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False rogue/malf calls

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:32 am
by Arianya
Basically, whats the stance on people calling out that the AI/borgs are malf, especially in cases where the borg/AI is reasonably acting within its laws?

I'm talking less about random assistants screaming it over comms and more Sec Officers getting their panties in a twist because the AI won't let them space someone, and screaming "AI is rogue!" even if they know that isn't the case.

I realize that theres a conflict there and its quite possible that a borg will be beaten/disabled for opposing a human, but the random shouts of "AI ROGUE" over sec radio/command radio can lead to well intentioned people doing things like disabling cameras, blowing borgs or even trying to kill the AI, who for all intents and purposes is just doing its job.

If this isn't a rule violation, I feel it should be, as its effectively a very dickish thing to do to a category of players who already do a rather thankless job.

(And before anyone starts, no, this isn't a "i ded plz ban", I've just observed AIs/borgs being treated like this and it seemed somewhat unfair)

Re: False rogue/malf calls

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 11:47 am
by onleavedontatme
It has been against the rules for several years now.

Re: False rogue/malf calls

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 1:41 pm
by TehSteveo
Kor wrote:It has been against the rules for several years now.
Yup. First rule in the Asimov-Specific Policies section states "Declarations of the silicons as rogue over inability or unwillingness to follow invalid or conflicting orders is a violation of Server Rule 1. The occurrence of such an attempt should be adminhelped and then disregarded."

While this rule isn't specific I feel it still would cover an issue where the AI/Borgs are following their laws and are acting within them such as Asimov AI/Borgs denying security the pleasure to run full on death camps. The OP example could also fall under Security Policy & Precedents #5 as well where we don't allow security to just murder Asimov for stopping harm; unless they are doing something like locking down all of security because on security officer killed someone and refusing to lift any the lockdowns from anyone declaring all security to be now harmful.