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Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myself.

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 8:54 pm
by FuryMcFlurry
Hello all. I've been spending the last 2 weeks pixeling and animating devices for my idea.(also makes the limbgrower redundant) So here goes.
Have this be a new department or a addition to the current geneticist job

ImageOrgan Research Pod
A machine that scans organs and makes a research plan for organ scanned. must be hooked up with the organ server computer. clicking on this device will remove inserted organ.

ImageOrgan Synthesizer
A wondrous machine that creates organs from Synthflesh

ImageOrgan Computer
A computer containing all the buttons for the department the function.
This computer basically operates all the other machines its linked to.
The menu will show you ,
• Scan organ
-Scans the organ you have in the Organ Research Pod.
• Research organ
-Opens a Minigame that allows you to gain research points (a currency used to purchase the next tier of organ research), and adds the organ you completed the research with to your database for you to synthesize.
• View database
-Opens a menu where all your current organs you have completed are listed and ready for creation.
• Purchase Research
-Allows you view your current research points and unlock the next tier. Research points can be used to purchase normal limbs and organs data for your database
• Synthesize organ
-Creates the selected organ.
• Synthesize a random organ
-Allows you to select a tier and a random organ from that list will be made, for you to research.

ImageBody Scanner
A medical scanning device that allow someone to be scanned and see all their organs within their body. Scanning will give them minor radiation.

Organs and Tumors

Organs are Tiered from bad to good organs. (I want to avoid hidden advantages so healing organs in every part of your body is big no no)

Tier 0 : Tumors
These are mainly bad ones.
Brain Scatter Deals small brain damage overtime. causes headaches
Hemorrhage Causes you to cough up blood. Dealing brute damage.
Acidic Deals small burn damage overtime. causes stomach pains and makes your vomit randomly
Drugging Causes hallucinations. makes your head feel like its spinning
Stumbling Makes you stumble into a random direction, makes you shake uncontrollably.
Auto-brewery Slowly injects Ethanol into your bloodstream.
Sleep-inducing Slowly injects Sleepy toxin/Morphine into your bloodstream. causes yawning
Vomiting Causes your randomly to vomit.
Black spots Random black spots appear on your screen.
Tier 1: Gimmicks
Luminescence Makes you glow in a random color.
Combustion Sets you aflame randomly
Sanguine consume Stomach Drinking blood adds nutrition to you body. also heals you for a tiny amount.
Squeaky Being hit makes you play a sound
Colored skin Changes your skin color to a random color
Brain Healing Heals your brain damage slowly.
Tier 2
Electric Randomly electrify an attacker causes sparks to fly to this limb
Random Chem A random chem is picked and this organ injects you with it ( could be shitty)
Smouldering Randomly burns an attacker to this limb
Sleep-reducing Makes you immune to sleep
Cold Randomly Cools an attacker
Armored carapace Adds 5 armor to this limb
Buffed punches Your punches deals extra damage (4 extra brute) with this limb
Dark-vision Allows you to see into the darkness with these eyes
Tier 3
Shock Immunity Yellows gloves in limb form
Fire Retardant You cannot be set on fire. with these limbs
Frost Emitting Your punches will freeze someone with these limbs
Thermal Vision See mobs through walls with these eyes
Venomous Tail You can use your stinger ready your next attack to deal tox damage (gives an icon like the krav maga gloves would)

This list is just a suggestion and anyone can suggest limbs organs and other things.


Im not sure what would be a good mechanic but i've been looking at a minecraft mod that does its research mechanic pretty well, maybe base the research off this? Research starts around 2:50 mins.

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:10 pm
by Anonmare
Maybe we could also roll Genetics into this system?

A possible way to do it is remove the random factor but make it require point purchases to unlock the next level of Genetics.
(like tier 0 being purely cosmetic with some minor negative disabilities, tier 1 being weak/circumstancial beneficial and moderate disabilities, tier 2 being typical powers like x-ray and cold resistance and some debilitating disabilities and tier 3 being where TK and Hulk reside).

