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Re: Flash changes

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 2:46 am
by SkeletalElite

Bottom post of the previous page:

I think they'd still be good as an arrest tool.

In fact I think they'd be too good. With it being very difficult to get protection from the blind it would be very easy to AOE blind people then get an easy baton hit while they cant see shit.

Re: Flash changes

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 12:03 am
by oranges
I don't have any issues with that, lord knows people have complained about nerfs to security

Re: Flash changes

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 10:37 am
by Cyanobacteria
I like the idea, but, i don't believe other players are going to catch on to the strategy required to play this way which can be bad for sec to some degree.

Re: Flash changes

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 1:33 am
by Skillywatt
Flash changes are a Borg nerf. For sec, it's a combination of buff/minor annoyance. Sucks to lose another insta-drop but the vast majority of powergaming antags also had flash immunity and only the shitters didn't, and you didn't really need that against shitters.

The only thing that really "sucks" for sec is not being able to metaknowledge a rev round from seeing a bunch of horizontal pixels in the hallways at round start.

Re: Flash changes

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:23 am
by wesoda25
Similar to flashes, flash bangs should be changed so that they do a small stun followed by a decently long knockdown, plus confuse whoever they were used on.

Re: Flash changes

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 11:48 am
by Lumbermancer
oranges wrote:The idea here is to position flashes as more of a defensive escape tool against rogue crewmembers etc, where you can blind people and then run away.
That's what pepper spray should be for. AOE crowd control immune to glasses. Flash offensive, pepper spray defensive. I vaguely recall suggesting something like this at one point.

Re: Flash changes

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 11:01 pm
by oranges
Lumbermancer wrote:
oranges wrote:The idea here is to position flashes as more of a defensive escape tool against rogue crewmembers etc, where you can blind people and then run away.
That's what pepper spray should be for. AOE crowd control immune to glasses. Flash offensive, pepper spray defensive. I vaguely recall suggesting something like this at one point.
it's arguable between the two, but flashes are more widespread, and so, in my mind, should be the defense tool.

However pepper spray suffers the same issues as flash, which is widespread easy to get defence.

Re: Flash changes

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 11:19 am
by Istoprocent1
oranges wrote:Flashes kind of suck right now, because eye protection is so common so their meta is kind of a shit place right now.

Here's what I was thinking

changes flashes to be a blind only, of about 10 seconds or so length, aoe viewers would be about 5, maybe it decreases depending on how far away you are. (i'm thinking this would only be in the direction your facing) as logically otherwise you would be blinded by your own flash.

remove all eye protections (and I mean all of them, sec would be the only people who might have flash protection).

They still stun borgs since that's the main silicon counter play meta.

Flashbangs both blind for a long time and confuse for a significant amount of time. Im thinking like 30 seconds blind and 20 seconds confusion, enough time to allow security to control a crowd with their disablers and riot gear.

The idea here is to position flashes as more of a defensive escape tool against rogue crewmembers etc, where you can blind people and then run away.
Sounds like a good idea.

Flashes vs borgs might need additional rework (shorter stun duration or similar effects as vs carbon), if stun arm is reworked/removed (which it hopefully will be), to make sure both sides have counterplays rather than doing the 1 hit gg routine.