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Amend The Supportmin Pinging Policy

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 12:45 am
by san7890
There was an unfortunate incident today in regards to how @Supportmin pings were handled since we didn't receive any alerts through TGS since an admin was still connected to the server (albeit away from their computer due to other concerns). The primary issue I encountered with this scenario is that all I could utilize was my phone and wasn't near my computer to gather more information on the subject (via other tools). I thought about a bit, and I think that there may be a potential way to fix it for these edge issues.

Currently, Atlanta-Ned's pinned message has the following four points:


However, the #help-tickets channel in the /tg/station Discord has the following:


I feel that it would beneficial to amend this pinned message with an additional, fifth, point. It would read something like what follows, but can be changed/clarified:

"5️⃣ If no admins are able to join the server, they will let you know and create a ticket in #help-tickets to figure out the issue to the best of their abilities".

There are a few wrinkles that I can foresee with this, but I believe a lot of the frustration in today's event was that the person pinging Supportmin could not divulge further information about the specific issue that they were having (without violating Rule Three), nor did that person (presumably) know that they could request a thread to be more descriptive and not feel left-out/that the admins were not doing anything. I feel that with more involved/in-depth communication, a faster and appropriate response can be established (especially when any descriptive AHELPs that could come through per Step 1️⃣ is otherwise blocked). This does cover a lot of seeming edge-cases and could result in an issue (e.g. Another admin saying "Oh, I can actually join right now!" after a help-ticket has already been made), but this is certainly something that could be workshopped a bit better.

Thank you for your time.

Re: Amend The Supportmin Pinging Policy

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:13 am
by Atlanta-Ned
I'd support replacing this pinned message with a pinned link to a (protected) page on the Wiki as well.

Re: Amend The Supportmin Pinging Policy

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 11:43 pm
by dragomagol
We've worked Ned's existing pin in #help into a protected wiki page here, which will be pinned in the help channel. We don't feel the need to add a clause about #help-tickets, but we have added a section outlining the urgent ahelp process.

Headmin Votes:
Dragomagol: Agree
NamelessFairy: Agree
RaveRadbury: Agree