I also feel it should have a material cost, but mining materials might only be needed in cases for the very strong organs, with bog standards only needing chemical reagents. Like tumours you can make do with just unstable mutagen, combustion requiring welding fuel, brain healing needing mannitol and so on.

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:13 pm
by Anonmare
I also kind of think that organs should only work if they're bing implanted into non-robotic limbs so you can't stack benefits. Armoured carapace and robolimbs would make you impervious to a lot of common melee stuff

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:16 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
If carapace actually modified your user sprite, applying some of these non-internal organs would probably call you out as non-human like xeno organs do.

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:26 pm
by BeeSting12
FantasticFwoosh wrote:If carapace actually modified your user sprite, applying some of these non-internal organs would probably call you out as non-human like xeno organs do.
do xeno organs make you nonhuman?

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:30 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
BeeSting12 wrote:
FantasticFwoosh wrote:If carapace actually modified your user sprite, applying some of these non-internal organs would probably call you out as non-human like xeno organs do.
do xeno organs make you nonhuman?
Im not sure definitely but laying eggs and spitting neurotoxin i've had AI's gripe over before for more than just law 1 clauses.

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:33 pm
by FuryMcFlurry
FantasticFwoosh wrote:If carapace actually modified your user sprite, applying some of these non-internal organs would probably call you out as non-human like xeno organs do.
I can make a more bulky limbs and what not. to make it more obvious.

Also im on the tgstation discord. just find me with @Fury . im rather active on discord

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:45 pm
by Dr_bee
I am seeing a lot of overlap with virology, genetics, AND robotics in this idea. I mean it isnt a bad idea but what does it add to the game that doesnt already exist in some form? I mean more than one source of stuff isnt a bad idea but it seems a tad redundant as this is basically the robotics implant system in biological form.

Augmentation has a downside of EMP vulnerability, virology allows for the production of diseases as well as helpful stuff so there is trust needed. genetics stuff can be removed with one syringe of mutadone and are heavily reliant on RND ( which I still dont think is enough of a downside for the power you can get from it). What would be the downside of organ implantation? Making you non-human really isnt that big of a downside, needs something else to set it apart from the other methods of obtaining powers.

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:11 am
by FuryMcFlurry
Dr_bee wrote:I am seeing a lot of overlap with virology, genetics, AND robotics in this idea. I mean it isnt a bad idea but what does it add to the game that doesnt already exist in some form? I mean more than one source of stuff isnt a bad idea but it seems a tad redundant as this is basically the robotics implant system in biological form.

Augmentation has a downside of EMP vulnerability, virology allows for the production of diseases as well as helpful stuff so there is trust needed. genetics stuff can be removed with one syringe of mutadone and are heavily reliant on RND ( which I still dont think is enough of a downside for the power you can get from it). What would be the downside of organ implantation? Making you non-human really isnt that big of a downside, needs something else to set it apart from the other methods of obtaining powers.
We could make it that organs takes synthflesh like the current limb grower. and as for downside is that surgery takes time to complete and and sometimes requires chemicals to do it safely. I am open for suggestion however.

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:22 am
by Reece
Make organ failure happen if you jam too many organs in, or require anti rejection drugs for weirder organs. The only way to be free of the drugs is die, and then be cloned to acclimitise the body...though that may be hard to do clonewise.

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:39 am
by FantasticFwoosh
Dying would require you to surgically remove the limbs from the body, as new clones are fresh with generic human parts.

Just to remind ourselves, what does the organs cost? If it requested different chemicals in quantities then we might be able to justify it for being generally awkward, using a chemical retention buffer like what we currently have on the protolathe for radium (for floral somarays)

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:05 am
by Dr_bee
Tying it to the chem system gives me an idea, what if they only functioned when a certain chem was in your system, and went dormant with it out of it.

This would make it mechanically different from other upgrade methods in that you actually have to maintain your organs if you want the powers active.

having them be cloned along with you would be a good bonus if it required you to be dosed with a chem for the power to function.

make the chem random for hilarious combos like superpowers that only work when you are stone drunk.

