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Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 1:39 am
by onleavedontatme
Ban Reason: Killed a security officer who was attempting to stop them from releasing traitors as a captain. The whole mess was pretty grey, but they did not actually attack you until the final confrontation when you shot at them. Poor escalation.
Date Placed: Today
Your side of the story:

I already had to explain this at length so I'm just going to be lazy and greentext

Code: Select all

>sec catches a handful of traitors
>try interrogating the chemist/cutting a deal with him in exchange for names, codes, whatever, "muh family is hostage" roleplay
>in the middle of interrogating him the HoS drags him to the execution room, some other officer (detective?) threatens to beat him, general pain in the ass trying to have a conversation
>eventually try to set up a sting operation to catch another guy with him, give up halfway through and let him go (with tracking implant the HoS gave him)
>tell the HoS we're not executing people, he's upset about this, tries killing another traitor with their own pistol
>ask a borg and officer to drag Terry and Mae (two other prisoners) to my office so I can talk to them in peace and quiet
>Osborn follows me into my office, refuses to leave
>tells me he's gonna mutiny if I cut any deal with them/let them go
>tell the prisoners I guess I can't let them go cause the officer will flip out
>as the conversation progresses (sort of, I'm busy arguing with him) he gets increasingly agitated, claims I'm gonna free the prisoners
>keeps yelling for officers to the bridge
>I let them in, he grabs my prisoner, declares my "retarded meeting" over, tries to run out
>I fire disablers at him, he hides behind my console/pulls a gun out, Mae bolts into the hallways, I chase out after them along with the HoS
>come back and they're killing the fucking engineering borg for trying to keep Terry from them (because they'd been talking about executing people/trying to do so all round, and the HoS outright stated at one point he was going to ignore my orders and kill people)
>drag Terri onto the bridge, stay there with him in cuffs
>Osborn keeps fucking yelling about how I've freed Terry 
>tells security I'm rogue, to space me, etc
>Soon he ends up screaming about how the borgs are rogue when they execute Mae (against orders) and the execution chamber gets bolted down
>At this point I do actually let Terry go because Osborn is pissing me off and Terry has been cooperating/giving me information, did not actually kill anyone/was grabbed in a more or less random search
>Go to perma, arrest, Osborn
>He starts screaming I'm killing him when I drag him around in cuffs
>Starts screaming I'm beating him to death when I (help) baton him when he tries to unbuckle/run away from my office when I'm trying to call the shuttle
>Order borgs to lock him in the upload since perma is fucked
>Round end he PDAs he needs to be let out law 1 etc
>Tell borg not to since he's armed
>comes running out with a baton, shoot at him, he flashbangs himself, kill him with my laser
Why you think you should be unbanned:

Shadowlight said it was "poor escalation." I was under the assumption Captains had the authority to execute people, especially for insubordination. He (and the HoS) were refusing to let me interrogate the criminals at all, he tried to kill an asimov cyborg, he kept screaming to mutiny/space me etc.

If the chain of command is not OOC enforced, and it's bannable to enforce it IC, what is the point of the captain rank? Or any rank, for that matter?

Mutiny is listed as a capital crime, Sticky has previously stated mutiny is an IC issue but that the captain has to git gud and defend his post, etc

Furthermore he broke the rules multiple times trying to get the borgs killed/trying to kill one because he wanted to execute people.

Lastly the whole "mutiny because the captain is impeding my valids, he's daring to talk/roleplay instead of immediately lasering" is awful.

Pretty much every player online that round can vouch for me that security was bloodthirsty/out of control. CLEAN(jaxy), Mae (Matilda), Terry (drovidi), Caroline (Scones), pretty much all the other borgs (didn't catch their ckeys), etc. Hell Osborn attacked the detective at one point as well. It should be telling that nobody, not even the HoS (who told him to calm down and be quiet on the sec radio), came to help him when he was screaming about me killing him when I arrested him.

>Poor escalation

I thought captains had some sort of authority to execute past "he punched me once I punched him twice." He was screaming for the whole sec force to rebel and disobeying orders, it shouldn't matter how many times he personally hit me. With someone literally saying "space the fucker" how many times am I supposed to let him touch me with his one hit kill stun weapons before it's okay to deal with him permanently?

Ironically enough, the same guy was recently banned for trying to kill the HoS over a decision he disliked, but I considered both the mutiny and the resulting execution IC issues.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 1:58 am
by Tornadium
Was waiting for this to pop up.

I'm not going to wall of text this. Instead I'll just post my side.

You wanted to talk to two traitors in your Quarters, I accompany you to make sure everything is legit.

You want to let them go, Security thinks that's a fucking awful idea. I think it's an awful idea. I told you I would stop you if you attempted to let them go, security agreed with this.

I ask for additional officers to come to the bridge because you pull an e-gun and holster it which puts me on edge.

