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[POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:47 pm
by Skorvold

Bottom post of the previous page:

Pick a normal name. You must have a first name and a last name (e.g John Smith). You must not use honorifics or nick names (E.g. Dr Greg House or Jack "Johnny" Johnson), and must be spelt fully with capitals and no shortenings (e.g. NOT J Hoffman or jaiden mallow). Exceptions to this are Eats-The-Lemons format of Lizard names, Clown, Mime, Silicon, Wizard and Nuke Op names. References are still allowed, but try to be original.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 3:05 pm
by paprika
MisterPerson wrote:I propose a compromise. All names must have a first and last name. Nicknames are allowed but only in quotation marks ie George "Griffon" Melons. The idea being that most people should just say the nickname but anyone who wants to be a dick can explicitly say the first name or "Mr./Mrs. Last". Think The Matrix where Agent Smith kept calling Neo "Mr. Anderson" just to piss him off.

I'm thinking the grey area is going to be names like Gunjar of Riverwood and Urist BeardBeard.

Luck is hilarious but really the only people who even remember luck played basil/artyom which isn't the lifeblood of /tg/ so don't be delusional even if all the forum shitposters come from those servers. (like me!)

I used to play as 'paprika' but that was retarded and anyone who still plays as singular names is stupid as fuck. I've even seen Iteq switch to actual characters and roleplay, so he obviously enjoys it.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 4:46 pm
by damiac
I don't get the point of this, except to give admins another thing to police randomly. I mean, everyone knows something ridiculous like xXx_KillSlayer420_xXx isn't allowed, but who does it hurt when people have somewhat silly names or nicknames? In real life, some people have some pretty strange names, and there are monolithic names...

It's honestly not a huge deal either way, but it just seems like a policy that's going to have 'edge cases', and the people who are less liked by admins will get less leeway than others.

Also, I like how singular names used to be OK when paprika did it, but now that he/she/it doesn't, now anyone who still does it is retarded... You're still retarded paprika, don't worry...

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 5:08 pm
by TSB5
Mononames can be either iffy or brilliant, depending on the situation. I wouldn't mind them being handled on something like a case-by-case basis. I had a good run with Warren Lee Jones, before retiring him, but my favourite names are ones that can have both serious and amusing readings. Names like Mai Emerson are iconic, and I'm more than a little fond of my current Fleur Tyles.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 5:31 pm
by damiac
Iconic? No, if there are going to be name rules, names like Mai Emerson and Fleur Tyles should be the first to go, they're much worse than an actually original nickname. Names like that might have been clever when SS13 was relatively new...

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 5:37 pm
by Psyentific
damiac wrote:Iconic? No, if there are going to be name rules, names like Mai Emerson and Fleur Tyles should be the first to go, they're much worse than an actually original nickname. Names like that might have been clever when SS13 was relatively new...
Fleur Tyles is actually kinda clever, and it's far less immersion-breaking than "Bobbys" the RD. Just imagine a couple of greytiders hooked up and had a kid.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 7:34 pm
by cedarbridge
Psyentific wrote:
damiac wrote:Iconic? No, if there are going to be name rules, names like Mai Emerson and Fleur Tyles should be the first to go, they're much worse than an actually original nickname. Names like that might have been clever when SS13 was relatively new...
Fleur Tyles is actually kinda clever, and it's far less immersion-breaking than "Bobbys" the RD. Just imagine a couple of greytiders hooked up and had a kid.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 8:07 pm
by Pandarsenic
Puns or mixups that sound like legitimate names if you don't get the puns are the best sorts of names.

I spent 15 minutes giggling the first time I saw Ham Barton, Security Officer. Fleur Tyles is also pretty good. Etc.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 10:37 pm
by NikNakFlak
So everyone is in pretty good agreement about naming, except for mono/nicknames. The two options that are winning is the one that was recently put into effect with skorvold's post and basically the same thing but mononames and nicknames being allowed. There is also the idea of what misterperson said (see previous pages of this thread) to take into consideration.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 11:51 pm
by bandit
I don't even give a fuck about mono-names, but all the "It's an ancient Inuit custom guyze to have only one name guyze it's totally legit when I name my character Fuckler" fake rationalization crap in this and other threads makes me want them banned entirely. If you don't use it to RP, you don't get to use it to argue because you're essentially grasping around your ass for whatever you can pull out.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:38 am
by paprika
damiac wrote:Also, I like how singular names used to be OK when paprika did it, but now that he/she/it doesn't, now anyone who still does it is retarded... You're still retarded paprika, don't worry...
I was a new player. I had a singular name before Luck, even. I figured hey, if the admins never bothered me about it, I could just have a joke anime reference and never have to actually do any roleplay or play a character ever. That was dumb. The fact that I have two real characters now (even if they're both kind of jokes in their own right) means I've developed as a player since like, two years ago. I still do stupid shit, even the most seasoned of players do stupid shit, but making stupid one-name characters 'because I can!!!' isn't one of those things.

