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KiloStation Map Config Changes

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 4:42 pm
by Cartographer-D
Hi. It's me, mapper man.

I'd like to talk about doing two things to the config:

1. Adding a "maxplayers" condition to Kilo's config at 50 players

2. Removing Kilo's "minplayers" condition.

Kilo was originally advertised as a low pop map and given the size of its workspaces and departments, I don't think it functions well with a ton of players. I think a lot of the negative feedback stems around this issue. Limiting the player cap so that it doesn't appear during highpop should alleviate a lot of the current problems with the map. 50 players is probably its reasonable max.

On the second note, Kilo functions well with limited players so should always show up in rotation regardless of the number of players, hence removing the minplayers condition.

Inept would be okay with point number 1, and agrees with me on point number 2.

Re: KiloStation Map Config Changes

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:06 pm
by Mothblocks
Just out of curiosity, what's the thoughts on the person who originally PR'd it? Inept (maptainer) +1'ing this is enough for me personally, but just wanted to see their thoughts.

Re: KiloStation Map Config Changes

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:21 am
by wesoda25
Honestly I say make the pop limit even lower, like 40-45. Still much better than what we got currently.

Re: KiloStation Map Config Changes

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:23 am
by Cartographer-D
Jaredfogle wrote:Just out of curiosity, what's the thoughts on the person who originally PR'd it? Inept (maptainer) +1'ing this is enough for me personally, but just wanted to see their thoughts.
I also want to see if his thoughts diverge much from mine. I'll ping him with a link so he can check this out.

Re: KiloStation Map Config Changes

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 1:31 am
by RaveRadbury
We do have labels on the maps for pop
It would be cool to make use of them.

Re: KiloStation Map Config Changes

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:02 am
by Vire
I agree with both points.

Kilo starts to strain at around 45 players, particularly if you've got very large numbers of assistants. I do not think it should be an option above 50. It is also an easy station to run at low pop, and I was surprised to find the configs had set it to 25-pop as a minimum.

Re: KiloStation Map Config Changes

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:53 am
by Vekter
I honestly think 50 is too much for Kilo. Maybe around 30-35? It's a great map, but it's way too small for anything over that pop.

Re: KiloStation Map Config Changes

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 6:40 am
by EOBGames
I feel that 50 is the lowest the config should go. In my opinion it works fine at that pop level (I'd say it's fine at 60 too) and if you're looking to get into the realms of 30 you're looking at a map that can't run in most cases. If you set it at that level, there is very little point in continuing to support the map.

EDIT: I should clarify that I'm not hugely in favour of restricting our maps mechanically, as with our limited map pool a map that can't run any considerable amount of the time is a dead spot. I support the config insofar as it is true that there's a point where Kilo is too small.

Kilo is, in my eyes, a comfortable midpop map which stretches to highpop. My insistence that the config go no lower than 50 is as below that point it's becoming more and more restricted from running at all.