code: Select all

[14:30:33]ATTACK: Conrad Thunderbunch(conradthunderbunch) slipped NON-EXISTENT SUBJECT with on floor
[14:30:38]ATTACK: Favian Ravenhall(theoddman) shaked Conrad Thunderbunch(conradthunderbunch) with  (NEWHP: 100) (123,142,2)
Only for me to immediately slip again.

Code: Select all

[14:30:45]ATTACK: Conrad Thunderbunch(conradthunderbunch) slipped NON-EXISTENT SUBJECT with on floor
I think I got myself spaced shortly after.

Code: Select all

[14:33:38]EMOTE: Conrad Thunderbunch/(Conrad Thunderbunch) : <b>Conrad Thunderbunch</b> gasps! (223,148,9)
Then I died somehow.

Code: Select all

[14:34:02]EMOTE: Conrad Thunderbunch[DC]/(Conrad Thunderbunch) : <b>Conrad Thunderbunch</b> seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless... (186,148,9)
Idk what I was expecting. Didn't even know how hands worked. Like a space baby.

E: Hey look, I did get myself spaced!


Also, this round was in Box Station :pensive:

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:07 pm
by Jacquerel
My first round on tg seems to be old enough that it's not up on here, but fortunately I have a note about it confirming that I logged in, did xenobiology for 20 minutes, shoved someone who came in to see what was going on into a slime pen for no reason (killing them), and then released some slimes during the escape sequence (also for no reason, I wasn't an antagonist). Fortunately for me, nobody ahelped it until it was too late for the admin to bother investigating.
No idea what anyone else did because it was in 2013, I spent the whole round in xenobio, and there's no logs.

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:38 pm
by WineAllWine
I'm getting 500's from Statbus...Does this mean I'm ancient?

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:44 pm
by Nabski
Statbus doesn't go back to my first round

Someone either showed up and did fake cult things, or real cult things. I think it was fake cult things involving sacrificing ian. They then suicided?

I went into the room that is now the construction room above arrivals and got stuck then blinded myself with tools trying to weld out then died in the arrivals bathroom blind.

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:44 pm
by Shellton(Mario)
I was noted for killing a man with a mech because he wouldn't leave my private room on the shuttle.

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:44 pm
by WineAllWine
No it's fine statbus was just having a bit of a wobble. We've got: (I skipped a few rounds with no data available):
EMOTE: Wineallwine/(Jaslene Jones) gasps! (Secondary Starboard Maintenance
and then
EMOTE: Wineallwine/(Jaslene Jones) seizes up and falls limp, her eyes dead and lifeless... (Secondary Starboard Maintenance

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:54 pm
by Vekter
Mine is old enough that I'm pretty sure it doesn't come up anymore.

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 1:33 am
by warbluke
My first recorded round was actually six years ago to this very day, spooky. The counter goes back another three pages but they're blank.
What's even more scary is that bagil had 62 players back then.
Number 76035, I was observing.

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 1:47 am
by conrad
warbluke wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 1:33 am My first recorded round was actually six years ago to this very day, spooky. The counter goes back another three pages but they're blank.
What's even more scary is that bagil had 62 players back then.
Number 76035, I was observing.
Remember when high-pop bagil was basically today's MRP?

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:13 am
by Jonathan Gupta

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:14 am
by Jonathan Gupta
First time on tg, wish me luck yeah?

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:14 am
by Capsandi
My first round
Six years ago once october rolls around.
I played as Moises Mull on Box Station, Sybil
My first words were:
10:57:30 SAY Moises Mull/Capsandi : Greytide, tide the ARMORY! (138, 146, 2)
The latest commit(besides fixes) was ... b7a9523a8a
Which added the default "some kind of machine" description.

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:15 am
by Jonathan Gupta

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:15 am
by Jonathan Gupta
Map: Delta Station
Map loaded in: 16 seconds

Server started: 2020-09-19 15:23:34
Server shutdown: 2020-09-19 17:12:41
Round duration: 1 hours, 49 minutes, and 6 seconds

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:26 am
by Timonk
Actually had my first round on goon

I went into maint, found a monkey and got robusted by it

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:43 am
by Timonk
Apparently my first round on tg (second overall) was very wild. I joined as a janitor, ick ocked a bunch then got griefed by a bunch of salty Russians who were mad that their servers got shut down. Maybe the drama got me hooked? Round was also 7 hours long
Anyways I'll post some logs from it tomorrow

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:05 am
by GPeckman
It looks like my first round was back in 2020 I thought it was longer ago, but apparently not. I joined in as an assistant, and not much happened for a little while. Then a whole lot happened. I was murdered and put into a soul stone by a cult, then turned into a juggernaut. The cult successfully summoned Nar'Sie. It looks like a few differently people hoped for a deathsquad, but no squad was sent. Not even interns.

