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Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:10 pm
by ZiggyValencia

Bottom post of the previous page:

I recently started playing Bartender at the suggestion of a friend. I've been enjoying it a lot, but I had never known why he started with a shotgun.

Until I had to kill someone every round without about the first 10 minutes of the game. Every time. Without fail.

One fucker stole the booze o' mat while I was otherwise occupied. He took it into maintenance and defended it to the death.

I could never get it back because, regardless of how many times I requested security, they wouldn't come help. It doesn't matter what the situation is. It could be "Help, that guy is acting like a syndie" all the way to "Help, this guy is literally killing me with a knife oh god" and they just won't come fucking help.

I think it would be really helpful if there was some kind of policy in place for getting sec to help in situations where one cannot just shoot people with the double-barrel. Preferably, putting these new rules on the wiki.

I understand it'll still be players making decisions, but then at least we can go to someone and say that sec isn't doing their job with some source to point to.

Thanks for reading. I hope to be able to drink instead of shoot.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:52 am
by Scones
John, with all due respect, please stop shilling for gunsmithing in threads entirely unrelated to it.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:56 am
by callanrockslol
Scones wrote:John, with all due respect, please stop shilling for gunsmithing in threads entirely unrelated to it.
Good luck stopping that.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 11:47 am
by Ricotez
callanrockslol wrote:
Scones wrote:John, with all due respect, please stop shilling for gunsmithing in threads entirely unrelated to it.
Good luck stopping that.
im pretty sure that repeatedly posting unwanted offtopic posts violates the No Spam rule of the forums

so if he keeps it up he might get banned

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 3:50 am
by Erisian
I think security could use a little leeway. I know we had major issues with security in the past with being massive dicks, but come on. They can hardly do shit it seems without either getting flak from the crew or the admins. Take the cuffs off a little and let them breath. And I'm saying this as a guy who mostly plays clown. Far too many times I've been able to mention "the gods guide me to do this!" or something like that and they get fucking nervous and let me go after I do shit they should be arresting me for like having random sleepovers in the warden's office with all access.

It's fucking sad that these guys are so nervous about being banned that they can't even arrest a clown properly half the time without being nervous that they're gonna get bwoinked. Security is in a tough position and I think everyone needs to remember that. It can be hard to talk everything out and get all the facts in a fast/normal paced round half the time. There's so much going on and you need to make quick decisions. Security IS a role and they want to play too like everybody else. They've got to make tough calls on how to best protect the crew, which is a hard job to do when everyone and their mother is on their ass. Do they make mistakes? Yes. Do we get assholes who abuse that power? Yes. But surely we can crack down on the people who abuse the power and stop making the job so unfun and stressful that only powertripping assholes would even want to join up.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 6:33 pm
by Redblaze3000
The only problem with sec is that no ever plays sec. Even when I play it I'm more paranoid of getting a bwoink than the antags because I have no idea if what I'm doing is kosher. And with what seems like a policy of if sec breaks in they are valid like a greytider sec is more like a chore than fun.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:07 am
by Wyzack
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Suggestion: Replace brig cells with one massive brig cells. Warden's office sticks out into it. Arresting officer enters a time, name, and crime on a console, then sticks perp in the Jailbird-O-Matic.
That strips their exosuit, belt slot, backpack slot and pockets, then slaps an over-the-top orange prisoner poncho onto them, puts the jail ID in their hands, and spits them into the pen. When the timer for a prisoner runs out, a speaker shouts the name on their card, and they can then jump into a chute. If they don't have a card due for release, they get spat back in.

Adds cool dynamic play like hard-timers ganging up on low-sentence guffies for their prisoner ID, in-brig interation, and assistants punching beepsky then selling their 1 minute prisoner IDs to people who are in for like 10 minutes.

Its probbably a shitty idea but it sounds hilarious to me.

