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ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 5:27 am
by bandit

Bottom post of the previous page:

So as everyone warned everyone else would happen, the minute ERP was unbanned the same three fucking lizards started to fuck every goddamn round, having to be muted, singularitied or otherwise taken care of, wasting admins' time and annoying the shit out of everyone who doesn't want to be in the middle of three people's extended gay furry cybersex session.

I feel that this needs to be revisited, and for good this time.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:44 am
by DrPillzRedux
He's a guy that says the playercount is in trouble when the server hits 90+ in primetime.


Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:45 am
by ShadowDimentio
Majority rule says hOI!!

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:26 am
by LiamLime
DrPillzRedux wrote:He's a guy that says the playercount is in trouble when the server hits 90+ in primetime.

Hitting 90 today is the result of the player intake from the past, not the player intake of today. There is a many-month long delay between intake changing and that becoming reflected in player counts. This is because the vast majority of players playing in any given round are regular players, not new ones.

Anyway, I made a graph showing player counts over time. Logging was broken for a while, so the dip in jan-apr 2015 was caused by that.


The value is adjusted for the number of days in the given month, it is how many players finish a round on any tgs server per day in that given month.

The apr-oct 2013 dip was likely caused by the forum migration. There has however been a steady decline since then, which ended around oct 2014. I can't tell you why this decline happened, but I'd guess it was just settling down after the explosive growth from jan 2013 to mar 2014. It'd appear that the population is now stable though, meaning my intake worries have not materialised yet. I would however be inclined to believe that the decline in new players from the last year or so will in fact show up in player counts.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:38 am
by ShadowDimentio
Guys I found the most autistic person in the playerbase

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:38 am
by DrPillzRedux
Drama was at full effect around that time. I don't see what it has to do with playercount. I guarantee most of the 1/4 who voted no are mostly old timers who don't play but logged in to spite people.

No one is going to quit over erp being unbanned unless they're really sensitive.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:39 am
by LiamLime
ShadowDimentio wrote:Guys I found the most autistic person in the playerbase
That is a compliment around here.
DrPillzRedux wrote:No one is going to quit over erp being unbanned unless they're really sensitive.
People quitting has never been part of my argument you dyslexic baboon, new player intake rates are.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:59 am
by DrPillzRedux
>dyslexic baboon

Says the assburger shitlord smegagulping new guy who posts statistics from times he wasn't even around and writes columns of horseshit no one will read thinking he knows anything. Watch out you might get a rectal prolapse.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:09 am
by LiamLime
I think it's a perfectly legitimate response to getting challenged on a point I never even made.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:42 am
by oranges
> calling Liam lime new

Ayy lmao do try to keep up

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:47 am
by LiamLime
I made another graph which might be interesting to some of you. Technically I made it to further my point about how long it will take for lowered player input to have a noticeable impact on player population, but I think it can be interesting elsewhere too.


This graph shows how old (in days) the players who played in the last 24 hours. This can however easily only be made for "today", whatever today is when the graph is made. It can be done for other points in time too, however it's much harder. And I think this sufficiently proves the point.

As you can see, the vast vast vast majority of players is VERY FUCKING OLD. There is a tiny spike in the 0, 1, 2, 3 day age area (10, 6, 4, 1 player(s) - respectively), however that is really not anywhere close to enough to maintain the long tail.

Statistically speaking, the dropoff is like this (actual numbers)
out of 29315 players who have ever connected to TGS servers:
5813 connected only once (20%; 80% remain)
12084 did not connect after 24h of their first connection (41%; 59% remain)
14568 did not connect after 7 days of their first connection (50%; 50% remain)
17115 did not connect after 30 days of their first connection (58%; 42% remain)

So you can expect to keep about 42% of people for more than a month. These percentages are not 100% correct, since I didn't reduce the 2nd number to account by the number of players who have not yet actually had the chance to reach this goal, but the difference is negligible. Basically the 29315 value would go down by about 400ish in the 30 days calculation, which would change fuck all in the percentage calculations.

