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How to fix techwebs?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 2:19 am
by BeeSting12
Democracy is at the root of all successful institutions. The United States of America, my elementary school's student government, /tg/station, and now, the science department.

Remove the RnD console's ability to unlock nodes by itself. Public voting consoles will be added to the map in places similar to newscasters. Could even add them to modular computers/tablets/laptops. Everyone can vote on which node to unlock. The head of each department and the captain can put nodes on the "ballot". This allows for a maximum of six nodes on the ballot at once. One from the HoS, HoP, RD, CMO, CE, and captain.

Voting would be linked to your ID to prevent voter fraud. However, you can steal another person's ID/make more IDs and use those to commit voter fraud. Unknowns are not able to vote.

Head level IDs are allowed to select their department's node based on access to their office. If the ID is all access, it's based on job title. If the job title is custom, then the person has to select which department they're from. They can only propose one node per ID.

Here's how it would work, step by step:
1. Scientist starts the voting process from the RnD console.
2. The voting machines make a localized announcement: "Heads of staff may now propose nodes to be voted on.", like a newscaster would.
3. Heads of staff propose nodes.
4. After a minute, voting starts- again another localized announcement.
5. After another minute, voting ends. The winning node is immediately unlocked.
6. The second place, third place, fourth place, and so on nodes are unlocked as soon as there's enough points for them- a kind of research queue.

Anyway I was gonna post this in the shitty ideas thread but i worked way too hard on it for that so instead im gonna post it here to make sci mains angry at me.

Re: How to fix techwebs?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 3:25 am
by D&B
I love it.

Fund it

Re: How to fix techwebs?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:29 am
by Tlaltecuhtli
could be already done ingame with circuits but spoiler alert no one cares about rnd except for miners and scientists and when the occasional emergencies happen and someone says to research weapons

Re: How to fix techwebs?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 2:10 pm
by Deitus
This just seems like a feature few people would use aside from greyshirts voting for clown tech every round and overall just slowing down research as a whole
De-fund it

Re: How to fix techwebs?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:31 am
by D&B
Deitus wrote:This just seems like a feature few people would use aside from greyshirts voting for clown tech every round and overall just slowing down research as a whole
De-fund it
If you weren't fucking illiterate you could have realized in his own post he mentions only heads of staff calling the votes

Re: How to fix techwebs?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 4:22 am
by Cobby
Is there an issue with techwebs that requires yet another overhaul (besides the fact people dislike the objective of techwebs and the fact RND is no longer a "job")?

I think the main rooms for improvement are for the UI to become more visual a la rimworld, and for more content to be added and gated behind techwebs to shift metas.

Stock Parts are still the rush pick, and i'm not sure how to fix it without just straight up nerfing upgrade benefits to not be double/triple/quad from base. I almost want to do away with them and make them modifiers that boost some aspects of the machine while lowering others. This one feature has largely ruined another aspect of balance we could have utilized which is material costs.

Re: How to fix techwebs?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:01 pm
by Deitus
D&B wrote:
Deitus wrote:This just seems like a feature few people would use aside from greyshirts voting for clown tech every round and overall just slowing down research as a whole
De-fund it
If you weren't fucking illiterate you could have realized in his own post he mentions only heads of staff calling the votes
>heads of staff only ones who can vote
>vote for things for their own department rather than the station and upgraded parts/mining nodes that are actually important
>or again just vote for clown tech cuz eks dee
It went from a stupid idea to a retarded one that, again, will do little more than cause unnecessary conflict and massively slow down rnd

Re: How to fix techwebs?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:48 pm
by BeeSting12
It was meant to be retarded

Re: How to fix techwebs?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 3:14 pm
by Deitus

Re: How to fix techwebs?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 6:24 pm
by BeeSting12
Deitus wrote:Image
BeeSting12 wrote: Anyway I was gonna post this in the shitty ideas thread but i worked way too hard on it for that so instead im gonna post it here to make sci mains angry at me.

Re: How to fix techwebs?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:00 pm
by Cobby
can we make this the new techwebs thread I got tired of reading all the posts from last one.