TL;DR: It was never okay, I never said it was okay, I said it was mostly harmless but it does ruin immersion. I've never once seen iteq actually roleplay as luck, outside of jokes, which is depressing as fuck because I know he just can't be fucked even though he has the capacity to roleplay at least in some light capacity.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:13 pm
by miggles
i dont really think people with mononamed characters seriously think "im doing it because i can, FUCK THE SYSTEM IM SO COOL"
like really, its just a name. mononames and nicknames are fun and unique and they dont really hurt anything. its not like people with those names are shit because they have a weird name, its because theyre shit. should we ban asian names because there is a correlation between asian names and greytiding? like seriously, thats the logic youre using.
"my imurhsungsssssss" is also a stupid argument because they vary from player to player, and like others have said, not only is the 26th century a setting far beyond our cultural comprehension, but also, policing names for the sake of "rp" is seriously inconsistent. the rules for roleplaying are basically "dont be meta and at least pretend to be a character". we're not bay, its not like /tg/ prides itself on quality roleplay; it simply doesnt happen, and thats not what the server is for. its a midpoint between 2 drastically different playstyles. /tg/ is a much sillier environment than other rp-oriented servers. a lot of the things that happen on a roundly basis totally disregard any notion of proper rp, yet we skip over those things in favor of policing names, why? because it helps promote rp? names are not the first place where change needs to happen if thats your goal.
i get that its a roleplaying game being played by "people from a roleplaying community" but thats absolute horseshit. SS13 is a roleplaying game, yes. but i doubt that even 20% of the active population on /tg/station even regularly goes to /tg/ itself, let alone found the server through it. the /tg/ in /tg/station is pretty much in title only.
i dont want to have to say "gb2bay" but really, if people having names like "luck" "nill" "old man robustin" etc bothers you, you have no place here. youre not going to find super-deep roleplay here. honestly, i enjoy going to bay, i think its fun, but i also realize that its an entirely different server than /tg/ and that is the go-to place if you want to rp. NOT /tg/.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:17 pm
by Saegrimr
Hot damn, that was a ramble.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:20 pm
by miggles
yeah and i would like to hear your response considering youre one of the main proponents of this rule change

Re: New Name Policy

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:24 pm
by Saegrimr
Saegrimr wrote:I don't think first AND last name is much of a problem (eg. Jimothy), but when you get names that are little more than jumbles of words, some sort of codename, or a new rap artist.

I'm not asking you to be "Bob Smith", just put some more creativity into something that sounds like a name or a snarky mutation of a name.
This is why I rename these people "Terry Bulname", because its a terrible name, its surprisingly close to an actual name, and it shows that you don't need to be John Johnson #43.
Saegrimr wrote:Considering one of our long time players is "Old Man Robustin", i'm not entirely against nicknames in moderation as long as theres something that can be used as a formal name with it.
From what little I skimmed through of that wall, you mean something like this as a response?

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:39 pm
by miggles
i mean just read it and respond to it, its not that long, cmon dude

also i disagree with those statements you quoted of yourself. changing people's names (unless theyre nazi names etc) is really dumb. youre forcing your flavor of rp on them, regardless of whether they were actually roleplaying, and regardless of if that roleplay actually fit with their name. there are people who take their "silly" names seriously and actually mean something with them other than "lol im gonna name myself dicks mcbutts and see how fast the admins get mad at me"
and the formality thing is just laughable because there is never a need to be formal, like, ever. there are no high class ballroom dances or wine mixers, its literally just a station where people do their job and die a lot. even the captain isnt always formal, because he has the right to do whatever he wants on his station. unless you intend to enforce serious captains too in which case you really should go somewhere else instead of trying to drastically change a server that has been fairly consistent for a long time