Oh, and the lawyer is replaced with the Baggage Claim Clerk, who sits in an office outside the brig and takes claims for confiscated items while an endless stream of backpacks flows past.
Traitor clerks give people the wrong stuff, swap it around, and hide mousetrap bombs in the chaplain's holy book.
this is an underated post and a really cool idea

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 2:35 am
by mrpain
Tone down the amount of antags considerably. That will help a lot.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 3:27 am
by Falamazeer
mrpain wrote:Tone down the amount of antags considerably. That will help a lot.
Antags are rarely if ever the biggest of security concerns.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 5:36 am
by DemonFiren
Wyzack wrote:
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Suggestion: Replace brig cells with one massive brig cells. Warden's office sticks out into it. Arresting officer enters a time, name, and crime on a console, then sticks perp in the Jailbird-O-Matic.
That strips their exosuit, belt slot, backpack slot and pockets, then slaps an over-the-top orange prisoner poncho onto them, puts the jail ID in their hands, and spits them into the pen. When the timer for a prisoner runs out, a speaker shouts the name on their card, and they can then jump into a chute. If they don't have a card due for release, they get spat back in.

Adds cool dynamic play like hard-timers ganging up on low-sentence guffies for their prisoner ID, in-brig interation, and assistants punching beepsky then selling their 1 minute prisoner IDs to people who are in for like 10 minutes.

Its probbably a shitty idea but it sounds hilarious to me.

Oh, and the lawyer is replaced with the Baggage Claim Clerk, who sits in an office outside the brig and takes claims for confiscated items while an endless stream of backpacks flows past.
Traitor clerks give people the wrong stuff, swap it around, and hide mousetrap bombs in the chaplain's holy book.
this is an underated post and a really cool idea
Someone chuck this into the Ideas forum.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 6:45 am
by Malkevin
That's called the gulag, that doesn't get used because it already works like that

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 12:34 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
Except my idea is like an on-station automated gulag which doesn't suck and is good for more than 1 prisoner per round.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:20 pm
by Lumbermancer
oranges wrote:Force fill security at roundstart.

the experience will be good for everyone

I said that ages ago. No more Nuke-meta too.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 7:36 pm
by Jacough
Kor wrote:If admins did not protect griefers to the point where security is obligated to play catch and release with them this wouldn't be such an issue.

Or if the bartender was allowed to just kill the person ruinong his round for no reason
Maybe it's just luck but I've gotten away with some pretty gnarly shit as warden. I launched a greyshirt out the mass driver several weeks back after he'd been a total shit all round, punching officers, tagging places and acting like a gangster, and being a shit in general. After using the last of the cuffs i had dealing with a dude who had attempted to kidnap an officer and with one minute left until the shuttle arrived he decided to try to blind me with spray paint while I was taking the aforementioned kidnapper to the sec wing of escape. At that point I just snapped and sent his sorry ass flying off to the great unknown. Several admins on and not a single bwoing

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 7:41 pm
by Saegrimr
Jacough wrote: Maybe it's just luck but I've gotten away with some pretty gnarly shit as warden. I launched a greyshirt out the mass driver several weeks back after he'd been a total shit all round, punching officers, tagging places and acting like a gangster, and being a shit in general. After using the last of the cuffs i had dealing with a dude who had attempted to kidnap an officer and with one minute left until the shuttle arrived he decided to try to blind me with spray paint while I was taking the aforementioned kidnapper to the sec wing of escape. At that point I just snapped and sent his sorry ass flying off to the great unknown. Several admins on and not a single bwoing
Valid as fuck.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 7:56 pm
by Falamazeer
think how many round start suicides there would be if you force filled security.

It's not about making people play sec, it's making the right kind of player WANT to play security,

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:56 pm
by Cheimon
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Except my idea is like an on-station automated gulag which doesn't suck and is good for more than 1 prisoner per round.

Oh wow, an automated gulag without the many things that suck about the gulag (easy to hull breach, reliance on finicky IDs, long process of taking criminal to gulag and making sure you do it in a way they don't escape) would be so, so useful. Like, properly automated by machines? Even if it was impossible to escape (but had an upper points limit after which you could always leave) it would be a great addition to the game.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 6:21 am
by lumipharon
You don't need to go onto the shuttle to gulag someone.

You just strip them, orange jump suit them (why does the gulag processing area not have prison jumpsuits?), give them a prisoner ID with a mining quota and dump them on the shuttle. Sen it from there, and dump their crap in the lower room for them to collect when they're out.