HoS and an Officer show up. You leave the room with Mai.

Engineering borg immediately unshackles Terry and makes a run for it towards maint to teleporter. The other security officer and I attempt to stop him, My flash is done so we have no other way to stop him other than breaking him. We do so.

You run into the Captains quarters and immediately open fire.

We do not return fire and you continue to fire and run off with Terry which we never fucking see again.

We had pretty solid leads that the borgs were tampered with and they borgs were indeed acting strangely and ignoring laws.

You come and arrest me, Claim I attacked you when i took not a single hostile action once towards you. You were the person who attacked me on multiple occasions. Not a single time did I ever try attacking you or pose any threat to you as after you ran off I went to the brig to defuse the situation with that shitty engi-borg.

You take my radio off after hitting me with the baton, I admit I lied about you beating me with the baton. I was hoping that security would fucking do something instead of just letting that shit happen. You toss me in upload intending to leave me there, borg lets me out.

You're straight up fucking lying about that baton. I grabbed it whenever you started firing. Not before.

You fired first, Again.

I took a flashbang out as my last possible resort because I saw you switch to lethals.

He was screaming for the whole sec force to rebel and disobeying orders
You wanted to let confirmed enemies of the corporation go free, The HoS and the rest of security disagreed.

I mean seriously Kor you know if you let antags go they usually come back to fuck with you. You're intentionally fucking security over.

I didn't mutiny because "Captain is impeding my valids", I showed up literally just as that shit went down. I had no idea about sec wanting to execute people, I just wanted to stop you from fucking releasing them after sec spent time catching them.

Besides what do you expect security to do whenever you start releasing known enemies of the corporation? I'd also like to point out that not once in that round did I take any hostile action towards you beyond the flashbang. I did tell security to find you, on account of the whole you running off with a fucking traitor thing. At the end of the day, The HoS disagreed with you, The detective disagreed with you. The majority of security (Those that I know of) also disagreed with you. Letting confirmed antagonists go is fucking shitty kor, for real.

Edit: Pretty sure that engi-borg was also ignoring law 1 orders and opened a cannister of CO2. I could be wrong though.

Oh hey also wanted to point this out :

Enemy of the Corporation To act as, or knowingly aid, an enemy of Nanotrasen.

So what does this make a Captain who knowingly aids in the freedom of these enemies of Nanotrasen? Do they get immunity from being named Enemy of the Corporation or what's the deal with that? Seriously it seems mega fucking shitty that the Captain is just allowed to let Enemies of the Corporation go and then escalate to lethals when someone tries to stop them.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:23 am
by oranges
Yeah if you wanna mutiny and you're not robust enough to dunk the captain, it's fucking retarded to start blowing up in admin help about it, this shouldn't be a ban at all.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:25 am
by Tornadium
oranges wrote:Yeah if you wanna mutiny and you're not robust enough to dunk the captain, it's fucking retarded to start blowing up in admin help about it, this shouldn't be a ban at all.
I don't recall ever attempting to dunk the Captain.

I specifically didn't fire at him once while he was ineffectually firing his e-guns into me.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:26 am
by onleavedontatme
>you leave the room with mae

She got dragged off by the HoS, who then slipped on a peel and she fled

>you immediately open fire

When I come back and see you beating a borg to death that is a reasonable response, yes

>we do not return fire

Because I keep the windoor/console between you and me at all times, you had a taser out though.

>we never see Terry again

Actually several officers were on the bridge with me because they showed up when you were screaming I freed him, and they all saw I still had him cuffed, were satisfied, and left.

>acting strangely and ignoring laws

Not until much later when they got emagged. Certainly not when they bolted you down for killing someone.

>You're straight up fucking lying about that baton

You had it out before we even opened the doors. I told the borg as much, because I could see you with thermals. The borg also said you came running out with a baton when Shadowlight asked him, so either both of us are lying or you had a baton out.

>I did not take any hostile action

Declaring I'm rogue and demanding security arrest me and that I'm killing you is pretty hostile.

>Besides what do you expect security to do whenever you start releasing known enemies of the corporation?


A) Follow orders, like the HoS did with the chemist, and use tracking/chem implants

B) Mutiny, but don't cry if your mutiny fails.

I wasn't even set on releasing them, I was considering borging them or building a death arena for them to fight in. I did mention letting the (now disarmed, objectives complete) traitors go in exchange for names of other traitors as a possibility, yeah.


