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Re: Additional Races

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:18 pm
by Cuboos

Bottom post of the previous page:

Man_Shroom wrote:I'm open to about 1-2 new races as long as the new race ISN'T



____ Animal + A human = New race

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:24 am
by Takeguru
I'm a fan of the insect thing that was thrown around a bit.

More hands, but can wear almost nothing.

Maybe a backpack and belt at most?

Wouldn't mind seeing them be able to space walk naturally(But still require an actual air mix, not just oxygen), but get absolutely fucked by lasers so if they try to space loot the armory or something they get shit on quick.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:25 am
by TheNightingale
The air mix could work by them needing at least 70kPa of nitrogen to breathe. It's in the air naturally - so no Vox-esque "MY INTERNALS NO" situations - but they'd have to try extra hard to go out into space (and thereby aboose their natural space affinity - resistance to cold + pressure?).

I like the idea of limiting their equipment slots, like golems, but an ID slot would be helpful. Probably not gloves, since they've got more hands than normal...

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:45 pm
by Anonmare
TheNightingale wrote:The air mix could work by them needing at least 70kPa of nitrogen to breathe. It's in the air naturally - so no Vox-esque "MY INTERNALS NO" situations - but they'd have to try extra hard to go out into space (and thereby aboose their natural space affinity - resistance to cold + pressure?).

I like the idea of limiting their equipment slots, like golems, but an ID slot would be helpful. Probably not gloves, since they've got more hands than normal...
Getting their hands on a mixture tank would be pretty difficult and would take a little atmos know-how. As for the gloves, eh... I'd say they'd need the gloves, at least for insulateds, unless they get natural electrical resistance... No that'd be terrible and wouldn't make sense with them being weaker to lasers.

Right now it seems to be hard mode (since not a lot of people actually know how to fuck around with atmos enough to get a workable mixture)

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:46 pm
by Miauw
Takeguru wrote:More hands

actually, no to this in general, or at least to these ever being playable. i'd preferably remove the fucking cat ears and lizard customization and have a station where everybody isnt a unique snowflake vOv

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:22 pm
by Incoming
I can tell you from a coding perspective a race with more than two hands will never be reasonable.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:25 am
by Stan_Studnick
I'm just going to come right out and ask it. Would anyone be opposed to reworking the /tg/ lorefluff to allow for the expansion of new races (with, of course, their own drawbacks that make sense) so we could actually get this ball rolling? If you have a legitimate issue with a lack of lore I will sit down and I will write up some shit using existing material and present the additions to be approved by the community, otherwise the only arguments I see against more roundstart races is personal issues being projected on other players.

You can be mad at me all you like, but every single argument against other races has thus far been completely fucking ridiculous, my favorite being "well look at what happens on other servers!" Yeah, I highly doubt if we add something like Skrell then /tg/ will descend into an orgy of sex and vore. Give me a fucking break, different servers have different cultures and communities and you can't use them as a metric for what would happen here.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:29 am
by Scones
Discussion has been had many times

/tg/ will never have more in-depth lore

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:40 am
by Incoming
game mechanics write the lore, not the other way around.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 5:19 am
by Stan_Studnick
Incoming wrote:game mechanics write the lore, not the other way around.
I don't think you know what lore means.

Either way, if it isn't that then there isn't any good reason why not.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 5:23 am
by Incoming
No I'm saying that devs tend to add something, then players invent lore to justify why it's there. Rarely is it the other way around here.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:03 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
The lore of /tg/station is totally fluid (and vague) and changes on the spot/between people. We don't want to hammer out some universal declaration of alien rights or something, we want to toolbox the clown and steal guns from nuke ops.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:24 am
by Steelpoint
The lore is really set up to account for development changes, however the only recent change to the lore was when I wrote up a reasoning as to why Nanotrasen was now hiring Lizards into many position as well as a reason as to why Lizards (and non-humans by extension) are disallowed from enrolling in command level positions.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:57 am
by Stan_Studnick
Steelpoint wrote:The lore is really set up to account for development changes, however the only recent change to the lore was when I wrote up a reasoning as to why Nanotrasen was now hiring Lizards into many position as well as a reason as to why Lizards (and non-humans by extension) are disallowed from enrolling in command level positions.
This is the type of thing I meant, just to give some general outline for the new races so policy regarding them could be formed prior to their implementation.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 11:23 am
by Ricotez
codewise the dual hand thing is defined on a very very low level, I think even in /mob/ itself

limiting the number of hands is easy with checks, but adding more than 2? I haven't looked at it in-depth but it would not be easy, and you'd have to rewrite the targeting system to let people target more than 2 arms just for these special cases

anyway the "lore" I came up with for why lizards are allowed in all roles except for command, but mutants could only join civilian and lower supply jobs is because lizards have been popping up through the ranks for a few years now but NT only started hiring mutants very recently. it's irrelevant for our server though.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 11:33 am
by Cheimon're saying we could do a dog race, with only one hand (the mouth) and four legs (for fast running).