The big issues with the gulag is:
1) A prisoner can mine to space accidentally (or intentionally) very easily.
2) Even if they don't mine to space, there's limited air, and every tile you mine is spreading that air thinner.
3) There are no jumpsuits/shoes specifically for gulag people
4) There is no secure way to store prisoner's shit for when they get out.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:37 pm
by Lumbermancer
Falamazeer wrote:think how many round start suicides there would be if you force filled security.

It's not about making people play sec, it's making the right kind of player WANT to play security,
It's not about forcing people to play sec, but filling the quota.

Right now, for example. 62 players on server. I had both engineer and sec officer job enabled. Guess what, I got put in as Engineer. With 4 other in department. Meanwhile sec had only 2 officers.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:55 pm
by Erisian
Lumbermancer wrote:
Falamazeer wrote:think how many round start suicides there would be if you force filled security.

It's not about making people play sec, it's making the right kind of player WANT to play security,
It's not about forcing people to play sec, but filling the quota.

Right now, for example. 62 players on server. I had both engineer and sec officer job enabled. Guess what, I got put in as Engineer. With 4 other in department. Meanwhile sec had only 2 officers.
I think the main issue is that not many people want to even play security anymore. Not even the massive powertrippers seem to be going security anymore and I see them running around as assistants, botanists, etc. It's gotten to the point where playing security is a chore because if you're not being shit on by the crew, you're getting shit on by admins.

As for what happened to you, is there even a way to make it force security first? Because in low pop rounds you may just end up with security full, but nobody to set up the engine, cook, etc. I figured it just went by preferences, selected from the pool of available jobs, and RNG did the rest. Unless you fiddled with preferences every round there may not be much to fix that. Nor is that even a long term solution.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:19 pm
by mosquitoman
what is wrong with some people? do only massive power trippers play shitcurity nowadays? there should be some accountability and possible demotions for abuse of power. just finished playing a round where I got tased, searched, and my shit thrown all over the station because I talked to a guy (blue alert level)

are they supposed to follow any rules ffs?

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:54 pm
by Falamazeer
I find that hard to believe.

Prove it, make an FNR and we'll get all the facts as they come up, because this sounds like bullshit, Like people who pick your gun up off the ground put it in their backpack and are all like "wwwwwhhhhyyyy" when you finally run them down.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 12:15 am
by mosquitoman
i don't really care that strongly to make a separate thread for it, but the situation looked like this:

(i'm playing a librarian)
- round start, i look through the external book archive, searching for interesting books to print out when some miner comes around and asks me if i have seen the mime. i tell him i have not and he's on his way
- some overzealous security guy overheard this, says it's "suspicious" and demands that i submit to a search
- i say no thanks, it's code blue and you have no reason to search me, pal, he keeps demanding to search me (meanwhile a million things he should be paying attention to occur when he's wasting his time on questioning me)
- finally when he doesn't fuck off i get inside my secret librarian room. when I come out he's standing there with some cyborg who opened the door for him, tazes me on sight, takes my shit, searches everything, leaves the door open while dragging me away so numerous assistants storm inside and loot my office

later that round i got tased no less than 6 times total, arrested, and brigged for dragging a corpse of somebody who not only has died but also logged out, the only reason given for this behaviour was that "it's the law" (yeah my ass)

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 12:19 am
by Saegrimr
Ahelp that shit then. Nothing will be done unless you actively tell us about it.

We're not gonna watch every player 24/7 to make sure they aren't fucking off.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 12:21 am
by Falamazeer
This still sounds like bullshit.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 12:28 am
by mosquitoman
Saegrimr wrote:Ahelp that shit then. Nothing will be done unless you actively tell us about it.

