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Stun Removal - Limb based damage effects

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 1:59 pm
by WarbossLincoln
With the start of the war on stun based combat I think we could do with more effects from physical damage, especially ones that weaken your character. Disregard if some of these already exist, I'm not 100% sure of how it currently works.

I know a limb can become useless until healed if it takes too much damage, but what about other effects? I don't have any exact damage amounts here but the idea is low, medium, and high damage amounts on a limb.

Low - weapons wielded in this arm do less damage, like 80%
Medium-High - you have a chance per tick to drop an item in that hand. Also reduced accuracy with ranged weapons in that hand

Low - Slowdown, not just from damage overall but more slowdown cause it's damage on a leg
High - a chance to fall down every tick for a short duration, but you won't drop what's in your hands.

Any other ideas?

Re: Stun Removal - Limb based damage effects

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 3:53 pm
by PKPenguin321
Leg damage would be OP and arm damage might be hard to communicate to the user

Re: Stun Removal - Limb based damage effects

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 6:40 pm
by WarbossLincoln
That's definitely a concern. Maybe not exactly as I described it but I think having more than just slowdown from damage would be good if we're moving away from stun based combat. This occurred to me the other day when I was chasing some violent offender as the detective and didn't have a good way to stop them without critting them. Of course I'm not supposed to be sec making arrests all the time but the Detective still does have to deal with violent crime in progress. I tried shooting him in the leg with my 38 and that did basically nothing to slow him down.

Leg damage might not be OP if the threshholds were done well. Would take some experimentation.

Arm damage weakening your attack might not need to be communicated to the player. Dropping an item due to arm damage could be part of the message. "You drop your ITEM due to pain in your arm" or something.

Re: Stun Removal - Limb based damage effects

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 3:27 pm
by Razharas
Theres a thread about body part trauma health system to replace current hp bars which encompasses this idea

Re: Stun Removal - Limb based damage effects

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:36 pm
by Reece1995
Yes, but give officers e guns, and make lasers blow off limbs fallout style. I want to cut the legs out from crime.