Also, here's that same graph from above, just with people of various ages clumped into groups. Again, it shows how old the players who played in the last 24 hours are.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:11 am
by MisterPerson
I still don't understand what the defense of ERP even is. Do people enjoy doing it and no other activity at all? Then I'm pretty sure a more freeform RP activity would probably be more up their alley. Do people like doing it occasionally but also other stuff too? Use an out-of-game form of communication so you don't bother anyone else. Do ghosts like watching? Why? It's always terrible. Not even comically terrible, just depressingly sad. Do people like admins messing with them? That can be easily replicated with non-ERP activities and maintain the same punch.
Jacough wrote:
bandit wrote:So as everyone warned everyone else would happen, the minute ERP was unbanned the same three fucking lizards started to fuck every goddamn round, having to be muted, singularitied or otherwise taken care of, wasting admins' time and annoying the shit out of everyone who doesn't want to be in the middle of three people's extended gay furry cybersex session.

I feel that this needs to be revisited, and for good this time.
Rule 0 ban them and tell them to take their furfaggotry elsewhere.

It's really that simple.
>ban people for something that's not against the rules
>in fact they're doing something that's expressly allowed by the rules in a manner explicitly stated to be ok
Might as well just have rule 0 and no other rules and be done with it. Why even have any others if you can't rely on them?
Scones wrote:You've made your bed, now lie in it.
The problem is that people aren't lying in the bed, they're fucking in it HEYO!

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:10 am
by Pascal123
Am i the only one who finds it hilarious how simple graphs and data is somehow triggering these two and sending them on some defensive insult barrage stance?

What ShadowDimentio is posting is even more ironic considering what i know of him from other communities...

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:58 am
by Grazyn
I still don't understand if the graphs are supposed to show that ERP brought a downfall of players

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:11 pm
by LiamLime
Not directly, the initial claim was that ERP damages server reputation, which has an impact on player acquisition. The data and graphs aim to show that player acquisition is in fact a real problem the server and community are facing. I went into way more detail than was required for the purposes of this thread, but the stuff I found was really surprising to me - and kind of alarming. I posted it here because it relates to my previous posts in this thread, not because it relates to ERP.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:53 pm
by Grazyn
I'm still not convinced that banning erp will improve the server's reputation, if anything your data show that the downfall has worsened over the years, even when erp was banned. My initial argument, based on personal experience, is that our reputation is already as bad as it gets, and invoking it to support the erp ban is misleading.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:35 pm
by lzimann
People whine about everything WAAAAAAAAAY too much. I don't see why people complain this much about ERP. Don't like? Don't watch.
I really can't see why it's a bad thing, when it's just some text stuff where admins are pretty much straight killing whoever does it.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:38 pm
by LiamLime
My claim was that ERP is a contributing factor, not "the end-all, be-all" thing that makes or breaks the reputation. It takes a long time for reputations to change - it took goonstation at least 2 years to shake the admin abuse reputation they had. The way they did this was by consistently not tolerating admin abuse for the entire time, until the reputation went away. What ultimately turned out to help them was a series of massive schisms, which essentially all ended with the most abusive admins leaving in protest. These schisms were not pretty, but were ultimately good for Goonstation. If TGS went the route of cleaning its reputation, schisms would happen as players and admins reject the attempt. It's likely there would be sizeable walk-outs.

For TG to lose its reputation, it would have to get rid of all the creepy and weird stuff that it is known for. I won't list the stuff, as it would imply I personally have something against it, which I actually don't. For as much as I argued that ERP has an impact on reputation, which in turn has an impact on player acquisition, and that low player acquisition is a real problem; plus that post about how I don't see any reasonable way to defend allowing ERP from the policy-maker side, I don't actually have a strong opinion either way about ERP. I can argue more or less reasonable points and present data on the points I have data for... but I don't feel strongly for or against ERP.

In other words, the option remains... TGS could also embrace its reputation. But for this to work, players would need to not feel embarrassed by TGS' reputation and players who would not be embarrassed would need to be targeted when reaching out to potential new players. I can however preach this as much as I want, it's not up to me to get it done, instead it's up to everyone. If players are embarrassed by TGS' reputation, that's a problem. If players resist attempts to improve TGS' reputation, that's the alternative problem.