>nothing hostile

[18:51:35]SAY: Osborn Auman/Tornadium : CAPTAIN RELEASING TRAITORS
[18:51:42]SAY: Osborn Auman/Tornadium : Space that fucker

>I flashbanged after lasers

[19:19:10]ATTACK: Talos Valcoran(korphaeron) shot Lanny Brinigh(carnage752) with the laser (NEWHP: 100) //Way earlier, but my first attack log before our fight
//I miss a ton of disablers here, obviously, I shot first
[19:22:18]GAME: Tornadium/(Osborn Auman) has primed a flashbang for detonation at Bridge (107,133,1). //Flashbang!
[19:22:22]ATTACK: Talos Valcoran(korphaeron) shot Osborn Auman(tornadium) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 93.5) //At this point I'm still firing disablers
[19:22:33]ATTACK: Talos Valcoran(korphaeron) shot Osborn Auman(tornadium) with the laser (NEWHP: 93.5) //Post flashbang I do start lasering you

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:32 am
by Tornadium
Kor wrote:>you leave the room with mae

She got dragged off by the HoS, who then slipped on a peel and she fled
You both left together if I recall correctly.
>you immediately open fire

When I come back and see you beating a borg to death that is a reasonable response, yes
And you don't think us using the only method to stop a borg running off with a confirmed antagonist is reasonable?

Wouldn't a reasonable response to talk first?
>we do not return fire

Because I keep the windoor/console between you and me at all times, you had a taser out though.
Actually your position was pretty shitty if I'm honest.
>we never see Terry again

Actually several officers were on the bridge with me because they showed up when you were screaming I freed him, and they all saw I still had him cuffed, were satisfied, and left.
So where did he go? I didn't leave the bridge for a while after you ran off after you started dragging Terry around.
>acting strangely and ignoring laws

Not until much later when they got emagged. Certainly not when they bolted you down for killing someone.
Prior to this security was commenting on the borgs behavior.
>You're straight up fucking lying about that baton

You had it out before we even opened the doors. I told the borg as much, because I could see you with thermals. The borg also said you came running out with a baton when Shadowlight asked him, so either both of us are lying or you had a baton out.
I did not have a baton out, It was on my belt. You started firing, I drew it .
>I did not take any hostile action

Declaring I'm rogue and demanding security arrest me and that I'm killing you is pretty hostile.
And you firing first isn't hostile at all right? After trying to release known confirmed traitors right?
>Besides what do you expect security to do whenever you start releasing known enemies of the corporation?


A) Follow orders, like the HoS did with the chemist, and use tracking/chem implants
The HoS didn't agree with you either, he highlighted that by killing one.

B) Mutiny, but don't cry if your mutiny fails.

I wasn't even set on releasing them, I was considering borging them or building a death arena for them to fight in. I did mention letting the (now disarmed, objectives complete) traitors go in exchange for names of other traitors as a possibility, yeah.
Didn't mutiny, at least through physical actions.

I did call for your arrest after you opened fire on me for trying to stop a known enemy of the corporation from escaping.

>nothing hostile

[18:51:35]SAY: Osborn Auman/Tornadium : CAPTAIN RELEASING TRAITORS
[18:51:42]SAY: Osborn Auman/Tornadium : Space that fucker
In context, After you had already tried to attack me.

>I flashbanged after lasers

[19:19:10]ATTACK: Talos Valcoran(korphaeron) shot Lanny Brinigh(carnage752) with the laser (NEWHP: 100) //Way earlier, but my first attack log before our fight
//I miss a ton of disablers here, obviously, I shot first
[19:22:18]GAME: Tornadium/(Osborn Auman) has primed a flashbang for detonation at Bridge (107,133,1). //Flashbang!
[19:22:22]ATTACK: Talos Valcoran(korphaeron) shot Osborn Auman(tornadium) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 93.5) //At this point I'm still firing disablers
[19:22:33]ATTACK: Talos Valcoran(korphaeron) shot Osborn Auman(tornadium) with the laser (NEWHP: 93.5) //Post flashbang I do start lasering you
Yep, I saw you chance from blue to red so I primed it.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:35 am
by Shadowlight213
Ok, I latejoined the round, so the only part I saw was Kor dunking Osborne.
I've looked over things some more, and found a few interesting lines that confirm Kor's side.
[18:51:42]SAY: Osborn Auman/Tornadium : Space that fucker
I also saw the HOS say
[19:04:20]SAY: Happi Futur/Kingofcarrotflowerspt1 : I don't care what the captain says, we are executing all the traitors.

This sounds like mutiny to me. I'm ashamed I didnt realize this before.

This was honestly a bad ban I feel. I had late-joined, and was only working off of logs. I feel I did not understand the situation fully, and was not able to make a sound judgement.
I'm going to be lifting the ban, as I feel that there was critical context I was missing.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:37 am
by Tornadium
palpatine213 wrote:Ok, I latejoined the round, so the only part I saw was Kor dunking Osborne.
I've looked over things some more, and found a few interesting lines that confirm Kor's side.
[18:51:42]SAY: Osborn Auman/Tornadium : Space that fucker
I also saw the HOS say
[19:04:20]SAY: Happi Futur/Kingofcarrotflowerspt1 : I don't care what the captain says, we are executing all the traitors.