We're not gonna watch every player 24/7 to make sure they aren't fucking off.
That's okay, I'm aware of that. And I don't really want to ruin the game for others with unnecessary adminhelping with every little annoyance. This is a part of a larger problem, people playing security often have no idea what they're supposed to detain for and for how long. Reading space law should be mandatory before choosing that job.
Falamazeer wrote:This still sounds like bullshit.
And yet that's exactly what happened.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:29 pm
by Erisian
Falamazeer wrote:This still sounds like bullshit.
It is bullshit. I was the HoS and one who found it suspicious. I tased him, pulled him to the little table near his desk, and emptied his pockets, checked the backpack and box inside. Found nothing, uncuffed him and thanked him for cooperating and walked off. Nobody ran in to take his shit, nothing was thrown all over the place, etc. I even put the box back inside his backpack and kept it neat and tidy. Whoever the lawyer was that round also witnessed it because they walked right in, oddly enough, when I asked if he wanted a lawyer. He's just mad because I searched him at code blue and threw a hissyfit.

Edit: I should note I tased him because when the borg opened the doors he started booking ass trying to run off. And that code blue means security can't run around with weapons out. A random miner talking to a librarian IS suspicious as your jobs have nothing in common. Especially when you start getting antsy and even try to run off when I confront you. Stop just making shit up. You act like I stripped you naked, dragging you through the halls, and just had your shit all over the place. Everything was put back neatly before I even uncuffed you.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:57 pm
by Malkevin
Protip: You can search the box without taking it out of the bag by click-n-dragging onto your sprite, the same applies to all containers that lie on your feet too!
Falamazeer wrote:I find that hard to believe.

Prove it, make an FNR and we'll get all the facts as they come up, because this sounds like bullshit, Like people who pick your gun up off the ground put it in their backpack and are all like "wwwwwhhhhyyyy" when you finally run them down.
The other week I had a cargo tech spitting and screaming because I dared arrest him after he snatched my seclite off the floor (I'd stuck it on my taser then remembered they can go on helmets now)
Would've probably smacked him around a bit and told him off and left it at that... but of course he decides to resist and assaults me, his cargo tech friend joins in... I get them both down and cuffed but then the cargo sec officer (Badknees - he's earn a place on my "don't piss on them if they're on fire" list) instead of helping me decides to stun me, drag me out of cargo, leaving my baton there and then start uncuffing them. A miner went through who I followed back in, can't remember exactly what happened but I did manage to settle for the main asshole - who of course bitched on the radio about how badly he was injusticed by shitcurrity when the asshole himself had escalated his crimes to a full 10.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:14 pm
by Falamazeer
I dragged a guy in who was blood covered and had insulated gloves which were IDd as having raided the armory on suspicion and I got my ass kicked in and stripped cuffed, and treated like a prisoner as he ran off in my name to do god knows what, All the while protesting his innocence on the radio and ahelp. He only got away with it so far because the admins were aflood.
He even was the guy I was after, but I was gonna let him go because I only saw the gun for a second when he was getting looted, as the looter ran off with it. and I wasn't positive I saw what I thought I saw.

Too often the loudest victims are the shittiest people, and yet the server seems to aid the chelpiest of griefers when their target is security.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:31 am
by mosquitoman
Falamazeer wrote:I dragged a guy in who was blood covered and had insulated gloves which were IDd as having raided the armory on suspicion and I got my ass kicked in and stripped cuffed, and treated like a prisoner as he ran off in my name to do god knows what, All the while protesting his innocence on the radio and ahelp. He only got away with it so far because the admins were aflood.
He even was the guy I was after, but I was gonna let him go because I only saw the gun for a second when he was getting looted, as the looter ran off with it. and I wasn't positive I saw what I thought I saw.

Too often the loudest victims are the shittiest people, and yet the server seems to aid the chelpiest of griefers when their target is security.
poetic justice

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:41 am
by Falamazeer
You mean because I ended up the prisoner? No, might doesn't make right, Fuckers are fuckers, no matter how well they dunk someone.
I don't have to be uber-robust-man, We can't all have burer levels of autism in this game. I thought flashbangs were still weak on sec due to helmets, so I got got.

He only didn't kill my ass so he could say nobody died during his greytide shenanigans.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 2:12 am
by ShadowDimentio
Alright so let's motherfucking talk about SS13 security.