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:32 pm
by tacolizard
I am very much interested in this project, especially as I have recent experience with the organ and surgery systems. Please post the .DMI for all these sprites.

Into this I could roll in some more random tumors/diseases/mutations, an Idea I had but cut from the organ PR for atomization.

I'm not so sure about the research minigame you linked, because I don't think it would be possible with tgui, something I am already not very strong with.

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:56 am
by tacolizard
need suggestions for how research should work

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:44 am
by Dr_bee
tacolizard wrote:need suggestions for how research should work
Press a button, generate an organ with random properties that you dont know, somehow test it to discover the properties, press a button to hold a property, press another button to randomize the remaining properties.

You can save an organ design at any time to replicate it, you can only hold one property per randomization, meaning you need to randomize an organ enough times to find the kind you want.

Make it use synthflesh and blood as a base and add the ability to add medicines to make certain mutations more likely or less likely every randomization.

upgrades to the machine reduce the chemical costs to produce an organ or randomize, and decrease the cooldown time of randomization.

I am blatantly copying parts of Runescape's Invention skill, but hey, if it works, steal it.

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:43 am
by DemonFiren
virology: organ edition

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 10:25 am
by kevinz000
DemonFiren wrote:virology: organ edition
powergame fodder yeah but whatever.
also if something is more op than sciencei take offense automatically.

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:08 pm
AnturK was suggesting replacing virology with something like this. I'm starting to see his point - virology has far more potental as an antag tool/external threat than as a station job, and it'd be nice to see an op/abductor virologist role that prepares viruses to unleash as a weapon.

Organs, unlike viruses, are not infinite once gained, and require surgery to use, meaning that they could be far more powerful than viruses were, allowing for a much greater variety of effects and modifiers.

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:17 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
XDTM wrote:AnturK was suggesting replacing virology with something like this. I'm starting to see his point - virology has far more potental as an antag tool/external threat than as a station job, and it'd be nice to see an op/abductor virologist role that prepares viruses to unleash as a weapon.

Organs, unlike viruses, are not infinite once gained, and require surgery to use, meaning that they could be far more powerful than viruses were, allowing for a much greater variety of effects and modifiers.
Honestly virus killing is really all that chemistry does, because of how basic the requirements are to cure them unless they go full autismo stealth mode, plop a pandemic machine into chemistry and make viro's improv tweak viruses using chemistry recipes at their disposal. Or remove all beneficial viruses & virus mutation but still allow all the miscalleneous & harmful ones to exist.

> So you'll still die from fungal TB but atleast you're more dedicated to dispersing the vaccine.

The only real work beside 'researching' organs if you're going to be deadly serious is to have them surgically implanted into-onto you in any such body cavity which normally falls onto doctors but they are already spread quite thin.
  • 2/3 slot surgeon role with responsibilities to implant stuff people (geneticists basically medial researchers doing organ stuff & science) give to them?

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 5:06 pm
by FuryMcFlurry
Here. some extra organs.

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:56 am

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 12:29 pm
by PKPenguin321
Hey as long as you're touching organs can you do a thing for me

Make it so you can replace the lungs with just a straight up air/plasma/nitrogen tank

Thank you

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 12:35 pm
by DemonFiren
PKPenguin321 wrote:Hey as long as you're touching organs can you do a thing for me

Make it so you can replace the lungs with just a straight up air/plasma/nitrogen tank

Thank you
that makes no sense medically

but it would let you spit plasma

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 10:40 pm
by FantasticFwoosh
Yoga fire!


Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:56 pm
by Selea
how is going?Can I help?

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myse

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:01 pm
by DemonFiren

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myself.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:54 am
by tacolizard
if you haven't noticed, i kinda fell off the face of the earth for a year so i was hoping XDTM would carry the torch on this

Re: Organ Research Department : Sprites will be made by myself.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:16 pm
I got kinda burnt out but i still have the code i started with, i might start it again now that i've made some framework upgrades to surgery and physiology