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Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 9:40 am
by DemonFiren

Bottom post of the previous page:

Anonmare wrote:Would be doable if Detective got scaled back. Like a regular headset instead of a bowman one, no sec belt, returned to plain sunglasses instead of secHUD and no spare speedloaders at roundstart.
Well, det doesn't start with sec locker access and only has normal sunglasses in his office.
Totally take the bowmans away, though.
You could nerf the revolver by making it single-action, basically working like a shotgun.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:16 pm
by TheNightingale
Nerfing the Detective won't fix antag-Det, it'll only make non-antag Detectives upset. If we don't police murderboning, as Zilenan says, we'll have police murderboning.
(If we don't add in rules to stop murder sprees, antag Security will go on murder sprees)

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:37 pm
by DemonFiren
Go make a poll, I'm sure it'll turn out all right.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 3:22 pm
by LdShade
Remove cloning.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 11:15 pm
by DemonFiren
The chaplain's scythe should be collapsible, and he should be able to become a skeleton if he picks it.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:36 pm
by Skorvold
Emagged borgs now get "wrist" rockets and are now actually super battle droids. So now we can scream "WATCH THOSE WRIST ROCKETS!"

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:42 pm
by Superneji
Remove AI, an extremely popular job that always has multiple people setting it on high, and is in fact a large part of the games appeal, for a week,based on a close poll.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:31 pm
by IrishWristWatch0
Skorvold wrote:Emagged borgs now get "wrist" rockets and are now actually super battle droids. So now we can scream "WATCH THOSE WRIST ROCKETS!"
And there can be Irish Versions that shoot alcohol from service Borgs. They will be called. IrishWristWockets......0

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:28 pm
by Gun Hog
Skorvold wrote:Emagged borgs now get "wrist" rockets and are now actually super battle droids. So now we can scream "WATCH THOSE WRIST ROCKETS!"
And an upgrade to it which will allow you to shoot a guided energy missile! You know, since we seem to both enjoy XCOM 2...

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 2:13 am
by Supermichael777
Macho Mania.

for a whole day eveyone starts with a random good martail art and the objective to prove they are the strongest.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:55 pm
by Cherrypone

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:11 pm
by MMMiracles
Xenos that try to pounce a hulk with grab intent should get put in a headlock where the hulk can choose between shit like choke-outs or suplexing the xeno.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:59 am
by DemonFiren
The laser eyes power should exist in item form, a pair of goggles that can shoot beams.

Give them to the bartender at roundstart and call them "shot glasses".

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 2:58 pm
by Davidchan

Farts produce methane, players can build a store naturally, eating beans and cheese and other noxious foods causing it to build up faster.

In low doses methane causes gagging and coughing with light amounts of oxy damage, in high amounts it turns the air green can cause vomiting. Superfarts always generate 1 tile full of methane behind the mob. Farts could be lit on fire.

Syndicate pills could increase farting rate, or even make 'silent but deadly' farts.

Rev mode features Revs capturing the captain, gathering up a bunch of cheese and buckle cuffing the captain to literally fart him to death.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 4:48 pm
by DemonFiren
Only if lizard farts produce plasma.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 4:53 pm
by Wyzack
Fun chemistry fact, methane is colorless and odorless. Farts smell because of other organic compounds

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:08 pm
by Anonmare
What a truly "shitty" suggestion

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:12 pm
by Super Aggro Crag
hygiene update, going a long time without washing yourself causes stink lines to appear around you. rate of stink increases if you're covered in blood/gibs/are a lizard.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:27 pm
by Davidchan
Fun fact, humans smell because bacteria eats our sweat and odor is a byproduct of a feeding frenzy (see: bacteria poop). Lizards don't sweat.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 6:09 pm
by Gun Hog
Fake loyalty implants, available from the Syndicate uplink. They appear on the SecHUD as a regular loyalty implant would, but do not confer any of its effects or protections. Allows infiltration of Security upon killing an officer for his loot, or purchasing a Chameleon kit to go along with it.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 6:18 pm
by InsaneHyena
Actually, that's a great idea. But it would only lead to security distrusting all the loyalty implanted people, however.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 6:19 pm
by Anonmare
Considering traitors don't appear with other conversion antags outside of rare circumstances (datum antags are a meme), it's basically just a loyalty implant

So it's in the right thread then

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 7:48 pm
by Davidchan
Anonmare wrote:Considering traitors don't appear with other conversion antags outside of rare circumstances (datum antags are a meme), it's basically just a loyalty implant

So it's in the right thread then
A loyalty implant that doesn't require access to the armory/cargo and/or an emag, which would make it cheaper and easier to get. And would just encourage more murderboning since you could waltz right in and blast away the warden before he can cry for help.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:22 am
by Anonmare
Give the Lawyer the ability to attack a table on harm intent and make them yell out "OBJECTION!".