I fucking HATE TG security. Fucking DESPISE them. It's not even anything against individual players, it's just that the whole guise of TG security policy downright encourages people to be fun-opressing shitbirds who have nothing better to do that brig every chucklefuck that mildly irritates them. Words cannot describe how fucking livid security makes me. Nearly every round I played would have me in the brig for ten minutes for a minor crime that either wasn't my fault or was legit as fuck on my behalf.

But then I converted my faith and went to Goon for a while, and my faith in security was restored.

Let me fucking tell you. Goon security? A fucking plus. 100% bonafied excellent security. Absolutely perfect the vast lot of them.

The Goon branch encourages security to not be a hardass, by-the-book, fun-hating shitlord, but encourages a "live and let live" style of play. Minor crimes are almost never punished unless you're blatantly being a dick and ruining other people's fun, and security are more than pleasant towards the crew, they're downright friendly. Even confirmed antagonists and traitors usually get off easy so long as they actively aren't trying to kill everyone and just wanna have fun.

If any of you are familiar with him, Geoff Goldman is the epitome of a Goon security officer. Robust, intelligent, and a fucking cool guy. More than happy to tag along with any fun gimmicks you make. All security players should strive to be like him.

But how, might you ask, has Goon cultured such a veritable paradise of fun and non-shit security? Simple. Their admins policed security /viciously/, and anybody who was too shit they jobbanned them, and their security policy was infinitely more lax than the TG version.

I mean, it makes sense, doesn't it? Having a really relaxed security policy means that more people will want to play security, AND it means that security won't be lagged down dealing with every minor crime that occurs, and can instead focus on shooting at that changeling killing the crew.

tl;dr Goon is best security, copy them

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 2:39 am
by Falamazeer
That's not at all how gooncurity got it's shit straight, They used to have the same problem we did, but they conquered it with multi-faceted well thought out strategic combinations of policy to support and reward goodcurity, Followed by a very clever campaign that continues to this day, wherin fuck da police attitudes and actions are met with a bwoink, whether or not you get banned or jobanned, the admin asking questions of it sent a clear message to the community, that fucking with the sec force just because you could is not tolerated, and the third, was the intense grilling of the sec force itself that you described, as well as a temporary whitelist which made only certain people able to play security as well as T.U.R.D.S which were a step further, that established the "New Normal" for what security does and does not do.

Similar steps has been taken in this community, such as the stance on greytiders, but there has never been any follow through, or any level of unity, If the coders are giving nice things to security, the admins are banning officers for abusing those nice things, if the admins are cutting security a mother fucking break, it's slow times for new features, and if both the admins and the coders are being nice, then the community shits all over security, because "if I don't do it, no-body will!!!111!!!one I am all that stands between this station and the jackbooted thug gestapo!" and it's always hard to argue, because the fresh faced retards you share the department with are too busy fucking things up and learning bad habits from eachother to ever be stopped without great sweeping changes.
Not to mention the HoS's who only joined to interfere in every arrest ever, and break shitcurity from the inside.

It's a broken system, It's better than it used to be, but it's not where it needs to be, and you're only pointing at the things that need to change that don't affect YOUR playstyle. Cracking down on officers in general is why you can't get good players to play.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 4:04 am
by Steelpoint
Goon sec is really the equilivant of a mall cop that won't lift a finger unless there's a changeling (Goon's Ling, sort of like oldling but worse), Vampire or a Wizard blowing stuff up. The reason security does not get as much shit on Goon is because aside from the red shirt its hard to tell the difference between a officer and a civilian.

Also the Head of Security is a whitelisted role, meaning that generally a HoS is very competent and effective at their job. Unlike here where anyone can be a HoS and the quality of the HoS is usually very low.

