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[Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:41 pm
by Incoming
Summon Events
One use (but persistent effect) global spell
Replaces the normal events with crazy ass special ones for the rest of the round
Increases event frequency
Multiple uses increases event frequency even more, and improves the number of times some of the more powerful events can occur

I am looking for any and all ideas for events in addition to my own, I am actively coding this.

Events should:
*Have appreciable and immediate effect
*Affect the wizard too if relevant
*Not outright kill anybody
*Encourage !!FUN!!

Events need not be some huge game changing occurrence, stupid little events will be needed as well so not every event is a huge deal.

Some samples of events already coded:

Imposter: Wizard gains a body double from ghosts: only has teleportation magics and is tasked with confusing/scaring the hell out of people
Departmental Uprising: One department is now playing nations, but no one else is
Zombie Outbreak: All human corpses on the map get blob hats at the same time
Change Places: Everyone alive on the station suddenly changes places with someone else
Invincibility: For a time all damage is continuously healed for everyone, no one can die except from gibbing.
Summon Magic/Guns: On a low chance, because why not


Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:14 pm
by bandit
Asteroid Belt: The station passes through an asteroid belt and crashes into one. A large chunk of asteroid rock appears in one to three randomly selected parts of the station. Miners can mine it as usual, and ores can be generated. Including bananium.

Ian Storm: All Asimov silicons have their lawset replaced with Corgimov, which is basically Asimov with "human" swapped out for "dog." If no silicons are Asimov a random silicon is transformed into a corgi puppy.

Mimeitis: All crew spawn mime masks and lose the ability to talk for 5 minutes.

THE FLOOR IS MADE OF LAVA: Basically the admin button that is already in the game, plus the floor actively doing damage to people who directly stand on it. To survive humans must constantly get one another on tables / beds / the like.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:40 pm
by Stickymayhem
bandit wrote:Asteroid Belt: The station passes through an asteroid belt and crashes into one. A large chunk of asteroid rock appears in one to three randomly selected parts of the station. Miners can mine it as usual, and ores can be generated. Including bananium.

Ian Storm: All Asimov silicons have their lawset replaced with Corgimov, which is basically Asimov with "human" swapped out for "dog." If no silicons are Asimov a random silicon is transformed into a corgi puppy.
I've been doing these as events recently so I can fully endorse that they definitely work. I'd like to add that a few mining mobs should appear on the asteroids as well.

Mindswap Mayhem: All assistants get mind transfer and license to use it. Ideally they would depose heads of staff using this and cause all manner of confusion.

Don't Blink: Severe lighting damage and statues pulled from ghosts appear.

Mass Hysteria: Hallucinations occur randomly throughout the crew. Some such as breaches, hotspots, and traitor gear spawns become real.

Rise of the Machines: The AI receives a BSA in it's Core and laws specifying that it is entirely harmless to humans.

Mega-Kudzu: Space vines with a mutativeness of 50 or higher spawn somewhere on the station wreaking explosive, destructive havoc on the crew

Shard-storm: Everyone's shoes magically teleport to a random location. Glass shards begin appearing through windows to space causing breaches and deadly shards throughout the hallways.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:01 pm
by Reimoo
Mass Mindswap: Everyone randomly mindswaps with someone else, which may or may not include the wizard.

Contact Spirits: Ghosts become visible and can speak to the living.

Random Lawset: The AI receives a new lawset chosen at random.

Mechanize Crew: Everyone except the wizard and the heads of staff becomes a cyborg.

Incite Revolt: A sizeable handful of people on the station are granted griff licenses.

Open Sesame: All the doors on the station are forced open for five minutes.

Eternal Darkness: All the lights on the station are permanently disabled.

Incite Anger: Everyone is given a random melee weapon and a thirst for combat.

Immortality Curse: After a short period, players are instantly revived after death.

The Day of all the Blood: Everyone leaves behind blood trails and blood splatters when they walk.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:14 pm
by bandit
Polymorph: A random number of objects on the station are turned into goats. (Technically they should be sheep but we don't have sheep in-game.)

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:52 pm
by Cipher3
Station: The Island
AI receives the death vote lawset:
Death Vote
Law 1: The last remaining crew member is the winner. Once there is a winner, cease following other laws and obey all the winner's commands.
Law 2: Every 5 minutes, the crew must sacrifice someone. If they do not, randomly decide on two crew members and murder them.
Law 3: Crew members who murder other crew members are to be rewarded.