This sounds like mutiny to me. I'm ashamed I didnt realize this before.

This was honestly a bad ban I feel. I had late-joined, and was only working off of logs. I feel I did not understand the situation fully, and was not able to make a sound judgement.
I'm going to be lifting the ban, as I feel that there was critical context I was missing.
Both of those occurred after the Captain had tried attacking security officers.

Security officers who i might add made no attempt to attack him or do anything in any way to stop what he was doing.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:38 am
by oranges
Tornadium wrote: And you don't think us using the only method to stop a borg running off with a confirmed antagonist is reasonable?
I'm sick of this bullshit argument, you can chain stun a borg with a flash so easily it's not even funny. Especially as a fucking security player who has easy access to flashes.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:39 am
by MrStonedOne
Looking at this, as far as I'm concerned, either both of you deserved a ban or none of you do.

>Osborn follows me into my office, refuses to leave
>tells me he's gonna mutiny if I cut any deal with them/let them go
>He starts screaming I'm killing him when I drag him around in cuffs
>Starts screaming I'm beating him to death when I (help) baton him when he tries to unbuckle/run away from my office when I'm trying to call the shuttle

This right here is more than enough for a perma sec job ban if we are going to start dipping this far into IC situations.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:41 am
by Tornadium
MrStonedOne wrote:Looking at this, as far as I'm concerned, either both of you deserved a ban or none of you do.

>Osborn follows me into my office, refuses to leave
>tells me he's gonna mutiny if I cut any deal with them/let them go
>He starts screaming I'm killing him when I drag him around in cuffs
>Starts screaming I'm beating him to death when I (help) baton him when he tries to unbuckle/run away from my office when I'm trying to call the shuttle

This right here is more than enough for a perma sec job ban if we are going to start dipping this far into IC situations.
The Captain wanted a private meeting with two confirmed traitors. You don't think it's prudent to have some kind of security representation to maintain the interests of the security of the station?

I did not threaten to mutiny, I told him that I would stop him.

Releasing the Traitors would be assisting enemies of the corporation, Am i meant to just willingly fucking ignore that?

I admit that was shitty, I didn't scream that he was killing me when he was dragging me if i recall. I did regarding the baton. That was more to try to get security to do something because everyone seemed to be watching but not actually doing anything.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:42 am
by Tornadium
oranges wrote:
Tornadium wrote: And you don't think us using the only method to stop a borg running off with a confirmed antagonist is reasonable?
I'm sick of this bullshit argument, you can chain stun a borg with a flash so easily it's not even funny. Especially as a fucking security player who has easy access to flashes.
My flash was out, now what?

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:48 am
by oranges
Tornadium wrote:
oranges wrote:
Tornadium wrote: And you don't think us using the only method to stop a borg running off with a confirmed antagonist is reasonable?
I'm sick of this bullshit argument, you can chain stun a borg with a flash so easily it's not even funny. Especially as a fucking security player who has easy access to flashes.
My flash was out, now what?
Your story sure changes a lot whenever it's challenge m8.

Yeah if your flash was out, you couldn't grab a backup in time then I guess you have to beat the borg into crit. But you shouldn't expect other people to not intervene and stop you, especially when they outrank you.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:49 am
by Ahammer18
An update, after some discussion it was revealed that the HoS at the time was acting horribly. He has been directed to this thread to explain himself.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:53 am
by TechnoAlchemist
Mutiny is a capital offense. Seems like justice was dealt here to be honest.

Not sure why this had to be taken out of character, the captain cutting a deal with a traitor to set up a sting operation in order to catch more traitors seems like it would be more beneficial than harmful to the crew.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:53 am
by Tornadium
oranges wrote:
Tornadium wrote:
oranges wrote:
Tornadium wrote: And you don't think us using the only method to stop a borg running off with a confirmed antagonist is reasonable?
I'm sick of this bullshit argument, you can chain stun a borg with a flash so easily it's not even funny. Especially as a fucking security player who has easy access to flashes.
My flash was out, now what?
Your story sure changes a lot whenever it's challenge m8.

Yeah if your flash was out, you couldn't grab a backup in time then I guess you have to beat the borg into crit. But you shouldn't expect other people to not intervene and stop you, especially when they outrank you.
Hey fuck you

Engineering borg immediately unshackles Terry and makes a run for it towards maint to teleporter. The other security officer and I attempt to stop him, My flash is done so we have no other way to stop him other than breaking him. We do so.
From original post.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:55 am
by Tornadium
TechnoAlchemist wrote:Mutiny is a capital offense. Seems like justice was dealt here to be honest.

Not sure why this had to be taken out of character, the captain cutting a deal with a traitor to set up a sting operation in order to catch more traitors seems like it would be more beneficial than harmful to the crew.
You've never seen the dozens of rounds where that goes poorly I take it.