E: Also sec equipment is very light overall, only the HoS has access to the armoury (which is more a personal back room) and only the HoS has access to effective equipment.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 5:05 am
by bandit
ShadowDimentio wrote:Nearly every round I played would have me in the brig for ten minutes for a minor crime that either wasn't my fault or was legit as fuck on my behalf.
Massive fucking citation needed, you don't get 10 minutes for a "minor crime" that wasn't your fault even under JLP rules, it sounds like you're leaving out part of the story.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 5:21 am
by Erisian
bandit wrote:
ShadowDimentio wrote:Nearly every round I played would have me in the brig for ten minutes for a minor crime that either wasn't my fault or was legit as fuck on my behalf.
Massive fucking citation needed, you don't get 10 minutes for a "minor crime" that wasn't your fault even under JLP rules, it sounds like you're leaving out part of the story.
He's also from goon. Their rules are different. If people bother you enough you could go blow their fucking brains out, even moreso if you can make it funny to an admin. So, to be fair, he may be thinking he's done something valid that wouldn't normally get goonsec to get up from their ass, that'd have our sec come down on them hard for. Or he could just be lying.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 7:58 am
by Amelius
mrpain wrote:Tone down the amount of antags considerably. That will help a lot.
Antagrates are low enough as is. SoS decreased it from 1/6 to 1/8 or something a couple months ago, and, if you didn't notice, alot of rounds are worse off from it, and many feel that there aren't enough antagonists and/or become dull quickly/all the antags are caught in ~15 minutes (most notably, traitorchan, chan, and traitor - the other modes, rates aren't as bad because there's a single antagonist that can produce more antagonists, or a naturally high antag rate [DA]).

The problem isn't antagonists anywho, it's that playing security is a stressful position where if you don't follow protocol to the letter, you get bwoinked. It's gotten to the point where killing a subdueable traitor that is actively attempting to kill you as security is bwoinkable, same with executing a prisoner as the Centcomm-provided HoS without asking the Captain for permission (this actually happened to me all of a couple months ago).

Like, who would want to play as sec where you're worried the entire round whether literally everything you do is valid, or not? Security's job is to secure the station, whether they decide to rehabilitate antagonists, straight up murder them, or let them rot, and whatever they decide to do with greytiders, I believe it should be at the discretion of the round's security team. I believe that alot of the current sec policy needs to be scrapped in lieu of security, well, being able to do their jobs. IC problems should be maximally resolved IC, aside from flagrant/perpetual abuse of the core rules. It shouldn't be the sort of nonsense that we have now, where shitlers get dunked/permabrigged/thrown out an airlock/etc, and the natural reaction is to adminhelp so that the officer gets banned, so, at least, his round gets ruined, if not banned, for removing an antagonistic non-antagonist.

On the other side, there is room for abuse, but flagrant security power abuse is pretty obvious, because it's always the same things - giving out exaggerated sentences, killing for petty crimes, not talking alot or trying to understand the situation, etc.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:45 am
by Luke Cox
Long time HoS here. I swear to god I get a call to bar every damn shift. It's to the point where I don't even bother to respond personally.

Reading though some of the stuff in this thread... god damn. And I thought I was a harsh HoS.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 5:58 pm
by ShadowDimentio
bandit wrote:Massive fucking citation needed, you don't get 10 minutes for a "minor crime" that wasn't your fault even under JLP rules, it sounds like you're leaving out part of the story.
I can give you an example right off the top of my head.

I was botanist, and, as botanists do, I needed mutagen, but the chemists were being pricks, as they always are. So, instead of dealing with their shittery, I called the AI and asked them to open the doors to chem. They did, and I went in, took a large beaker, and made myself some mutagen before walking back to botany. Cue the chemists screaming bloody murder over the comms until security raided botany, striped me of my ID and equipment, and threw me in the brig.

Over a BEAKER.
Erisian wrote:He's also from goon. Their rules are different. If people bother you enough you could go blow their fucking brains out, even moreso if you can make it funny to an admin. So, to be fair, he may be thinking he's done something valid that wouldn't normally get goonsec to get up from their ass, that'd have our sec come down on them hard for. Or he could just be lying.
No, you're completely wrong about everything.

Back about a year or so back I played TG near-exclusively and never even touched Goon until about December last year. I'm 110% not from Goon.

I wish I could pull up the dates from all the adminhelps I've made about shitcurity, with not a one being punished. I could give you a shitton of cases.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 6:13 pm
by Falamazeer
Honestly you're the problem here, Every good player who has tried to turn things around has been torn down by frothing retards such as yourself, your attitude is why people would rather round start DC than play as a redshirt when they go random.