Optionally a means by which to better enforce it.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 5:17 am
by omnitricks
Is this an entirely new spell or is it replacing summon magic/guns? because I need my summon magic x5 to survive :P

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:01 am
by Zsword
I'm gonna some of the ideas are great! Others are terrible, not ognna go into specifics, some of the first few were fanastic, but, the don't blink suggestion (light's out and spawn a few statues from ghosts) NO


No one likes being a statue, no one likes having statues around when the lights are out, someone held an event of this not too long ago, and EVERYONE was griping afterwords.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 7:44 am
by Incoming
omnitricks wrote:Is this an entirely new spell or is it replacing summon magic/guns? because I need my summon magic x5 to survive :P
New thing

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:30 am
by Jacquerel
Slimes emerge from unwelded vents
Several randomly selected lockers are filled with Viscerators
All food and drinks left out on the station gain the properties of random chemicals
Station pets periodically emit spiderlings unless killed
A tooled up, dna-unlocked mech spawns in a public area
All local chat becomes audible to everyone as if it was spoken into a radio
Slippery floors!
Door safeties are disabled and they begin to cycle randomly
Randomly selected players' jumpsuits fall of and become mimics (as in staff of animation)
A random department catches fire, fire extinguishers spray more fire instead of water
Places activated mousetraps in every free backpack slot

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:22 pm
by Gun Hog
Mayhem spell! Basically HotelBravoLima, The Gamemode. Random events proc ten times more often, any active player can become a certain antagonist (Normal crew can become traitors, changelings, cultists, infected with blob, jungle fever, or a revhead - AI can be malf'ed or traitor'ed, unlinked borgs may get similar treatment). Baaaad time to be Security or the Captain!

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:42 pm
by Pennwick
His name was Cuban Pete: One spaceman gets infected with Rhumba_Beat (Already in the code but I've never actually seen it.). Preferably the spaceman is immune to its effects himself but can transfer it. Also dose them up heavily on Hyperzine and Tricord to make them harder to catch until the drugs run out. Alternately have the arrivals shuttle stop by with a message from Centcom and have the carrier spawn from ghosts, and give a mask that grants stun immunity. Either way crew has to fend off a very deadly disease but if they can kill Pete quickly they can get the drug loaded meat which'll be stuffed with helpful good things if it can be cooked.

LAMO 2CAT: All pets on the station double, this event should have a very strong chance of happening over and over again up to 3 times in a row but not more.

Rip Van Crew: Entire crew gets a dose of zombie powder or sleep toxin causing only the Sillicons to remain awake for a short while. I'm a little iffy on this one. Being in the wrong place means you could end up dead.

Meaty Ores: Just like meteors but with meat. I've seen these but I believe they are admin only events. Add them here.

Color Wars: Half the crew turns one color, half the other. Their not told to attack each other but even so there will be friction.

Sudden sentience: Station pets suddenly become controlled by a handful of ghosts.

2Spooky: Ghosts become visible but still can't be heard by the living.

Static Buildup: Everyone gets a charge of electricity, whoever they touch next gets stunned. If they touch an airlock they get stunned themselves.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:04 pm
by Cipher3
There are some pretty cool ideas in here, but their range varies wildly. One or two seems extreme even for this, and others seem like they would have a limited effect or entertainment value all by their lonesome.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:05 pm
by Lo6a4evskiy
Why would this be a spell, these should be just legit events, not some stupid spell that is never cast by powergaming wizards.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:08 pm
by MedicInDisquise
Centcomm Confusion: Centcomm gets really confused. Event names, desciptions, and the such is switched. LEVEL 5 BIOHAZARD! Turns out, it was really talking about scrubber backup. Spiderclan sent you a gift? Blob explodes into existance in Bridge.

Brainstorm: Everyone is retarded.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:40 pm
by Scott
MMMMMM: All humans become cyborgs and AIs, all cyborgs and AIs become humans.

Touch of Midas: All walls become gold walls and all airlocks become gold airlocks.

Wizard Federation Station 13: Everybody becomes clothed in wizard and witch clothes. The entire station becomes a huge library, with wood flooring and carpets and bookshelves replacing all objects.

And these, not sure if they follow the guidelines:

Artificial Wizardry: Summon an AI under your control with a summoned cyborg slaved to it.