Captain attacked me bro, Not the other way around.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 3:21 am
by Ikarrus
Shadowlight has lifted the ban. This appeal is now a policy discussion.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 3:45 am
by onleavedontatme
Ikarrus wrote:Shadowlight has lifted the ban. This appeal is ogre.
I dislike the reasons he lifted it for though.

The HoS being shit shouldn't factor into my ability to deal with a mutineer. I care more about the precedent this sets than the actual ban. Maybe that discussion should be elsewhere though who knows

Tornadium wrote: I did not threaten to mutiny
[18:46:50]SAY: Osborn Auman/Tornadium : Any attempt to release either of these two
[18:46:53]SAY: Osborn Auman/Tornadium : Will lead to mutiny

And again

[18:51:42]SAY: Osborn Auman/Tornadium : Space that fucker

>all these justifications for various actions,beating borg, etc

I'm not arguing you should be banned for trying to stop me cutting deals with traitors. This isn't a ban request. I'm defending my own actions in dealing with a mutiny. Two people in conflict in SS13 doesn't mean one person always needs a ban. The game is set up so that people end up in conflict with one another. There isn't always a 100% right side and 100% wrong side.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 12:23 pm
by Lumbermancer
Did you inform Sec about the "sting operation" you wanted to push, or you tried to do it behind their backs? Because if you didn't, then the Sec's suspicion and subsequent actions were entirely justified.

>To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause.
>Mutiny is not as clear cut as it may seem, there may be a legitimate reason for their actions, such as their head of staff being utterly incompetent.

There's nothing worse than Captain pretending to be Uber Sec Officer and micromanaging shit, especially if Security is fully staffed.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:20 pm
I feel it would be really harmful to the role of captain if every decision you make is going to be judged OOC. As captain (or hos) you are going to have to make choices and you are going to have to make choices in shit situations. You never know the full story, you can only act on the information you have. People WILL fuck up as captain because frankly thats what the game is designed around.

Banning for "wrong" executions creates the impression that executing people is an inherently bad thing. It is not, it is part of the game design.

Having to explain every little detail of a situation that brings you to the ultimate conclusion to execute someone and being judged upon it is very tiresome.

Bans for executing as captain/hos should only be applied when it is OVERWHELMINGLY and UNDOUBTEDLY disproportionate.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 3:09 pm
by onleavedontatme
With the chemist? Yes, the HoS and Warden both signed off on it.

>His actions were justified

I'm not arguing about whether his actions were justified, I'm arguing about whether mine were justified. SS13 isn't black and white, two people can have mutually exclusive goals or ideas or interests without either of them being banned for it.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 3:21 pm
by Wyzack
This whole shitstorm really seems like it should have stayed IC. We are not fucking children, and we do not need to involve mommy and daddy every time there is an altercation where one of the involved parties is not an antag.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 5:54 pm
by Amelius
Wyzack wrote:This whole shitstorm really seems like it should have stayed IC. We are not fucking children, and we do not need to involve mommy and daddy every time there is an altercation where one of the involved parties is not an antag.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:04 pm
by Malkevin
I don't see why a ban had to be placed on either side in the first place.
I can't see what the point of discussing this even is, especially in policy discussions of all places.

At the end of the day, a Captain is within his rights to go "RESPECT MAH AUTHORATAY!" and do shady backroom deals with traitors (even for personal gain) because he's at the top of the food chain.
But at the same time security is allowed to go "Captain has violated article 4-11 of Space Law, rev up the harm batons", because assisting a traitor is still assisting a traitor - no matter if you're a medic or the Captain.

Its the sort of Crimson Tide bumping of heads that makes SS13 Space Station 13.
If the round doesn't end with the station being a burning vented hulk because of two people's penis rattling then it was a dull round,

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:44 pm
by oranges
I agree with Malk

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:47 pm
by Kelenius
oranges wrote:I agree with Malk

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:26 pm
by Falamazeer
I agree with kelenius and oranges.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:39 pm
by Jacough
If I remember correctly, I was in this round (some logs I could ctrl+f through to refresh my memory since my short term memory is still pretty fried right now would be appreciated. The bit about "SAY: Happi Futur/Kingofcarrotflowerspt1 : I don't care what the captain says, we are executing all the traitors." sure as shit rings a bell though) then I'm honestly surprised it wasn't the crew who robusted security since there were cries of security being fucking awful all round, which I saw first hand.

At one point I was arrested for the murder of the clown after the clown speared himself to death and even gave the names of several other people who watched the clown spear himself to death as well. What was security's response? "Nope, you totally murdered the clown, five minute sentence!" Minor yeah but still pretty shitty and annoying to give someone a major crime brig sentence for something there's absolutely no evidence of you doing and a ton of evidence proving you didn't.

