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Asteroid Space Squid Event

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:41 pm
by Saintish
alright so this is gonna be kind of rambley because i'm tired, we were just talking about this in OOC after having a conversation about Asteroidstation (we all love it btw). this would also work best on Asteroidstation.

basically, we need a space squid. a giant motherfucker, yeah, as a random event. now, it's not directly hostile, it just attaches itself to the side of the station/asteroid, destroys some shit on accident, lays some eggs that hatch into eldritch abominations, and sort of just sits there. maybe it can be destroyed, whatever. now, this thing is like the size of Nar-Sie.

someone better than me should sprite it. i'll try to, but i'm a terrible spriter

Re: Asteroid Space Squid Event

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:44 pm
by ParadoxSpace
i myself spouted 'space squid' at first
i was thinking on either the regular stations or asteroidstation
some big motherfucking squid comes in
wrecks a few things
and plants itself on the side of the station
breaks into the station with it's sharp beak
lays some eggs that hatch into player-controlled bb space squids
and they go on to wreck some more shit
maybe for tentacles it attaches some special 'tentacle' walls to the station
and you gotta break those in order to get it to GTFO

Re: Asteroid Space Squid Event

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 7:58 am
by Remie Richards
I had this idea ages ago, but I can't sprite.
This sounds like a pretty cool event.

Re: Asteroid Space Squid Event

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:13 am
by Steelpoint
It's a neat idea but I don't know how viable it would be considering how area's work on the map, any space squid/ship would only be able to attach to the station on its exterior and only in areas no other shuttle is (So not emergency wing).

I do recall having a idea of a Hivebot game mode where a boarding pod is used by first detonating a small explosion in a area and spawning in a player controlled Hivebot and some NPC Hivebots, since that would clear out some space.

Or you could try something akin to Arkham Horror where you use portals as a entry way for these eldritch horrors.

Re: Asteroid Space Squid Event

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:06 pm
by TZK13
100% support this if it's named the Death Squid.

Re: Asteroid Space Squid Event

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 7:34 am
by kosmos
Only if th' crew gets harpoons 'n has to be off out 'n catch th' rare Space Squid arr!

...And the ending conditions either most of the crew dead, or when someone prepares Space Squid Onion Rings from the dead monster squid.

Re: Asteroid Space Squid Event

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:04 am
by Erbbu
TZK13 wrote:100% support this if it's named the Death Squid.
100% this.

Re: Asteroid Space Squid Event

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 5:28 am
by Cipher3
Very much like the blob, when it gets down to it. A competition for area control by killing extensions of the entity with the ultimate objective being the defeat of a core body.