I'd be up for that. Playable security sniffer dogs. Playable Ian (well, in a more meaningful sense), playable guard dogs, spot the janidog, the possibilities are endless. You could hang a small backpack from your collar and you could have a translating collar thingy. Plus dog mechs, Rick and Morty style.

Yes, I think dogs could be an excellent...well, a good...well, a whimsical idea. Or you could substitute dogs for any no-armed creature that's normally a pet: varren, cats (true cats!), uhh...parrots, lizards?

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:46 pm
by TheNightingale
Varren do not make good pets. Except Urz, I guess.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:53 pm
by DemonFiren
You forgot Eezo.

Still, varren on the station? Scale-itch.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:39 pm
by Antimattercarp
Alright then, consensus seems to be that races have to A.) Be creative, B.) not be furry bullshit and C.) Not have *any* advantage to playing over humans
So let's get started then, I suggest pulp scifi or something older to base them off of.

Hopkinites "Satyrs": Diminutive "Little Green Men" of UFO fame, Hopkinites are named for where they are first contacted, Hopkins' station. They are nicknamed Satyrs for their diminutive stature, goat like eyes, and the presence of horns on males(their only exhibited sexual dimorphism). Experimentation with psionic communication gifted them a hivemind and caused their society to rapidly regress to the point where they exist only in clan-like cells on rapidly failing ships, sterile and reproducing only through cloning. Needless to say, contact with NT likely saved them from extinction. The mechanism of their downfall is what makes them unique among the races: The Hopkinsite Hivemind. This hivemind allows almost instantaneous communication over short(on a cosmic scale, think the station and the surrounding areas) distances at a great cost. Death of a Hopkinsite unleashes a psychic scream over the hivemind, causing brain damage which combined with their already fragile physiology makes them extremely conflict adverse. Rumors also have it that some breeds of Hopkinsite have had their vocal chords atrophy over long periods of isolation.
Notes: Holy hell! Starting off with a hivemind race, I must be feeling a bit cocky today. Conceptually satyrs are extremely fragile, being able to take half or a quarter of the punishment of a baseline human. They also have the mentioned above Psionic death scream which I think should help reduce survivability nicely. I am mulling over adding to the concept the inability to use verbal or radio based communication and instead rely on the alien mindwhisper mechanic for extraracial communication. Antag protected race of course and possibly needing a hard limit to how many are on the station at once.

Energy-Based-Plasma-Breathing-Organism (EBPBO)((Acronym subject to change, should still suck to say)) "Plasmamen":
A relatively recent discovery by NT is that the free floating gaseous energy beings that feed off the loose plasma in the gas giant we are ((Presumably)) orbiting are indeed sentient! Naturally, once communication was established they were rapidly pressganged into working on NT stations. EBPBOs are energy beings that naturally live in high-temperature high-pressure environments within gas giants, [they communicate via radiowaves/vibrating molecules] and require pressure suits derived from modified EVA suits to survive.
With my take on plasmamen, I am thinking that in exchange for complex suits allowing them to spacewalk easy, that they should both be confined to that suit and start freezing to death if that suit is EMPed or freezing and dispersing to death if that suit is removed. I may conceptually allow them all the radio all the time because energy being, but I would have to think on that.
Edit2: I forgot to add to plasmamen that Plasma is to them as oxygen is to humans while nitrogen is to them as plasma is to humans.

Human-Crainal Worm pairing "Codependents": [No lore]
Purely a moonshot. Gimped humans that are slower, fragiler paired with another player playing a brainworm that can occasionally wrest control away from the human to avoid such deadly things as normally healing chemicals in exchange for button pressing to make the human able to do fun stuff like run faster, punch harder, and resist damage
(but only one at a time) balanced by having a hard time healing along with being gimped normally and having to coordinate two people at once, inspired by bayworms
Edit: What I am attempting to pull with this is the addition of new abilities but at great cost and forcing you to deal with a lot more stuff that can kill you.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:40 am
by Xhuis
no races

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:53 am
by Cheimon
Antimattercarp, those races sound awesome. Those are exactly the kind of races that would be worth adding to the station: ones (largely) unique to /tg/, imaginative, science fiction themed, and heavily gimped.