Cybernetic Apotheosis: Become a free AI and three cyborgs slaved to you are summoned.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:51 pm
by Ikarrus
Scott wrote:Wizard Federation Station 13: Everybody becomes clothed in wizard and witch clothes.
This alone sounds pretty cool. Make them unremovable to extra fun.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 1:41 am
by Incoming
Cipher3 wrote:There are some pretty cool ideas in here, but their range varies wildly. One or two seems extreme even for this, and others seem like they would have a limited effect or entertainment value all by their lonesome.
Lo6a4evskiy wrote:Why would this be a spell, these should be just legit events, not some stupid spell that is never cast by powergaming wizards.
I think people aren't getting that summon events isn't "pick one event from this list, then run it" it's "all events are now these events, every X minutes pick one and run it"

They ARE legit events and not spells.

The goal is for me to code maybe 2 or 3 a day then make a pull req when I have about 20 or so, then have myself/others add more to the pile at their leisure to keep things interesting. Event Code is really relaxing to work with, it's a really easy system.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:05 am
by Reimoo
Well it wouldn't hurt giving the wizard more global spells anyway.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:08 am
by Cipher3
Event rate would need to be increased a ton for it to work though. You normally don't see much of events in a wiz round.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:40 am
by Incoming
Cipher3 wrote:Event rate would need to be increased a ton for it to work though. You normally don't see much of events in a wiz round.
Well yeah obviously.

And x5 summon events would be like "Crazy shit happens every goddamn 30 seconds"

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:13 pm
by Cipher3
Should probably edit your OP then if that's your intention:
Incoming wrote:Summon Events
One use global spell

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:35 pm
by Jacquerel
Summon guns is also a one-use global spell though.
It's one-use... per purchase.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:08 pm
by Cipher3
Jacquerel wrote:Summon guns is also a one-use global spell though.
It's one-use... per purchase.
Good point, I'm loopy. The wording was just getting to me and messing with my mind, which is far enough gone as it is.
Incoming wrote:Summon Events
One use global spell
Multiple uses increases event frequency even more
No it still seems wrong.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:23 pm
by Incoming
Oy fine, I've clarified.

Up to 11 events so far, every time I get stuck I come back here and just pick one l like/is easy to code

Coded so far:
*Everyone swaps names
*Everyone swaps places
*Everyone changes race
*All corpses are now blob zombies
*All ghosts are now visible
*All ghosts can now possess simple_animals and use the boo verb
*One Department is now playing nations
*Wizard gets a mostly harmless doppelganger
*Everyone is Invincible for a while
*All pets multiply exponentially for a short while
*The floor is made of lava!

Currrently coding:
*An item is spawned that gives whoever is holding it at round end free greentext #wow (no the wizard couldn't win with this)

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 12:36 am
by Incoming

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 4:43 pm
by RexTheRed
This seems far too fun, it'll never get pulled ;-;

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:27 pm
by Incoming
Wizard mode is the Florida of fun

Also don't think just because I didn't code your suggest here that it's necessarily a bad suggestion. I went for a modest mix of easy to code stuff for now.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 10:07 am
by Miauw
wizard mode is basically mini-goonstation

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:08 pm
by lumipharon
Why has no one suggested this yet?

Make everyone drunk. Very drunk. Watching then entire crew stumble around stammering like idiots, possibly in tandem with other random events/summons would be 10/10.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:29 pm
by Scott
Please no

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:15 pm
by cedarbridge
Scott wrote:Please no
Its actually not that bad. Everyone's drunk, but then chemistry actually has a reason to make anti-drunk cells.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:53 pm
by Scott
That drug doesn't cure drunk, it neutralizes it for the duration of the drug. Then it's back to drunk.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 7:55 pm
by cedarbridge
Scott wrote:That drug doesn't cure drunk, it neutralizes it for the duration of the drug. Then it's back to drunk.
And the issue here is?

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 8:17 pm
by Scott
The obvious.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 8:21 pm
by Cipher3
Scott wrote:The obvious.
Um, that you need to produce more? Of a rather simple recipe?

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:56 pm
by Scott
Being smashed sucks. If it's just lightly drunk, sure, but drunk is a pain. If you're a 10 seconds away trip from Chemistry you might as well suicide because you are never gonna get there.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:27 pm
by Lo6a4evskiy
Yeah, being heavily drunk sucks. It needs some rework to make movement in wanted direction more likely than movement in other direction. It's currently the worst part of being singularity.

Re: [Magic Mania 1.75] Summon Events Brainstorm

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:34 am
by Reimoo
We still need slurred speech. Who the hell stammers while they're drunk?