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Idea for new borg type

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 11:20 pm
by ash5336
I think a borg should be added that is able to do the jobs of the detective, not anything like the broken sec bot. i personally think this idea is a good one. (not trying to be full of myself) I think it would be rather useful.

Re: Idea for new borg type

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 11:38 pm
by NoxVS
Could make it a combination detective/science borg since we lack one. Some kind of investigation borg or something. Forensic scanner, health analyzer, evidence holder?

Re: Idea for new borg type

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 11:59 pm
by wesoda25
...but why?

Re: Idea for new borg type

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 12:21 am
by Dr_bee
It would be better just added to the PK borg. GOTTA DETECT THOSE HARMERS.

Re: Idea for new borg type

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:37 am
by ash5336
and just to add this on cus I'm irritated, I got banned today for my age. (15) I read the rules and I know the rule, there were a few mods who knew but didn't care. also let me add, i choose to subject myself to whats in the game when I log in and join the game, its the persons choice alone to choose to do something. I personally think that should not be a rule. but that's just my opinion. And sorry just mad and venting a bit even though i know this bit will most likely not be seen. Would appeal but wont cus I am 15 and that rule applies to me. It's not like we can control our age. or at least have a policy like we will tell you once to not mention your age if your under 18, and on the second offense ban, and other wise have one of those policies don't say don't care policies.

Re: Idea for new borg type

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 6:07 am
by PKPenguin321
oookay pal that's great but i think it's time to stop posting