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:47 pm
by NikNakFlak
I was also one of the people who pushed for the new name policy in Adminbus and I was the one who brought it up. I disagree with a lot of what you stated miggles. Saying nicknames are fine just because "Lol 26th century, names can be whatever" and "this isn't promoting roleplay, police it some other way because names don't do shit" are flimsy reasons at best. SS13 is a roleplaying game and saying that anyone who actually wants to roleplay should just fuck off to bay and ignore tg because tg is the "Gameplay" server is really dumb in my eyes.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:59 pm
by Saegrimr
miggles wrote:youre forcing your flavor of rp on them, regardless of whether they were actually roleplaying, and regardless of if that roleplay actually fit with their name. there are people who take their "silly" names seriously and actually mean something with them other than "lol im gonna name myself dicks mcbutts and see how fast the admins get mad at me"
It doesn't matter why they named themselves Dick McButts, i'm going to change it for them.
miggles wrote:and the formality thing is just laughable because there is never a need to be formal, like, ever. there are no high class ballroom dances or wine mixers, its literally just a station where people do their job and die a lot.
I think you're exaggerating my use of the word formal.

The point i'm making is someone named "Old Man" vs. "Old Man Robustin".
Clearly his name is "Robustin" and will be referred to as such.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:32 pm
by miggles
rp is not a reason when you do jack shit to enforce rp other than ruining peoples fun names
shit like "dick mcbutts" IS bad. its ALREADY against the rules. you dont need more than that.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:41 pm
by paprika
miggles wrote:mononames and nicknames are fun and unique and they dont really hurt anything.
So it's better that they do it to be attention whores? Epic!

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:13 am
by miggles
once again sweeping generalizations that dont actually hold value

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:41 am
by NikNakFlak
You are litterly generalizing the entire server playstyle of tg miggles.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:46 am
by paprika
You might find this is pretty common with miggles

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:49 am
by miggles
except the difference is im not wrong
RP happens. I RP. not everyone does. its not enforced, and its barely a part of the rules, and when i play the game, i actually see that what im saying is correct. holding everyone to a higher standard of RP wont really benefit anyone because the people who already do wont care and the ones that dont already dont care.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:53 am
by paprika
Where am I wrong in saying there's pretty much no reason to have monocular names at all, you have yet to provide a solid reason or an example of someone with a monocular name that didn't use it to be a giant faggot

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:53 am
by NikNakFlak
I see litterly no point in arguing with you on this point miggles. The policy was pretty supported, I doubt a change will happen regardless.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 4:44 am
by Psyentific
miggles wrote:the ones that dont already dont care.
get rid of them
ex-nox pls go

/tg/station is an RP server from an RP community. A lot of our core playerbase like to RP in the off times, and try to maintain some degree of RP when they aren't too busy robusting. It just so happens that most of us aren't stereotypically autistic about pretending to be 2d spessmens. That said, if you can't even pay lip service to roleplay, you've got no place here.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:50 pm
by lumipharon
That's exactly the point he's making though. Enforcing 'realistic names' is all fine and dandy, but should be secondary to actual realistic behavior.

Like seriously it makes no sense that you won't to force people to follow a specific standard of names, but are fine with the same people playing in a completely non rp way.
I can be shot/stabbed/bludgeoned repeatedly, be facing alien monsters of paramilitary operatives, and ran at them an extinguisher with zero regard for my life. I can have detailed knowledge of all the workings of the station and every possible threat to it, but I can't have a non serious name?

I mean really, I only have a mononame because I don't what to change they character I've already established, if I was starting again I would have a proper name. But enforcing naming policy like this before actual behavior is putting the wagon before the horse.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 2:11 pm
by NikNakFlak
Basically, yes. You can have no regard for your life and still be properly named. Your stating that the only roleplay that can happen is ignorance of knowledge. This is not true, it is just an aspect of roleplaying.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:49 pm
by Lo6a4evskiy
I thought we were supposed to be middle of the road, why are you suggesting that we should either be all-in on RP or have no aspect of RP at all?