Lastly and most importantly, solving this issue will not help solve this current player acquisition problem. Whichever path is taken, it will take years for TGS' reputation to reflect the decision, by which time the community will have solved this problem some other way, or it'll have died. And even worse is the fact that a path can't "just be taken", unless forced by community administration. Players won't instantly not feel embarrassed by TGS' reputation, nor will they instantly find resolve to change its reputation. Hell, I would not be surprised if the vast majority of players don't give a flying fuck about TGS, they just care that their experience is as best as possible while they remain interested. And if TGS dies before their interest peeks, who cares, they'll just go somewhere else.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 1:42 pm
by lzimann
>reputation >ss13
Really... who cares?

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:41 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
TGstation never got bad rep from ERP before the immense, collossal drama that happened when it was first suggested to be banned (Original reason for suggesting a ban: The suggester thought it was why we were 18+)

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:45 pm
by ShadowDimentio
You guys are putting up a fierce competition for most autistic player

ERP din du nuffin

Players are the real villain, as usual

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:29 pm
by TheNightingale
ITT: "If I don't like it, it's autistic"

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:05 pm
by Aloraydrel

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:38 pm
by rdght91
TheNightingale wrote:ITT: "If I don't like it, it's autistic"

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:26 pm
by DrPillzRedux
I think some people are being too detailed with their emotes. Describing how the sperm is trickling down your asshole and whatever else in detail is creepy as fuck.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:06 am
by LiamLime
ShadowDimentio wrote:You guys are putting up a fierce competition for most autistic player
God forbid actually looking things up before making claims! No! Clearly pulling unsubstantiated, unresearched claims out of your butt will result in the best decisions. :D

And don't get me wrong, you can challenge the stuff I write - either its accuracy, whether it matters, whether it connects in the way it's presented, etc. But challenging the very idea of substantiating and researching claims to ensure they are in fact correct, just makes you seem like one of the dumb people who know nothing, disregard evidence and just believe in whatever they've been convinced to believe.

I read through your posts in this thread again and found zero content in each of them so let me ask you - yes, you specifically:
Why do you care?
Why are you so assblasted about it?
Why can't you bring yourself to not post?

Back on topic:
DrPillzRedux wrote:I think some people are being too detailed with their emotes. Describing how the sperm is trickling down your asshole and whatever else in detail is creepy as fuck.
That's something I mentioned actually, policing allowed ERP is harder because each admin/player will have a different idea of what is acceptable and what is downright creepy. And by policing I mean any sort of admin action - from bans down to simple admin shenanigans with the ERPers. If everyone had the common decency to limit the imagery they roleplay out, this would probably not be a problem at all and "It's all for fun" would be a perfectly valid response (which was actually the case for the majority of ERP's history here), but unfortunately the minority ruins everything for everyone else, as always.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:41 am
by invisty
LiamLime wrote:And by policing I mean any sort of admin action - from bans down to simple admin shenanigans with the ERPers.

What policing? ERP is permitted, rape is not. Admins are not forced to police ERP. If they choose to do so, they do so entirely of their own volition. An analogy to this would be saying that a regular crewman has no choice but to to validhunt the antagonists because otherwise they'll get killed when they least expect it.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:00 am
by Wyzack
DrPillzRedux wrote:I think some people are being too detailed with their emotes. Describing how the sperm is trickling down your asshole and whatever else in detail is creepy as fuck.

I find it hilarious that you draw the line there

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:37 am
by iamgoofball
just so you know, the "newfag" you've been arguing with is the guy who runs our stat gathering operation and has been since 2012

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:45 am
by LiamLime
invisty wrote:
LiamLime wrote:And by policing I mean any sort of admin action - from bans down to simple admin shenanigans with the ERPers.

