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Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 3:53 pm
by Slignerd
It's ridiculous that the shuttle gets called as soon as xenos get spotted at all. Usually despite the crew already being armed to the teeth with lasers and mechs by the time when xenos even start. Over my last three xeno rounds, the shuttle was called before the first infected host even burst, with only one alien and a queen - and departed before any larva matured. And honestly, with xenos being such a rare event, getting my round ended before it really kicked off, solely thanks to the crew's ability to press two buttons, didn't really feel fair.

I think the crew should either attempt and succeed at kiling the queen, or be punished by xenos reaching endgame. Similarly, the xenos either fuck up and get wiped out, or get rewarded for succeeding, by getting to reach endgame. I don't believe xenos should be punished for the crew being too incompetent to clear out a small hive.

Implementation concept:
  • If there's a living alien queen on the station Z-level, the shuttle stays on the station due to the hostile environment.
  • Once the hostile environment is announced, the pinpointer points towards the queen.
  • Hostile environment is resolved either by the queen's death, the queen leaving the station Z-level or the queen interacting with the shuttle console.
  • Regardless of whether or not the shuttle was able to leave, once the humanoid to xenomorth ratio on the station Z-level reaches 1:3, the round ends.
The main takeaways from this proposal is that the crew is forced to at least attempt confronting the xenos, the xenos get to take over the station if they do well, and the round isn't extended for too long once it's clear that the xenos won. And no, it's not possible for another queen to evolve after the first's death to prolong the round - the time required for xenos to recover from the queen's loss is longer than the 3 minutes it takes for the shuttle to take off.

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:34 pm
by Togopal
Xenos are a round ending antag and unless the crew has mechs available it always results the same way: boring steamroll with no competition. Dont extend the time it takes to end the round, its bad enough that blob can do this

Though the round ending ratio is a pretty good idea if the crew is unable to call the shuttle without admin intervention

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:45 pm
by SpaceInaba
as someone who frequently manages to roll xeno queen I can and I will delay the round until the admins cave in and press the deathsquad button 100% of the time and there is nothing you can do to stop me because I have a ton of health, am spaceproof, have a ranged inbuilt tazer, have a 360 knockback stun, can throw creatures that make you fall asleep and then spawn more xenos, heal while standing in my base, can lay more facehugger eggs than the average human has dna segments, can build walls, create a lesser queen to take over when I die, pry open doors, and melt through walls.

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:46 pm
by D&B
>Round ending side antag
>Can't end the round

Oh I am laffing

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:47 pm
by Togopal
SpaceInaba wrote:as someone who frequently manages to roll xeno queen I can and I will delay the round until the admins cave in and press the deathsquad button 100% of the time and there is nothing you can do to stop me because I have a ton of health, am spaceproof, have a ranged inbuilt tazer, have a 360 knockback stun, can throw creatures that make you fall asleep and then spawn more xenos, heal while standing in my base, can lay more facehugger eggs than the average human has dna segments, can build walls, create a lesser queen to take over when I die, pry open doors, and melt through walls.
You forgot to mention that a standard disarm on an unarmed humanoid keeps them down for as long as an ebow bolt and its a 100% chance

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:48 pm
by SpaceInaba
Togopal wrote:
SpaceInaba wrote:as someone who frequently manages to roll xeno queen I can and I will delay the round until the admins cave in and press the deathsquad button 100% of the time and there is nothing you can do to stop me because I have a ton of health, am spaceproof, have a ranged inbuilt tazer, have a 360 knockback stun, can throw creatures that make you fall asleep and then spawn more xenos, heal while standing in my base, can lay more facehugger eggs than the average human has dna segments, can build walls, create a lesser queen to take over when I die, pry open doors, and melt through walls.
You forgot to mention that a standard disarm on an unarmed humanoid keeps them down for as long as an ebow bolt and its a 100% chance
I forgot about that because usually they never get close enough for me to need to do that because I throw a facehugger down the hallway

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:53 pm
by Slignerd
As someone who frequently tries to roll regular xeno, I will attempt to enjoy the chance to finally play as one and do xeno things such as capturing people to grow the size of my hive, only for the crew to call the shuttle right as they spot me, before anyone infected even burst, forcing me to either get stranded and give up on the round entirely, or go into the shuttle and get swarmed by dozens of fight capable crewmembers and a few mechs, all of which would be fully able to take xenos on without the shuttle call.

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:54 pm
by onleavedontatme
I (and several others) already discussed at length why this was a bad idea in discord.