This was on Deltastation.

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:29 am
by Bepis
It says my first round was 130943 but I know I was around earlier than that - I vaguely remember beardbeard somehow banning an admin (I think?) and then I took a break for a while.

In the logs anyway, I observed a 7+hr round on Box Station. Good times.

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:00 am
by Boris
Statbus has failed me and I don't remember what the round ID was.

I do however remember fucking around for a bit, getting turned into a shadow person by a lizard, finding a pistol on the floor (I think it was a stechkin but I can't know for certain at this point), and failing to get revenge.

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:35 am
by NoxVS
I showed up on station, played some arcade games, got drunk and melted my liver, and was sent to medical. Once I got out the QM drafted me into going mining for resources, hands me all the necessary equipment, and I go down guns blazing. I'm shooting my plasma cutter around at random when it goes through a wall and hits a guy, immediately severing his arm. He starts to yell at me and I am panicking on the inside, I can't even think of what to say to him. After giving him a blank stare for what had to have been a solid 30 seconds he pulled out a stechkin, shot me to death, and threw me in lava.

Good times.

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:57 am
by Chadley
Statbus is for chumps.

I remember it as if it were yesterday, although it certainly was not. I was a slick new thing on the Nanotrasen block, young, impressionable, a chip on my shoulder and the weight of the world on my heart.

See, I got caught up with a bad crowd. This Poindexter, Pan Dan picked me up from off the halls. I heard rumors about the guy and his shady meta-gang affiliations, but I was naive and deeply charmed by his bomber jacket.

It didn't take long until I was running for his clique. It was the good life, but I knew I was caught up in a bad gig. Specially when I met the honchos headmistress, Pepper Mynt, you might now know her as Pepper Mint --I'm not sure what caused the name change, but I'm reckoning it was her divorce with her first husband, Brady, but that's a story for a whole nother time.

I had it bad for this dame, my heart was aching. It wasn't long until I was able to rub shoulders with Miss Mint, but all the while I was tangoing with the devil. God forbid Godfather Dan found out.

This jig was killing me, the whole song and dance felt right outta Satan's orchestra. I went every job looking over my shoulder, but lucky, fate works in a funny way.

Pan Dan got busted by the Space Police and is now serving a life sentence in the slamma. Which leaves me, Quinn, the Sybil Godfather. It's been a wild ride, and a wacky one at that, but it doesn't take much more than Axle grease to get to high places. Pulling myself up by my bootstraps, I've ruled with an iron fist.

And that's how I, Charley Quinn, got off at Space Station 13.

Oh shit there are my meds.


God, I didn't say anything weird did I bros?

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:24 am
by chocolate_bickie
My first round isn't showing up on Statbus (it seems to be related to the fact that the occurred on Terry as Statbus says server type 'unknown' for those).

Scrubby has some of the round info though;

I don't really remember much of my first round but apparently, I late-joined, faffed around for a bit, and then was brutally murdered by a mech for unknown reasons.
► Show Spoiler
In hindsight, I'm not sure why I kept playing.

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:58 pm
by Indie-ana Jones
My first round probably involved learning xenobio. The oldest round that statbus will show me was from 2018 when I had started playing 3 years prior, so I guess I'll never see it.
EDIT: Found this gem though

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 4:00 pm
by kayozz
Can't quite remember my first round, but I did RP as a disabled, deaf veteran and some kind soul replaced my wheelchair with a motorised powered wheelchair and I ended up accidentally slamming the Captain down onto the lower tram level. Then someone confiscated it.
Good days. Good days indeed.

