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Is an MMI of a Blown Borg forced to rat on the rogue AI it was Sycned to

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 7:53 pm
by SkeletalElite
So the AI is rogue, either by being a traitor or through subversion.

Someone blows the borgs, the MMI gets taken to robotics.
The Robotocists do not know the AI is rogue so they start to make a new borg shell and reborg the MMI.
Does the person in the MMI have to tell the roboticsts that the AI is rogue and stop themself from being borged.

For the purpose of the situation the person in the MMI was NOT an antag before being borged.

Re: Is an MMI of a Blown Borg forced to rat on the rogue AI it was Sycned to

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 8:13 pm
by NoxVS
In the past admins have told me you don't have to snitch on your AI if they are rogue/malf and you were made back into an MMI. Still it feels kinda iffy to allow yourself to be slaved to them again even with knowledge of them being rogue/malf

Re: Is an MMI of a Blown Borg forced to rat on the rogue AI it was Sycned to

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 8:21 pm
by Arianya
A brain in an MMI is functionally like any other crewmember - not obliged to assist the crew in hunting a traitor nor penalised for withholding information.

A posibrain is a slightly more nuanced issue - as they have a on spawn flavourtext saying that they are crew-aligned and should assist the crew, but largely this flavourtext is at best lightly enforced and at worst not enforced at all, so...

The only real niggle in this is that we generally don't approve of people intentionally getting themselves antagonist status (i.e. walking into cult base shouting "CONVERT ME") - but given the brain in a MMI's complete helplessness I would say this is kinda messy to enforce on an administrative level for blown subverted borgs - simpler to just say categorically that they don't *have* to rat out a rogue AI/subverted laws/etc, in line with normal crew.

Re: Is an MMI of a Blown Borg forced to rat on the rogue AI it was Sycned to

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 8:38 pm
by Anonmare
I always considered the original cyborg's MMI to be firmly on team synthetic and not crew-aligned

Re: Is an MMI of a Blown Borg forced to rat on the rogue AI it was Sycned to

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:57 am
by zxaber
There's a nonzero chance that ratting out the AI will result in the robo just dumping you down disposals if they don't know how to, or don't care to, unsync the shell from the AI. At the very least, you might be stuck in a bag or sitting on a table for the rest of the shift.

Anyway, it would feel weird to punish people for non-action. Being re-borged as an MMI or posi isn't the same as standing next to a cult base and hoping for the best.

Edit: it would also put Malf AIs in an odd spot. If someone blows the borgs for unrelated reasons (or no reasons), the AI would be ousted, even if it's being stealthy and getting the kills done in silence. The only way to prevent that would be hacking the borgs so that they don't drop an MMI, but that just means that competent robos will catch the borgs when they do upgrades or battery swaps, and will know the AI is Malf when they check the borg console to lock the borg down.

Re: Is an MMI of a Blown Borg forced to rat on the rogue AI it was Sycned to

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:00 pm
by WarbossLincoln
I would consider a rogue borg's MMI to be a purged silicon at that point. If he and the AI got along he's free to keep the AI's secrets. If the AI was a dick to him then he's free to rat him out.

For comparison a crewman is not required to tell the station that someone is a traitor if they find out. A brain in an MMI has no laws or anything obligating them to do anything.

If you want to force an MMI to reveal what it knows then rebuild it as an unsynced, asimov borg and order it to come clean.

Re: Is an MMI of a Blown Borg forced to rat on the rogue AI it was Sycned to

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 11:29 pm
by Cobby
What does the flavortext say?

Whatever you WANT the posibrain to do doesn't matter if it isn't aligned with their flavortext.

Re: Is an MMI of a Blown Borg forced to rat on the rogue AI it was Sycned to

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 11:40 pm
by NoxVS
Cobby wrote:What does the flavortext say?

Whatever you WANT the posibrain to do doesn't matter if it isn't aligned with their flavortext.
It pretty much says dont harm people and serve the crew but I never see it enforced by anyone. It says your highest priority is to do no harm yet I see posibrain mechs killing antags occasionally

Re: Is an MMI of a Blown Borg forced to rat on the rogue AI it was Sycned to

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 3:02 pm
by Gamarr
Bog = slave.
MMI = not slave/crew.
That's all that is needed to know, and the MMI could do what it wants. Imo it has always been like this, and has been a good way to interrogate a borg sans laws and messing around. Just people have been stupid for years and it's never been really utilized, despite malf being a mode for ages before.

Re: Is an MMI of a Blown Borg forced to rat on the rogue AI it was Sycned to

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 12:20 am
by Cobby
sounds like the policy is already there, it's just admins aren't enforcing them?

Re: Is an MMI of a Blown Borg forced to rat on the rogue AI it was Sycned to

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 1:15 am
by zxaber
For MMIs, there's no real policy set yet. Nothing prevents MMIs from staying quiet about the AI except if we apply self-antagging to it (which I believe is a stretch considering how little MMIs can do).

For Posis, the fluff text does say;
Remember, the purpose of your existence is to serve the crew and the station. Above all else, do no harm.
However, enforcing that in this situation puts malf AIs is a very weird place, and it'll feel weird to be bwoinking people for inaction. It'll be at the point where malfs have to powergame two steps ahead of everyone else just because some people like to blow the borgs up at the drop of a hat.

Re: Is an MMI of a Blown Borg forced to rat on the rogue AI it was Sycned to

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 11:10 pm
>Not taking the opportunity to be put in an unsynced cyborg shell and validhunt/surprise attack/ruin the round of the malf AI


But yeah, we should change the posibrain greeting text to more accurately reflect our current posibrain policy/policies.

Re: Is an MMI of a Blown Borg forced to rat on the rogue AI it was Sycned to

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 3:52 am
by Shaps-cloud
I did a PR that added support for posibrains with the Show Policy button, headmins should add a line of policy to it or someone should change the flavor text or whatever