People are of course free to discuss this as much they want, just want to make sure people know both that they are unlikely to convince slig and that such a change has very little chance of ever getting in the game anyway.

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:56 pm
by Slignerd
It is not a bad idea, and Inaba's post is a fictional scenario of "don't add this cus I'll use this for griefing" which is an argument that could be used against literally everything in the game. It fails to address the concept of humanoid to xenomorph ratio, or the fact that the crew would be able to locate them and hunt them down.

Which would be infinitely more interesting than "someone got to play as xenos, time to force a server reset"

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:59 pm
by Togopal
Slignerd wrote:As someone who frequently tries to roll regular xeno, I will attempt to enjoy the chance to finally play as one and do xeno things such as capturing people to grow the size of my hive, only for the crew to call the shuttle right as they spot me, before anyone infected even burst, forcing me to either get stranded and give up on the round entirely, or go into the shuttle and get swarmed by dozens of fight capable crewmembers and a few mech, all of which would be fully able to take xenos on.
You have a ten minute grace period before your presence is announced over the centcom report, you should spend that time building and developing a hive and then focus on capturing. If you are a bagil main then understand that this, if implemented, would drastically screw over the sister servers due to the lower population

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:01 pm
by Armhulen
D&B wrote:>Round ending side antag
>Can't end the round

Oh I am laffing
this is the reason, basically. xenomorphs are balanced around actual xenos which, hey, wow, they're really really strong. the reason they are round ending is because when the shuttle gets there everyone is already dead. but just in case they weren't, preventing the round to end just sounds like it would make a lot of people angry, especially since when you kill the alien queen in the 3 minutes the shuttle resets to on ETD another queen could be made blocking the shuttle from leaving AGAIN.

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:02 pm
by Slignerd
Armhulen wrote:especially since when you kill the alien queen in the 3 minutes the shuttle resets to on ETD another queen could be made blocking the shuttle from leaving AGAIN.
Slignerd wrote:And no, it's not possible for another queen to evolve after the first's death to prolong the round - the time required for xenos to recover from the queen's loss is longer than the 3 minutes it takes for the shuttle to take off.

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:07 pm
by cedarbridge
Remove xenos

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:09 pm
by Armhulen
cedarbridge wrote:Remove xenos
they really are dumb

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:20 pm
by D&B
Slignerd wrote:As someone who frequently tries to roll regular xeno, I will attempt to enjoy the chance to finally play as one and do xeno things such as capturing people to grow the size of my hive, only for the crew to call the shuttle right as they spot me, before anyone infected even burst, forcing me to either get stranded and give up on the round entirely, or go into the shuttle and get swarmed by dozens of fight capable crewmembers and a few mechs, all of which would be fully able to take xenos on without the shuttle call.
Can I recommend perhaps for you to fuck off to CM then

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:33 pm
by Slignerd
CM sucks. Their xenos and ours are set up completely differently, and people really shouldn't act like it's one and the same thing.

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:43 pm
by Qustinnus
maybe we should just re-work xeno into a more decent antag

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:58 pm
by Selea
xeno should have round ending victory conditions or ways to mutate in form with ability to use hands.
This way xenos will either be wiped, or win.Or all crew will mutate to xenos and continue round in new form.

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:07 pm
by Armhulen
Qustinnus wrote:maybe we should just re-work xeno into a more decent antag

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:17 pm
by Selea
there are enought typer of spiders to rework them as xenobio species.Same for carp.

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:23 pm
by Armhulen
I wish i finished the tunneller spider and reworked the webbing, spiders are just a superior version of xenos and if i did the reworked spider hives it wouldn't even be a competition

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:25 pm
by D&B
Should make them their own gamemode then

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:26 pm
by Selea
no, let's put spiders in xenobio!

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:44 pm
by Armhulen
Selea wrote:no, let's put spiders in xenobio!
um... they are... (unless you're talking rare variants like the midwife, viper and others in which case just keep breeding spiders until you get one

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:00 am
by Not-Dorsidarf
Aren't spiders like xenoes but better in every single way except for hivemind and robust queens.

also this is a bad idea but I do agree its pathetic how often xenos spawn after the shuttle is already called. Maybe things like xenoes and other slow-build antags shouldn't spawn if the shuttle is past a certain point to avoid the endless frustration of "yay abductors oh wait its etd:30 seconds what a waste"

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:27 am
by BeeSting12
no to this idea

Re: Xeno queen preventing shuttle departure

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 3:40 am
by PKPenguin321
D&B wrote:>Round ending side antag
>Can't end the round

Oh I am laffing
on that note, blob currently does this and it's fucking annoying