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Plastic drums

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:16 pm
by Swagbringer
Oh hey, Medbay and Chemistry are going through some major changes right now. Guess Ill add an idea too!

The humble drum Not as aesthetic as tankers, not as chemically inert as glass, an often overlooked tool in the far future but still quite useful.

What it does:
My idea is that the drum will be made from plastic sheets constructed by chemists. The drum will be a large item similar to the nuke-shaped beer tank in Metastations showroom. It would be completely inert with no way to mix chemicals inside it and only able to hold one chemical at a time, with the upside of being able to hold 500/1000 units at a time.

The Drum would have to be wrenched to fill a container with its contents, there would also be a small delay of a 2 or 3 seconds when filling a container from it, with the container being filled to capacity when the timer was finished.

Why put it in:
The main reasons I believe the drum would be a worthwhile addition to the game are as follows

1. More uses for Plastic sheets
Plastic bottles currently fill the same niche as glass beakers and a chemist being able to make infinite 100 unit containers without ever leaving his office is very powerful. This would change it so that they would have to go to cargo/grab glass themselves in order to get more beakers, while still giving them reason to produce plastic for the following reasons:

2. More transparency for chemicals
A very annoying aspect of helpful botany is that you can create the most powerful earthsblood/omnizine/mannitol combo fruits but they are useless if no one actually trusts you enough to eat them. A drums contents would be clearly visible when clicked on and its ability to only contain one chemical would mean no nasty surprises for people. Grab a few glasses from the bar and leave them beside it and you have yourself a secondary waystation that people will actually use without worrying if those grapes the botanists left on the counter will fuck them 6 ways to Sunday.

3. Transport
Currently if you want to transport a large amount of chemicals it would require you making it into lots of 30 unit bottles that clutter bags or taking much in need large beakers. Chemists will never depart with theirs and botany/Bartender/cook only start with one each. The large amount would allow for a bartender who has been busy all shift making a particular drink to drag it to the escape shuttle for a celebratory booze party(until someone blows half the shuttle up that is). A chemist asking for corn oil/uranium/gold from botany wouldnt be bombarded by 50 unit bottles and a security team under siege by a hoard of cultists with no chaplain at hand could be saved with a drum full of Holy Water from hard working botanists.

Addressing Expected complaints

1. Maxcap potassium bombs!
The drum would be completely inert, to heat/acid/and cold, with singularity/fire/tesla causing it to be destroyed with no chemical spillage or activation. It would only contain one chemical with any other chemical added instantly deleting the other chemical inside it.

2. Clown is roaming around with infinite spacelube!
The drum would require being wrenched to access its contents, it would also additionally require a certain time to refill a container so they would be very vulnerable to assault/disarms

3. Powercreep/too easy
In my imagining of this, any movement of chemicals beyond the absolutely vast amount would still be handled by beakers and 30 unit bottles. If people were abusing it to hold dangerous chemicals to increase their validhunting/murderboning powers I would say that hardcoding the drum to only contain non-dangerous chemical would be a solution (with flavour text stating the invalid chemical was reacting with the plastic and degenerating into gunk). A large slowdown could be introduced when dragging it around so that someone doesnt become a one man medbay.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Re: Plastic drums

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 7:44 pm
by Selea
you are too afraid of chemistry.
Do it, don't afraid of dangerous chems and go on.