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More control over antag job selection

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 6:02 pm
by CDranzer
So I have a problem, and I'm open to suggestions.

I like rolling for antag. I'm not obsessive, but I enjoy the experience when my number comes up. Lately I've been playing a lot of security. This presents an interesting opportunity - Queue up for Security, and maybe you'll roll antag and get a job outside security. So I can essentially put security jobs on high/medium and antag jobs on low, and I'm going to either get to play security or antag in a job of my choice. Cool.

So now I feel like trying out command roles, but I have a problem: I think antagonists having command roles is fucking stupid, and even though I will never convince anybody else of this, it's still a personal rule I intend to play by. But now I'm faced with a dilemma. I want to play CMO. I also want to roll for traitor. But I don't want to play as a traitor CMO.

I would like a solution to this. So far my best bet is Ahelping and asking to trade my antag roll for a non-command antag token. Maybe there's an admin online. Maybe they'll agree to the trade. Maybe if it happens a second time they don't get iffy about letting me stockpile antag tokens. That's a lot of maybes. The alternative is either not playing CMO or not rolling for antag.

My ideal solution would be either a whitelist (When I'm antag, roll for these jobs) or a blacklist (When I'm antag, never roll for these jobs). However, I'm of two minds about this. While it'd be an ideal solution to my problem and also permit me other opportunities (Maybe I never want to be a rev bartender or a cultist doctor), it might also make antag rolling even worse, with everybody just sticking chemist or scientist on their whitelist (or putting all jobs but those on their blacklist). On the other hand, you can technically already do this if you want to play security roles, and it might prevent people from just phoning it in when they land on I-Want-To-Antag-This-Job-But-Not-Play-It-Normally.

I realize this whole thing may just be an issue with my unique brand of autism, but I'd still like to hear other opinions.

Re: More control over antag job selection

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:46 am
by Nabski
If lots of people agree job is only worth while antag, won’t it become almost meta that for instance clown is always antag because everyone sets it to clown but only as antag so they can use the clown car.

Re: More control over antag job selection

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:22 am
by Tlaltecuhtli
Nabski wrote:If lots of people agree job is only worth while antag, won’t it become almost meta that for instance clown is always antag because everyone sets it to clown but only as antag so they can use the clown car.
do you think people trust viro

Re: More control over antag job selection

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:44 am
by zxaber
If a majority of the players feel that a role is worthless without antag, I could see it possibly causing issues with people metagaming the role as antags, but I don't know if there's any reason to believe that will be the case. Even with roles like Viro, I assume that if the Viro-Only-As-Antag player doesn't get it, someone else who cares less will. That being said, This is more a request to blacklist certain roles from antag on a per-client basis, not whitelist them. There could easily just be a function where if you use the blacklist feature to try and game the system and your possible list of remaining roles are all filled, you simply (silently?) forfeit your antag roll to someone else.

Personally, I dislike being placed into a random role if I get antag, and would rather just be made an assistant if I roll antag and my preferred options are taken. I don't have any interest in playing viro or botany, even as a traitor, and would probably rather just be sent back to the lobby like I do when I don't get antag.

Re: More control over antag job selection

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:54 am
by trollbreeder
zxaber wrote: Personally, I dislike being placed into a random role if I get antag, and would rather just be made an assistant if I roll antag and my preferred options are taken.
How to set it so that it makes you assistant if you don't roll for any jobs you like

Re: More control over antag job selection

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:56 am
by Fikou
zxaber wrote:If a majority of the players feel that a role is worthless without antag, I could see it possibly causing issues with people metagaming the role as antags, but I don't know if there's any reason to believe that will be the case. Even with roles like Viro, I assume that if the Viro-Only-As-Antag player doesn't get it, someone else who cares less will. That being said, This is more a request to blacklist certain roles from antag on a per-client basis, not whitelist them. There could easily just be a function where if you use the blacklist feature to try and game the system and your possible list of remaining roles are all filled, you simply (silently?) forfeit your antag roll to someone else.

Personally, I dislike being placed into a random role if I get antag, and would rather just be made an assistant if I roll antag and my preferred options are taken. I don't have any interest in playing viro or botany, even as a traitor, and would probably rather just be sent back to the lobby like I do when I don't get antag.
blacklisting is just reverse whitelisting, you can blacklist all jobs that you dont want to be antag as so its identical to a whitelist of all jobs you want to be as antag

Re: More control over antag job selection

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:23 pm
by CDranzer
To clarify my original post - When I said "whitelist", what I should have said is "A separate list of job priorities for a given antag role".
When I talk about a blacklist, I mean having it operate on top of the existing job priority system - so while you could technically make all your antag jobs be low priority and then blacklist everything else, you'd still end up yielding job selection to other people who had those jobs on high priority. And if you're not blacklisting a high priority job, then you're kind of back where you started with the current system - You're going to be landing that job anyway, antag or not.

In essence, the practicality of the antag blacklist metagame would be "I'll sacrifice high priority in exchange for more fine grained control over antag roles".

Re: More control over antag job selection

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 1:53 am
by XivilaiAnaxes
To be honest you could have a limit of antag job blacklists - you can block out 5 jobs from antag, so I would be able to stop getting traitor doctor every single time I roll antag (when all my selected jobs can't be antag - silicon+sec) but that won't let you just get a certain job when you do roll antag.

Re: More control over antag job selection

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 8:24 am
by Reeeee
You could also stop antag rolling doe and just let it happen. So that's a thing.
Play sec if you need valids that much, it always provides and you will never survive it.

Playing "role x" as antag is 1tc and it's called a toolbox and you can get one for free if you are robust.

Re: More control over antag job selection

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 8:47 am
by Tlaltecuhtli
bro just ask hop to change job or sneak into viro and use a machete to teach him how the vietnamese cultivate bamboos

Re: More control over antag job selection

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 8:35 pm
by Flatulent
Reeeee wrote:Play sec if you need valids that much, it always provides and you will never survive it.
you can’t just kill whoever you want as sec