Give the Libarian the ability to summon a copy of The Lusty Xenomorph on a long cooldown from seemingly nowhere.

Give the clown the ability to summon a bannana on a VERY long cooldown (The Honkmother is very stingy with her sacred fruit).

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:51 am
by Screemonster
Give the HONK a lube-generating mounted chemsprayer.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:51 am
by Topham
Super Aggro Crag wrote:hygiene update, going a long time without washing yourself causes stink lines to appear around you. rate of stink increases if you're covered in blood/gibs/are a lizard.
To be entirely honest, this would actually be a really neat and natural deterrent to ERP and, should anyone still decide to ERP anyway, it would add an extra layer of roleplay. Much better than godmins gibbing horny spessmen with no warning. Additionally, there should be some reason to avoid smelly people, other than because you wanna fuck them. Maybe being around smelly people would make you smelly as well?
I think this would be pretty neat tbh.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:37 am
by DemonFiren
Topham wrote:
Super Aggro Crag wrote:hygiene update, going a long time without washing yourself causes stink lines to appear around you. rate of stink increases if you're covered in blood/gibs/are a lizard.
To be entirely honest, this would actually be a really neat and natural deterrent to ERP and, should anyone still decide to ERP anyway, it would add an extra layer of roleplay. Much better than godmins gibbing horny spessmen with no warning. Additionally, there should be some reason to avoid smelly people, other than because you wanna fuck them. Maybe being around smelly people would make you smelly as well?
I think this would be pretty neat tbh.
Abusable like you wouldn't believe: if you're smelly enough you'll get some minor disease.
Get real bad and it's dysentery for you. At least you'll give medical something to do!

Also, fuck you, I own a lizard, they smell better than people. Give the master race the buff they deserve.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 3:06 pm
by Topham
DemonFiren wrote:I own a lizard, they smell better than people. Give the master race the buff they deserve.
I can't help but imagine you picking up a helpless little lizards and giving it a really thorough smell, letting out a satisfied "ahhhh". Poor Wags
Still, I thought that the thing that made lizards actually interesting was their distinct disadvantages. The social dynamic of racists vs snowflakes is actually kinda interesting and adds a little depth to the world of spessmen, spesswomen, and spesslizards.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 3:35 pm
by DemonFiren
Topham wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:I own a lizard, they smell better than people. Give the master race the buff they deserve.
I can't help but imagine you picking up a helpless little lizards and giving it a really thorough smell, letting out a satisfied "ahhhh". Poor Wags
Still, I thought that the thing that made lizards actually interesting was their distinct disadvantages. The social dynamic of racists vs snowflakes is actually kinda interesting and adds a little depth to the world of spessmen, spesswomen, and spesslizards.
You, uh...

...I admit, that was funnier than it should have been.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:24 pm
by Topham
>laughing at my terrible jokes
Filthy lizard~

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:42 pm
by DemonFiren
Topham wrote:>laughing at my terrible jokes
Filthy lizard~
I didn't say I laughed.
Also, I'm the other kind of filthy, kay?

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:07 pm
by Topham

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 12:00 am
by Gun Hog
Split up the Security department! We already have security posts for all of the officers. Remove the centralized system and expand each department's security post to include a small brig. In removing the main Security area, each of the department's security post will contain an officer's equipment. The new perma shall be known as "space", along with the gulag. The armory shall be moved to the upload's location at the bridge, the upload moved to the gravigen's area, and the gravigen moved to Engineering. In terms of command structure, The Head of Security will now be named a "Blue Shield", tasked with protecting the heads of staff; his office will replace the meeting room on the bridge. The Warden will be a "Bridge Officer", tasked with securing the armory and the bridge equipment. The Detective will remain as he is, but will join the Lawyers in the "Internal Affairs" department, which will replace Security - all under the authority of the Head of Personnel. The security officers themselves will report to the head of their assigned department.

