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Add Adminhelping Guidelines to the Rules

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:33 pm
by BeeSting12
I don't like adding to the rules since it's already really long for a free game but I think these would help reduce the amount of "Adminhelp: Hey just got killed, valid?" and banbait-like ahelps that occur on the server. This is about what it would look like on the wiki, rewording suggestions are of course welcome along with any other guidelines but these four should about cover it.
Adminhelping Guidelines
These guidelines should be used when adminhelping to speed up the ticket's resolution and provide the admin the information he/she needs to resolve the ticket.

1. Be specific when adminhelping: Include as many of the following as possible: Who, What, Where, Why, and How. This information will reduce follow up questions and cause the ticket to get resolved faster.

2. Be upfront with admins about interactions with the ahelped player(s). At best, not being upfront will waste the admin's time, other players' time, and your time. At worst, not being upfront can get you banned for ban baiting. Lying is generally treated very harshly, so don't lie either.

3. Adminhelp at the time of the incident, not after the round has ended. Waiting to see if the player is an antagonist is not an excuse- it takes five seconds for an admin to check if the player is an antagonist or not.

4. Adminhelps should be handled on the server, not discord or another channel of communication.

Re: Add Adminhelping Guidelines to the Rules

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 2:31 pm
by Stickymayhem
Honestly the real problem is too many admins just let any ahelp through so the quality of ahelps has hit rock bottom. I'm guilty of this too because it ends up being quicker in the short term to ask people what the fuck is going on.

Re: Add Adminhelping Guidelines to the Rules

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:55 pm
by Cobby
I used to just autoreject them but it gets tiring dealing with "that was rude" from both players and admins.

Re: Add Adminhelping Guidelines to the Rules

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 12:21 am
by oranges
I still reject

Re: Add Adminhelping Guidelines to the Rules

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 1:50 am
by Cobby
this is why you're the man in the relationship

Re: Add Adminhelping Guidelines to the Rules

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:57 pm
by Dax Dupont
I just hit reject almost all the time when the ticket is just IS THIS VALID or other nonsensical tickets.