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Craftable bow and arrows

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 2:36 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
A basic weapon that relies on firing its ammunition for additional embed chance at enemies, how much damage the arrow does is determined by the current velocity it is travelling at (so not a portable 1 item at a time pheumatic cannon) and has a dropoff of velocity over range it comes in two types.

> Composite bow and special arrows: these are a military grade object, these carry the furthest and hit hard with a large amount of chance to embed, it also comes with a scope to make use of its range. Is a good candidate for nukeops, specalised ERT, distant ruin loot or traitors.

> Bone bow (not a wooden one, that exists as a space loot variant): a craftable weaker variant, that is heavy on bones & sinew but even to miners its a useful tool because of its specialist bone arrow types that can be effective against mobs.
Headless bone arrows, made out of bones, these bone arrows are crude by themselves and require to be tipped with metal ore to gain sharpness

Default headless metal arrows which hit for more impact force, made out of crafting rods & wire together, without the bow they are kind of worthless.
Arrow heads

- Bows can fire whichever type of arrow indiscriminately, but the arrows themselves have specific crafting limitations and requirements, because bone arrows are much more robust and bulkier they have more versatility in what you can attach, but will deflect off some mundane armors and not penetrate (or do less damage). Metal arrows are more refined but there are no easily accessible ways to get a bow to use it without first using a mediocre bone bow.
Bone arrows take
- Chunks of Iron ore to complete a regular bone arrow
- Silver ore makes a much more forceful arrows
- Gold ore travels further
- Uranium ore will poison the target with radiation if it embeds (low chance)
- Plasma ore will poison the target with plasma toxin if it embeds (low chance)
- Titanium is midway between strength and embedding, but weaker than diamond.
- Diamond ore has a high chance to embed and slightly more damage (if you killed a lot of watchers to make the bow you will have a healthy supply) because diamond ore is kind of grainy it requires three diamond ore per 1 arrow
  • Wheras
Metal arrows (disregarding specialised types)
- Can be crafted into metal headed arrows with autolathe
- Glass shard arrows do less damage but have higher chance to embed
- Using a battery & igniter will also allow you to make shock arrows
- Comical boxing glove on a arrow that ministuns and stamina damages people
Some inventive uses of this bow & arrow i would suggest beside from just being another ranged projectile weapon type would be to have a specific ruin puzzle that requires you to hit targets in a sequence at range without the use of a KA because of nessecary force. Enough use of silver arrows could kill a Goliath.

Re: Craftable bow and arrows

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 4:09 pm
by Gun Hog

Re: Craftable bow and arrows

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 4:19 pm
by cedarbridge
>arrow in hand

Please no. "Sharp" spears is already pretty nonsense. I don't think we need sharp arrows too.

Re: Craftable bow and arrows

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:58 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
Im aware and i've had the luck to use the existing bow and arrow assets but no thank you.

Cedar why not as i say in my original idea, have arrows do the damage only while they are travelling at velocity, AKA a arrow shiv does nothing.

Re: Craftable bow and arrows

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:28 pm
by ShadowDimentio
Arrows are supposed to be sharp. You fill the enemy with arrows and then they die from embed damage.

Re: Craftable bow and arrows

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:37 pm
by Remie Richards
fun fact: IS_SHARP is not a requirement for embedding.

the check for if something can embed is the proc can_embed()
can_embed() returns true if the object is_sharp() or is_pointed(), though pointed isn't used often in game (read: literally only for voodoo dolls and popping latex glove balloons)
A third valid embed check is the can_embed_types typecache, this is why rods and pipes can be embedded in people without them being sharp.

In my opinion the arrows being sharp is just... so dumb. all is_sharp() does is let you dismember people/cut food/butcher mobs/do surgery, and last I checked you don't beat someone's leg off of their body with an arrow, or perform extensive surgery with an arrow. However, most people don't know about can_embed()'s rules (for some reason??) and just decided to stick IS_SHARP on a LOT of things, some of which probably deserve to lose that flag (not gar glasses tho I want to chop bread with them)

source: I wrote /tg/ embedding

Re: Craftable bow and arrows

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:02 pm
by cedarbridge
I figured that was why so much dumb stuff has is_sharp. Might e time after the freeze to go through and genocide the dumb sharps in place of embeds.