What policing? ERP is permitted, rape is not. Admins are not forced to police ERP. If they choose to do so, they do so entirely of their own volition. An analogy to this would be saying that a regular crewman has no choice but to to validhunt the antagonists because otherwise they'll get killed when they least expect it.
All of that (and a lot more) falls under the umbrella term of "policing". You're simply listing the policies that have been set in place in regard to ERP, and are trying to imply that they are obvious. None of these are obvious. Like, if you came to some random Garry's mod roleplay server where ERP was allowed (and that was all you knew about it), it is in no way obvious that admins can choose to intervene in your ERP, that you could get killed for it, where the boundary between RP and ERP is (flirting, kissing, sex, "penetration", more), where the boundary between ERP and Creepy Shit is (homosexuality, fapfic-worthy material, vivid descriptions, fetishism, cringe-worthy stuff, bestiality, rape, worse), etc. None of these are in ascending/descending order, nor am I saying I find things like homosexuality creepy, merely that I could see a community finding it creepy.

I think it's fairly clear that you can't roleplay absolutely everything on TGS, this makes it unreasonable to expect you can erotically roleplay whatever "just because ERP is allowed". There is a line, and crossing it will net you some sort of punishment. And you listed one of these lines - rape, but that's not a black and white line*. I'm also 100% sure that repeatedly breaking the "no creepy shit" rule will get you banned no matter if it's RP or ERP. And then you come to the problem of what is creepy and what isn't; especially with ERP, where everyone and their grandmother seems to have a strong opinion, meaning the admin who has to make a judgement call will probably be wrecked on the forum, IRC and OOC by the faction members he didn't agree with, because "RAWR ERP IS IMPORTANT ISSUE RAWR" or something.

> A: "I consent to ERP"
> B: "OK"
> B steadily escalates the creepiness until A is no longer comfortable with it
> A adminhelps rape

Solving this does not have a clear-cut solution. There are lots of obvious cases you can think, sure, but there are also lots of border cases, where it's reasonable to expect different people having different opinions, even if each of them (you, dear reader, included) will think that their opinion is "obvious".
iamgoofball wrote:since 2012
*cough* 2011 *cough* :p

Some of TLE's stuff actually goes back to 2010 though.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:37 am
by oranges
are you a muslim or just a mormon christian?

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:40 am
by Zilenan91
nah man I'm a black, mexican prostitute living in Malaysia

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:52 am
by Grazyn
LiamLime wrote:
All of that (and a lot more) falls under the umbrella term of "policing". You're simply listing the policies that have been set in place in regard to ERP, and are trying to imply that they are obvious. None of these are obvious. Like, if you came to some random Garry's mod roleplay server where ERP was allowed (and that was all you knew about it), it is in no way obvious that admins can choose to intervene in your ERP, that you could get killed for it, where the boundary between RP and ERP is (flirting, kissing, sex, "penetration", more), where the boundary between ERP and Creepy Shit is (homosexuality, fapfic-worthy material, vivid descriptions, fetishism, cringe-worthy stuff, bestiality, rape, worse), etc. None of these are in ascending/descending order, nor am I saying I find things like homosexuality creepy, merely that I could see a community finding it creepy.

I think it's fairly clear that you can't roleplay absolutely everything on TGS, this makes it unreasonable to expect you can erotically roleplay whatever "just because ERP is allowed". There is a line, and crossing it will net you some sort of punishment. And you listed one of these lines - rape, but that's not a black and white line*. I'm also 100% sure that repeatedly breaking the "no creepy shit" rule will get you banned no matter if it's RP or ERP. And then you come to the problem of what is creepy and what isn't; especially with ERP, where everyone and their grandmother seems to have a strong opinion, meaning the admin who has to make a judgement call will probably be wrecked on the forum, IRC and OOC by the faction members he didn't agree with, because "RAWR ERP IS IMPORTANT ISSUE RAWR" or something.

