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Fog - suppliment for plants exhuming atmos

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 4:57 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
Its not a hard replacement for them releasing gas, but a set of genes that make them emit murky gaseous effect (that doesn't stack) that virtually mimicks oxygen to be breathable would be really nice. Its not opaque or causes you to cough like smoke, but unless its a deviation of the original gene (for poison fog/vomit fog/unpleasant fog of all descriptions) and its not on a space/void tile it obscures the floor a little bit but lets you walk about without a mask on, dissapating when it grows too thin.
  • the fog is only active while the plant is ready to be harvested, virtually on lavaland the idea is that you could gaia up some soil trays and leave these fog machine plants running in order to create a breathable atmosphere regardless of the floortype if the hard gas and the fog largely interlap but ignore each other.
  • Similar effect to glitter where it can't be interacted with but you can right click it to see it as to correctly identify what kind of fog it is on careful examination.
Add the effect to xeno-eggs and you can recreate the blue mist effect often cited in the books.