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 6:27 pm
by NikNakFlak
We are middle of the road in terms of roleplaying but its debatable on where naming falls on that and which direction it should lean.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:15 pm
by miggles
it shouldnt lean in either direction. it should be middle of the road, like everything else. nothing too retarded, but silly names are allowed. as it has been for years.
why are we changing this?

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:42 pm
by lumipharon
NikNakFlak wrote:Basically, yes. You can have no regard for your life and still be properly named. Your stating that the only roleplay that can happen is ignorance of knowledge. This is not true, it is just an aspect of roleplaying.
That's just an example of highly unbelievable (when it happens to every person every round etc) behavior, that is clearly throwing rp out the window.
Lo6a4evskiy wrote:I thought we were supposed to be middle of the road, why are you suggesting that we should either be all-in on RP or have no aspect of RP at all?
I'm not, I'm saying that if we want to enforce more rp, it seems far more logical to start with what people actually do IC. IE: Someone with a non rp name can still rp, which positively benefits other/the server, whilst someone with a forced rp name can still completely throw rp out the window.

Basically, names have less impact then player actions/behavior, so are less important to worry about, in my opinion.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:36 am
by paprika
miggles wrote:it shouldnt lean in either direction. it should be middle of the road, like everything else. nothing too retarded, but silly names are allowed. as it has been for years.
why are we changing this?
We've had asimov as default lawset for years. We've had an0n3 as an admin for years. That argument sucks ass.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 6:03 am
by Timbrewolf
paprika wrote:
miggles wrote:it shouldnt lean in either direction. it should be middle of the road, like everything else. nothing too retarded, but silly names are allowed. as it has been for years.
why are we changing this?
We've had asimov as default lawset for years. We've had an0n3 as an admin for years. That argument sucks ass.
Wow whoa. Parprika baby come on don't talk about me like that in front of the kids.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:51 am
by peoplearestrange
miggles wrote:it shouldnt lean in either direction. it should be middle of the road, like everything else. nothing too retarded, but silly names are allowed. as it has been for years.
why are we changing this?
I'd second this. I mean, even the vote of the poll shows how middle of the road the community thinks we are. It's literately the middle option winning. I also think it be sad to loose the ability to use nicknames.
People do use to good effect and why should the misuse of a few individuals spoil everyone else fun? That alone is the essence of our rule 1. The fun of many outweighs the mischief of the individual.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:56 am
by Saegrimr
Edit: I'm a gigantic asshole.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:51 pm
by Cheridan
I may be biased, as someone who plays a nicknamed character (under MrP's naming scheme, he'd be named M. "Sedge" Nisc), but I don't see what's so bad about them.
People often use nicknames to the point where it effectively replaces their actual name -- Nobody refers to the 42nd US president as "William Jefferson Clinton".

I agree that honorifics and job-related names can be out of place, but I however do know someone who goes by "Doc" despite never being a doctor (It's apparently short for Doctor Love. Yeah, he's a scumbag).

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:58 pm
by peoplearestrange
I knew a man that went by the name dribble. I didn't know his real name for at least 3 years.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:00 pm
by cedarbridge
An0n3 wrote:
paprika wrote:
miggles wrote:it shouldnt lean in either direction. it should be middle of the road, like everything else. nothing too retarded, but silly names are allowed. as it has been for years.
why are we changing this?
We've had asimov as default lawset for years. We've had an0n3 as an admin for years. That argument sucks ass.
Wow whoa. Parprika baby come on don't talk about me like that in front of the kids.
No ointment can remove that burn.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:39 pm
by Psyentific
peoplearestrange wrote:I knew a man that went by the name dribble. I didn't know his real name for at least 3 years.
Dale Gribble

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:14 pm
by miggles
paprika wrote:
miggles wrote:it shouldnt lean in either direction. it should be middle of the road, like everything else. nothing too retarded, but silly names are allowed. as it has been for years.
why are we changing this?
We've had asimov as default lawset for years. We've had an0n3 as an admin for years. That argument sucks ass.
except both of those things are good so good job making yourself look like a retard?

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:25 pm
by cedarbridge
miggles wrote:
paprika wrote:
miggles wrote:it shouldnt lean in either direction. it should be middle of the road, like everything else. nothing too retarded, but silly names are allowed. as it has been for years.
why are we changing this?
We've had asimov as default lawset for years. We've had an0n3 as an admin for years. That argument sucks ass.
except both of those things are good so good job making yourself look like a retard?