Later I was just chilling in the rec room when the detective pops out of maint and wordlessly starts firing tasers at me and starts dragging me around the rec room slapping me around with his telescopic baton. Fortunately he was unrobust as fuck and I was able to disarm him immediately after getting up at one point and knock him down with his own baton and run off.

Again, if this is the round I'm thinking of then holy fuck, just about the whole security team deserved to be robusted for being incompetent assholes.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:44 pm
by Tornadium
Thankfully I wasn't involved in any of that.

My entire contribution to the round was the Captain thing.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:47 am
by Boogeyman
Cool I can actually post now. I actually miraculously found this thread and didn't find it because I was banned. I was the HoS. I can't play on the server because I was banned as a sort of message to come here and explain what was going on. I guess I'm forced to read through all of this slog. What a pain. Well here goes. Honestly this happened a few days ago and my memory of the situation is rather hazy. Good thing public logs exist to refresh my memory!

I'm honestly not entirely sure what the issue is.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 3:23 am
by Boogeyman
Let it be clear before reading all of this huge post that I am going to make is that you people are all morons, there was no reason to ban the Captain at all. I'll make my case later, but for now I'll try to set a few things straight by correcting what it is this guy says and what the next few people say. This is going to be a pretty lazy post at first. I'll be sure to edit it later on and make it a pretty fantastic work of art!!

>sec catches a handful of traitors
Wrong. At that time the very first traitor I was aware of was the Chemist.
>try interrogating the chemist/cutting a deal with him in exchange for names, codes, whatever, "muh family is hostage" roleplay
Yeah you did.
>in the middle of interrogating him the HoS drags him to the execution room
I don't remember doing this, unfortunately pulling isn't logged. Let me check the logs and see just what I said at a specific time frame to confirm or deny. Be sure too look at this post later! I will have edited this out and confirmed or denied.
>eventually try to set up a sting operation to catch another guy with him, give up halfway through and let him go (with tracking implant the HoS gave him)
Yeah. I think he was trying to do this. Got some PDA messages about it, from the Chemist (which I promptly ignored because we were dealing with something much more important at the time)
>tell the HoS we're not executing people, he's upset about this,
Yeah. I am pretty upset over this. But considering a few days ago he played a Captain who did the literal opposite (incinerating someone innocent in the process I may add) I just played along with it because he was trying to run some sort of gimmick.
>tries killing another traitor with their own pistol
I shot her once because she was whining too much. I was kind of hoping she'd bleed out after the first shot yeah, but If I really wanted her at that time to die I would have just taken her to the Gulag, stripped her headset, and killed her. I'm sure the Captain would have forgotten about her and life would have gone on.
>ask a borg and officer to drag Terry and Mae (two other prisoners) to my office so I can talk to them in peace and quiet

>Osborn follows me into my office, refuses to leave
Cannot confirm or deny, don't really care as it had nothing to do with me.
>tells me he's gonna mutiny if I cut any deal with them/let them go
I vaguely remember him screaming obscenities over Common and how he was going to kill the Captain if that and that and blah blah blah. Sounds true enough to me.
>tell the prisoners I guess I can't let them go cause the officer will flip out

>as the conversation progresses (sort of, I'm busy arguing with him) he gets increasingly agitated, claims I'm gonna free the prisoners

Who knows, probably true.
>keeps yelling for officers to the bridge

Yeah I remember this.
>I let them in, he grabs my prisoner, declares my "retarded meeting" over, tries to run out

>I fire disablers at him, he hides behind my console/pulls a gun out, Mae bolts into the hallways, I chase out after them along with the HoS
>come back and they're killing the fucking engineering borg for trying to keep Terry from them (because they'd been talking about executing people/trying to do so all round, and the HoS outright stated at one point he was going to ignore my orders and kill people)

No idea, logs exist for a reason. If you can't figure out I'll edit my post later over the next day with logs and evidence, I'm good as fuck with that shit NIGGER.
>drag Terri onto the bridge, stay there with him in cuffs
>Osborn keeps fucking yelling about how I've freed Terry
>tells security I'm rogue, to space me, etc
Yeah I remember something like this.
>Soon he ends up screaming about how the borgs are rogue when they execute Mae (against orders) and the execution chamber gets bolted down
Timeline is a bit out of wack here. This happens a bit later. Mai first has to get into my hands for this to happen. I honestly can't remember how it does. Will have to check the logs if its a big issue.
>At this point I do actually let Terry go because Osborn is pissing me off and Terry has been cooperating/giving me information, did not actually kill anyone/was grabbed in a more or less random search

>Go to perma, arrest, Osborn
>He starts screaming I'm killing him when I drag him around in cuffs
>Starts screaming I'm beating him to death when I (help) baton him when he tries to unbuckle/run away from my office when I'm trying to call the shuttle
>Order borgs to lock him in the upload since perma is fucked
>Round end he PDAs he needs to be let out law 1 etc
>Tell borg not to since he's armed
>comes running out with a baton, shoot at him, he flashbangs himself, kill him with my laser