It would take a good coder to make them as fun as they sound, but I don't see why that should dissuade anyone.

As for "no races", that's really not an argument. Plus you've already lost on that front: lizardpeople and catpeople exist in numbers (though catpeople got moved back, or something?), so if we're going to have nonhumans we might as well have interesting ones, not shitty versions of a generic type.

There's nothing about humans that makes them uniquely appropriate to the setting of this game. I'd be willing to argue that at length.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:07 pm
by Anonmare
Antimattercarp wrote: Human-Crainal Worm pairing "Codependents": [No lore]
Purely a moonshot. Gimped humans that are slower, fragiler paired with another player playing a brainworm that can occasionally wrest control away from the human to avoid such deadly things as normally healing chemicals in exchange for button pressing to make the human able to do fun stuff like run faster, punch harder, and resist damage
(but only one at a time) balanced by having a hard time healing along with being gimped normally and having to coordinate two people at once, inspired by bayworms
This sounds like it would cause a lot of problems if it's two players sharing a body. It's ripe for griff and the gimped human loses it's advantages if the other player goes AFK (I know they're not meant to be better than Humans but without the worm player then they're just basically a perma-injured Human.)
Make it solely one player at the roundstart controlling a poorly cloned body (nanotraesn are cheap bastards after all) and make it incredibly obvious that they're a worm controlling someone on examine like their eyes aren't right or there's a gill poking out of their neck (Hi Star Trek). You could have one of their biggest advantages being to swap hosts. But the worm's incredibly weak. Weak enough to be killed by a stiff space breeze. If they're antag-enabled they could be able to hide their influence but can't use chems and if they're hiding too long start to take damage.

You could arguably have them able to implant themselves in other players for good or for ill (Like using their chems as a punishment/reward system). Who knows, maybe we could actually get some Argh-Pee out of people trying to resist being mindslaves to an antag worm?

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:03 pm
by Antimattercarp
Anonmare wrote:
Antimattercarp wrote: Human-Crainal Worm pairing "Codependents": [No lore]
Purely a moonshot. Gimped humans that are slower, fragiler paired with another player playing a brainworm that can occasionally wrest control away from the human to avoid such deadly things as normally healing chemicals in exchange for button pressing to make the human able to do fun stuff like run faster, punch harder, and resist damage
(but only one at a time) balanced by having a hard time healing along with being gimped normally and having to coordinate two people at once, inspired by bayworms
This sounds like it would cause a lot of problems if it's two players sharing a body. It's ripe for griff and the gimped human loses it's advantages if the other player goes AFK (I know they're not meant to be better than Humans but without the worm player then they're just basically a perma-injured Human.)
Make it solely one player at the roundstart controlling a poorly cloned body (nanotraesn are cheap bastards after all) and make it incredibly obvious that they're a worm controlling someone on examine like their eyes aren't right or there's a gill poking out of their neck (Hi Star Trek). You could have one of their biggest advantages being to swap hosts. But the worm's incredibly weak. Weak enough to be killed by a stiff space breeze. If they're antag-enabled they could be able to hide their influence but can't use chems and if they're hiding too long start to take damage.

You could arguably have them able to implant themselves in other players for good or for ill (Like using their chems as a punishment/reward system). Who knows, maybe we could actually get some Argh-Pee out of people trying to resist being mindslaves to an antag worm?
The having to share a body a cooperate with some random is the point, hopefully relying on the pAI grafted into your body to function as a crewmember serves to balance the abilities that same pAI gives you. We could likely make it function more as a pAI than bay's meme or bay's|/vg/'s cortical borer. Needless to say the symbiote idea is the least developed of the three.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 5:51 am
by oneechan
possession/mind control is a huge fetish for me so I support any races along those lines

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 8:18 am
by DemonFiren
I guess I can't really call you out on TMI here.

Re: Additional Races

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:28 am
by Scones
oneechan wrote:possession/mind control is a huge fetish for me so I support any races along those lines
This man is a good poster and I endorse their actions