Everyone thinks they're completely justified in everything they do, Bar room brawls, where security comes in and shoots both parties, it really doesn't matter who gets the cuffs, No matter what you do, at least three people are going to claim you arrested the victim. Especially the prisoner.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 6:20 pm
by ShadowDimentio
Falamazeer wrote:Honestly you're the problem here, Every good player who has tried to turn things around has been torn down by frothing retards such as yourself, your attitude is why people would rather round start DC than play as a redshirt when they go random.

Everyone thinks they're completely justified in everything they do, Bar room brawls, where security comes in and shoots both parties, it really doesn't matter who gets the cuffs, No matter what you do, at least three people are going to claim you arrested the victim. Especially the prisoner.
Falamazeer wrote:frothing retards
Wow rude :(

But seriously that's a good metaphor for security policy as it stands. There surely is a better way to do things that burst in, cuff everyone, justice served.

Also semi related note: I don't DC sec when I random it. I rarely get random'd, and am rather unhappy when I do, but at least when I roll a 1 I'm presented with an opportunity to show these scrublords how it's done as security :^)

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 6:33 pm
by Malkevin
ShadowDimentio wrote:But seriously that's a good metaphor for security policy as it stands. There surely is a better way to do things that burst in, cuff everyone, justice served.
There's really not, because generally the time it takes you to properly investigate a crime you've got another three instances you need to look into..

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 6:38 pm
by Falamazeer
ShadowDimentio wrote:
I'm presented with an opportunity to show these scrublords how it's done as security :^)
Falamazeer wrote: Not to mention the HoS's who only joined to interfere in every arrest ever, and break shitcurity from the inside.
Falamazeer wrote:frothing retards
And this is what I meant, fuck you, and fuck people like you.

As I said before, your suggestions are only what you want done that doesn't affect YOUR playstyle, Which is as shitty as any of the retards I share a department with on any given round.

You are the problem, people like you sustain the problem, and it'll continue to be a problem until you can look past your own nose and see an apple for an apple, and not a plum.

Nobody good will join security in enough numbers to turn the tide of shitlerisms because people like you make the job unbearable, So you get what you have, a circlejerk of fresh faced retards learning eachothers bad habits.

It's your stink, don't get offended that i'm rubbing your nose in it, It's not just you either, but you're such a good specimen, a sample if you will.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 7:05 pm
by Atlanta-Ned
ShadowDimentio wrote:
bandit wrote:Massive fucking citation needed, you don't get 10 minutes for a "minor crime" that wasn't your fault even under JLP rules, it sounds like you're leaving out part of the story.
I can give you an example right off the top of my head.

I was botanist, and, as botanists do, I needed mutagen, but the chemists were being pricks, as they always are. So, instead of dealing with their shittery, I called the AI and asked them to open the doors to chem. They did, and I went in, took a large beaker, and made myself some mutagen before walking back to botany. Cue the chemists screaming bloody murder over the comms until security raided botany, striped me of my ID and equipment, and threw me in the brig.
You broke an IC law and were punished accordingly. Ok, you waltzed in and made yourself some mutagen. Now imagine how that looks to the chemists, MDs and security. The only way anyone would know is if they managed to shift+click the beaker in the microsecond between when you ejected it from the machine and when you picked it up. They have no idea what you made and they reacted accordingly.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 7:48 pm
by mosquitoman
Falamazeer wrote: Nobody good will join security in enough numbers to turn the tide of shitlerisms because people like you make the job unbearable, So you get what you have, a circlejerk of fresh faced retards learning eachothers bad habits.

It's your stink, don't get offended that i'm rubbing your nose in it, It's not just you either, but you're such a good specimen, a sample if you will.
--Fala "I tase everyone on sight" Mazeer

top kek

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 7:50 pm
by Luke Cox
ShadowDimentio wrote:
bandit wrote:Massive fucking citation needed, you don't get 10 minutes for a "minor crime" that wasn't your fault even under JLP rules, it sounds like you're leaving out part of the story.
I can give you an example right off the top of my head.

I was botanist, and, as botanists do, I needed mutagen, but the chemists were being pricks, as they always are. So, instead of dealing with their shittery, I called the AI and asked them to open the doors to chem. They did, and I went in, took a large beaker, and made myself some mutagen before walking back to botany. Cue the chemists screaming bloody murder over the comms until security raided botany, striped me of my ID and equipment, and threw me in the brig.

