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Why were moodlets turned off?

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:16 am
by oranges

Bottom post of the previous page:

No public discussion, no poll, nothing?

I enjoy this feature a lot and I think it adds a lot to the round. People who don't like can take the trait that minimises it's impact.

Please turn it back on or at least attempt to be transparent with changes you're making

Re: Why were moodlets turned off?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:35 pm
by BeeSting12
spessmen do not have feelings.

Re: Why were moodlets turned off?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:09 pm
by Mickyan
Worth nothing there's no actual negative moodlet for toolboxing someone and I don't think the plan was to actually have one

Maybe we can agree to stick to negative moodlets that would objectively aggravate anyone. Such as missing a leg, starving or embarrassingly slipping on a banana peel. The other more subjective moodlets can be relegated to negative and positive traits that can better shape your spessman's character, such as hemophobia causing you to be disturbed by blood or a psychopath trait that actually gives you a mood boost.

If you want to live as a space hobo you can still do that by taking the appropriate traits.
Shadowflame909 wrote:Like feeling bad that your going hungry when your running away from an ash drake who's 3 seconds away from smiting your ass with his body.
How is this an argument against moodlets when you'd be in the exact same situation with regular hunger slowdown

If anything the great thing about sanity slowdown is that it can (potentially, there's still plenty of positive moodlets missing that should be present but aren't in yet) be counteracted in more ways than just eating like with hunger slowdown. Be it drinking yourself stupid, injecting yourself with chems or just taking some time to do some positive activities.

Re: Why were moodlets turned off?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:16 pm
by Grazyn
You don't get a negative moodlet for toolboxing someone but you get it if their blood splashes on the floor thus soiling the room. Spessmen are literally psychos

Re: Why were moodlets turned off?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:52 pm
by PKPenguin321
Kor wrote:"Actually the system is good because its consequences are meaningless and if you realize the alerts don't matter the alert wont bother you" is such a bizarre way to praise moodlets.
I wasn't even praising them, I was saying how retarded you'd have to be to want to completely disable them because "muh frowny face."

>If something is rapidly flashing from blue to green to yellow to red on my screen and I'm not actually supposed to give it the attention

Only this is not what is happening the incredibly vast majority of the time. You're exaggerating this to a wild extreme when all you have to do is not look at the fucking icon. It rarely even changes much at all except for when you're hungry, and I'd argue that the hunger alert is much more immediately noticable.

You've latched on to the most inconsequential, subjective, personal "issue" with moodlets (which is actually an issue of your own that you've attributed to moodlets themselves) and just won't drop it as your primary argument against the rest of the entire system as a whole. It's stupid, pedantic, and frankly kind of frustrating.

Re: Why were moodlets turned off?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 10:42 pm
by onleavedontatme
I have made probably dozens of posts about moodlets between this and the feedback thread about various issues I have with the system.

And out of those 300 posts from various people you decided my dislike of the UI was the thing you needed to pick a fight about and insult over, and then I'm "latching on" for responding to you about the thing you brought up?

Did I offend you recently or something?

Re: Why were moodlets turned off?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:53 am
by PKPenguin321
No sorry I got heated and that was disproportionately aggressive

Re: Why were moodlets turned off?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:58 am
by The Clowns Pocket
So in the future, how do we prevent "Fun" features being turned off but encourage "Lame" features like moodlets which added nothing and were little more then an annoyance?

Re: Why were moodlets turned off?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:11 am
by oranges
this is going nowhere