> A: "I consent to ERP"
> B: "OK"
> B steadily escalates the creepiness until A is no longer comfortable with it
> A adminhelps rape

Solving this does not have a clear-cut solution. There are lots of obvious cases you can think, sure, but there are also lots of border cases, where it's reasonable to expect different people having different opinions, even if each of them (you, dear reader, included) will think that their opinion is "obvious".
Players are expected to read the rules before playing, and the rules clearly state that rape is not allowed and admins can mess with your ERP. This is much, much less confusing than silicon policies and escalation rules. There isn't even any boundary on creepiness, I've seen a HoP ERP with Ian before and everyone was cool with that. Creepiness is only taken into account on a personal level when someone is no longer comfortable with the erp and wants it to stop, which leads us to the second point

If you're no longer comfortable, you just tell them to stop, type something like ((now that's a bit too much let's tone it down ok?)), if they keep going it's rape. I mean this is pretty much like you would do in real life, if you engage in consensual sex but at some point you want it to stop, just tell them. You don't stay silent and let them do their thing and then go straight to the police to file a rape accusation. I find it really weird and even creepy that I have to explain this to you like it's some sort of obscure and confusing policy.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:46 am
by LiamLime
I completely agree that this is much less confusing rule-wise than silicon policy. Rules on TGS have gone way, way, way overboard in my opinion, with people adding and adding rules over the years and never removing any. The difference is that silicons are an integral part of SS13's core game, whereas ERP is not. So the silicon rules are there because of game features which can't be removed at no cost (the cost being the lack of the game feature after its removal), whereas ERP can be removed at no cost. As I mentioned earlier, the default state for servers is "ERP banned", and not "ERP allowed", so allowing ERP is a freedom on top of the expected ones, not an expected freedom itself. It is not a mechanical feature of SS13, instead it's merely a differentiator for the TGS community.

I also completely accept your explanation of the rules. I foresaw that though, which is why I did not include the ingame memo from player A to player B to tone it down. I know that is the player-side solution to the situation, but we are playing the role of the admin in this, not the role of the player. What is the correct response from the admin? What if player A lies about the original consent, of if they throw a fit about how they just got raped and demand action (which would be completely normal if it was genuinely rape), what if the admin doesn't react immediately and this continues, what if the player is so creeped out they don't want to speak with the other player.

And yes, I know, "Look at the logs". Unless something's changed recently, the conversation logs on TGS are atrocious and going through that to verify things is extremely tedious. Admins will often default to making a judgement call based on talking to both parties and the relatively easy to collect evidence*. And I know people want admins to be perfect, but they aren't, and they can be tricked. And rape is particularly harshly treated when it comes to ban appeals here, making this the perfect way to get someone permabanned.

We are however getting ever deeper into this rabbit hole though. Basically discussing the solution to a specific example of rule creep (is that a phrase?) which comes from ERP being allowed. Whether you or I are correct on this issue might not be paramount to whether ERP should remain allowed or whether it should be banned.

* (sorry, I don't want to make these dumb asterisk footnotes in every post but I have to clarify this without interrupting the other point)
I have not been an admin for a long time, but this was definitely the case when I was an admin. It's possible that this has changed and that new tools make policing based on chat logs easier, but unless that has happened, I really doubt the rag-tag group of people who are admins, have suddenly become 100% accurate and willing to make extra sure that their decision is correct. I don't think evolution works that fast.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:05 am
by Grazyn
LiamLime wrote:I completely agree that this is much less confusing rule-wise than silicon policy. Rules on TGS have gone way, way, way overboard in my opinion, with people adding and adding rules over the years and never removing any. The difference is that silicons are an integral part of SS13's core game, whereas ERP is not. So the silicon rules are there because of game features which can't be removed at no cost (the cost being the lack of the game feature after its removal), whereas ERP can be removed at no cost. As I mentioned earlier, the default state for servers is "ERP banned", and not "ERP allowed", so allowing ERP is a freedom on top of the expected ones, not an expected freedom itself. It is not a mechanical feature of SS13, instead it's merely a differentiator for the TGS community.

I also completely accept your explanation of the rules. I foresaw that though, which is why I did not include the ingame memo from player A to player B to tone it down. I know that is the player-side solution to the situation, but we are playing the role of the admin in this, not the role of the player. What is the correct response from the admin? What if player A lies about the original consent, of if they throw a fit about how they just got raped and demand action (which would be completely normal if it was genuinely rape), what if the admin doesn't react immediately and this continues, what if the player is so creeped out they don't want to speak with the other player.

