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Enable blood brothers

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:42 pm
by pubby

Bottom post of the previous page:

Hi friends. Can we have blood brother mode* (TRAITORBRO) enabled in the config? Whatever percent added can be taken off traitorchan. I recommend 5%.

And if it's set, please increase BROTHER_SCALING_COEFF to something like 20 Keeping it at 6 results in way too many antagonists.

[*] Blood brothers are small antag teams that must work together to complete their objectives. The mode includes regular traitors as well.

Re: Enable blood brothers

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 6:05 pm
by Shadowflame909
Yeah, that's the gimmick of the mode. Blood Brothers is basically traitor but you remove there TC and give two pairs of traitors knowledge of each other and the same objectives. They work together to complete their objectives without TC. The only reason people feel goofy about it is because someone goof'd and made TOO MANY traitors, the only time this mode was enabled. Which was dumb. You have the regular amount of tater tots on normal traitor! You just, make two pairs of all the normal traitor's teammates, without TC and the same objective!

Re: Enable blood brothers

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 6:34 pm
by Rustledjimm
Could've sworn I added them to bagil with a small % to happen. Must've misspelled the line. I want to try out blood brothers for a while, the coefficient is 20 players per team of brothers.

Re: Enable blood brothers

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 4:02 am
by Doctor Pork
Ran it earlier today 3 teams on a 40 pop round. Went okay, one team worked together a bit (the ones with assassin objectives) but the other two immediately split up and went to do their own things. I noticed for a round having essentially 6 traitors that that only about 3 people got murdered which was definitely something I havent seen in awhile and the assassins were a lot more careful in trying to take out their target. Definitely saw a lot more stealth which was nice.

I think it could be a nice change of pace to enable it as a gamemode, even if some pairings don't work together there is definitely potential for some interesting scenarios given the push for creativity since no TC. I would suggest having it be like 1 pairing to every 15 players just because some teams might turn out to be duds, but 20 might be better too since it really depends who is a BB and how good they are at teamwork.

I'd say put them at the same percentage as like wiz. Although it might be cool to have a hybrid gametype like Traitorchan. If you had two regular traitors and 2 pair of blood brothers thats a full traitor round and only 40TC on station, but who knows. Either way I'd call BB a cool gamemode.

SPECIAL REQUEST: someone please change the icon in the admin hud for blood brothers to something other than the valentines day heart, frankly its silly

Re: Enable blood brothers

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 10:24 am
by pubby
Oops, I think something went wrong, Jimm.

In the config, it needs to be PROBABILITY TRAITORBRO instead of PROBABILITY BROTHER (confusing, I know). Right now the added percent is going towards "secret extended".

Re: Enable blood brothers

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 3:52 pm
by Shadowflame909
Oh fuck, someone send help. Bagil is now having double the amount of extended rounds!

Re: Enable blood brothers

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 3:54 pm
by DemonFiren
serves 'em right

remember when basil was the RP server?

Re: Enable blood brothers

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 4:33 am
by Th3rapist
I have played as a BB before, partner was Respii. This is only from the 'you have a good partner' perspective, but I really did enjoy it. If the bloodbrothers play it properly and cooperate the no TC thing isn't a problem and its a fun experience, I learned a lot, and it was fun comparing methods of accomplishing tasks, assassination methods, one person distracts someone or keeps lookout, that sort of thing. I'm sure not every BB round will go like this, but I doubt that they'll somehow result in a flat unfun mode. I say it deserves a shot.

Re: Enable blood brothers

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 4:14 am
by EagleWiz
I was a blood brother recently. My team mate didn't make any attempt to communicate, started a fight with sec, got thrown in jail, got released, started another fight, got thrown in jail again, and apparently eventually ended up getting killed by sec and his body went god knows where, and we redtexted as a result. It's a fine mode (there was a mime lawyer team that round that looked like they were making good use of the mode), but there are some players on the server who just have it enabled for the free antag and don't understand or care about teamwork.

Re: Enable blood brothers

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 7:04 am
by Shadowflame909
Sadly, you get that with every mode EagleWiz. I bet it was one of those roundstart suicider tiders. I just wish they got banned already.

Re: Enable blood brothers

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 10:28 am
by Lumbermancer
The one time I played this mode it was pretty fun.

Re: Enable blood brothers

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 11:20 am
by Dax Dupont
I've run blood brothers a few times and it seemed to be liked by most people.