No clue if this happened or not. I think I was dead at this point. Emagged borg killed me.
>Shadowlight said it was "poor escalation."
I mean, I suppose it could be construed as that, but this takes the context of the situation out completely. Osborn was being unreasonable and aggressive the entire round and kind of deserved it whether you believe it or not. Of course inventories aren't logged. I'd say if the Captain had cuffs he obviously could have dealt with him in a less violent way, but really, who cares? Osborne deserved it and probably would have gone on to kill the Captain (getting banned in the process no doubt).
>The HoS
Nice. I love how just throw anyone under the bus you can to get unbanned. I was pretty passive, just passive aggressively insulting you over the radio yet still obeying your orders. Untill it was getting too complicated to hold onto them and I decided to publicly announce over the Security radio that we were executing all traitors. You were being pretty dumb to be honest. We caught like 6 double agents, and you still wanted to "draw them out". I know you were doing a le epic gimmick, but the point is drawing them out would have been unnecessary. We had caught the majority of them and would have caught the rest. It was getting hard to hold on to the ones that we had, and I think the majority of them escaped one way or another. If I had my way, everything would have been safe and secure.
>If the chain of command is not OOC enforced, and it's bannable to enforce it IC, what is the point of the captain rank? Or any rank, for that matter?
Chain of Command obviously should not be OOC enforced, don't need admins mucking about in every issue. Enforcing is a vague term, they believe you crossed the enforcing line and stepped into the "griefing" line, that's their argument. It's a dumb argument from some dumb fuck admin who wants to act all high and mighty by banning another dumb fuck admin, but the rest of what you said considering it is pretty irrelevant.
>Mutiny is listed as a capital crime, Sticky has previously stated mutiny is an IC issue but that the captain has to git gud and defend his post, etc
Sure makes sense. Not sure about the policies of /tg/ station but if he says it, it must be true right?
>Furthermore he broke the rules multiple times trying to get the borgs killed/trying to kill one beca>use he wanted to execute people.
Yeah he was kind of dumb about the whole screaming borgs rogue thing. Obviously at the time they were just following their laws and stuff. But still, I'd say personally shutting down the borgs who were interfering with the execution shouldn't be against the rules. I would have done it under different circumstances, but under these I thought only a chain stun to prevent the borg from doing anything was the best temporary solution. But why do I know :^)))
>Lastly the whole "mutiny because the captain is impeding my valids, he's daring to talk/roleplay instead of immediately lasering" is awful.
That's your le opinion.
>Pretty much every player online that round can vouch for me that security was bloodthirsty/out of control. CLEAN(jaxy), Mae (Matilda), Terry (drovidi), Caroline (Scones), pretty much all the other borgs (didn't catch their ckeys), etc. Hell Osborn attacked the detective at one point as well. It should be telling that nobody, not even the HoS (who told him to calm down and be quiet on the sec radio), came to help him when he was screaming about me killing him when I arrested him.
This is where you list all the meta club members for the e-cred. Cool beans. Yeah, nobody liked Osborn because he was being unreasonable.

>I thought captains had some sort of authority to execute past "he punched me once I punched him twice." He was screaming for the whole sec force to rebel and disobeying orders, it shouldn't matter how many times he personally hit me. With someone literally saying "space the fucker" how many times am I supposed to let him touch me with his one hit kill stun weapons before it's okay to deal with him permanently?
Ahammer18 wrote:An update, after some discussion it was revealed that the HoS at the time was acting horribly. He has been directed to this thread to explain himself.
How do I even begin to defend a vague statement such as that? I really appreciate how you basically permabanned me to force me to post in this thread, with a situation that barely involved me. You didn't even bother with BYOND pager or whatever just banned me. Really nice of you. Well, if you have any specific complaints about any behavior of mine during that round go ahead and I will explain.
Some guy with a skeleton avatar wrote: Not sure why this had to be taken out of character, the captain cutting a deal with a traitor to set up a sting operation in order to catch more traitors seems like it would be more beneficial than harmful to the crew.
No, not in this case. This approach immediately assumes the incompetency of Security. It was an insult to all of us and entirely unnecessary. We managed to catch a good majority of the agents without any sort of outside help. The "no execution" rule started to become a burden when we had to manage all of the Traitors who'd be at each other's throats in the permabrig (soon to be uninhabitable) who would plan an escape whether it be via the AI, some outside force, or just bumrushing through space and being cloned on retrieval. Not to mention the fact that at a certain point in the round the permabrig was as always, inoperable.
KorPhareon wrote: The HoS being shit
Again, more vague criticisms that are impossible to respond to in any meaningful sort of sense. How exactly was I shit? What did I do?