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:48 pm
by Psyentific
miggles wrote:
paprika wrote:
miggles wrote:it shouldnt lean in either direction. it should be middle of the road, like everything else. nothing too retarded, but silly names are allowed. as it has been for years.
why are we changing this?
We've had asimov as default lawset for years. We've had an0n3 as an admin for years. That argument sucks ass.
except both of those things are good so good job making yourself look like a retard?
C'mon miggles, you have to at least TRY and not be fucking retarded.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:58 pm
by Cipher3
Psyentific wrote:
miggles wrote:
paprika wrote:
miggles wrote:it shouldnt lean in either direction. it should be middle of the road, like everything else. nothing too retarded, but silly names are allowed. as it has been for years.
why are we changing this?
We've had asimov as default lawset for years. We've had an0n3 as an admin for years. That argument sucks ass.
except both of those things are good so good job making yourself look like a retard?
C'mon miggles, you have to at least TRY and not be fucking retarded.
Miggles, invalidating another person's point because your opinion on an irrelevant example dissents from theirs isn't a good way to earn friends.
We've had (insert admin name here) for years.
We've had (insert least liked game mode here) for years.
We've had (insert terrible policy here) for years.
We've had (insert terrible job here) for years.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:30 pm
by miggles
i dont really want to be friends with any of those people

and regardless, paprikas argument was also based on opinion, and not really a good point either. any example you can use will have SOMEONE who disagrees with your opinion.
"weve had it for years" and "why does it need to be changed" are separate statements and one of them is more important than the other, can you guess which one? i want to know what the actual reason anyone feels this change is necessary is, because 1. i personally think its a stupid idea and 2. it doesnt really fit with the foundation of the server. we dont enforce roleplay, fullstop. we dont do it anywhere else, and it would be contradictory (and outright stupid) to do it here.

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:41 pm
by Timbrewolf
But hey I mean we can still all agree that I'm great right guys?


Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:47 pm
by miggles
all hail anyone 5

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 3:36 am
by paprika
miggles wrote:
paprika wrote:
miggles wrote:it shouldnt lean in either direction. it should be middle of the road, like everything else. nothing too retarded, but silly names are allowed. as it has been for years.
why are we changing this?
We've had asimov as default lawset for years. We've had an0n3 as an admin for years. That argument sucks ass.
except both of those things are good so good job making yourself look like a retard?
They were both jokes you don't need to get so fucking bum blistered over arguments on the forums miggles. God damn dude.

We don't enforce roleplay but we encourage it. Having a code restriction (forcing people to have surnames) is a perfect example of encouraging roleplay. Banning people for having 'Hitler McRacewar' as their name is enforcement, and we already do that, so you're wrong on both accounts.

And I shouldn't have to mention all the other code restrictions we have that encourage roleplay. Look at baystation, and their slow movement speed, click delay, etc. All of these things encourage roleplay instead of outright enforcing it. Rules and administration, as well as policies enforce roleplay.

Wanting people to have surnames would be a code restriction and a roleplay encouragement, not an enforcement. But this thread is about enforcing roleplay names, and naming policies, of which there already exist some, so why are you cunting about 'MUH MONONAMES! MUH ROLEPLAY ENFORCEMENT!' when those things aren't even fucking related?

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 5:04 am
by miggles
do you not see the correlation between a characters name and roleplay, because theyre pretty fucking related

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 3:55 pm
by Timbrewolf
The problem is, like I said before, the REAL WORLD is full of silly and stupid names.

If I show up in the game named Dick Trickle with this new policy it's likely someone would PM or bwoink that person and ask them to stop using that name.

Because it's "bad roleplay"? Because SS13 exists in a world where no parents ever goofed or someone's name sounds silly when spoked in another language?

Last night there was someone running around who named themselves "Blowjob Clown" and they got bwoinked because they fucking deserved it. That's a blatant strata of yo-what-the-fuck-are-you-even-doing.

But if I want to name myself Shabadoo McSlamdunk, or Hugh Jass, or just "Scruffy", you can't immediately discount that as bad roleplay because you don't like it.


"Ol' Scruffy thinks you're just banning things you don't like, and aren't actually trying to encourage roleplay."

Re: [POLL] New Name Policy

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:11 pm
by Scott
My lizard character has many S's in it, is that not allowed?