And yes, I know, "Look at the logs". Unless something's changed recently, the conversation logs on TGS are atrocious and going through that to verify things is extremely tedious. Admins will often default to making a judgement call based on talking to both parties and the relatively easy to collect evidence*. And I know people want admins to be perfect, but they aren't, and they can be tricked. And rape is particularly harshly treated when it comes to ban appeals here, making this the perfect way to get someone permabanned.

We are however getting ever deeper into this rabbit hole though. Basically discussing the solution to a specific example of rule creep (is that a phrase?) which comes from ERP being allowed. Whether you or I are correct on this issue might not be paramount to whether ERP should remain allowed or whether it should be banned.

* (sorry, I don't want to make these dumb asterisk footnotes in every post but I have to clarify this without interrupting the other point)
I have not been an admin for a long time, but this was definitely the case when I was an admin. It's possible that this has changed and that new tools make policing based on chat logs easier, but unless that has happened, I really doubt the rag-tag group of people who are admins, have suddenly become 100% accurate and willing to make extra sure that their decision is correct. I don't think evolution works that fast.
now you're just pointing out the flaws in your own weak arguments and handwaving all possible retorts. Yes of course logs are gonna be dug up if the punishment is a permaban.

Also silicon policy was not my only example, escalation is another thing that could be solved with clear-cut rules since it's not a core element of the game but it's left to admin interpretation and it's a LOT more confusing to new players, another example could be validhunting, and so on. There are tons of behaviours that could make you banned depending on which admin is on, and ERP is not one of these: if you rape, you're gonna get banned, there's no workaround. And yes, you're gonna know when you're raping someone, so this confusion only applies to weirdos who are actually trying to rape another player, maybe thinking it's allowed (like on lifeweb) because THEY DIDN'T READ THE RULES.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:26 am
by LiamLime
I think you're right. My argument (the one regarding needles rule complexity) is in fact a weak one. As you say, there are lots of other non-obvious behaviours which fit into the same category as ERP would. And I don't think a freshly new player would engage in ERP right off the bat, so chances are high that players engaging in ERP would have been here long enough to be familiar with the details of the ERP rule, even if they are not clearly defined.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:45 am
by MrStonedOne
Unless something's changed recently, the conversation logs on TGS are atrocious
The last 20 messages a mob has said is stored in their VV (changelings use it to make it better for them to RP if they absorbe)

So validating such claims isn't hard.

investigating rape claims has never been hard, prison accused, ask them, if they come clean, ban, if they contest, check logs, ban the liar or sort the misunderstanding.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:17 am
by Grazyn
LiamLime wrote:I think you're right. My argument (the one regarding needles rule complexity) is in fact a weak one. As you say, there are lots of other non-obvious behaviours which fit into the same category as ERP would. And I don't think a freshly new player would engage in ERP right off the bat, so chances are high that players engaging in ERP would have been here long enough to be familiar with the details of the ERP rule, even if they are not clearly defined.
At the end the ERP issue boils down to feelings. It isn't something that you can argue against using logic or technical reasoning, people just like it because it's funny for them, or they are actually jerking off to it (ISHYGDDT), or don't find it disruptive enough to want it outright banned. And those who hate it do that because they are creeped out or think it's immoral for a game to have this stuff or something

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:18 pm
by Screemonster
Grazyn wrote:If you're no longer comfortable, you just tell them to stop, type something like ((now that's a bit too much let's tone it down ok?)), if they keep going it's rape. I mean this is pretty much like you would do in real life, if you engage in consensual sex but at some point you want it to stop, just tell them. You don't stay silent and let them do their thing and then go straight to the police to file a rape accusation. I find it really weird and even creepy that I have to explain this to you like it's some sort of obscure and confusing policy.
This is basically the policy that everywhere else has on this subject. If the other player is acting in good faith that you're into whatever they're doing and you don't give them any indication otherwise, it's not really something that can be considered actionable. Speak up at the time.