Over a BEAKER.
Erisian wrote:He's also from goon. Their rules are different. If people bother you enough you could go blow their fucking brains out, even moreso if you can make it funny to an admin. So, to be fair, he may be thinking he's done something valid that wouldn't normally get goonsec to get up from their ass, that'd have our sec come down on them hard for. Or he could just be lying.
No, you're completely wrong about everything.

Back about a year or so back I played TG near-exclusively and never even touched Goon until about December last year. I'm 110% not from Goon.

I wish I could pull up the dates from all the adminhelps I've made about shitcurity, with not a one being punished. I could give you a shitton of cases.
Chemistry is a very appealing place for traitors to break into. If I found you entering without authorization, you'd probably get a tracking implant.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 8:13 pm
by Falamazeer
mosquitoman wrote: --Fala "I tase everyone on sight" Mazeer

top kek
You say that like it's a bad thing.
I'll adopt a "shoot questions first and ask bullets later" approach when people stop running the moment I try to talk to them.
Or continuing the brawl well after I've screamed at them to stop.

I'm not robust enough to stop people consistently after they know I'm on to them, So ninety percent of my arrests are done through stealth and back shots. Otherwise I'd spend every round ever yackity saxing, which I kinda do already.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 8:21 pm
by mosquitoman
and 90% of the time you waste your time arresting people who are not doing anything particularly harmful, instead of traitors/lings/cultists etc, pissing off everyone, turning otherwise friendly crew against security and slowly ruining its image from round to round

face it, you're a power tripper and you only ever pick security not because you want to protect crew from harm but because you want to shoot tazorz everywhere trololo and get away with it, probably because it's the only amount of power and control you experience in your life


Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 8:23 pm
by Atlanta-Ned
And thusly the chance of anything productive coming out of this thread rapidly reaches zero.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 8:23 pm
by Wyzack
Asspained greyshirt detected

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 8:49 pm
by Falamazeer
mosquitoman wrote:and 90% of the time you waste your time arresting people who are not doing anything particularly harmful, instead of traitors/lings/cultists etc, pissing off everyone, turning otherwise friendly crew against security and slowly ruining its image from round to round

face it, you're a power tripper and you only ever pick security not because you want to protect crew from harm but because you want to shoot tazorz everywhere trololo and get away with it, probably because it's the only amount of power and control you experience in your life

Nope, I rarely arrest for stupid shit, I'm brave enough to put a name to my actions, Ham Sammich, How about you pumpkin?
Or do all you have is merit-less vague claims about how security wronged you and hurt your very special feelings?

Maybe try manning up and taking responsibility for the shit you do to bring problems on yourself. Because frankly trying to get personal and acting like a little bitch about it isn't helping your case, I am one of the oldest sec veterans still playing the role consistently, and I've only been jobbanned ONCE, Let any admin show otherwise and embarrass me in public if he wishes, I am not the gestapo, Nor a jackbooted thug, I am neither the hero this station deserves, nor the one it wants, I'm your average officer trying to hold the brig together against the tide of poo-flinging shitcrew who wants to tear it apart.

Re: Security needs new rules

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 11:38 pm
by ShadowDimentio
Atlanta-Ned wrote:You broke an IC law and were punished accordingly. Ok, you waltzed in and made yourself some mutagen. Now imagine how that looks to the chemists, MDs and security. The only way anyone would know is if they managed to shift+click the beaker in the microsecond between when you ejected it from the machine and when you picked it up. They have no idea what you made and they reacted accordingly.
It looks like a botanist trying to get some work done. It's not like I broke in, whipped up a beaker of zombie powder, and then proceeded to loom around the captain for ten minutes. No. I walked straight back to botany and did my fucking job.

And, hell. Even a quick, two second search that checked the beaker would tell those idiots that it was a beaker of mutagen, and everyone's rounds could go on.

But no, if a situation could potentially be interpreted as malicious, BRIG FOR TEN MINUTES, JUSTICE SERVED.