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Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murder

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:25 pm
by Oldman Robustin
Admin [redacted] dispensed this wisdom on me yesterday and in IRC.

Near roundstart I was roaming the halls as an assistant. I see the chaplain in the chapel and decide it would be funny to table him.

I walk up and disarm him, hes unarmed so its not like I'm trying to steal his rod or something. This was ONE SINGLE DISARM. He immediately relatiates with a punch that weakens me, he then pulls out his sword-rod and hits me several times (and another weaken), the chaplain is not relenting so when I get up I try to disarm him one more time before he slashes me well into crit.

He then proceeds to drag me around the halls like a trophy for a couple minutes before telling a security officer some story that led the officer to cuff me and start dragging me to the brig - of course it didnt matter, within a few seconds of being cuffed I died (and apparently whatever the chaplain told them warranted my corpse being stuffed in the execution chamber).

I ahelped [redacted] and they seemed more offended by my ahelp than what the Chaplain did. According to them even a single (failed) disarm is enough to make you 100% valid for murder because after all I could be a traitor or something with an esword in my bag so now apparently ANYTHING that even has the POTENTIAL to stun now lets the person who could be stunned murder you.

Under this logic I can also murder anyone who does anything to me that even has a chance to stun me. Someone tries to slip me? RIP that guy. Fellow assistant tries to disarm me at roundstart because I got the toolbelt first? Someone grab a body bag. Dude behind me in HOP line disarms me because they're impatient? Looks like my only choice is to cave their skull in before they successfully push me and murder me with a hypothetical esword. Someone tries to table me? My regrets to their loved ones. A single punch, looks like you're getting 40 punches and kicks in return! Totally reasonable escalation policy.

If this is now our policy, and said admin is VERY confident that it is, I could easily rack up 5 or more kills every round with all the people who enjoy messing with assistants. I thought it was all good fun but apparently we're allowed to assume everyone has an esword in their bag and immediately resort to MAXIMUM ESCALATION. This is one of the dumbest versions of our escalation policy I've ever heard.

IRC quote:

19:01:48 [REDACTED]: if someone disarms you even once they're valid, but under escalation rules i'd wait like, for the second disarm

2nd Edit:

This person in question apparently isn't an admin and only has a name that resembles an admin. They knew about my ahelp and said they gave the chaplain got an escalation note so I have no fucking clue what's going on. The admin I contacted about this incident never told me how it was resolved that night. I suppose the person could've been the chaplain but I dunno why'd they'd say "The chaplain got a note" when they were the one who got the note.

I'll find out what really happened but until then this post is kind of moot.

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:30 pm
by captain sawrge
That admin is a brainless retard and needs to be pushed down a well. Hope this helps.

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:31 pm
by cedarbridge
I don't believe that admin ruling aligns with General policy at all. I can't speak to specifics but with full charity in assuming your facts are 100% accurate the chaplain should have been yelled at.

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:33 pm
by danno
un-redact the admin and consider having this moved to complaints tbh

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:33 pm
by danno

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:35 pm
by Oldman Robustin
cedarbridge wrote:I don't believe that admin ruling aligns with General policy at all. I can't speak to specifics but with full charity in assuming your facts are 100% accurate the chaplain should have been yelled at.
The admin asked me a few questions and logged off. Later in IRC they asked me "What was with that ahelp last night?"

Discussion ensued and this admin's firm position was that because disarms can stun, and because stuns can be lethal, you can meet lethal force with lethal force unless you have a stun weapon yourself and can disable them without murder.

Also it was a wizard round (wizard hadn't shown up yet).

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:36 pm
by danno
Yeah fuck that if your facts are accurate, make a proper complaint
that's some retarded shit

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:38 pm
by danno
But if there are people who seriously believe this is the policy, this thread should remain here as well, in order to clear that shitty air

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:38 pm
by Armhulen
Complaint worthy

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:42 pm
by IcePacks
captain sawrge wrote:That admin is a brainless retard and needs to be pushed down a well. Hope this helps.
hey das me!!

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:44 pm
by captain sawrge
IcePacks wrote:
captain sawrge wrote:That admin is a brainless retard and needs to be pushed down a well. Hope this helps.
hey das me!!

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:44 pm
by Oldman Robustin
Edited to include their official statement in case anyone thinks I'm bluffing. I'll let them know about the thread if they feel like defending their position.

I'm not making this into a complaint thread. It would be SUPER NEAT if a headmin tried to articulate some aspect of our escalation policy, but regardless this thread will have the same effect as a complaint anyway - hopefully that admin will understand how escalation works. Only other detail I'll add is this admin is among the more senior ranks.

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:45 pm
by TheColdTurtle
Wtf I hate pax now??????

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:45 pm
by Nilons
Complaint worthy as fuck, if you're not exaggerating. I can't remember who it was, maybe jmad? But they got in a ton of shit for permaing someone over 2 disarms, with more escalation than this. I hope you make a complaint about this, but to see it from the admins perspective why did you disarm the chaplain if you didn't want a reaction? You know he's well armed and chaplains are reputably fucking loose with their null rod beatings. Still though if it went down as you described thats horseshit.

Edit: If this is Bryce Pax as the admin in question there is some SERIOUS irony to be observed after the Jmad thing

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:46 pm
by danno
I don't understand
Was it Icepacks?
The admin was Icepacks?

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:47 pm
by danno
What the fuck is this, pax??
I banned a person you disarmed once for comparable escalation issues.
What the hell is happening

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:57 pm
by Oldman Robustin
Hes fucking with you, it wasn't Pax.

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:58 pm
by danno
oh my GOD

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:00 pm
by TheColdTurtle
Please make a complaint!!!!!!!!

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:06 pm
by lzimann
To clear this up: The admin in question never actually gave a resolution on the matter, the irc quotes were from someone completly unrelated to the situation.

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:07 pm
by Nilons
lzimann wrote:To clear this up: The admin in question never actually gave a resolution on the matter, the irc quotes were from someone completly unrelated to the situation.
now that what I call fucking epic xD

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:07 pm
by danno
You need to clear the air and stop """"redacting""""" shit right now, ojiisan

Re: Single disarm against anyone = You are now valid to murd

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:09 pm
by Oldman Robustin
Yea I edited the main post. I have no fucking clue though. Only way they could know about the Ahelp's existence AND how it was resolved (Not even I was told) was if they were the chaplain player, but they said "he got a note for escalation but disarms do make you valid afaik". So the only thing that makes sense is if they were referring to themselves in 3rd person.