Now, if they keep pushing shit after being told no, banhammer the shit out of them without mercy. Likewise people who hit people with that stuff out of leftfield without consent being established.

Admittedly actual chatrooms and the like have profiles/statuses so you can know what people are up for before you start putting the moves on someone who ain't buying what your selling, but just... default to assuming random players you've never met before are not looking and there won't be an issue.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:35 pm
by bandit
We are now at the point where:

1. Lizards are ERPing literally every day, check the logs
2. It's always the same two or three people meta-friending, ERPing and circlejerking figuratively and literally, causing work for admins, boring or disgusting the shit out of everyone, and distracting from the game. However:
3. Newer players are joining in rather than just the core two or three which raises the possibility people are literally joining the server for fake lizard sex
4. It doesn't even make sense as RP or emotes anymore: [05:38:57]EMOTE: Salts-The-Carp/Daman997 : <B>Salts-The-Carp</B> grabs the Carp's fin and pulls it up near his fish dong or whatever.

This is what you made. This is what you can unmake.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:38 pm
by rdght91
Well now that it's been made clear that players can't consider ERP valid, I won't touch complaints from crew members about people erping in public when I'm playing security. It wasn't so bad at first because ERPing in public would quickly get you turning into a harmbaton popsicle.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:54 pm
by Screemonster
You can still tell them to get a fucking room if they do it right there in the bar.
106 -Indecent Exposure. To be intentionally and publicly unclothed. Running around the station naked. The mutual degradation of chasing a naked man down while he screams rape is only worth it on slow shifts.
hey, you can still tase the shit out of them and toss them in a cell for a few minutes, whadddayaknow.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:56 pm
by DemonFiren
In two separate cells, Scree.

Unless you wanna double their sentence for fucking in jail, where everyone can see them through the window.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:10 pm
by Screemonster
As tempting as it would be to just keep hitting the flash button, yes.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:40 pm
by oranges

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:41 pm
by Qbopper
TheNightingale wrote:ITT: "If I don't like it, it's autistic"
Seriously if you've got nothing to contribute why even post

My thoughts: I'm not against ERP because wew am offended, I just think it's not really the place for that type of shit - of all the methods available people decide to use SS13??? why?

Also since there's been a lot of flip flop can someone say for sure if it's okay to fuck with (wow that was an awful choice of words) publicly laugh at/beat up ERPers mid round?

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:05 pm
by Ricotez
Qbopper wrote:of all the methods available people decide to use SS13??? why?
never seen my thoughts on this expressed so clearly

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:37 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
rdght91 wrote:Well now that it's been made clear that players can't consider ERP valid, I won't touch complaints from crew members about people erping in public when I'm playing security. It wasn't so bad at first because ERPing in public would quickly get you turning into a harmbaton popsicle.
ERPing in public is probbably against a rule or something. It's certainly going to get zero'd by any sensible admin.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:08 pm
by rdght91
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:
rdght91 wrote:Well now that it's been made clear that players can't consider ERP valid, I won't touch complaints from crew members about people erping in public when I'm playing security. It wasn't so bad at first because ERPing in public would quickly get you turning into a harmbaton popsicle.
ERPing in public is probbably against a rule or something. It's certainly going to get zero'd by any sensible admin.
I've eaten too many bans for doing what seemed like a perfectly reasonable thing at the time as security. I've gotten banned and appealed getting banned for killing a player who was sexually harassing my character, but I still had to wade through the drama. Plus, with ERPers most of the time they end up making obnoxious sexual comments at me and whining nonstop, then I end up beating them to death, then I get boinked.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:11 pm
by Grazyn
I don't understand why people don't apply simple RL reasoning before lethally engaging someone. Would you kill someone who's sexually harassing you? Probably not.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:14 pm
by TheNightingale
This isn't real life. If you kill someone here, they don't die forever.

Re: ERP unbanning 3: Oh God It's Still Happening

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:26 pm
by Deitus
100th post is mine

fuck erp, no pun intended. yall niggas deserve whatever shit you get from anyone if you gonna fuck in a vidya