This is meant to mirror Skyrim's region-based crime system where each of the Holds of Skyrim track crime separately. Antagonists will be spaced by handled and processed by the department that captured them. Robust antags which manage to escape are less likely to be hunted down by the entirety of the station's security force.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:27 am
by Anonmare
You should be able to power the turbine with the corpses of dead Plasma Men

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:59 am
by Drynwyn
Anonmare wrote:You should be able to power the turbine with the corpses of dead Plasma Men
You can already do this with live plasma-men. Strip them naked and lock them in a pure plasma environment, and gradually siphon away the plasma to mix with 02 in the turbine- they'll refresh it as you siphon it away without ever catching fire or dying.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:16 am
by Anonmare
Excuse you I want dead non-Humans. I'm not a damn nancy boy

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 8:33 pm
by Cherrypone
Anonmare wrote:You should be able to power the turbine with the corpses of dead Plasma Men
Wrong thread

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 8:59 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
Anonmare wrote:Excuse you I want dead non-Humans. I'm not a damn nancy boy
Replace the singularity with 10 potential mutant plasma-men zombies (undead?/Simple mobs?) that are only placated when bombed with PA waves, release these mighty fire hulks and offer control to ghosts to ensure max damage. Assuming that prolonged PA radiation has that effect to revive plasma-men corpses to some extent since they are more ethereal and therefore spookily mysterious in how their bodies interact with certain forces such as radiation.

Throwing more plasma-men into it increases power.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:17 pm
by Supermichael777
Magic String cat toy.

A HILARIOUS code joke. When given to a cat it becomes a mystery cat and gains the ability to teleport and become invisible. When given to Runtime he becomes Mystery Runtime and anyone with the coder rank screams in agony.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:39 pm
by Gun Hog
Sapient clown bomb. :honkman: :honkman: :honkman: :honkman: :honkman: A PLAYER clown bomb. :honkman: :honkman: :honkman: :honkman: :honkman: :honkman: Simply put, the Clowns spawned by the bomb will react to attack_ghost() to allow a player ghost to control them. Player ghosts are notified when the bomb explodes. All player clowns that come from the bomb are considered antagonists with the objective to defend the other clowns - kill anyone who seeks to harm them! :honk: :honk: :honk: :honk:

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 5:13 pm
by DemonFiren
Gun Hog wrote:Sapient clown bomb. :honkman: :honkman: :honkman: :honkman: :honkman: A PLAYER clown bomb. :honkman: :honkman: :honkman: :honkman: :honkman: :honkman: Simply put, the Clowns spawned by the bomb will react to attack_ghost() to allow a player ghost to control them. Player ghosts are notified when the bomb explodes. All player clowns that come from the bomb are considered antagonists with the objective to defend the other clowns - kill anyone who seeks to harm them! :honk: :honk: :honk: :honk:
Nobody uses clown bombs anyway, make it happen.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 5:49 pm
by Supermichael777
A nuke on mining that goes off when the station gets nuked named "Anti-cowardice device". NT doesn't want you to run!

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 6:09 pm
by DemonFiren
Supermichael777 wrote:A nuke on mining that goes off when the station gets nuked named "Anti-cowardice device". NT doesn't want you to run!

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 8:18 pm
by Zellion
Wizards should get a new spell called "Cage Match"(name pending) which transforms each crew member into either John Cena or Macho Man Randy Savage, with the objectives to "DEFEND YOUR TITLE IN THE RING" teams are divied up with cenas on one and macho men on the other. Each team has one person who spawns with a gold championship belt which allows them to teleminetically speak to their team. Your team wins if you hold both belts at round end.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 3:24 pm
by Anonmare
Two words.

Xeno. Augmentation.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 5:37 pm
by Gun Hog
Anonmare wrote:Two words.

Xeno. Augmentation.
I am still waiting on WJ to make sprites of it :P

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 6:43 pm
by Topham
Zellion wrote:Wizards should get a new spell called "Cage Match"(name pending) which transforms each crew member into either John Cena or Macho Man Randy Savage, with the objectives to "DEFEND YOUR TITLE IN THE RING" teams are divied up with cenas on one and macho men on the other. Each team has one person who spawns with a gold championship belt which allows them to teleminetically speak to their team. Your team wins if you hold both belts at round end.
WRONG THREAD FUND HE NOW although probably as a meme gamemode like Highlander instead of a wizard spell

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:37 pm
by Vakulum
Can we add AI to the late join job selective?

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:06 pm
by TheNightingale
Vakulum wrote:Can we add AI to the late join job selective?
So the AI spawns in the Arrivals shuttle? I like it.

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:14 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
Filthy Frank vomit cakes & brand food/drinks for flypeople so they can eat in civil society

(preferably a vomit glazed doughnut for flysec players too)

Re: ITT: We make shitty suggestions and come up with poor id

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:19 pm
by Anonmare
Give the clown an admin-spawnable only clown suit/mask that confers the highest levels of protection possible to all forms of damage and constantly injects healing reagents. But it's unremovable, prevents you from attacking, forces you to walk at a crawl and makes you unable to say anything but "honk".