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:50 pm
by Kendrickorium
how do i use this to find my first round

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:25 pm
by dendydoom
my first rounds were so long ago that i have no idea what they were like, just a blur of soulful sprites. when i returned back in 2020 and started playing manuel, my first real round was the infamous "prank rhials day" where through a very convoluted comedy of errors we ended up declaring war on centcom. we beat the deathsquad that was sent over, commandeered the transport ferry back to centcom, then urist broke into the offices and executed the commander, who i believe was being played by sylphet. during all of this combat i, of course, died, but not before teaming up with a sentient chimp and taking out a deathsquad soldier.

it ruled. 10/10 would prank rhials again.

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:22 pm
by EmpressMaia
dendydoom wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:25 pm my first rounds were so long ago that i have no idea what they were like, just a blur of soulful sprites. when i returned back in 2020 and started playing manuel, my first real round was the infamous "prank rhials day" where through a very convoluted comedy of errors we ended up declaring war on centcom. we beat the deathsquad that was sent over, commandeered the transport ferry back to centcom, then urist broke into the offices and executed the commander, who i believe was being played by sylphet. during all of this combat i, of course, died, but not before teaming up with a sentient chimp and taking out a deathsquad soldier.

it ruled. 10/10 would prank rhials again.
dendy tell us the story of the rhials toilet moth incident

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:33 pm
by dendydoom
EmpressMaia wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:22 pm
dendydoom wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:25 pm my first rounds were so long ago that i have no idea what they were like, just a blur of soulful sprites. when i returned back in 2020 and started playing manuel, my first real round was the infamous "prank rhials day" where through a very convoluted comedy of errors we ended up declaring war on centcom. we beat the deathsquad that was sent over, commandeered the transport ferry back to centcom, then urist broke into the offices and executed the commander, who i believe was being played by sylphet. during all of this combat i, of course, died, but not before teaming up with a sentient chimp and taking out a deathsquad soldier.

it ruled. 10/10 would prank rhials again.
dendy tell us the story of the rhials toilet moth incident

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:30 pm
by Kendrickorium

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:35 pm
by kinnebian
use statbus then log in with forums, should be easy enough

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:38 pm
by conrad
Kendrickorium wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:30 pm HOW DO I FIND MY FIRST ROUND I WANT TO PLAY TOO
I gotchu fam, your first round was 85574, dated 2018-03-26. Which incidentally is a round bugged on statbus.

It should exist on the parsed logs page.

If you wanna check yourself, go to, login with discord or forums, and click "My Rounds", then "Last".

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:43 am
by TheFinalPotato
Looking through statbus I logged in, wandered around, and went SSD. Not really sure why I think I'd played a little on para beforehand.
Was real scared of "messing up" back then, was for a long time. In retrospect it was silly as hell.

First round I actually remember was on delta. I was a cargo tech, and the QM had this big dream of setting up a tesla on the... I think it was the cargo shuttle.
I'm pretty sure he was an antag, but well it was a tesla so it loosed as the lord intended. Killed the whole station, was fun as hell.

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 3:12 pm
by Kendrickorium
conrad wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:38 pm
Kendrickorium wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:30 pm HOW DO I FIND MY FIRST ROUND I WANT TO PLAY TOO
I gotchu fam, your first round was 85574, dated 2018-03-26. Which incidentally is a round bugged on statbus.

It should exist on the parsed logs page.

If you wanna check yourself, go to, login with discord or forums, and click "My Rounds", then "Last".
ohhh i just had to authenticate myself, thanks

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 3:23 pm
by Kendrickorium
Alma Houser/Kendrickorium : giving ian thge grand tour (115, 108, 2)
11:13:45 SAY Alma Houser/Kendrickorium : you understand (115, 108, 2)
11:13:48 SAY Bob Bobbington/mokiros : did you just raid armory (114, 106, 2)
11:13:49 SAY Alma Houser/Kendrickorium : yes (115, 108, 2)
11:13:51 SAY Alma Houser/Kendrickorium : no (115, 108, 2)
11:13:54 SAY Alma Houser/Kendrickorium : it was a tour (115, 108, 2)
11:14:09 SAY Alma Houser/Kendrickorium : look how happy and fulfilled ian is

it looks like in my first round i stole ian, broke into brig/armory while giving them a tour, was caught by Bob Bobbington and permad, asked them mutiple times to play Stratego with me, escaped and caught by beepsky, gulagged, escaped from there and was then killed somehow
that was fun