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:34 am
by Boogeyman
Now as the HoS, in this situation I'm not entirely sure what it is you'd like for me to explain. I had no part in attempting to over throw the Captain, nobody did except for Osborn. I spent the round searching for double agents and attempting to manage the increasing number of Double Agents we were catching. My memory of the situation is vague. I remember catching Mai Emmersion in Science making bombs with Roman. Permabrig was airless when I showed up with her (and though it didn't occur to me then, it's likely the double agents we caught in there escaped), I asked if I could execute her and the Captain said no. I put her in interrogation for the Captain to deal with (as he was being an interfering busy body) I shot her with the pistol because she was being obnoxiously whiny. She predictably screams over the radio. I chuckle (OOC of course) and leave the brig to hunt for more double agents. I am increasingly worried about Roman. I suspect him to be an Agent. I dedicate a good majority of my time here trying to track him and a few others down. Lawyer comes up and professes to be a double agent and I'm forced to waste my time with him. I ask the Captain where to put him (Perma is airless) and he says to put him in the Gulag. He tells me the HoP is a double agent but I doubt his story. While I'm dealing with a professed double agent, the whole Captain situation is playing out, the meeting in his room. I still have not gotten Roman at this point and he is my main priority. I somehow get my hands on Mai, (who escaped somehow?) and take her to execution. I LEAVE her there because at this point the Captain situation is getting worse. I go to attempt to calm Osborn down. I'm unsure what happens next, but something makes me change my mind (perhaps something Osborn or the Captain said) I go into the Execution chamber instruct a nearby officer to keep the borgs out (they do a terrible job by the way) and go in to execute Mai. Borg comes in, stuns and cuffs us all (but its too late) and bolts us in the room. Millian goes berserk, Osborne is yelling, and I'm trying to tell the RD to change the borg's laws. All of a sudden borg uncuffs us and unbolts the door so I believe that the RD actually listened to me. I announce over Security that I don't care what the Captain says, we're executing the traitors because it has caused us too much grief. I expect the Captain to capitulate to this decision. Some autistic grudging faggot with the CKEY Shaps makes a big deal about this in dead chat and OOC because I said this in front of the apparently (though were they?) asimov borgs. Millian takes Mai's brain and borgs her. Borg with the mind of a traitor and an emagged lawset comes by and spaces me shortly after. That's the end of my story. Not entirely sure what I had to do with any of this as I was dead or busy with traitors when it occurred.

Now I'd appreciate it if you could unban me so I could play on the server again, thanks.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 5:36 am
by onleavedontatme
Never intended anyone to get banned from this. Was all IC as far as I'm concerned. Lifted yours.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 11:59 am
by Tornadium
Just as an FYI,

I had a bunch of chances to dunk Kor had I really wanted.

As it happened I didn't fire at him at all during the initial fight, nor did I hunt him after that. Dunno about the whole "being aggressive thing" up to the point where Kor started firing at me. I just plainly stated I could not in good conscience allow enemies of the corporation any kind of deal where they would walk free.

Infact most of what you're saying is bullshit in the context of what you said in the round and your actions as the HoS.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:06 pm
by TheNightingale
Tornadium wrote:I just plainly stated I could not in good conscience allow enemies of the corporation any kind of deal where they would walk free.
Just a public service announcement that whilst you can kill all the antags, that doesn't mean you have to. Sometimes making a deal is more fun for both parties, rather than being harmbatoned and hidden in the execution room.

EDIT: And if, as an antag, Sec lets you go on a deal, you don't have to go back and kill them. You could, but you don't have to (if you do, they'll never trust you again!).

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:13 pm
by Tornadium
TheNightingale wrote:
Tornadium wrote:I just plainly stated I could not in good conscience allow enemies of the corporation any kind of deal where they would walk free.
Just a public service announcement that whilst you can kill all the antags, that doesn't mean you have to. Sometimes making a deal is more fun for both parties, rather than being harmbatoned and hidden in the execution room.
A deal that includes not letting them go so they can turn up 5 minutes later with some means of stun+restrain.

Re: Shadowlight - KorPhaeron

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 5:38 pm
by Falamazeer
TheNightingale wrote: EDIT: And if, as an antag, Sec lets you go on a deal, you don't have to go back and kill them. You could, but you don't have to (if you do, they'll never trust you again!).
That would involve meta, because typically speaking you only get one chance at this on the other side of the coin. and not trusting them again would have to take place in other rounds.

I've tried to let deals stand in the past, or even cut them, but it never ever works out well for me, and it really bothers me when people cut deals with known and caught antags, it's just a ruse to get them into a better position to retry, usually with me dead on the ground by the end of it.

It's the same people who scream against all evidence that the murder wizard is friendly and will block shots and be difficult with security while the station burns.

If you don't want to kill an antag for good its simple, neutralize them by forced borging. all sides can appreciate that.