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Optimization for antag roles.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:14 am
by youngbuckliontiger
Like you know how in job preference, you get one option for a job to be set in high. While the rest is just medium or low.
This should be added to the antag preference.
You can optimize one antag role to the highest but you can only pick one antag role to be set on the highest.
for example if a changeling round comes, everyone who has changeling optimized for high will have the highest priority of getting changeling.

Re: Optimization for antag roles.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:19 am
by whodaloo
I'm not entirely sure this would work with roundstart code and even if it did it would be a bad idea. You can already toggle preferences as to whether or not you'd like a role. Getting the same set of traitors who pull the same shit round after round (looking at you, Rob) is horribly unfun. There's no need to increase the odds of that happening.

I'm gonna put this another way that less singles out shitty players. Currently antag status is a reward of sorts. When you roll antag you get access to a unique set of tools, a semi-licence to kill, and a tangible goal to work towards and achieve. With a priority system you're indirectly denying players antag roles because another player set a priority higher. Antagonists should be a fair roll.

Re: Optimization for antag roles.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:45 pm
by cedarbridge
Personally, I'd settle for malf being semi-whitelisted to players with AI on med or above.