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For the love of everything holy, Please nuke free golems

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:58 am
by The Wrench

Bottom post of the previous page:

Okay, lukewarm take time. Free golems are used as a free respawn to come back to the station, and mass grief and or kill your killer. Maybe I'm just bitter, but I have never once had a shift benefit from there being free golems just swarming the place and shitting everything up.

What I propose here is either a total removal of free golems, or a strict policy of golems staying away from the station. Either way is acceptable, but something has to be done about this.

Re: For the love of everything holy, Please nuke free golems

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 6:24 pm
by Jolly66
Once saw a golem on icebox trade to get a phazon mech off the traitor RD and proceeded to rush the AI and beat the shit out of it. Nuke golems.

Re: For the love of everything holy, Please nuke free golems

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 8:18 am
by iwishforducks
Can't remember the last time I saw a shitter free golem on station.

Seriousness aside, ghost roles are in a very weird limbo. People are very adamant about ghost roles never interacting with the station because they're ghost roles. Anyone that takes ghost roles seriously enough knows this rule of thumb: Don't interact with the station else you're putting the very existence of the role at risk. I take these roles seriously, and I have used the opportunity of the ghost roles to figure out the game's mechanics in a stress-free environment from grey shits and antaggery. Almost 95% of my knowledge of engineering and atmos comes from ghost roles like golems and charlie station. (In fact, I'm that friend mothblocks is talking about.) It drives me up a wall whenever I hear about a golem or charlie crewmember trying to contact the station in any way. (But, I've done that before when I was a bit less wise- we're not all angels.)

Good golems are the ones who don't interact with the station, and bad golems are the ones who interact with the station. Guess which one impacts your round? Case and point, keep golems as they are, and just ahelp when you see a shitter golem on station. I think it might be worthwhile to also make it so free golems have the prefix of "Free" added to their names so it's easier to figure out if it's just a shitter free golem or some dipshit xenobio man thought it would be funny to send out the golems.

Re: For the love of everything holy, Please nuke free golems

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 6:22 pm
by Jolly66
Theres also one issue I glossed over initially buts still important to bring up.

The other ghost roles, namely the Drones and Charlie, have either big bold text to not abandon their team, or are dealt with the code.
The drones are hard coded to instantly die if they leave the Z-level, which shouldn't be an issue unless a drone accidentally slips off the derelict and, oops.
Charlie is in a weird limbo like Golems, but they're humans and can still easily get fucked over, and don't have a plethora of ores at their disposal (surprise surprise, Charlie has a set amount of ores every round and isn't randomized).

Golems, when spawning in also have the "Yeah go do whatever", which is possibly the worst thing to hold players accountable to. It's not like Charlie where they're bound to stay due to the "Don't abandon your team." flavor text. I still say nuke 'em because they have obviously caused their fair share of issues, but if nuking them isn't an option, for the love of God adjust their rules when they spawn in, which could hopefully mitigate issues later down the line and admins can also properly reprimand shitty players who genuinely view golems as a second life due to their proximity to the station, unlike the other two aforementioned ghost spawns.