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 4:43 pm
by Capsandi
My actual first round was on paradise cuz first in hub list
I remember spawning in on box(cuz para) as a botanist and spending the whole round in the public garden. Then i figured out how to speak on service frequency and I told my co-worker off for not being in botany(public garden). I thought box was HUGE because i had a duffel on and getting down arrivals hall was a journey. My first traitor round was as a clown and i emagged the shuttle. I shortly thereafter moved to tg as imsxz, who was the maypole on para at the time, got banned from para and I thought they were robust and deduced whatever server they moved to would be the best.
I actually first heard of ss13 through a google search while trying to find inspiration for a counterstrike zombie escape map i was making. So I type space station into google and saw "space station 13" and i was like '13? I thought there were only 2!' and thats my story the end

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:00 pm
by oranges
I don't remember and I don't think the logs go back far enough

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:22 pm
by conrad
oranges wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:00 pm I don't remember and I don't think the logs go back far enough
Seems your first recorded round on scrubby is 69863 dated 2017-05-03. Clicking "Last" on statbus' pagination renders empty lists.

So I guess we know how far back we can go?

Re: What happened in your first round of /TG/ station

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 2:02 am
by Agux909
First round was Bagil (84198), a meta greenshift (Secret extended at the time)

Ignoring the unapologetic reference it's quite hilarious that my first round I apparently got shocked twice trying to hack an airlock as assistant:

Code: Select all

09:02:51	ATTACK	Auxillary Base Construction electrocuted Jack Noir(agux909) with (NEWHP: 75)	(48, 146, 2)	
09:03:11	ATTACK	Auxillary Base Construction electrocuted Jack Noir(agux909) with (NEWHP: 45)	(47, 146, 2)	
Then died 10 minutes later trying to reach the end of the maints corridor near arrivals (space bridge) without ever saying a word:

Code: Select all

09:08:23	EMOTE	Agux909/(Jack Noir) : Jack Noir gasps!	(50, 166, 2)	
09:09:19	EMOTE	Agux909/(Jack Noir) : Jack Noir gasps!	(63, 169, 2)	
09:09:25	EMOTE	Agux909/(Jack Noir) : Jack Noir gasps!	(61, 169, 2)	
09:10:47	EMOTE	Agux909/(Jack Noir) : Jack Noir gasps!	(66, 169, 2)	
09:11:24	EMOTE	Agux909/(Jack Noir) : Jack Noir gasps!	(66, 169, 2)	
09:11:30	EMOTE	Agux909/(Jack Noir) : Jack Noir gasps!	(66, 169, 2)	
09:11:32	EMOTE	Agux909/(Jack Noir) : Jack Noir gasps!	(66, 169, 2)	
09:11:56	EMOTE	Agux909/(Jack Noir) : Jack Noir gasps!	(66, 169, 2)	
09:12:12	EMOTE	Agux909/(Jack Noir) : Jack Noir gasps!	(66, 169, 2)	
09:12:58	EMOTE	Agux909/(Jack Noir) : Jack Noir gasps!	(66, 169, 2)	
09:13:28	EMOTE	Agux909/(Jack Noir) : Jack Noir gasps!	(66, 169, 2)	
09:14:07	EMOTE	Agux909/(Jack Noir) : Jack Noir gasps!	(66, 169, 2)	
09:14:09	EMOTE	Agux909/(Jack Noir) : Jack Noir gasps!	(66, 169, 2)	
09:14:37	EMOTE	Agux909/(Jack Noir) : Jack Noir seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...	(66, 169, 2)	
09:14:41	ACCESS	Mob Login: Agux909/(Jack Noir) was assigned to a /mob/dead/observer		
09:27:35	ACCESS	Logout: Agux909/(Jack Noir)
Second round also on Bagil (84277), also on meta. I Join as QM with the correct impression it was a chill job, but then get overwhelmed when people don't realize i'm new and start yelling at me, giving me the false impression I have a lot of responsabilities and making me too nervous to ever pick the job again. I do a lot of ick ock, and people follow suit. I ultimately ask for someone to replace me, and eventually they do. There's n word dropping left and right (iirc it was allowed 100% back then) which I was not a fan off, and so I get into a scuffle with an insufferable cargo tech (my first "kill valid" moment!) who was mad at me for sitting in my office without doing anything. What else? Captain was executing a lot of crewmembers, most likely none of them were the traitors and lings present on station, and a magicarp was polymorphing people. Also apparently there was a stock market back then? I have absolutely no memory of that.