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Revenants, Transmit, and Antags

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:48 pm
by Ninja137
I don't actually think that I've seen anyone bring this up before, so I figured it'd be worth asking about.

Recently over the last few weeks, I've traded traitor for revenant a fair bit, and been going around using Transmit to talk to people or push them towards evil/antag stuff, actually trying to put some RP into it. The results have been rather lackluster or just outright disappointing, due to what I assume is likely a fear of bans/punishment for doing antag things as a non-antag.

Given that it's a Revenant ability to transmit and talk to the crew, and that they're an antag tasked with sucking souls out and doing spooky shit, it seems to me like they ought to be able to actually push people to doing antagonistic things, and that people who're pushed to doing that should be given a pretty good bit of slack. Granted, it should actually require some RP and effort, so that you don't get people just going "lol kill dis guy plz" with transmit and it giving everyone the free green light to get their valids on, but if there's actual effort put into it, then it ought to be able to allow people to do at least something.


Re: Revenants, Transmit, and Antags

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:56 pm
by Wyzack
It sounds fun and like a cool idea, but it is also the exact kind of thing we can't have due to playerbase attitudes towards antag status and valid kills. I mean if people loot the armory and go on murderbone sprees from getting an ayylium organ I can not possibly see this going any better

Re: Revenants, Transmit, and Antags

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:01 pm
by Ninja137
Aren't Traitors able to threaten people into committing crimes or killing people, though? Can't a traitor/malf AI make a deal with people that if they'll help make it borgs by force-borging people it gives to them, that it'll let them live?

Last I was aware, those were possible. And if they are, then why should Revenant not be able to do similar stuff?

Re: Revenants, Transmit, and Antags

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:18 pm
by sirnat
Ninja137 wrote:Aren't Traitors able to threaten people into committing crimes or killing people, though? Can't a traitor/malf AI make a deal with people that if they'll help make it borgs by force-borging people it gives to them, that it'll let them live?

Last I was aware, those were possible. And if they are, then why should Revenant not be able to do similar stuff?
I've done that as an assistant once.

AI was rogue and told me if I didn't force borg people it'd kill me so I was allowed to do so, I don't remember getting bwoinked about it, but I do remember later on rebelling against the borgs and blowing them when I got the rd's ID.

Re: Revenants, Transmit, and Antags

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:28 am
by imblyings
Players are allowed to assist antags given proper IC justification but assisting them does not mean they get an antag license, so adminhelp when in doubt/it feels right to do something but you're afraid of being bwoinked. You lose nothing by asking admins a reasonable request to do something more than what a non-antag would be allowed to do if there is some really great IC reasoning.

Re: Revenants, Transmit, and Antags

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:07 pm
by Cheimon
I think you can already get quite a lot done as a revenant with transmit already. Setting up conversations and getting people to murder braindeads does work. Well, I've done it. It's not going to be as effective as a rev-antag relationship, but that's fine.